Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1008 The Envious and Hated Sargeras

Chapter 1008 The Envious and Hated Sargeras
There is a big secret inside the Well of Eternity!
These words are not alarmist words, nor are they pretending to be shocking, but Leo's conclusions drawn from Sargeras' many trials.

When Leo concentrated his spiritual power to attack Sargeras, the Dark Titan would rather give up the chance to fight back than protect the core of the Well of Eternity, and did not give Leo's spiritual power any chance to go deep. , Leo knew that the Well of Eternity had a secret, a secret that even the dark titan Sargeras would desperately want to cover up.

If Sargeras is likened to a lion, Leo is a provocateur.

For those who challenge their majesty, the lion will tear it to pieces, even if it is locked in a cage. Once there is a chance to fight back, the lion will not let it go.

Teasing Sargeras is playing with fire, and if he is not careful, his life may be in danger. Leo was also cautious at first, even though he was extremely quick to attack, he actually had spare energy, and he would withdraw in an instant if there was a danger.However, after many trials, Leo discovered a strange thing, that is, Sargeras would rather be passively attacked and defended, giving up the chance to counterattack, and not even opening a gap leading to the core of the Well of Eternity. There is a problem.

Will the ferocious beast give up the chance to seriously injure or even kill the provocateur?
No, unless there is something worth guarding.

The performance of Sargeras made Leo understand that the Well of Eternity has a big secret. The reason why the Dark Titans that traverse the universe are attracted is definitely not only the huge energy contained in the Well of Eternity, but also other unknown and more important things. s reason.

Think about it carefully, Leo is not lying.

After the first invasion of the Burning Legion, the Well of Eternity was destroyed in a big bang. The continent that was originally connected in this world was blown into two halves, east and west, and countless islands of various sizes. The maelstrom of the endless sea is also here. generated when.

After this big bang, the energy of the Well of Eternity was exhausted. If Sargeras really came here for energy, the world would have lost its attraction to him long ago, because the Well of Eternity has lost its previous power. value.

But, look at how Sargeras did it?

In order to come to this world in person, he gave up most of his power just like Hakkar, the blood god of Zul'Gurub, and would rather put himself in a weak and dangerous state to enter this world. This does not explain the problem ?
Therefore, Leo is sure that Sargeras and his Burning Legion will take down this world at all costs. The reason behind it is not simple. There must be an earth-shattering secret in it, and this secret is in the Well of Eternity .

Leo didn't have the ability to explore the Well of Eternity watched by Sargeras, but what if there was no Well of Eternity guarded by Sargeras?

Nothing can be done, Leo walked very simply, but also very chic.

Anyway, as long as one can enter the eternal torrent of time, one is not afraid of not being able to find the opportunity to explore the secrets of the Well of Eternity. Why hang on a tree?
Leaving aside Sargeras who was still roaring behind him, Leo withdrew all his mental power. At the same time, standing by the lake of the Well of Eternity, he opened his eyes.

Everything that happens in the Well of Eternity is purely spiritual. Leo's physical body does not dare to step into the Well of Eternity. This lake looks calm, but in fact there is a raging undercurrent inside, and the energy contained in it is strong enough to kill Leo. Grind into powder.

After all, it is something that can directly extract the dark energy in the universe to support the creatures of a world. The energy of the Well of Eternity is far from that of the demigod-level Leo Neng.

I don't know if it was his own illusion, but Leo opened his eyes and felt that a pair of eyes burning with anger were staring at him firmly under the calm lake. It was the dark titan Sargeras watching him.

Mind returned from the Well of Eternity, Leo discovered that the outside has become a mess.

It turned out that when he used Sargeras to improve his spiritual power, Tyrande, Illidan and a group of people had joined up, and the elves' counterattack against the demons began.

Did World War I break out that caused the Well of Eternity to explode?
Looking at the two Mannoroths who were still eye-to-eye, Leo scratched his face, and a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes. He really didn't see Mannoroth's narcissism before, and the two Mannoroths played for several minutes The "eyebrow teaser" is not tired of crooked.

The slander is the slander, Leo would not bother the two sexual scenes like this, without Mannoroth's obstruction, he just took advantage of the time before Tyrande and the others came to kill him. thing.

Leo leaned down slightly, smiled triumphantly at Sargeras' eyes that were about to burst into flames at the bottom of the lake, stretched out his hands to hold a handful of lake water, and drank it into his mouth with a sip.

The lake water in the Well of Eternity is not ordinary water. It is the dark energy of the universe that is gathered and transformed through an unknown method. It is a highly concentrated energy essence. Thinking about future generations, an eternal water bottle is enough to support The Sunwell of the high elves can tell how concentrated the energy of the lake is.

After taking a sip of lake water, Leo's smile suddenly froze, and a trace of mockery flashed in the angry eyes of Sargeras at the bottom of the lake.

The ants who don't know how to live or die, dare to directly drink the essence of dark energy from the most original source of the universe with his ability, really court death.

Sargeras was in a good mood, and Chromie, who was hiding in the dark, was even more excited than him. If it wasn't for not wanting to expose himself, Chromie would have roared to the sky to vent the ecstasy gushing out of his chest.

The lake water of the Well of Eternity not only contains a huge energy essence, but also contains the mysterious law power in the universe. Even Chromie, who is a bronze dragon, doesn't know that kind of law, and he dare not touch it.

In fact, it is true when you think about it. If there is no power of law, no matter how powerful the energy essence is, it is impossible to supply the almost endless needs of the high elves. If the well water of the Well of Eternity does not have the ability to gather energy to produce magic power on its own, The Sunwell is still talking about an infinite supply of energy, it must have been exhausted long ago.

Now, Leo drank a large amount of water from the Well of Eternity, which was quite a lot, at least equal to one-third of the water from the Well of Eternity that the high elves used to create the Well of Eternity. That is to say, Leo He drank one-third of the essence of the Sunwell in one gulp, would he feel better?
After drinking the well water from the Well of Eternity, Leo felt a fire burning in his chest and abdomen, and the crazy energy almost burst out of his body. In just one or two seconds, Leo couldn't hold it back. This feeling of energy.

Maybe you will say that you can release this energy if you can't hold it down. The question is, does Leo dare to release it?

This energy is in his body, if it is not suppressed, it will be Leo himself who is injured, if he really released it, it would be strange if Leo didn't explode and die.

So, it's not that Leo doesn't want to let go of the suppression of this energy, but that he doesn't dare to let it go at all, and once he lets go, it's over.

This bottom is big!
Leo felt regretful. He had just teased Sargeras, and his mental power had increased significantly. He was in a good mood and wanted to tease Sargeras again, but unexpectedly, the joy turned into sadness, which made him helpless .

"If you don't come out yet, I'll hang up if you don't come out again."

Leo tried his best to suppress the energy of the Well of Eternity, and at the same time called Goldfinger frantically. The reason why he dared to drink the water from the Well of Eternity was because he had Goldfinger, a bottomless pit that eats energy. Fingers and hands, that's not a problem.

"Discover unknown energy, do you want to absorb it?"

Leo's call was answered, Goldfinger was indeed Goldfinger, he could not speak without energy, and he was always there when he had energy.

At this time, why do you absorb it, aren't you talking nonsense?

Leo rolled his eyes, Goldfinger didn't mean to tease him, so what?
"Confirm to absorb energy!"

From Goldfinger's unhurried tone, Leo felt that this guy did it on purpose.

Goldfinger's schadenfreude is schadenfreude, he will not hold back when he really absorbs energy. With this guy joining, Leo's pressure will be relieved immediately. Goldfinger is a bottomless pit that can't be filled. With him in Leo, there is no need to suppress it The energy of the eternal well water, even he felt that the amount of eternal well water he drank in his body was far from enough.

Ever since, under the shocked gazes of Sargeras and Chromie, Leo didn't use his hands anymore. He directly bent down and lowered his head, pointed his mouth at the surface of the Well of Eternity, and drank gulps.

Chromie couldn't believe his eyes, what did he see, a human who was drinking water from the well of eternity?
Just kidding!

The bronze dragon shook his head vigorously, hallucinations, must be hallucinations!

Compared to Chromie's shock, Sargeras was much calmer. The Dark Titan's knowledge was many times greater than that of the Bronze Dragon. Seeing that Leo was not blasted by the huge energy, he gulped down the water from the Eternal Well , like drinking fine wine, Sargeras looked at Leo's gaze changed.

There is only one kind of person who is not afraid of the huge energy in the Well of Eternity and the power of the mysterious law contained in it, and that is the person with an endless dark physique, who can gather and condense the Well of Eternity from the most original darkness in the universe The body of endless darkness absorbed and transformed by the energy essence, and this kind of physique is exactly what Sargeras dreamed of.

An insignificant ant that could be crushed to death with one finger, actually possessed the endless darkness physique that he had dreamed of, and Sargeras was so jealous that he was about to go crazy.

This is not fair!

Why would my physique, which even such a powerful existence does not have, appear on an ant?
This is not fair!

I do not believe!

I do not accept!

I absolutely do not accept...

Sargeras roared wildly, but unfortunately his roar could not reach the Well of Eternity, let alone hinder Leo in the slightest.

In Chromie's disbelief, in Sargeras' envy and hatred, Leo has drunk hundreds of wells of eternity, and it seems that he is far from satisfied, the water in the well of eternity The mysterious laws contained in him are gradually accumulating in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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