reborn idle wife

Chapter 274 Sudden Arrival

Chapter 274 Sudden Arrival
Now that the big boss has returned smoothly, Dongli will naturally stop delaying, so everyone from top to bottom has started to get busy, and is bound to make this wedding known to the whole world.

As for the large group of newcomers who joined Liaodong, they were naturally taken over by Mo Youran immediately. The groom-to-be is also very busy recently, busy preparing for his lifelong events, and has not shown himself on the ground for several days. The big guys also know that the young master is here What are you busy with? Not only did no one gossip, but they also sent blessings one after another. They went to help when they had time. A considerable part of Mo Youran's affairs had been transferred to Bishu. It is a great thing for him to have many people, and the merit value can increase a lot!

The refugees are very happy. Those who have already taken root in Liaodong are also very friendly to them. They are also people who have fallen in the end of the world. Everyone is suffering. Naturally, there is nothing to look down on. It was quickly absorbed by the vast Northeast, and it happened to be the time of spring plowing, and they could be used immediately.As for the food, there is a green tree, so why worry about it?

Dong Li hugged her baby and looked at a group of people who were so busy that they didn't touch the ground with a smile. Xu's face was almost blooming. Her son was about to marry a wife, and it wouldn't be long before he could hug his grandson. Yes, of course I am very happy.

"Dongli, come, come, give me a hug, go to Yueniang and Ruchu to see if there is anything inappropriate, and correct it as soon as there are still a few days left." Xu saw it at a glance. My white and chubby grandson laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth, walked up a few steps and snatched the child from his daughter's arms without any explanation, and coaxed him away with a smile. The little guy was very familiar with his grandmother, he was happy Smiling, saliva dripped from the corner of his mouth, shining brightly.

Damn, what a little white-eyed wolf!Dongli was secretly depressed, but it's a good thing to free his hands. It's not easy to hold such a heavy meat pier every day. This kid has been getting heavier and heavier recently. He rubbed his arms slowly Go to the courtyard where the two brides-to-be are.

As soon as the King of Liaodong came back, he began to build large-scale construction projects. The magnificent Liaodong Palace was half completed in only half a month. From the outside, it feels grand. After it is fully completed, it will definitely become a landmark building in Liaodong. But what is it? It hasn't been fully built yet, so the family has to continue to live in Mo's house.

Wang Yueniang is seriously embroidering the wedding gown. According to the custom, the bride needs to embroider the wedding gown by herself. Not only that, she also needs to make a lot of things by herself to distribute to her in-laws. However, these two brides-to-be, Needless to say, as before, she has never touched needles and threads at all, she can transform clothes herself, and it will not be a trivial matter to conjure up an exquisite wedding dress. As for Wang Yueniang, she has been dealing with needles all year round, but unfortunately it is all silver. Needle, no need for threading, and the little bit of female red that I only know has long been forgotten. Being forced by my own mother to embroider with a needle and thread every day, I feel extremely depressed. Obviously the prince has already used the ready-made I bought back my wedding dress, so why do I have to embroider such a wedding dress?Looking at my handicraft, the silk threads of various colors are tangled together, and it is impossible to tell what is embroidered.

Dongli came in and took a look, but Xuan didn't laugh, which made Wang Yueniang even more resentful. She glanced at the unscrupulous guy, looked at her fingers that were all pinholes, and wanted to cry without tears: "I Why do you have to do such a thing? Can the things I embroider really be worn? My mother is not worried about making everyone laugh at that time."

Dongli suppressed a smile. Indeed, if this dress is worn on the body to worship and get married, it will definitely cause a sensation in the whole Liaodong. Probably Mrs. Wang's family did not plan to ask her daughter to wear the clothes she made herself, and she used this excuse entirely. Hold on to my daughter who has completely forgotten what a lady is, and hide in the house in a well-behaved way before she gets married, so don't go out to see a doctor again!
"Just practice slowly, Ruchu isn't here?" Dongli took another look at the horrible wedding dress, and no longer dwelled on this topic: "The man and woman cannot meet before marriage, so the two of them shouldn't be going out secretly to meet each other." Right?" This is called missing for a day, thinking like crazy, finding time to meet secretly every day.

"Why do you ask if you know all about it?" Wang Yueniang crumpled up her clothes and threw them aside angrily, absolutely refusing to take any more needles and threads: "I don't understand, and I don't need me to go out to exchange my embroidery for money to support my family. What are you doing?" Do you want me to practice embroidery?"

"Cultivate your body, so that you don't run out again." Dongli looked at the things in the house, "Is there anything missing? Let's make up for it before it's the right time. Marriage is a major event in a woman's life, and you can't be careless. You will be my sister-in-law in the future, and your marriage, of course, can't be sloppy. If you think there is something that doesn't suit you, you must tell me, you know?"

"Don't worry, how can I be polite to you?" Wang Yueniang poured a cup of tea and drank it by herself with a smile. If you don’t want to use any more needles and threads, it won’t work if anyone says it!”

Dongli heard it funny, and was about to say a few words to her, when suddenly he felt a trance in front of his eyes, a blur in his mind, and then his body fell down as if he lost consciousness.

Wang Yueniang was startled, she couldn't care less about the teacup in her hand, and as soon as she let go, it fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. She took a step forward to help the person who fell on the ground, and skillfully touched her wrist with one hand, and pressed the pulse , his complexion suddenly changed drastically, and his whole body trembled: "Impossible, how is this possible?"

At the same time, Mrs. Xu was playing around in the garden with her well-behaved grandson in her arms. The little guy was very excited when he was dancing happily. He didn't know what happened suddenly, and his chubby face wrinkled, "Wow!" He began to cry with a loud cry, and while crying, he stretched out his chubby finger and pointed in the direction Dongli left. He couldn't speak yet, so he could only cry with great aggrievedness and wanted to go there.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Xu's heart ached, she hugged the child tightly and coaxed her repeatedly. The little bun who didn't like to cry very much had a temper, and no matter how much she coaxed her, it didn't work. Her face was already flushed from crying, and Xu, who was out of breath, twitched in distress: "Good boy, do you want to see your mother? Grandma will take you there right away." It is very likely that children will make such a fuss. Ninth, she was about to have a mother, and Xu didn't think much about it, so she carried the child and walked over there. The little bun and chubby hand tightly grabbed Xu's clothes, sobbing and refusing to let go.

"What's the matter?" Nangong Xiao just came back from the outside, seeing his son crying like this: "Little guy is disobedient?"

"I don't know. I was playing well, but suddenly I started crying. It's useless to coax them." Mrs. Xu smiled wryly, seeing that they stopped talking and Xiaobaozi refused, so she stopped crying not long ago. It rang again, and this time it was even more serious. Her already tender voice became hoarse, and crying would definitely hurt her throat. She kicked her calves trying to break away from grandma's embrace, causing Xu to be in a hurry.

"Come on, baby, daddy will hold you." Nangong Xiao also felt distressed, such a small child cried so hard, how could his body bear it: "Don't cry, don't cry, do you miss your mother? Daddy will take you there, okay?" Said that this hand gently wiped away the tears on Xiao Baozi's face, and his heart ached.

The little guy seemed to be able to understand, his voice dropped immediately, he stared at Nangong Xiao with a pair of wide black eyes, the little fat hand tightly grasped his father's clothes, let out an ah, and pointed his other hand at Dong The direction in which the fence is leaving.

"Okay, okay, it looks like I miss my mother. Hurry up and take the child there, maybe you're hungry?" Mrs. Xu couldn't figure out how her always well-behaved grandson would behave like this, so she came to a conclusion by herself, probably It was because she was hungry and wanted a mother, so she said to Nangong Xiao: "Dongli is at Yueniang's place right now, you go with the baby, I'll go and see how Youran and their preparations are going."

The child has not yet reached one year of age after birth, so the name has not yet been officially named. Dongli called the baby all day long, and the big guys defaulted to this simple and easy-to-remember nickname, and they all started calling it that way.

Nangong Xiao walked forward with the child in his arms. Not long after, a red figure quickly passed by behind him. He raised his head and glanced. Isn't that Ruchu?What are you doing in a hurry?
"Nangong!" Zuo Zhan came up from behind, panting, "What happened?"

"How do I know? Aren't you two together? Ask me instead." Nangong Xiao was puzzled, what happened to your own daughter-in-law and you don't know?
"How would I know, I was talking, but when I was doing well, I suddenly stood up, saying that something happened, and ran this way immediately, and I didn't catch up all the way behind." Zuo Zhan panted heavily, and found that Nangong Xiao's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he forgot that he was holding the baby in his hands. He used too much strength, and made red marks on the white and tender baby.

The child who was crying just now is very well-behaved now, holding his father's skirt tightly with both hands, staring at his father with big eyes.

Nangong Xiao's heart was beating rapidly, and the direction where Ruchu ran was the place where Dongli was. In addition to the inexplicable reaction of the child just now, it was said that mother and child are connected, and the baby's induction is extremely sensitive. Could it be that Dongli came from What's the matter?Thinking about it this way, he couldn't calm down any longer, and ran away with strides while holding the child in his arms. Zuo Zhan was slightly taken aback, and hurried to catch up with him.

When Ruchu rushed in, she saw Wang Yueniang was sticking needles into Dongli's body, with sweat all over her face. The latter was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, as if unconscious.

Sensing Dongli's state carefully, Ruchu looked serious, and told Wang Yueniang: "Take care of her body, and don't let anyone touch me." After speaking, she sat cross-legged and closed her eyes, as if sleeping. It's the same as it didn't reflect at all.

Nangong Xiao rushed in with the child in his arms, followed closely by fighting. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Dongli lying on the bed with silver needles all over his head, and Wang Yueniang was sweating. After a while, he rushed to Dongli's side: "What's going on? What's wrong with Dongli?"

"I don't know either." Wang Yueniang wiped off her sweat, "I was talking to me, and suddenly fell down, which scared me." Seeing that Zuo Zhan seemed to be going to wake up Ru Chu, she hurriedly stopped him: "Ru Chu said Don't ask anyone to move her body."

Zuo Zhan withdrew his outstretched hand, looked hesitantly at Ru Chu's face, although he looked serious, but his face was rosy, it should be fine: "Why is this happening? Where is Chu Liangchen? Does he know about this?" matter?"

The baby in Nangong Xiao's arms suddenly yawned, shrank in Nangong Xiao's arms, and fell asleep while grabbing his father's clothes.

 Thanks to Lanlan angel, a certain Xiaoan, Weley for the pink tickets, and thanks to Meow Meow 100 for the evaluation votes!The new book "Rebirth of a Noble Girl" has been uploaded. Shen Zhonghua, who died after being changed by the sky, was reborn with a mysterious small space. At this time, the hypocritical relatives have not shown their sinister faces, and the heartless lover is still very personable. Mr. Jia, but this time, she will not be fooled by superficial appearances, and she must pay back what is owed to her!
  The family, the marriage contract, and the heartless people are all kicked out. This time, she has to choose the life she wants and find her own happiness!
  Thank you dear Nuannuan for making up the name, I hope you like it

(End of this chapter)

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