Chapter 1103
Scarlett found a strange situation. Leo, who has always been energetic, has been listless for the past few days, and it seems that he can't cheer up. The female paladin thinks it is really strange.

With Leo's ability as a demigod warlock, he shouldn't be like this, unless something happened. In order to find out what happened, Scarlett found Leo to ask, and the answer she got surprised her.

"It turns out that the opponent is too weak is also a kind of sadness, you say, why can't there be a stronger enemy?"

What kind of answer is this?
Scarlett felt that asking was tantamount to asking in vain, and Leo must have gone crazy again.

God, give me a strong man... er, no... give me a strong enemy.

Leo is not crazy, he is dissatisfied with desire, only a powerful enemy can bring enough energy to allow him to successfully activate the golden memory, it is useless to kill several characters such as Ice Bear in a row, at most it can only make the golden memory Give yourself a hint with your finger and listen to it.

At Leo's level, there are really not many worlds that can make him a strong enemy. There is Yogg-Saron in Ulduar, but it is not yet time to provoke the Lord of Thousand Throats. To be exploited by the Lich King, he had to find the Scourge first.

"Master, the general has arrived."

The news brought by Hinasaraya lifted Leo's spirits. The transfer of General Abbendis from Honor Hold to Northrend was not a whim by Leo, but a decision made after careful consideration.

A burly human warrior in heavy armor strode to the side, and after a respectful salute, he stood beside Leo.

The first generation of General Abbendis, a man of few words, a man who used his actions more than his words.

Leo nodded, as a response to Abidis, and then he asked, "You should know why I called you here, and what are you going to do?"

Know, how could I not know?

Abbendis was silent for a while before speaking: "I will convince Bridget, and I will take care of that dreaded demon king."

When talking about the Dread Demon King, there was a murderous look on Abidis' body. He was really angry at the creature like the Dread Demon King. If the Dread Demon King hadn't played tricks in secret, how could the Scarlet Crusade go astray.

"It would be best if you have confidence." Leo tilted his head, he had no doubts whether Abidis could do it, "I'll wait for your good news."

"I will bring Bridget and her Scarlet Expeditionary Army back, Master."

Abedis said and stepped back, he was going to find his daughter—the current Scarlet General Bridget Abedis who led the Scarlet Expedition to Northrend.

After Uther's death, the Holy Knights of the Silver Hand quickly split. The reason for their split was that the knights without a leader had differences in their understanding of the Holy Light.

As a dazzling new star among the Holy Knights, the young Brigitte Abedis believes that the Holy Light can only shine on human beings. The sanctity of the Knights is inviolable. This strange idea has been agreed by most members of the knight order.

Perhaps out of distrust of other races, or perhaps because of the sense of crisis caused by Alsace's betrayal and Uther's death, most of the Knights of the Silver Hand chose to support Bridget, With the help of Balnazar, the dreadlord disguised as Dasuo Khan, more and more people support Bridget.

Seeing that the members of the Knights became blind and fanatical, they realized that going on like this would deviate from the way of the Holy Light. After objecting to no avail, Baron Maxwell Tyrosus withdrew from the Knights of the Silver Hand and joined the His supporters founded the Argent Dawn.

The withdrawal of Baron Tyrosus officially split the Silver Hand Paladins, and at the same time eliminated the voices of opposition from within the Knights. With the support of most of the remaining backbone members, a new organization - the Scarlet Cross Army was established, and General Abidis was one of the founders of this organization.

Mograine, Lord of the Ashes, was slain shortly thereafter, and General Abbendis was killed protecting his daughter from the Scourge's onslaught.

After repelling the Scourge attack, a young Bridget took her father's place as the current Scarlet General, Abbedis.

Over the years, Bridget Abedis has been praying devoutly. One day a voice answered her call. Bridget thought it was the guidance of the Holy Light, but the breath she exhaled froze and atomized People are uneasy.

As the undead army in the Plaguelands grew stronger and the Plaguelands fell, Bridget Abedis planned to follow the guidance of the Holy Light in her heart and lead the troops to Northrend.There, Bridget Abedis met Admiral Barry Weswin in front of her camp. The admiral guided Bridget Abedis in the name of the Holy Light, but soon Brigitte Qi Qi felt that there seemed to be something strange in it. Out of devotion to the Holy Light, she decided to obey without conclusive evidence.

In pursuit of his father's career and in devotion to the Holy Light, Bridget Abedis still led the Scarlet Expeditionary Army to fight against in Northrend even after discovering the strangeness of Admiral Barry Weswin. natural disaster.

This army does not have the support of the entire alliance like the Argent Northern Expedition. Their commander Bridget does not have as much influence as Tirion Fordring, and they can only solve it by themselves in the snow-covered Northrend. Supplies and difficult conditions did not defeat them, because they had a firm belief - to eliminate natural disasters.

But even so, they didn't complete their mission - if Leo let it go, let the Scarlet Expeditionary Army develop according to the original historical track.

Although Bridget and her subordinates have shortcomings of one kind or another, no one can deny their shining points. This is a respectable army. It was the first force to counterattack Northrend and successfully gain a foothold under the obstruction of the Scourge.

Leo didn't want to see the tragedy happen. Bridget and her subordinates should not die in obscurity, and the tragedy of the Scarlet Expeditionary Army should not appear.

Even Renault, who committed the crime of patricide, can be redeemed, why can't Bridget Abbendis?
With Abidis' current strength, knowing that Barry Weswin was transformed by the Dread Demon King, and with the assistance of Faltola, the Scarlet Expeditionary Army will be incorporated without any special accident. It's a foregone conclusion.

In this way, the last Scarlet Crusade was also included, and Scarlett's position as the overlord of the Silver Crusade became more and more stable. Will the Front Knights have friction?

Leo was thinking silently. He was considering whether to intervene in the Storm Peaks in advance. He remembered that in the original history, the Silver Crusade led by Tirion Fordring chose the Storm Peaks as their base camp in Northrend.

It's really nerve-wracking for those who fight in the nest.

Scratching his face, Leo felt that he couldn't worry about this matter alone, and he had to pull Scarlet on to listen to this silly girl's thoughts.

Leo is very democratic?
If you really want to think this way, you are very wrong. The real purpose of this guy is to use his hands and feet when talking about things to take advantage of it.

Compared with the Grizzly Hills and Zul'Drak, the environment of the Storm Peaks is more than ten times more difficult. It is a real world of ice and snow. In that area, all you see is snow and ice. The biting cold wind blows non-stop all year round. Even a strong fighter can't stay in that place.

Therefore, Scarlett was hesitant, and the female paladin took out the map to examine it carefully while also constantly analyzing it.

Due to the existence of Ulduar, the Alliance army in the Storm Peaks will have to go there sooner or later. If they are lucky, the prison where Yogg-Saron is imprisoned is fine, and they will leave soon, but what if they are not lucky?

Prepare for the worst in everything. This is what Scarlett learned from Leo. Only those who are well-prepared will not be knocked down by emergencies. When dealing with such terrifying ancient gods as Yogg-Saron, you must never Don't take chances, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

Sooner or later, you have to enter the storm cliff. It is better to do it later than to do it early. The advantage of establishing a stronghold in the storm cliff earlier is that you can choose a better place and occupy a more favorable position.

But, is it appropriate to enter the storm cliff now?

No wonder Scarlett hesitated, not to mention the harsh natural environment of the Stormy Cliff. If the conditions were difficult, some well-trained soldiers would not be able to stay. The biggest problem if they wanted to settle down on the Stormy Cliff was the natives there. .

Regardless of the fact that there is no sunny day in the stormy cliffs all year round, and there is wind and snow every day, there are still creatures there. Surviving in such a harsh environment, the combat effectiveness of these species is naturally needless to say.

The iron giants and iron dwarves all over the storm cliffs are not a hospitable race. Of course, you have to say that they are hospitable, provided that you become their ghost.

Apart from these two races, the Proto-Dragon would not easily let go of any foreign creatures. In their eyes, human beings were like the catchphrase of the Gnolls—fresh meat.

After thinking for a long time, Scarlett made a decision: "It's not the right time to intervene in the Stormy Cliffs now. There is not enough reason to attract the intervention of Wyrmrest Temple."

The fact that there are Titan relics on the Stormy Cliff can never be hidden from the giant dragon. If the alliance is too enthusiastic about it, it will inevitably attract unnecessary resistance. Although Scarlett knows that Leo is powerful, she may not be afraid of the giant dragon, but After all, trouble can be avoided if it can be avoided.

"If the timing is not right, let's put it down for now." Leo shrugged indifferently, "Now we not only need to manage the Grizzly Hills and Dakron Fortress, but also prepare to take over Udgart Castle, I think Saurfang The news is coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

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