Chapter 1136
"The revenge of the Forsaken has come, hahaha..."

Putres laughed crazily. He enjoyed the panic of the coalition forces. He liked to watch the living die slowly in pain and struggle. It can be said that Putres' heart has been twisted.

As the dead, there is resentment towards the living: why are you alive and I am dead, why am I a cold corpse while you feel the sun and breathe the air?
Forsaken people like Sylvanas can control themselves very well, allowing themselves to retain enough sanity, while Putres and the Avengers who followed him obviously belong to another kind - blinded by hatred, Already totally twisted insane.

What is scarier than a madman?
It's a bunch of lunatics.

What's scarier than a bunch of lunatics?
A bunch of lunatics with weapons.

Royal Apothecary Putres is crazy, such a madman is a threat to the whole world, this guy must die.

Leo has sentenced Putres to death.

Finally, a plague barrel completed a parabola and hit the ground. The powerful impact shattered the plague barrel, and the coalition soldiers nearby fled in all directions like frightened ants.

The plague vat burst, and...then there was no more.

The Shattered Plague Barrel contains nothing.

Not only the first plague barrel, but all the plague barrels that were smashed down by the Avengers with the natural disaster catapult. After they shattered, the plague toxin did not appear as everyone expected.

The coalition soldiers were taken aback, what's going on?
Is Putres kidding us, or has this royal sprayer created a new kind of plague that is colorless and odorless?

The coalition soldiers looked at Putres with doubts. Putres, who was laughing wildly, realized something was wrong, and the maniacal laughter stopped abruptly.

"What's going on? Why are the plague barrels empty? These plague barrels are obviously made by me, why are they empty?"

Putres was dumbfounded. He didn't know what happened. Before bringing out the plague barrel, he checked it himself in order not to make any mistakes. After confirming that it was correct, he led the army to set off. Now those living people should be howling under the plague toxin Pain is right, but why is the plague barrel empty?
Putres couldn't figure out why there was no plague toxin in the plague barrel. God made a big joke on him.

"Wow!" Putres was wondering, the sky suddenly darkened, the huge figure of the blue dragon king Malygos covered the sky, and a voice came from the head of the blue dragon king, "I seem to disturb you , Great Apothecary of Putres."


As soon as Putres heard the voice, he knew who was speaking, and he would never forget Leo, the human warlock Royal Apothecary who once went to Naxxramas with him.

"Damn it, are you responsible for my plague barrel?"

Putres looked at the sky, the fire of his soul was beating wildly, and there was a creepy hatred in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll be scared." He said so, but the expression on Leo's face was completely different, "I saw a group of sneaky mice just now, and I couldn't hold back for a while. Move your hands and feet."

As Leo said, he stretched out his right hand, and a green light cluster emerged from his palm.

"It's you, it really is you!"

Seeing the green light ball in Leo's palm, Putres jumped in anger. If it wasn't the plague toxin he developed, what was it?
"You despicable thief, I'll tear your bones apart."

Putres is so angry, the plague toxin he spent countless years of painstaking efforts to develop was unexpectedly obtained by Leo under his own nose. That hateful human warlock not only dropped his plague barrel, but also let him He became a laughing stock, and was still watching his own jokes from the sidelines. Now he stands up and laughs at himself even more swaggeringly. He is too arrogant, too contemptuous of others.

Ignoring Putres' anger, Leo said slowly: "Don't be so excited, I'm really just curious for a while, since you want it, I'll pay you back."

After finishing speaking, Leo turned his wrist, pressed his palm down, and the green light group fell rapidly downward.Seeing this, Putres was frightened to death. Although he was crazy, he was not stupid. This poison was used by him to deal with the Lich King. Can Putres resist the toxin he developed with the demigod as his imaginary enemy?
The answer is of course no.

What's more, those toxins were compressed and refined by Leo with the perfect poison system law, and the lethality became even more terrifying. Not to mention that Putres didn't prepare an antidote for this plague toxin, even if it was configured, it would be useless.

Knowing that the situation was not good, Putres hurriedly fled to the distance, without even giving a warning to the avengers who followed him, the great pharmacist.

Afraid of reminding those Avengers that they will fight with you to escape?

Leo despises the character of Putres, this guy is selfish and ruthless, how blind the avengers who choose to follow him are.

"Don't rush away, you have left something behind."

Leo pointed at the ground, and with a clattering sound, thick pillars of bones emerged from the ground, and these pillars of bones formed a prison, trapping Putres and his avengers in it. Inside, the road to the ground is completely blocked by these bone pillars.

Blocked by the pillar of bones, Putres immediately attacked with all his strength, but with the strength of the pillar of bones, he couldn't break it for a while.

"Enjoy yourself, Great Apothecary Putres."

"You can't do this, no..."

After digging his ears, Leo looked confused: "What? Can you speak louder?"

Leo said, ignoring Putres' venomous curse, snapped his fingers, and the pillar of bones that trapped the Avengers closed inward, forming a closed space just when the green light ball fell, and the bone prison held Putres Lace's cursing and hoarse shouting were all blocked, and an airtight space was formally formed.

"Marshal Leo, what's going on?"

While Bolvar reorganized the army, he asked Leo. He was not a fool, and of course he would not think it was an accident. Leo definitely expected the actions of Putres, and those plague barrels could not be Putres. Si's mistake, not to mention that the royal pharmacist was being funny, but that Leo did something wrong without the other party noticing.

Bolvar didn't blame Leo for not reminding him, but the Grand Duke would like to thank Leo. If it weren't for Leo's help, he and his fearless expeditionary force would have died here. Bolvar really didn't expect it beforehand. The Forsaken are so insane.

"I've solved a small problem, and I'm fine now. The Grand Duke can safely attack Icecrown Citadel and open the gate to the Frozen Throne." Cirvanas is not of the same mind, I suspect that their master is the Burning Legion, I have to stay here to watch over them until they die. Putress's potion is hard to guard against, so I don't worry if he doesn't die."

Not everyone has mastered the perfect law of poison like Leo, and it is impossible for Leo to protect all the territories of the alliance all the time. If he misses this time, it will not be easy for the great royal pharmacist to kill him after he is vigilant. , Putres' potion is too terrifying, the toxin he made can't even resist demigods, his immortality will bring a lot of trouble to the alliance.

What Leo hates most is trouble, and Putres must die today.

"The so-called using the other's way and giving it to the other body, to put it bluntly, isn't it just letting others suffer for themselves?"

Leo shrugged at the Bone Prison. He could sense that the Avengers in the Bone Prison were dying in large numbers. The stronger ones like Putres could resist for a while, while the weaker ones died suddenly on the spot.Under the corrosion of toxins, their bodies were decaying and festering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally collapsed and disintegrated, and their bodies and souls turned into fly ash.

Kil'jaeden, will you save the dog Putress?
He didn't kill Putres immediately, but chose to let the toxin slowly corrode Putres' body and soul. It wasn't that Leo intended to play with him, but for the purpose of testing.Putres took refuge in the Burning Legion. Leo knew it well when he first met this guy. Now the Burning Legion is in charge of Kil'jaeden.

Leo wasn't too worried about Kil'jaeden before Pasaren entered this world with the Storm Fortress and the Demon Portal, but not now. No matter what the world does, a few months is enough time for them to do many things.

Leo doesn't want to be overshadowed by the fraudster at the critical moment of his fight with the Lich King. Arda's tragedy can't be repeated. As long as Kil'jaeden dares to make a move, Leo can teach him a lesson and let him fight for a short time. Can no longer shoot inside.It's a pity that the fraudster was very calm, until Putres was corroded by toxin and turned into slag, and nothing happened.

Tragic Putress, just as he ruthlessly abandoned the Avengers who chose to follow him, Kil'jaeden also ruthlessly abandoned him.

Kil'jaeden, I'm sick of you being a shadowy fellow.

Leo cursed inwardly, it is not easy to guard against a sneak attack, especially a guy like Kil'jaeden, Leo felt quite pressured.

Bolvar didn't understand Leo's concerns. Hearing that Putres had defected to the Burning Legion, the Grand Duke understood why Putres would do such a thing.

Seeing that Leo intends to stay and stare at Putres, Boval thought that with this demigod warlock watching over him, he would be able to devote himself to the battle of attacking Icecrown Citadel, so he did not force Leo, thinking After Leo nodded, Bolvar raised his long sword and gave instructions to the Fearless Expeditionary Army who had recovered from the panic to continue attacking Icecrown Citadel.

"Warriors of the Alliance, the Scourge, which has brought us endless disasters, is just around the corner. Let us break down this castle and completely wipe out those damned undead Scourge from our world."

(End of this chapter)

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