Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1006 The Trapped Lion

Chapter 1006 The Trapped Lion
Under Leo's demon enslavement spell, none of the demons present dared to disobey Leo's intentions except Mannoroth, and Mannoroth was restrained again, so there was a gap between Leo and the Well of Eternity. It is a smooth road.

The Well of Eternity, a mysterious lake, continuously extracts dark energy from the universe, and transforms this dark energy into a source of energy that nourishes the world. Leo is very curious about this mysterious lake.

The invisible spiritual power probed into the Well of Eternity, trying to find out the mystery inside. At the same time, Leo quickened his pace and walked to the lakeside of the Well of Eternity.

The surface of the lake, which has not even raised a wave, is as calm as a smooth mirror, and the clear lake water seems to be able to see the bottom at a glance. When you look carefully, you will find that no matter how much you use your eyesight, you will not be able to peek into the Well of Eternity Even one ten thousandth.

Profound, this is the first impression of the Well of Eternity to Leo.

Because of its depth, the Well of Eternity can attract people unconsciously. Because of being attracted, one wants to explore its mysteries, and because one wants to explore its mysteries, one will naturally pay more attention to the Well of Eternity. With a lot of attention and more energy, I still can't find any trace of information.

The profound and mysterious sense will attract people firmly, making people addicted to it unconsciously and unable to extricate themselves.

This is what Leo encountered at this time. When his spiritual power penetrated into the Well of Eternity, trying to dig out the secrets of this mysterious lake, he was attracted by the Well of Eternity.


Endless darkness!
The surging dark energy suffocates Leo. In front of this dark energy, Leo feels like an ant facing a giant dragon. He is so small, powerless, and trembling. The sense of weakness that appeared, the sense of helplessness that he could not even control his own destiny, made Leo almost go crazy.

Facing the dark energy that was so powerful that it could easily crush him, Leo realized for the first time that the power he was proud of was so ridiculous. He thought he was strong enough to be so ignorant, what Haka, What Moore, what Gruul... everything, in the face of this dark energy, can only tremble like ants, helpless...

This is the energy possessed by the Well of Eternity?
How terrifying!
A dark force so powerful that even gods tremble, is this the darkness in the universe?
There was a flash of madness in Leo's eyes, he was thinking how strong he would be if he absorbed the energy of the Well of Eternity.

The longing for power made Leo have a terrible idea - don't care about destroying history or not, hurry up and do it, as long as you are strong enough, are you afraid that the bronze dragon will come to make trouble?

Do it when you think of it!

Leo has been dazzled by the tyrannical dark power, his thinking slipped to the edge of madness.

Just when Leo was about to make a move, a shocking roar exploded from his mind, a thunderbolt from the blue sky, a blow to the head... and other words are not enough to describe the feeling of the loud noise in his head, and Lei Ao was caught off guard. Ao was immediately blown dizzy by the rolling sound waves.

After a while, Leo just came back to his senses, only to see his face was astonished.

What am I doing?
What did I think just now?

If he is desperate for power, what is the difference between himself and Sargeras?
Becoming a slave to power, driven by power, the final result will only slide into the abyss of depravity, and you will end up betraying your relatives.

There were countless cars ahead, and Leo broke into a cold sweat immediately.

What puzzled him was why the self-proclaimed Qingming self would have uncontrollable greed. If Goldfinger hadn't roared at the critical moment and pulled him at the last moment, he would have taken it desperately. The dark energies of the Well of Eternity, when things can be extremely bad.

Does the Well of Eternity have the power to deceive people?

After waking up, Leo quickly got rid of the thought of being desperate for power, his mind regained his clarity, and he felt suspicious, and instinctively felt a little jealous of the dark energy in the Well of Eternity that wanted to crush everything into slag. .

This dark power is not simple. First, it shows one's 'muscles', making people feel small in front of it, thus creating a desire for stronger power, and then tempting oneself to absorb it to improve one's strength.

First show prestige, then seduce people for profit, arouse the deepest fear in people's hearts, then stimulate people's desire to become stronger, and finally give a big cake, even Leo almost fell for it.

Feeling suspicious, Leo's view of dark energy is completely different. He is no longer confused by its powerful external appearance. Under his full control, his mental power abandons all distracting thoughts, ignores all temptations, and goes straight to the dark energy source of flow.

I would like to see what is hidden in the deepest part of the Well of Eternity.

Almost got caught, Leo was furious, if it wasn't for Goldfinger's strength, this time he really capsized in the gutter.Thinking of the consequences of being a slave to power, of being manipulated by power, Leo couldn't help but shudder. Alsace has learned from the past, and he doesn't want to become like that. He is a lonely person who is cast aside by countless people.

Even a promising young man like me can handle you, you are such a bastard, if I don't catch you today, I will take your surname.

Leo, who was terrified, had a fire burning in his heart, a raging rage, powered by this rage, he resisted the erosion of the dark force, and his spiritual power continued to deepen in the Well of Eternity, getting closer and closer to the Well of Eternity. deepest part of the well.

Will the mystery of the Well of Eternity be exposed to Leo?
No, of course not!
Don't forget, Leo is not the only one in the Well of Eternity at this time.

"Ants, get out!"

Just when Leo's spiritual power was about to penetrate into the core layer of the Well of Eternity, a warning spiritual power connected to him.

Dare to call me an ant?

The other party's tone made Leo extremely unhappy. What he hated the most were these arrogant guys who called others ants without opening their mouths, and didn't think about what they were in front of stronger people.

Even if you are powerful and tyrannical, you still have to be polite and scold people when you meet. Isn't this just looking for trouble?
Leo ignored the other party's warning, and continued to deepen his spiritual power. His actions angered the other party, and the spiritual power connected to him was full of anger and rushed towards him with boundless darkness.

The mental power confrontation was extremely dangerous, one mistake would be a deadly situation, the other party launched a mental power attack without asking indiscriminately, clearly aiming to kill Leo.

Even if Lei Ao's identity is not clear, he kills him, and if he doesn't like it, he will kill him, which shows that the other party is really not a good thing.

Since you want to play, then I will play with you!

Determined to try the opponent's weight, Leo did not dodge or avoid, his scattered mental power was instantly restrained, and he slammed into the unknown existence fiercely.

The invisible mental power collided together, and Leo only felt a buzzing in his head, and his whole consciousness became blurred.

The unknown existence in the dark had such strong spiritual power that Leo felt like a fool who hit his head on an iron plate, causing his head to bleed and concussion.

It was easy to recover from the collision of mental power, Leo was horrified, the guy hiding in the dark had such a strong mental power, with his current mental power, even many gods might not be able to match it, but that's how it is The strength can't shake the opponent, how strong is that guy?
"Ants, I will warn you one last time..." The voice in the dark sounded again, still with the attitude of the superior looking down on the weak, "Get lost!"

Leo's face darkened, the opponent's strength was much stronger than him, what could he do in front of such a strong person?
Putting aside the exploration of the Well of Eternity, as the other party said, leaving in despair?

Leo was not reconciled.

However, in the face of absolute strength, no amount of unwillingness will help things in the slightest.

Do you really have to give in like this?

The stubborn side of Leo's character broke out, he restrained his mental strength, and bumped into it again.

The opponent did not expect that Lei Ao would dare to make a move after suffering a loss, and he was quite stunned.

"I don't know what to do!"

The secret existence cursed, in the face of the absolute strength gap, he is not afraid of Leo's attack at all.

As if someone had hit him with a brick, his mind was at a loss again, and Leo's second mental attack failed.

The other party's spiritual power is too strong. If Leo's spiritual power is a piece of ordinary iron, then the opponent's spiritual power is a piece of refined steel, and it is refined steel with krypton gold added. Hitting the opponent with all the strength, even if the opponent does not take precautions, it will not be able to bring even the slightest damage to the opponent.

Lei Ao sighed again and again, the gap in strength was too great, the opponent could easily defeat him... Wait!
With a flash of inspiration in his mind, Leo discovered a problem.

Since the other party was so strong that he couldn't fight against him, with his previous performance and his contempt for him, why didn't he just kill himself?
Will a strong lion allow a hyena to challenge his majesty again and again?
The answer is of course: impossible!
Unless the lion is restrained and the hyena is out of range of the lion.

Thinking about it, Leo used his mental strength to bump into it again.

It was the third time, even though he was prepared in his heart, the uncomfortable force still made Leo feel dizzy which was difficult to control.


Leo laughed wildly, and the guess in his heart was confirmed. Although the opponent was strong, he couldn't get out of a certain range, and Leo was just outside the range of his mental attack.

If the opponent is a lion, it is also a lion in a cage. Although Lei Ao, a tourist, is a scum with only five fighting strengths in front of the lion, he can leisurely throw a few snowballs at the lion for fun.

(End of this chapter)

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