Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1007 Shortcuts

Chapter 1007 Shortcuts
Are lions scary?

of course!

A strong and powerful body can knock down its prey, and its sharp claws can easily tear apart the prey's body. Such a beast is certainly terrifying.

But if this lion is locked in an iron cage, is it still scary?

The answer is: no!
Although the body is still strong, although the claws are still sharp, but limited by the iron cage, the lion cannot attack people. What is there to be afraid of such a beast?
The strong man in the Well of Eternity is a trapped lion. Don't look at the terrifying appearance of his claws and teeth. As long as you don't walk into his attack range, he can't hurt you.

Would Leo be foolish enough to walk into the opponent's attack range?

This question does not seem to need an answer.

Leo's wild laughter made the other party angry. If it hadn't been restricted, the powerful existence of the Well of Eternity would have torn Leo to pieces.

Kong has strength but cannot kill his opponent because of the restricted range of motion. When has a powerful being been subjected to such anger, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood for three liters.

It's really like a dragon trapped in the shoal and being bullied by a shrimp, and a tiger falling in Pingyang and being bullied by a dog.

Amidst Leo's wild laughter, the powerful existence in the Well of Eternity fell silent.

There is a saying that goes well, don't perish in silence, just explode in silence.

Leo sensed that the other party was brewing something, he stopped laughing, no longer provoking this, only heard him say: "Your Excellency Sargeras, it's the first time we meet, I can't help being overjoyed in the next moment, it's rude. You have to know , being able to talk to a powerful existence like you is really a big surprise for me."


That's right, the powerful being in the Well of Eternity is the demon god Sargeras, the chief boss of the Burning Legion.

The reason why the Burning Legion came to this world was because Sargeras was attracted by the Well of Eternity. In order to obtain the great energy of the Well of Eternity, Sargeras tempted Harveys, who was trusted by the elf queen Azshara at that time. , After deceiving Azshara through Havis, let the elves take the initiative to establish a portal, and the army of the Burning Legion was able to enter this world.

It is not the purpose of his subordinates to enter this world through the portal. When dealing with this world with the Well of Eternity, Sargeras has a completely different attitude.He didn't let his demons directly attack the world itself like he did with other worlds, but let them kill and destroy frantically, so as to drive all the creatures in this world to extinction.

The reason why Sargeras wanted to do this had to start with the ability of the Well of Eternity.

After the Well of Eternity absorbs the dark energy in the universe, it will transform them into energy that supports the living beings of the entire world. Just imagine, if all other living beings in this world are extinct, and only he is left, Sargeras, the Well of Eternal will extract Wouldn't the energy of the Sargeras be enjoyed by Sargeras alone?

The frantic killing was just to better achieve the purpose of destroying all living beings in this world and monopolizing the Well of Eternity. How could Sargeras let his men really destroy the world?
But for the creatures living in this world, there is no difference between killing them and destroying the whole world at this time. For their own homeland, for their own lives, and for everything they want to protect, of course they have to shout loudly Destroy the evil slogan and wage war against the Burning Legion and those who are close to the Burning Legion.

To absorb the energy of the Well of Eternity, Sargeras had to come to this world in person, and there was no other way to transport this powerful dark titan than to use the energy of the Well of Eternity.At this time, Sargeras would not have thought that the mighty Burning Legion would fail in this world, and of course he would not have the idea of ​​giving up most of his own power to speed up its descent.

Therefore, in order to let Sargeras come to this world, the Burning Legion and the high elves who were bewitched by them assumed a portal in the Well of Eternity, and Sargeras was walking along this portal bit by bit, slowly and steadily. His coming is being held back.

Leo wanted to explore the secrets of the Well of Eternity, how could Sargeras, who already regarded the Well of Eternity as his own private property, not stop it?

After all, Sargeras did not come to this world. At best, he can protect the core part of the Well of Eternity with his tyrannical spiritual power, so that outsiders cannot detect the most critical secrets of the Well of Eternity, but he cannot go further.

Hearing Leo reveal his identity, Sargeras was surprised that someone in the world where the Well of Eternity was located would know his identity.

"who are you?"

"Who I am is not important." Leo raised his index finger and shook it, with a secretive smile on his face, "The important thing is what I will do."

Surprise, surprise, both surprise and joy.

Leo was surprised before, but now it's his turn to be happy.

After colliding with Sargeras' mental power three times in a row, the reason why Leo laughed wildly with joy was not only because he found out that the other party was a lion locked in a cage, but also because he found that his own mental power had grown.

After the mental collision with a strong man like Sargeras, Leo had an unexpected harvest, how could he not like it?
Mental power is the foundation of a spellcaster, and the strength of mental power largely determines the strength of a spellcaster. Leo needs far more mental power to maintain the existence of powerful subordinates such as Hinai Saraya than spellcasters of the same level In order to summon more and stronger subordinates, Leo went to Zul'Farrak.

Ever since he was promoted to a demigod, it has become extremely difficult for Leo to increase his spiritual power. At this time, there is a way to quickly increase his spiritual power. How could he let it go?

Hearing Leo's words, Sargeras had a bad premonition in his heart. The creature who was with him in the Well of Eternity didn't have the slightest fear after knowing his identity. This was enough to surprise Sargeras. , and Leo was not only calm and composed, but also dared to speak out to tease himself, Sargeras was not surprised but surprised.

"You ant-like thing, what do you want to do?"

Sargeras roared in the Well of Eternity. It turned out that after speaking, Leo restrained his mental power again and ran into him again.

The other party didn't know his identity, and Sargeras wasn't that angry, but Leo knew who Sargeras was, and he still dared to do it. How do you make Sargeras feel?
Leo was clearly despising him, despising his majesty as a dark titan. This kind of contempt was not concealed at all. Sargeras felt like he was slapped and then spit on his face. This kind of anger and humiliation almost consumed his last bit of reason.

Sargeras' anger is easy to understand, but where does humiliation come from?
He who is still passing through the portal is undoubtedly a ferocious beast trapped in a cage. Even if it is ferocious, even if it can easily tear Leo into pieces, but trapped in the cage, he can only roar in vain, even the slightest Can't hurt either.

Leo could feel the anger of Sargeras, and he also knew that he was playing with fire, and he would be burned to death if he was not careful. It is undoubtedly extremely dangerous to offend Sargeras with his current strength, but Leo knew better. Well, there is nothing in the world without risk. As a demigod warlock, if he wants to take a shortcut to quickly improve his spiritual power, he must take risks.

Fortunately, Sargeras can't break through the constraints of time and space, and his mental power can't reach a certain range. As long as Leo keeps enough vigilance, he won't take advantage of him.

Accompanied by mental impacts again and again, the sense of dizziness became heavier and heavier. After dozens of impacts in succession, Leo couldn't suppress the nausea inside, and he knew that he had reached his limit.

You can't hit it any more, because if you hit it again, you will damage your spiritual origin!
Leo rubbed his temples, staggered on his feet, his forehead was hit by bricks one after another, even a demigod magician couldn't resist it.

Of course, after paying so much, the harvest will not be small. After dozens of mental collisions with Sargeras, Leo's mental strength has increased significantly. According to his estimation, in just a few minutes, His mental strength has increased by one tenth compared to before.

One tenth doesn't sound like a lot, but is it really the case?

Leo is a demigod sorcerer, and he is the best among demigod sorcerers. His mental strength is already strong, and if he increases it by one tenth, this one tenth is quite impressive under the terrifying base number. If one-tenth of this mental power is applied to a newborn baby, as long as the baby can bear it, the baby will not be weaker than any legendary powerhouse in the field of mental power.

"Your Excellency Sargeras, thank you very much for your generosity. You see, in this short span of ten breaths, my strength has improved significantly. These are all thanks to you. Words can no longer express my gratitude to you. gratitude."

The so-called cheap and good-looking, fighting is nothing more than that, whether Leo is praising Sargeras' generosity, or provoking the Dark Titan, only he knows, anyway, Sargeras was furious when he heard it.

The dark titan gritted his teeth, and said word by word: "Ant, even if I chase you to the end of the universe, even if the entire universe is destroyed, I will find you."

Leo blinked, as if he didn't hear the deep-rooted hatred in Sargeras' language, with a shy expression on his face: "Then why are you so embarrassed, you have given me such a big benefit and you still rush to give gifts, I'm really ashamed of that."

Good man, Sargeras, you are such a good man!

Leo didn't say this, but his tone, the expression on his face, isn't it obvious enough?
Sargeras was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He was good at telling him to use his muscles and violence, but he was not good at talking.

Letting out a chuckle, Leo waved his hand at Sargeras: "Although I don't know why you would rather bear my mental impact than open even a single core of the Well of Eternity, but I don't care. Sageras Your Excellency Glass, I am leaving now, there is no need to send it off, and I look forward to our next meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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