Chapter 273

The return journey of the King of Liaodong is not destined to be so smooth.

In the beginning, there were some brigands and robbers who were not open-eyed. Looking at the continuous carriage, they thought it was a great fat sheep. They wanted to take the opportunity to get a vote and then they could have enough food and clothing, but they didn’t want to be dressed up by ordinary servants and guards They are all ruthless characters, they didn't get any benefits, but they gave them a hard lesson. After connecting several waves, all the bandits understood that these people are not easy to mess with, and they didn't dare to make up their minds recklessly, but I still follow along all the way to see if there is a suitable opportunity to fish in troubled waters to get some bargains. With so many carriage goods, even if you grab one out of ten, it is not a small fortune.

Then the rebels on the road also learned that such a rich team has food shortages these years. Even the rebels need to eat. Naturally, they need to look for food everywhere if they are short of food. It is said that there is food in Liaodong , but the Zhenbei army is really fierce. After several waves of people went there, none of them came back. Everyone was so cold that they didn't dare to go to that place to make plans again, so they had to sweep the common people everywhere to see who still had some food. Therefore, the number of refugees gradually increased along the way, and countless ordinary people who had lost hope of survival in their hometowns dragged their children and children to embark on the journey of wandering.

They were not defeated because of natural disasters, but because some people's selfishness disturbed the world and were implicated innocently. The king of Liaodong saw those ragged, yellow and emaciated people kneeling in front of his team begging for alms, and his heart was bleeding.

This is the common people they risked their lives to protect. Some of them worked so hard at the border for fame and fortune, not to protect their parents, wives and children at home. Involved by the thieves, those innocent people who fell to the side of the road are like a knife, slowly cutting the soft hearts of a group of men who came down from the battlefield.

Seeing the crowd of refugees kneeling in front of the team, the lieutenant next to King Liaodong finally couldn't help it. If his relatives were among them, could he be so indifferent?He looked at Liaodong King full of pleading: "My lord, there are too many people, the road ahead is blocked, we can't move at all."

In fact, they didn't bring much food in the carriage. Most of them were silk, cloth, jewelry, gold and silver rewarded by the emperor and the sixth prince, and some wedding supplies bought for the wedding of the two couples. So many people, they The money they bring is just a drop in the bucket, but if they let it go, not to mention they can't bear it, if a civil uprising is triggered, these people will go crazy and come up to grab it, and things will become even more uncontrollable.

The King of Liaodong sat on his horseback, looked at those people expressionlessly, and suddenly raised his hands: "I know you are all poor homeless people, and I sympathize with you, but there is no reason for you to stop in front of me." What's the use? I don't have that much food and money to share with you, even if I give it to you, can you keep it if the rebellious army is in power?"

He didn't dare to reveal the contents of the carriage. These people had been forced to the brink of life and death. Any little stimulation would make them lose their minds. It's also unstoppable. Seeing the more desperate and dull eyes of those who he said a few words, the King of Liaodong couldn't bear it: "This king is the king of Liaodong bestowed by the Holy Spirit, and this trip is to Liaodong. If you are willing to believe in this King, you can go to Liaodong with my people to make a living. There is still a large area of ​​land waiting to be reclaimed, and I will give you a place to settle down. As for the road, I will try my best to help you, and I dare not say that I will make you full , but at least let most people reach Liaodong alive."

A faint light of hope rose in the eyes of the people kneeling on the ground. They had also heard of that place in Liaodong. It is said that many people went there at the beginning. It was a good place where they could eat their stomachs and there were no bandits. , One after another kowtowed to the king of Liaodong to thank him, and the group of men watching could hardly hold back their tears.

As a result, the already huge team became even more bloated, and the refugees also knew that if they lost the protection of the Liaodong King, they would probably not escape death in the end, so they tried their best to help and tried not to Slowing down, every day the king of Liaodong would ask someone to cook gruel for them, one bowl for each person, plus the wild vegetables and fruits collected by the people themselves. They can only eat gruel for one meal a day, and the refugees have nothing to say, and silently follow the team to the front of hope.

"Brother, it's them!" In a small forest, a sturdy man on a horse dilated his nostrils excitedly, looking at the approaching team: "Brothers have found out, most of those people are mud-legged Poor ghosts, there are only a few people who can be beaten, there are a lot of good things in the carriage, it is better to use it as military rations for our brothers than to take advantage of the mud-legged people."

The leader was a tall man with a cold and stern face. He squinted his eyes and watched the huge team slowly approaching. Indeed, most of them were refugees with yellow faces and emaciated faces. Even those who rode on horses were divided because of their food. When I went out, my hungry face was a bit ugly, even if I fought, I probably didn't have much strength, and I was indeed short of food, so I made up my mind: "Everyone is ready? Don't worry about those people Mudlegs, just grab those carriages, don’t love to fight, we are probably not the only ones eyeing them at this time, if we grab them, we will withdraw, understand?”

"Yes!" A group of people beside him agreed loudly, all of them gearing up and getting ready.

King Liaodong rode drowsily on his horse and walked slowly forward. It's really uncomfortable to not have enough to eat these days. Fortunately, he has a capable daughter-in-law and an in-law who can help, who are enough to arrange All these people were thinking about it when the person sent out to explore the road suddenly came back on horseback: "My lord, something is wrong! There seems to be an ambush ahead."

The king of Liaodong was startled and opened his eyes. Is anyone losing their temper again?As their team got bigger and their progress became slower and slower, he had already guessed that more people would come up with his own ideas, and waved his hand: "All stop moving forward and prepare to fight!"

As soon as the king of Liaodong spoke, the guards immediately ordered and prohibited them, and the swords were ready, and the common people stopped in panic. Is anyone trying to cut off their way of life?If the prince can't continue to lead them forward, how can they survive?
Seeing this situation, the rebels who originally planned to lay an ambush knew that they had already shown their whereabouts, and the other party was already prepared, so naturally they would not foolishly enter their ambush circle, so the leader scolded He shouted: "Ge Laozi's!" He raised the big knife in his hand: "Brothers, rush up and grab the fuck!"

A group of mob-like rebels rushed forward screaming, their eyes flushed with excitement. In their view, a group of enemies who had already been half-starved to death did not pose any threat at all. It belonged to them, and they didn't pay attention to what those people who were not seen by them were doing until they rushed to the front and clearly saw the formation of the spearmen at the front. The leader of this group His face turned pale with shock, this was clearly a way for the infantry to defeat the cavalry, these people were not ordinary guards, they were definitely from the army!
But at this time, it was too late to call a stop. These long spears are very long. They are assembled in two parts. Usually, they are divided into two parts and carried on the body. , Just used to attack the cavalry rushing fast.

Looking at the row of sharp spear points in front of them, the rebels who rushed over were desperate, trying to stop their mounts in a hurry, but it was too late, the front row had already bumped into the sharp spears, and suddenly a group of people turned their backs, and The fall of these people at the front also successfully stopped the rebels who rushed up from behind. The cavalry relied on the speed and impact of the horses, and they were contained all at once, and their advantages suddenly became disadvantages. Take advantage of this opportunity , the soldiers around the King of Liaodong had already seized the opportunity to rush up and attacked the horse's legs without hesitation, and those who were riding on the horse were immediately thrown off.

The refugees rushed up without a word, and mercilessly killed a group of people. The prince is their last hope. These villains actually want to destroy their last hope. You won't let us Live, we will never allow you to be complacent, the worst is a life, no matter what, it is death, it is better to pull a few backs!

The rebels were caught off guard at the beginning, but after all, the Liaodong King and those people had already lost much physical strength, and the actual damage caused to them was actually not great. They cheered up and planned to counterattack. Those mud legs He rushed up like crazy, punching, kicking and gnawing at them. These people may not have any martial arts skills, but they are full of anger, and they want to beat them to death. There were so many masters, several of them were enough to deal with one, but these rebels were beaten completely helpless.

Even the king of Liaodong was stunned. You can't underestimate the power of the people, or they will really give you a good look.

So in the end, these rebels who came to loot others were ransacked by the refugees, and even their clothes were taken away, let alone the horses. The King of Liaodong looked back with a smile Seeing the hundreds of naked people hiding in the woods in shame and indignation, I almost couldn't help but want to laugh out loud.

Another group of rebels who were about to fish in troubled waters hid in cold sweat not far away, and they were very glad that they didn't act rashly. Are those really muddy legs?How do you feel like a hungry wolf?Look at those guys who were robbed and didn't even keep a pair of underwear. They chose to retreat very wisely. The Liaodong King successfully led his large group of mud-legged people through these accident-prone places.

After the men and horses sent by Nangong Xiao to meet Liaodong King were found, their master was almost unrecognizable. They lost a lot of weight, and their cheekbones protruded high. With a sore nose, I almost cried.

(End of this chapter)

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