Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1104 Invitation from Dalaran

Chapter 1104 Invitation from Dalaran

Leo put away the magic communication stone with a strange expression, with both excitement and worry on his face.Before, he was clamoring to ask God to give him a powerful enemy, but he didn't expect God to be so effective, and a powerful enemy appeared.

"Dalaran asks for my help, Syndra, what do you think?"

Sindragosa standing behind Leo had a look of gloom on his face. Dalaran's request seemed to be nothing at first glance. Could it be that the magical creatures imprisoned by them had rioted, and Ronin needed someone to help Repression?

It's not the case, it's not that simple.

"Arygos' soul was corrupted by the ancient god C'Thun. Your guess is correct, master."

Sindragosa is the queen of the blue dragon, and Arygos is her son. Her son was corrupted by someone and changed his personality. He changed from guarding the world to destroying the world. I have reminded that it is still difficult to accept the news after it is confirmed.

Taking a deep breath and calming down the fluctuating emotions, Sindragosa suggested to Leo: "Through Athoregos, we have all the whereabouts of Arygos. Catch it back?"

Glancing at Sindragosa, Leo shook his head: "Why did you catch him back? The key to this matter is not with Arygos, but with C'Thun. Without Arygos, C'Thun can find other puppet, and we may not be able to find this person in time."

Arygos was controlled by C'Thun, and Leo knew for a long time that the reason why he didn't touch him was to monitor the actions of the blue dragon prince to control the matter within his own control?

The most fearful thing about playing tricks and tricks is being seen through. Now that C'Thun's conspiracy has been seen through by Leo, the threat from this ancient god has been reduced by more than half. Of course, Leo does not allow Sindragosa to startle the snake.

"K'Thun, this guy, thought he would stop for a while after suffering a loss in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, but he didn't expect to come out to make troubles so soon. If he is allowed to join forces with Yogg-Saron, he will be in big trouble. Leo held his chin and walked back and forth for a few steps, "Syndra, don't worry about Arygos, let Athoregus continue to follow him, you and I will go to Dalaran, Sinasaraia will stay in Northrend to protect Scarlett."

Although the magical creatures imprisoned in Dalaran are powerful, Leo is stronger, and the latter really doesn't take them seriously.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for Leo to enter Dalaran. This city deserves to be called the capital of magic. There are towering mage spiers, magic fountains everywhere, magic elements that are ten times more active than the outside world, and streets. Go to the magic item shop that can be seen everywhere, so that people can know at a glance that this is the meeting place for spellcasters.

In Dalaran, if you throw a stone randomly from a high place onto the street, nine out of ten people hit are magicians, and the remaining one is a magic apprentice. There is no other meaning in this analogy, just to It shows that mages in Dalaran are really worthless.

Incompatible with the ornate minarets and intoxicatingly beautiful streets in the city is a remote corner surrounded by thick walls. In this corner, Dalaran has deployed a lot of defensive forces. Obviously, that inconspicuous corner There are things that make mages afraid.

This corner is Leo's destination, and the culprit who triggered Leo's trip to Dalaran - Violet Prison.

There are countless criminals and powerful magical creatures with destructive desires imprisoned in the prison. If there is a problem in this prison, the safety of Dalaran will be seriously threatened, and even the whole world will be in turmoil.

In view of the seriousness of the situation, Luo Ning had to seek help from the outside world.

On the surface, it seems that this is just a riot of prisoners trying to find freedom, but in the eyes of those who know the inside story, the matter in Violet Prison is not simple.

Dalaran has been able to imprison violent magical creatures for so many years. Naturally, it has a unique ability. After being the guards of the Violet Prison for so many years, no matter how careless the Dalaran mages are, it is impossible for the prisoners in the prison to escape in a very short period of time. Within a short period of time, layers of defenses were broken through. If Kael'thas hadn't just accepted Ronin's invitation to go to Dalaran with Jaina as a guest, these magical creatures would have broken out of prison.

From this, Luo Ning concluded that this was a conspiracy incident. Someone broke the restriction set by the Dalaran mage in the Violet Prison, which made the situation out of control, and Kael'thas It also proves this point.

"The restriction in the prison was broken by someone. The other party can destroy all the restrictions in Violet without anyone noticing, and make the restriction expire at the same time. The destroyer is no worse than me in magic."

Kael'thas said so, and his words made Rhonin and the mages of Dalaran very nervous.

No one understands a mage better than a mage. A strong man hiding in the dark is terrifying. What is even more frightening is that this strong man with good intentions is far more accomplished in magic than the blood elf prince Kael'thas. The power of the city may not be able to handle it.

Counting the entire world, there are only a handful of people who can be compared with Kael'thas in terms of magic. The mages of Dalaran can't convince themselves even if they want to break their heads, because those few strong people have no reason or motivation to destroy the Violet Prison.

Thinking of the end, the mages could only classify the destroyer as an unknown powerhouse, and it was this speculation that made them invite Leo and Aegwynn.

"Nice to meet you, Ms. Aegwynn." Leo walked to Aegwynn and said with a smile, "Who do you think will destroy the Violet Prison?"

Aegwynn glanced at Sindragosa indiscriminately, and asked, "What do you think?"

Leo shrugged and didn't answer. From Aegwynn's reaction, he knew that the human goddess knew something inside, but she didn't mean to say it.

What made Aegwynn hide this?
Or, what does Aegwynn want to get through this matter?
In an instant, many thoughts flashed through Leo's mind, and countless guesses were born and rejected by him at the first time. After a few seconds, Leo found the answer.

"Why do human eyes grow in the front? This is because God wants us to see the way forward and let us move forward better."

Pointing to his own eyes, Leo's answer was confusing. Ronin and Kael'thas were confused, but Aegwynn and Schindler Gosa showed a clear smile.

"You are right, move forward, this is the law of everything, anyone who violates this law, no matter how powerful he is, will surely fail."

Aegwynn and Leo exchanged a look, and they both laughed at the same time. Their charade made Kael'thas and Ronin extremely uncomfortable. If the latter two are not stupid, how can they not see that Leo and Aegwynn have already Know the identity of the person who destroyed the Violet Prison.

Why didn't Aegwynn and Leo reveal the identity of this person?

Ronin and Kael'thas fell into deep thought. How could a secret that could keep a magic god and a warlock demigod who could kill a god so tight-lipped? It seemed that the world was going to change a lot.

Thinking of this, Ronin and Kael'thas became vigilant. Big changes are accompanied by big crises, but also big opportunities. Those who are prepared when the changes happen are more likely to seize the opportunities. From the performance of Aegwynn and Leo It seems that these two people are not going to give the opportunity to outsiders.

You guys are so dishonest.

Kael'thas gave Leo a blank look, and Leo could only spread his hands to express that he was powerless to help.

Some secrets cannot be revealed until the right time, and some things should be eaten alone. Leo knows this, and Kael'thas also understands it, so the blood elf prince didn't really complain.

"Okay, Leo, I won't force you to speak out about this, but you have to hurry up and help me collect materials."

This is the purpose of Kael'thas. Leo said before that he has a way to solve the problem of the blood elves' addiction. This method is not to purify the Sunwell but to create a needle of turbulence.

"The materials are easy to talk about. Shafar is my subordinate now. It is not difficult to collect materials with his influence. The problem is..." Leo said and stretched out his hand in front of Kael'thas, rubbing his thumb and index finger, "You Have to pay."

Dead for money!
Kael'thas really wanted to punch Leo twice in the face. It may not be enough to create a Needle of Turbulence to empty Quel'Thalas' treasury. When it was time to spend a lot of money, how dare Kael'thas do that?
There is no money to be credited, but it is difficult for him to say such words with the pride of Kael'thas.

With a wicked smile on his face, Leo was sure of Kael'thas's personality. If it wasn't for the blood elf prince's pride from the soul, he wouldn't tease him like that—someone likes to look at others An embarrassing joke.

"Leo, what are you talking about?"

Jaina interjected at this time, just to untie Kael'thas' siege. She and Ronin were very curious about what kind of material could make Kael'thas like this. You must know that the blood elf prince is not a poor man.

Leo smiled and said indifferently, "It's nothing, it's just a little thing related to magic."

Are you lying to a fool, what if a little gadget can stump Kael'thas?
Everyone didn't believe it. Seeing that Leo was unwilling to speak out, they didn't get to the bottom of it. Only Aegwynn's imperceptible mental fluctuations sent a message to Leo: "Shafar, that ethereal has taken refuge in you? If I didn't Guess wrong, what you made for Kael'thas should be the Needle of Turbulence."

It's not that Aegwynn is too smart, but that the answer to the riddle is really not difficult to guess.

The Shafar Aegwynn mentioned by Leo also knows that he is the leader of one of the three major forces of the ethereal spirits, who can make Kael'thas anxious and need to use the forces of the ethereal spirits. What?
It is almost impossible for people in this world to collect all the materials for making the Needle of Turbulence, but it is not difficult for the ethereal spirits that are running around in the universe.

"The Needle of Turbulence can affect the magical elements of the entire world. It is impossible for Malygos to let others have it. You promised Kael'thas before this happened. It seems that you have long been determined to fight the Blue Dragon King." .” Aegwynn laughed, “You, a prophet, can predict the future.”

Leo curled his lips, saying that he can predict the future, don't you think I'm a swindled fake in your eyes?
"Elemental creatures, titans, and giant dragons all have their eras in this world. The mortals in the eyes of us giant dragons have ruled this world for tens of thousands of years. Why can't we create our own era of mortals?"

"If someone wants to obstruct the arrival of the age of mortals, this kind of guy who moves against the tide will be crushed by the wheel of history and crushed ruthlessly."

(End of this chapter)

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