Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1147 Success and Ambush

Chapter 1147 Success and Ambush

The battle to attack the Frozen Hall became very smooth with the addition of the Fallen Demon. The coalition forces conquered it with less than one-twentieth of the previous casualties, but after capturing the hall, advancing became difficult.

A new problem was posed in front of the coalition forces.

From the Frozen Great Hall, located in the middle of the Icecrown Citadel, is the most treacherous laboratory since the establishment of the Scourge—the Calamity Factory.Here are the new type of abominations researched by the Scourge, as well as countless traps. It is these traps that have caused the army of the Fallen Demons to suffer a great loss, blocked the footsteps of these red demons, and made people see another fatal weakness of the Fallen Demons. .

When the fallen demons shouting Lakanishu entered the natural disaster factory, the corrosive poisonous gas caused them to fester and die one by one. The dead fallen demons could not be resurrected by the fallen demon wizards because their bodies had been corrupted by the poison It became a pool of pus.

The resurrected object has no body, and the fallen magician is helpless.

To deal with the infinite resurrection of the Fallen Demon, if the method of killing the Fallen Demon wizard does not work, you might as well try to beat the Fallen Demon to nothing.

Many people secretly kept this situation in their hearts.

No race is invincible, and the fallen demons that can be resurrected infinitely also have their own nemesis, and the poison that can quickly corrode the body can make them helpless.

Well, now is not the time to think about other things, how to deal with the poison of the natural disaster factory is the most important thing to care about.

It is not easy to deal with the deadly poison that pervades the entire Calamity Factory and even the entire middle layer of Icecrown Fortress. Even the Silver Crusade mobilized many paladins and priests to purify it with the power of the Holy Light, but the effect is not satisfactory.This kind of toxin used by the Scourge to defend the Icecrown Fortress is extremely toxic, and it is extremely difficult to eradicate, making people helpless.

Others would really be blocked in the natural disaster factory. Even if they can find night elf druids to purify the poison, it will take a lot of time, but don't forget that there is a Leo in the coalition army, one with a perfect poison system Leo of the law, in front of him, the poison of the natural disaster factory is completely pediatrics.

Without prying into the poisonous secret of the law, he is nothing in front of Leo.

"It's naive to want to stop my progress with poison."

It took only half a minute for Leo to clean up the poison that was blocking the advance of the coalition forces, and the natural disaster factory battle to stop the coalition forces' greatest strength no longer existed.

Without the obstruction of the poison, the coalition soldiers immediately swarmed in.

It seems to be out of confidence in the poison, or it may be that even the undead of the Scourge can't bear the poison of the natural disaster factory. When the poison was eliminated by Leo, the coalition soldiers entered the natural disaster factory without encountering any The resistance from the natural disaster soldiers, but the remaining institutions in the natural disaster factory made them suffer a lot.

Even if there is a fallen demon in front of the coalition forces, the coalition forces have paid the lives of thousands of soldiers in order to fully occupy the natural disaster factory.

Instead of dying in a frontal battle with the enemy, they died in some unsightly traps. These more than a thousand soldiers died extremely unwillingly.Their death also reminded other soldiers that what they had to deal with was the Scourge of the Undead. In order to prevent the coalition forces from advancing, and to prevent the coalition forces from killing the Frozen Throne, the Scourge of the Undead would use any means.

Occupying the Calamity Factory, the middle floor of Icecrown Citadel is declared to be completely lost. Although there are Scarlet Hall and Frostwing Hall in the middle layer of Icecrown Fortress besides the Scourge Factory, Lannathel, who is guarding the Scarlet Hall, has led the Salein clan to rebel. And Sindragosa, the owner of the Frostwing Hall, also joined Leo early on. These two places are unguarded, so what's the point of defense?
The battle has progressed so far, and the situation is extremely favorable for the coalition forces. They have won two-thirds of the Icecrown Citadel with a slight loss, and are about to kill the Frozen Throne where the Lich King is. Most of the coalition forces Excited, but there are very few people who remain sober.

The battle to attack Icecrown Citadel seemed to be going smoothly, but there were also great hidden worries.

None of the Scourge powerhouses guarding the Icecrown Fortress have appeared so far, and the Scourge soldiers killed by the coalition forces are only ordinary high-level undead, not including the Scourge mentioned by the extremely powerful Valkyrie and Lana Thiel. The new type of undead developed by Professor Putricide has to make people vigilant.

The Scourge seems to be retreating steadily, but in fact, the main force staying at Icecrown Citadel has not been damaged too much. They still retain a strong combat effectiveness. If the coalition forces are dazzled by the current victory, what awaits them will be a disastrous defeat .

"Alsace underestimated us too. Only fools can't see through such a simple arrogant strategy."

For Leo's reminder, Jin snorted, and didn't seem to care too much. The king of Gilneas felt that as long as he knew what tricks the other party was playing and kept vigilant, he would not fall into the trap of the Scourge.

Is it really the truth?
Leo didn't think so. The Icecrown Citadel was still the home of the Scourge. The Lich King had been operating here for many years. Who knew what would be the means, so it was better to be careful.

Be careful not to make a mistake, it will be too late to regret after suffering a loss.

Leo really wanted to say this to Gene, but when he thought of this guy's self-willed temper, Leo stopped again. Gene is a bull. No matter how much you persuade him, it's useless to persuade him. Think about it. The Greymane Wall that shuts all of Gilneas off from the world.

You can only pay more attention to prevent the Scourge from taking advantage of the loopholes.

Leo can only do so at this time.

Of course, Jinn's conceit also has its own capital, only to hear wolves howling in Icecrown Citadel one after another, and the soldiers of the Kingdom of Gilneas performed werewolf transformation.

The Gilnean soldiers in werewolf form were several times more agile than those in human form, and their sense of smell was hundreds of times more sensitive. Even if the Scourge had any traps, they could detect them in advance.

The werewolf form has indeed greatly increased the combat power of Gilneas soldiers, and it can also make them better aware of danger, but will the Lich King not be prepared for this?
Leo didn't think Arthas would ignore this point, after all, the werewolf soldiers in the Kingdom of Gilneas were no secret.

Facts have proved that Leo was right, and the Scourge quickly taught the aggressive Jean a lesson.

Relying on their speed, the Gilnean soldiers who turned into werewolves quickly rushed to the front, and even the Sinking Demon who rushed ahead to use thunder as cannon fodder was left behind by them.At this moment, the wall of Icecrown Fortress suddenly cracked, and groups of green ooze monsters shot out.

Because the wall was so well sealed, the werewolf's keen sense of smell never found it. Besides, the werewolf didn't expect the Scourge to hide the ooze monster in the wall, so they were caught off guard for a while.

The green ooze monsters are full of poison. Once they get on them, even a little bit of it can kill people in two to three seconds. Although the Gilnean soldiers transformed into werewolves have stronger vitality than ordinary people, they can only Can last less than two seconds.

Gene didn't rush too far because he wanted to command the army, and his eyes were red with anger when he saw this scene.

"Despicable undead natural disaster, I will tear you apart!"

Seeing the soldiers under his command being poisoned to death one by one by the highly poisonous ooze monster, Jin trembled all over.

Leo shook his head inconspicuously. He had already reminded Gene to be careful, and he also sent Sinking Demon to the front of the team to visit Lei. Who made Gene feel confident? En is impatient, who told Gene not to listen to his advice?

Now that something happened, I suffered a loss, and regretted it, didn't I?
Thinking about it this way, everyone is an ally after all, and Leo will not show it naturally. In order to divert Jin's attention and prevent him from discovering his abnormal expression, Leo uses the power of the law to sweep forward, and the ooze monster The green color on his body faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the slime monsters were full of poison, the soldiers of the coalition army were extremely afraid of them, and they dared not attack them indiscriminately. Now that they are not poisonous, who would be afraid of a pile of slime?

A group of coalition soldiers rushed over directly, ignoring the ooze monsters, only to see a burst of mud splashing, the ooze monsters became a tragedy—they were directly trampled.To describe the miserable state of the slime monsters, only the word broken into pieces is appropriate.

After the ooze monster made such a fuss, the soldiers of the coalition army became more and more careful when advancing. They would check every place carefully, even if it would delay a lot of time.

Regarding this situation, Leo didn't say anything, he just looked at Kael'thas.To detect whether there is a trap ahead, it is not reliable to rely on the naked eye, but to rely on mental power to perceive it. When it comes to the mage team, of course the blood elves are the only ones in the coalition army.

Kael'thas was not stingy at this time. Under his order, several teams of blood elf mages walked to the front of the team. The spiritual perception can penetrate the wall and go to places invisible to the naked eye. With the help of these mages The way forward of the Pathfinder Allied Forces has been much smoother, and the speed has become faster again.

However, what made the coalition army feel angry was that the Scourge also seemed to know what method the coalition army would use. After ambushing a wave of the coalition army and using ooze to blame the coalition army for a while, they did not arrange other traps, which made the coalition army nervous a handful.

Gene was even angrier when he learned of this situation, and he became depressed. Why was he the one who was injured? If he had known it earlier, he should have followed Leo's advice and didn't underestimate the enemy so rashly.It's just that things have already happened, and it's too late to say anything now, and I still focus on how to destroy the Scourge.

With Jin's anger, the caution of the blood elf mage, and the caution of the soldiers, the coalition army marched towards the upper level of Icecrown Citadel step by step. As they gradually moved forward, the Lich King was getting closer and closer to them.

"We're almost at the Frozen Throne, everyone be careful."

Leo reminded everyone, including Kael'thas, Scarlett, and Varian, that the Scourge would never admit defeat, and the Lich King was not just waiting to die. The one waiting for the coalition forces on the Frozen Throne must be A fierce battle.

(End of this chapter)

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