Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1146 Muradin's News

Chapter 1146 Muradin's News
"We have confirmed that more than [-]% of the natural disaster soldiers in Icecrown Citadel have gone where they should go. The current Frozen Hall doesn't even have enough defensive troops. It's time to attack."

Scarlett kept looking at Leo while talking, she didn't understand why Leo changed his attitude after returning from going out, and put on a look that he must destroy the Scourge as soon as possible.

Could it be that this guy wanted to end the Northern Expedition as soon as possible because he was in a hurry to accompany Fuchsel?

The more Scarlett thought about it, the more she felt that her thinking was correct. It wasn't that she loved to think wildly, but that the timing of Leo's attitude change was too coincidental. As soon as the news of the pregnancy came out from Fuchsel, Leo changed his attitude towards war. Anyone would think so.

The female paladin was very appreciative, but it was everyone's wish to wipe out the Scourge as soon as possible. The more days the Lich King stayed in this world, the more disasters would come. It's better to kill him sooner.

Hearing that the Queen of Arathor publicly stated that she was going to launch a general attack, Varian, Jean and the others did not answer immediately, but thought carefully.After several days of rest, the exhausted coalition soldiers had recovered their physical strength, and their condition was gradually improving. Although the time to attack the Frozen Throne was not the best, it was not too bad, and it was not unacceptable.What made them doubtful was why Arathor suddenly changed his attitude.

When it comes to the change of Scarlett's attitude, people can't help but think of what happened to Leo recently. When they think of this, everyone has a surprised expression on their faces—they thought of going with Scarlett.

It seems that our demigod warlock has no patience to wait any longer. If this is the case, there is room for manipulation.

None of the people here are fools. In fact, fools can’t be leaders in the alliance. Before, they were anxious to destroy the Lich King Leo, but now Leo is anxious. But the appearance is not in a hurry.

"Queen Scarlett, the soldiers' physical strength has not fully recovered, and it is too anxious to launch a general attack now. My opinion is to wait a few more days until the soldiers' physical strength reaches its peak before acting."

Magni Bronzebeard, the Lord of Ironforge's loud voice rang out in the conference room.

Leo rolled his eyes, who said the dwarves are kind?

On the surface, the dwarf king said that the combat power of the soldiers has not reached its peak, but secretly he means to ask Leo to contribute more. The army's combat power has not recovered, and you, Arathor, proposed to go to war again, so you don't need to contribute more. Who contributes?

Leo glanced at Magni, and the latter smiled honestly, as if I had no intention at all. Seeing this, Leo smiled and said casually: "If the news I got is correct , Muradin Bronzebeard is still alive."

"What did you say!"

Magni stood up suddenly, and the dwarf king was no longer calm after hearing the news.

Leo curled his lips, pretend, pretend for me, aren't you in a hurry?

Little boy, do you really think I can't deal with you?

Muradin Bronzebeard, a very famous dwarf in the Bronzebeard tribe, is also one of the most famous dwarf heroes among the Bronzebeard dwarves. His brother is the king of the Khaz Modan Kingdom and Magni, the lord of Ironforge Bronzebeard, that's why Magni was so excited when he heard the news about Muradin's Bronzebeard.

During the second war of orc invasion, Muradin came to Lordaeron, the most powerful kingdom of mankind at that time, as the ambassador of Ironforge.There Muradin met Alsace, the future ruler of the Kingdom of Lordaeron at that time, and taught the young prince swordsmanship.

It was he who helped Arthas find the rune magic sword Frostmourne in Northrend. After reading the ancient inscriptions and knowing that Frostmourne was an ominous magic sword, Muradin immediately told Arthas the news. And suggested that the two leave immediately.However, the young prince insisted on going his own way, and instead of following Muradin's advice, he pulled out the cursed magic sword, and a tragedy happened.

When Frostmourne burst out of the ice prison that trapped it, the flying ice pierced Muradin like a spear. Everyone thought that Muradin died in that disaster, even Arthas is also like this.

At that time, Arthas had just acquired Frostmourne, and he still retained a bit of humanity. The good part of his soul had not been completely abandoned, so he did not touch Muradin's body.

However, no one expected that Muradin survived the impact of Frostmourne and was rescued by the ice dwarves, the aborigines of Northrend.

It is a pity that Muradin lost his memory. Although his strength is still strong, he can't remember the past and his identity at all.

"So, the Yogg Heart of the Storm who led the ice dwarves to rise again is Muradin Bronzebeard." Leo spread his hands at this point, "That is to say, if nothing else, we will find We have a new ally, and we have a new enemy because of the ice dwarves."

"Oh, Leo, why didn't you say so sooner."

As Magni said, he ran out, he was going to find the ice dwarves, he was going to confirm what Leo said, if that guy named Yogg Stormheart was really his brother Muradin Bronzebeard , that is really great news.

"Then, good luck to you, Magni. Remember to bring a priest." Leo looked at Magni's background and said a word of blessing, then turned his gaze back to the room, "I was still thinking How to find a suitable reason to enter the Storm Peaks seems to be unnecessary now, with the relationship between Muradin Bronzebeard and the ice dwarves, no one can say anything when the alliance army enters the Storm Peaks."

Varian and Genn looked at each other, Leo came here prepared, with Muradin Bronzebeard and Alsace's grievances, when Magni finds this long-lost brother, as long as he can wake up According to Muradin's memory, the Bronzebeard dwarves can't immediately become the vanguard of the attack on the Frozen Throne?
And the Bronzebeard dwarves agreed, so what choice would the dwarf and the Wildhammer dwarf who were wearing the same pair of pants make?

The dwarves and gnomes agreed, and the furbolg was Leo's staunch supporter. Unless the night elves suddenly intervened, it would be useless for others to object.

Will the night elves intervene?

The answer is of course no, those long ears of Darnassus will not spend energy on this kind of thing at all.

Why does this kid always do things without showing his flaws? Let us calculate that we will die?

Varian and Genn were a little depressed, but Leo was able to find news about Muradin Bronzebeard, and they were not wronged.

"Well, we have no objection."

Varian and Jean quickly accepted the reality, destroying the Lich King, ending the damn Northern Expedition, and leaving the icy Northrend was also what they expected.

The alliance has reached a consensus, and there will be no problems with the blood elves and the Forsaken. After all, the latter two have deep hatred with the Scourge, and they wish to kill the Frozen Throne and destroy the Lich King as soon as possible.

The only thing to do now is to wait, wait for Magni to go to the ice dwarf to find Muradin, and wait for Muradin's memory to recover. Fortunately, it is not difficult for some powerful priests to restore memory. Ni's energy finds such a pastor easily.

Scarlett was very surprised, she didn't expect Leo to find the news of Muradin, the female paladin even wondered if it was because Leo learned about Muradin when he went out last time, so he was in a hurry to kill him Scourge?If so, didn't she want to go wrong?
Fortunately for Scarlett, Leo didn't notice her strangeness.

Now that the entire coalition has reached a consensus, the alliance is about to launch a general offensive. The blood elves, the Forsaken, and the Ash Judgment Army composed of the Silver Crusaders and the Ebon Knights no longer hold back, and the battle in the Frozen Hall has become more intense.

The most direct effect brought by the fierce battle and offensive stage is that the casualties of soldiers have risen in a straight line. At every moment, soldiers who have lost their combat effectiveness due to serious injuries are carried from the front line to the rear for medical treatment. Although the Scourge is small in number, it is advantageous , For a while, the two sides were at a stalemate.

The battle has been fought so far, and the coalition forces have not even forced out the powerful natural disaster guards guarding the Frozen Hall.Leo saw that going on like this was not an option, so he shouted Lakanishu's army of fallen demons and rushed to the front line again.

No one dares to underestimate these little red demons shouting strange demonic language. Anyone who encounters their infinite resurrection ability will have a headache. Even if the Scourge occupies a favorable location, they can rely on the fortifications of the Frozen Hall to continuously kill and sink. Demons, but whenever they kill their opponent, the opponent will soon be resurrected.

Just like that, the Fallen Demon died in one step, died and came back to life, almost dragging the corpse forward.Before the Fallen Demon's corpse-dragging tactics, the Scourge Legion was beaten without temper, and the undead who were not afraid of death could only bow down to the undefeated Fallen Demon.

It took only half a day for the Frozen Hall to fall.

What puzzled Leo was that the natural disaster expert who was hidden in the dark did not show up.

When will even the undead who are not afraid of death learn to be a turtle?

Leo despises the hidden tactics of the natural disaster powerhouses, because these natural disaster powerhouses do not show up now, which means that after killing the Frozen Throne, the coalition forces will have to deal with other natural disaster powerhouses while facing the Lich King. By.

A single Lich King is enough to cause trouble, but with the addition of a few natural disaster powerhouses, the difficulty will not be a little bit more difficult.

"Alsace, so what if you don't give us a chance to defeat each of us? With the strength gap between the two sides at this time, you will definitely lose this battle." Leo looked at the Frozen Throne, and was surprised that the natural disaster powerhouse had never appeared here. The matter was not too entangled, "Or, are you still counting on the accident to happen?"

If Alsace was planning to wait for the mutation, all that awaited him was disappointment.

In order to get rid of the Scourge Legion as soon as possible, and in order not to give Deathwing time, under Leo's suggestion, the Red Dragon Legion and the Blue Dragon Legion joined forces to launch the most violent attack on the other Scourge strongholds except the Frozen Throne. Attack, what can't be done with Alexa himself?
The Scourge now has only one Frozen Throne left, and Arthas is just dying.

(End of this chapter)

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