Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1135 The Gate of Scourge

Chapter 1135 The Gate of Scourge
A dreadful arrow, mighty Sylvanas.

Poor Deathwhisperer, he managed to survive until the archlich Kel'Thuzad was finished and took his place for a few days. He died before he could play enough prestige, and he was killed in a single shot with an arrow.

You can't blame the government for your life, and you can't blame the society for your mistakes. It's a tragedy.

Who let the Deathrattler rely on himself in the Icecrown Citadel, thinking that he was incomparably safe and neglected to take precautions?Originally, with her ability, even if Cirvanas wanted to kill her, it wouldn't be so easy, but it's a pity that the Death Whisperer himself was careless, and she felt embarrassed even if Cirvanas was gone.

Through spiritual perception, he found that Cirvanas was quietly approaching Icecrown Citadel under the cover of the Scourge army, and his whereabouts were so secret that he almost lost it several times. Leo couldn't help feeling: This is a ranger, who can attack from a distance and fight in close combat. He was better at stealth, and with a powerhouse like Cirvanas watching, no one would dare to be careless.

From Cirvanas' actions, Leo guessed the thoughts of the Forsaken Queen. She clearly wanted to take advantage of the cover of the Scourge army and the chaos of Icecrown Citadel after the death of the Death Whisperer to get into the city. Seeing that the gates of Icecrown Citadel are closed tightly and the city walls are towering, if Cirvanas really wants to sneak in, mere dead things really can't stop her.

The Queen of the Forsaken is proud, and she is always brooding about her defeat at the hands of Arthas.When the Scourge invaded the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Cirvanas was the defender, and there was not much room for maneuvering. The situation was undoubtedly extremely unfavorable for a ranger like her, but now, Arthas was the defender, and Sylvanas was the defender. Vanas stood on the side of the attacker, changing the offensive and defensive positions. As the attacker, Cirvanas can show his strengths. The proud Queen of the Forsaken will fight Alsace again.

Leo rubbed his chin, and said in a low voice, "Sirvanas' revenge battle? Interesting."

Queen of the Forsaken Sylvanas VS Lich King Arthas, it must be very interesting, Leo admits that he is moved, but right now it is not known whether the Wrathgate incident will happen, Leo can't put it aside for his own interest. Bolvar and his Dreadnought Crusade did not care.

Seeing that Cirvanas disappeared from his range of perception, Leo said it was a pity, even though Cirvanas was strong against Alsace, he didn't have much chance of winning, unless Alsace didn't have Frostmourne in his hand.

I hope Cirvanas will not be dead-headed, and will not die when there is no chance of winning.

After Leo said good luck to you, his mind turned back to the battlefield on the ground.

As the commander, the Death Whisperer was killed, and chaos inevitably occurred in Icecrown Citadel. Although the Death Whisperer had no ability to command an army, she still carried the name of the commander anyway. He also knows what to do under the command.

After Cirvanas attacked and killed the Deathwhisperer, the low-level undead, who had no intelligence at all, were thrown into chaos. They would only follow their own instincts, out of the dead's hatred for the living. The undead flocked to the Fearless Expeditionary Army one after another. Without anyone commanding and dispatching, stampede and squeeze inevitably happened.

The bodies of the undead are strong or weak, and all the undead are crowded in one direction. The weak low-level undead like skeletons will be squeezed apart by the high-level undead. When he recovered from the panic of being killed, the army of undead outside the city had already lost [-]% due to trampling on each other.

It doesn't sound like a lot, but if you look at the number of the undead army, you will understand that this percentage is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. The Scourge lost so many troops without any effort, and Bolvar earned big.

If no one made trouble, Bolvar would really be able to lead the Fearless Expeditionary Force to knock on the gate of Icecrown Citadel.What Leo is now defending against is the troublemaker who jumps out suddenly. Putres doesn't matter if he doesn't show up. If this guy dares to show up, Leo will kill him immediately.

It's strange to say that the alliance's army has already arrived at the door, but the Lich King didn't even react at all. There are so many powerful people in the entire Icecrown Citadel, and a death whisperer appeared. The situation is very strange, could it be the Lich King? What conspiracy are you planning?
Leo is not clear about the situation of Icecrown Citadel. Even without the Blood Queen Lannathel and Sindragosa, there are many strong people who can fight there. Bolvar led the Fearless Expeditionary Army to attack At the gate of Icecrown Citadel, these powerhouses should show their faces even if they don't participate in the battle, it shouldn't be completely silent.

It seems that Bovar needs to be reminded to be careful after entering Icecrown Citadel, so as not to be overshadowed by the Scourge.

With a thought in Leo's mind, a voice rang in the ear of Bolvar, who was leading the army to fight against the undead natural disaster. The Grand Duke paused slightly, and then nodded again, which was a response to Leo.

Without the participation of strong natural disasters and unexpected troublemakers such as Putres, Bolvar and his fearless expeditionary army advanced extremely smoothly. Although the undead army was large in number, its quality was not good. They could not stop the fearless expeditionary army from advancing. Footsteps, as the battle progressed, the number of undead became less and less, while the number of fearless expeditionary troops who received reinforcements from the rear increased. After a day and night of hard work, Bolvar finally succeeded in clearing out the Scourge army outside the Icecrown City .

Boom!Boom!Boom! ...

The dull impact sounded like a giant drum being knocked, and each one was shocking. All the alliance soldiers, including Bolvar, had a look of excitement on their faces. They hit the gate of Icecrown Citadel again and again, and under their impact, cracks like spider webs appeared in the gate of Icecrown Citadel.

About to break in?

Leo's patience is very good. He has been hiding in the dark. The dracolich army has not relaxed the surveillance around the Icecrown Citadel. The closer to success, the more they cannot relax. Let alone Bolvar. Even if he led the Fearless Expeditionary Army to fight in, the matter would not be finished until the coalition forces had a firm foothold.

The Wrathgate incident caused heavy losses to the alliance. Once a large number of human elites were annihilated, even the Grand Duke Bovar of the Stormwind Kingdom was killed. Human vitality was seriously injured by the battle. Leo would never allow such a thing to happen.

The battle outside the Icecrown Fortress has ended, and the gate of the Icecrown Fortress is about to be breached. More and more coalition fighters gathered in front of the gate of the fortress. Maybe they didn't realize anything, but as a bystander, Leo was at a high altitude. But they found something wrong - the soldiers of the coalition army gathered in an extremely narrow area. Once they were attacked by a powerful range, the casualties would be unimaginable.


Leo frowned, and became more vigilant. If Putres was really hiding nearby, now is the last time to do it.

"Nefarian, Perishion, Hectors, cheer me up."

Under Leo's order, the dracolich who used phantom dance to hide their bodies became more careful, and their surveillance of the vicinity of Icecrown Citadel became more stringent.Facts have proved that Leo's prudence was not in vain. Just when the soldiers of the coalition army were concentrating on Icecrown Fortress, and when the soldiers of the coalition army unknowingly crowded into a small area in front of Icecrown Fortress, When the vigilance of the coalition soldiers dropped to the lowest point, an army was quietly approaching the battlefield.

It's finally here, you've kept me waiting, Putres.

As soon as that army appeared, Leo got the news that he had the dracolich as his eyes and ears to monitor the dozens of miles around Icecrown Citadel. Putres and the Avengers who followed him couldn't do it. Close to the battlefield without anyone noticing as planned.

"If you want to stage the Scourgegate incident, have you asked my opinion?"

Leo snorted coldly, stretched out his index finger, and swipe lightly at the natural disaster catapult being pushed forward by the Avengers. An extremely obscure wave of law disappeared in a flash. This wave was extremely secretive, so secret that even The Avengers pushing the Scourge Catapult did not notice either.

When the Fearless Expeditionary Army attacked Icecrown Citadel, Leo's attitude towards Putres was to kill him at sight and not give him a chance to play, but now Leo changed his mind after the battle.

It would be too boring to just kill you like this. I waited here for a whole day and night for you to show up. Wouldn't it be a big loss for me not to have some fun with you?
Looking at Putres, who thought he was moving secretly, a mysterious arc was drawn at the corner of Leo's mouth, which was an expression called a smirk.

While the Allied forces were focusing on breaking the gate of Icecrown Citadel, Putres and the Avengers who followed him pushed the Scourge catapult into place, and the plague barrels one person tall were lifted onto the catapult .

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing that everything was ready, Putres let out a smug laugh, which exposed his position and let the coalition forces see the natural disaster catapults behind him that were ready to launch.

So many natural disaster catapults, so many plague barrels!
The soldiers of the coalition forces are all discolored, and the Forsaken put out this co-pilot, what do they want to do?
"Die, all the living." Putres laughed, with indescribable pride in his laughter, "The vengeance of the Forsaken has come."

Gala!Gala!Gala! ...

The natural disaster catapult moved, and the plague barrels were thrown out one after another, drawing parabolic trajectories in the air and hitting the coalition soldiers gathered in front of the Icecrown Citadel.

Bovar's face changed drastically, and he yelled anxiously: "No, retreat quickly."

"You still want to leave now? Go to hell, hahahaha..."

The panic of the coalition soldiers made Putres very proud, and the royal pharmacist laughed wildly, as if he saw the scene of the coalition soldiers struggling under the plague toxin until the whole army was wiped out.

This guy had a great laugh.

Leo looked at Putres who was laughing wildly, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.Smile, laugh a few more times, and you won't be able to laugh later.

(End of this chapter)

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