Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1005 Confused Mannoroth

Chapter 1005 Confused Mannoroth

The mountains are poor and the water is full of doubts, and there is another village.

Chromie thought he had failed, and Leo, who had intimidated those demons, could approach the Well of Eternity without hindrance. He was resentful when things suddenly turned around.

Mannoroth the Destroyer, one of the Big Three of the Burning Legion, was also the strongest of the Burning Legion in the Battle of the Well of Eternity. Leo could frighten the demon guards but not Mannoroth.

Chromie knew very well how terrifying the strength of an uninjured Mannoroth was, and the bronze dragon was looking forward to the next scene.

Leo looked at Mannoroth who was blocking his way like a mountain, and there was no expression on his face facing a powerful enemy, but a hint of mockery appeared in his eyes.

Mannoroth's strength is indeed very strong, and there are really few opponents for a destroyer in his prime, but the question is, does Leo need to be afraid?

Isn't it Mannoroth the Destroyer? You have the Burning Legion, don't I?

Mannoroth didn't know what Leo was thinking. If he knew, he would have stabbed him with a spear. The reason why Mannoroth came here was not because Leo's commotion alarmed him.

Because the demon guards were too weak, they didn't know why Leo could make their companions kneel down, but Mannoroth was different. The destroyer could feel the flickering magic power fluctuations on Leo's body.

Guarding the Well of Eternity was the task given to him by Sargeras. The owner of the Burning Legion was determined to win the Well of Eternity and could not tolerate any mistakes. Naturally, Mannoroth did not dare to neglect in the slightest. I rushed over.

Looking down at Leo, who was not as big as his own toe, Mannoroth asked murderously, "Boy, who are you?"

With Mannoroth's temper, he would have already passed the person he suspected, but Leo exuded a strong demonic aura. This aura was so powerful that Mannoroth felt a little afraid. The saboteur had to figure out the identity of the opponent before making a move.

"It's so troublesome!" Leo dug his ears with a look of impatience. His actions angered Mannoroth, and the killing intent surged on the destroyer, but Leo tilted his head as if he didn't feel it. The bald man with a spear behind him ordered, "Play with him and don't let him disturb me."

Arrogance, arrogance... Words of this level are far from being able to describe Leo at this time. Facing Mannoroth, one of the three giants of the Burning Legion, the destroyer, he didn't take him seriously. Chromie didn't dare Believe it, the Bronze Dragon rubbed his eyes vigorously, and it took him a while to confirm that this was not an illusion.

Except for the demon god Sargeras, no one had ever treated Mannoroth like this. The destroyer had a violent temper, and Mannoroth, who was angry, stabbed him with a spear.

Hahaha, let's fight!

Chromie, who was hidden in the dark, danced happily. Leo, a lifeless human being, was arrogant when he had a little strength, and he actually angered Mannoroth. He really wanted to kill himself.

Mannoroth's spear pierced out, and the strong wind that cut people's skin cracked hit. What made the destroyer angry, Leo seemed to have not seen it at all, and walked towards the Well of Eternity calmly.


Yes, just ignore.

Leo ignored Mannoroth, and the Destroyer, one of the three giants of the Burning Legion, was completely ignored by him.

Mannoroth had never been so angry like today, he swore that he must kill Leo.

Driven by anger, Mannoroth exerted strength with both arms, and the spear that stabbed Leo accelerated a little bit, and the sharp whistling came out from the friction between the tip of the spear and the air.

A war spear suddenly shot out from the slanting stab, and the tip of the war spear stabbed hard at the body of Mannoroth's war spear, deflecting Mannoroth's attack.

Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way, ruining his own good deed, Mannoroth was like being doused with a bucket of fierce fire oil, and the fire of anger burned so violently.

A bald man with a double-headed spear came into Mannoroth's sight. When Mannoroth looked over, the bald man also looked at him. Their eyes met, and both of them had strange expressions on their faces.

Mannoroth was stunned. He didn't understand why he felt so familiar when he saw the bald man. Looking at Mannoroth felt like he was looking at himself.

Strange, what is going on?

It stands to reason that Mannoroth should be angry when his attack was destroyed. Under normal circumstances, he should stab the opponent with the spear in his hand, stab the opponent to death, and then violently smash him into thousands of pieces. But somehow, see After seeing the bald man, Mannoroth's anger disappeared in an instant. The raging anger was extinguished, and his fanatical fighting spirit also cooled down.

Who the hell is this guy, and why do I feel like I can't do anything to him?

Mannoroth shook his head vigorously, trying to get rid of the strange feeling in his heart through this action, but unfortunately his actions were in vain.

Who is the bald man?

He is Mannoroth the Destroyer, one of the Big Three of the Burning Legion.

The reason why Leo ignored Mannoroth was because he also had a destroyer under him.

Let the future Mannoroth fight against Mannoroth in the battle of the Well of Eternity, and the two mangans stab each other with spears, Leo will never admit that this is his own bad taste.

From Mannoroth the Destroyer to Mannoroth the Destroyer, let the abyss lord fight himself, and both are in their prime, can it be so easy to tell the winner?
It's impossible to think about it with your toes.

There are men blocking Mannoroth, so Leo naturally doesn't have to worry.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Mannoroth was not killed in the Battle of the Well of Eternity, Leo would not have ignored him.

Killing the Destroyer Mannoroth, this is a huge amount of upgrade energy, how could Leo let it go?

The general trend of history cannot be changed. Who made Mannoroth play such a large role in many subsequent events? If he is killed now, many things will not happen?
Leo didn't want to turn against the bronze dragon because of this, he also wanted to use the eternal time torrent to amass experience and quickly improve his strength.

What does it feel like to see a large mass of mobile energy in front of you but not eat it?
This is called depression!
He couldn't kill Mannoroth at this time, seeing this huge group of upgrade energy and couldn't do anything, made Leo very hungry.As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind, Leo decided to get Mannoroth out of his sight, and don't let this guy dangle in front of his eyes, lest he couldn't help himself, and it would be bad to kill him.

The atmosphere at the scene was very delicate. The two saboteurs, Mannoroth, stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. The eye-to-eye look was so affectionate, and those who didn't know might think where they went.Leo led Ilsa and Taragaman towards the Well of Eternity. Without Mannoroth's obstruction, the other demon guards couldn't even make him hesitate a little bit.

Leo, who is depressed in his heart, will not know that there is a person, oh no, there is a dragon who is more depressed than him.

Chromie was about to go berserk, and the development of the matter was completely beyond his expectations. When Mannoroth the Destroyer appeared on the stage, he was full of anticipation. He wanted to see a good show between Leo and Mannoroth. Unexpectedly, he guessed it The beginning did not predict the end.

Mannoroth did attack Leo, but this time the attack was anticlimactic. One of Leo's servants blocked Mannoroth's bloody double-headed spear.

When seeing this scene, Chromie thought that Mannoroth would continue to attack. Who would have thought that Mannoroth would stop, and even Leo passed him to the Well of Eternity and Mannoroth ignored him. Chromie Seeing this, he cursed in his heart.

You are Mannoroth the Destroyer, a tyrannical, warlike, evil and cruel abyss lord, how can your attack be anticlimactic?How can it be anticlimactic?

If possible, Chromie would really like to grab Mannoroth's head and roar at his highest volume: Mannoroth, are you having a brain twitch?Don't you see that damned human approaching the Well of Eternity?Get rid of him quickly!
It's a pity that this scene can only exist in imagination. Chromie has not been dazzled by anger yet, and he knows that he cannot expose himself.

Facing Leo head-on, Chromie has no chance of winning. If he wants to kill Leo, he must make full use of his advantage of being invisible.

Chromie managed to calm down the depression in his heart. He understood that in order to succeed, he must be patient. The more you rush to get rid of a strong enemy like Leo, the easier it is to fail.

Anyway, the torrent of time is his home field as a bronze dragon, and he has plenty of opportunities.

Leo has a feeling that the bronze dragon who wants to plot against him is watching him from a certain corner. If it wasn't for this guy's hiding too well, or if the bronze dragon's secret technique to hide his figure is difficult to crack, Leo would have caught him out a long time ago. up.Now, he can only be on guard everywhere and be on guard at any time, in case the other party makes any tricks.

What surprised Leo was that he was about to come to the Well of Eternity without Mannoroth stopping him, but the dark bronze dragon didn't move at all. Could it be that the other party gave up?Or……

Leo thought of a possibility, which was what Dragonakos told him, that a bronze dragon can only cast the secret of time once in a certain historical scene in the torrent of time.In other words, the bronze dragon hiding in the dark and trying to kill him is very likely to be acting alone.

It's not that Leo is guessing randomly, but this possibility is too great. Now he is very close to the Well of Eternity. If there is still a bronze dragon, the other party will use the secret method of time to induce the energy pressure of the Well of Eternity. How can Ao's previous performance be resisted?
Since the other party wanted to kill him, how could such an opportunity be missed?
At this time, the other party has not made a move, and there is only one explanation-there is only one bronze dragon who plots against him.

Leo couldn't help sneering in his heart, a mere bronze dragon wants my life, do you think you are Nozdormu?

While walking, a lake full of mysterious energy appeared less than fifty steps away from Leo, and the Well of Eternity was already in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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