Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1148 Ice Coffin

Chapter 1148 Ice Coffin
Everyone expected a tough fight to reach the Frozen Throne, even Leo, but things went way beyond their expectations.

Without being strongly blocked by the Scourge Legion, without the desperate interception of the Scourge soldiers, and without the desperate resistance of the strong Scourge, the coalition forces easily passed the upper level of the Icecrown Citadel and entered the frozen area where the Lich King was. throne.

Ordinary soldiers and lieutenants were excited, while coalition leaders like Leo, Varian, and Scarlett were worried.

Unusual things are monsters. It is too abnormal for the Scourge to do so, and people have to be vigilant.

What is the conspiracy of the Scourge?
What is the Lich King planning?
Even Leo, who was extremely confident in his own strength, was extremely energetic after stepping into the Frozen Throne, for fear that a single negligence would fall into the plot of the Lich King.This feeling of being cautious and on guard everywhere is not good, at least Leo feels that way, he is very upset now.

You said that you, the Lich King, are at the end of the road, wouldn't it be good to just suffer and die, so that you can make some mysteries?
The Lich King couldn't even die. Leo took a sip, but he couldn't kill him with a single knife. Don't make everyone so laborious, okay?

Today, the general situation is completely on the side of the coalition forces. A mere demigod of the Lich King can go against the sky. If the Scourge is turned over at this time, wouldn't the entire coalition army become a joke?
While thinking about it, Leo made a gesture, which was a signal for ordinary soldiers to retreat and for the strong in the coalition to stand at the front.Since there are no natural disaster soldiers to stop them, ordinary soldiers will be useless in the next battle. If the opponent is the Lich King and the powerful natural disasters, the existence of ordinary soldiers can only be the nourishment for the opponent to kill and create miscellaneous soldiers.

Furthermore, the Frozen Throne has limited space and cannot accommodate too many people.

"What? The holy light that claims to be righteous has finally come?"

Just as the coalition forces were mobilizing, a gloomy and cold voice came from the other side of the Frozen Throne. Leo looked for the voice and saw the figure of Alsace come into his vision.

It is exactly the same as the image Leo saw in the mountain pass. The joints are carved with skeleton armor, and the sword is full of magic runes. The one-handed long sword sits alone on the ice throne, exuding death, cold, and loneliness. This is the Lordaeron Prince Arthas whose soul was controlled by Frostmourne, who is also the current Lich King.

Seeing this figure, Varian, Fording, Jaina and the others showed complex expressions on their faces. To them, what Arthas did was certainly hateful, but these things were not his original wishes, he just Controlled by the rune magic sword Frostmourne.But it's different for Kael'thas and Lana Thiel.

Arthas has no friendship with them. They don't know about the glorious past of Lordaeron prince controlled by Frostmourne, and they are not interested in learning about it. It is enough to bring as many disasters as possible, and how many creatures wither under the natural disaster army led by him.

"Should I throw away Frostmourne and beg for your forgiveness?" The Lich King ignored everyone's thoughts, he continued, "Let me tell you, when everything is over, you will beg me for forgiveness , and I will reject you."

While speaking, crackling and shattering sounds continued to come from the Lich King's body, the ice layer that had covered the Lich King's body began to shatter, and the spider web-like cracks quickly spread to the surroundings.

Is Arthas about to make a move?
Leo was thinking.Suddenly, the ice cubes on Alsace's body shot towards the direction of the coalition forces. Under the power of Alsace, the ice layer was shattered into countless rice-sized ice crystal particles, but don't look at the small size of these ice crystal particles. Underestimated them.

Puff puff……

The sound of flesh being penetrated sounded like fried beans one after another. Even if Leo, Kael'thas and other coalition powerhouses responded in time, hundreds of people still died under this wave of ice crystal rain.

"Arthas, you despicable fellow!"

The Lich King's move was obviously a sneak attack. He was caught off guard at the beginning of the battle. Kael'thas, who had already had a grudge against him, was furious. The blood elf prince rushed forward with a curse.

If Kael'thas was not his opponent against Alsace who had Frostmourne before he was promoted to half body, then the situation is completely opposite now, at least Kael'thas thinks so.

The blood elf prince confidently believed that Alsace, who became a demigod through Frostmourne, would not be his opponent at all.

"Kyle, come back!"

Leo was anxious seeing Kael'thas being so impulsive. Alsace's own power was nothing to him and Kael'thas as demigods, but the rune magic sword Frost in his hand The Sorrow of Frostmourne was unpredictable to Leo. When he didn't know the ability of Frostmourne, Leo didn't think it was the right time to make a move.

It's a pity that Kael'thas didn't listen to Leo. The great enemy who destroyed the family and the country was right in front of him. How could the blood elf prince who was burdened with the hatred of the country and the family bear it?
There is a good saying that impulse is the devil.

Kael'thas' impulsiveness not only failed to help him, but put him in danger.

Standing up from the Ice Throne, Arthas held Frostmourne and bluffed at the blood elf prince, only to hear a crisp sound, and Arthas was sealed in a big block of ice.

Ice coffin!

Leo was secretly awed. He was too familiar with this scene. When he climbed the mountain pass, he saw this scene a lot. But it was just a game at that time, and the only boost players got when attacking the Frozen Throne was Tirion Fowler. Ding alone, so Alsace's ice coffin was given to Lao Fuye.

Isn't Kael'thas usually quite calm, why did he lose the chain at a critical moment?You said why are you so impulsive, are you frozen now?

Although you and I are both demigods who rose to the top by our own strength, Arthas is just a guy who became a demigod by relying on equipment, but don't forget that equipment is also a part of strength.

Leo frowned. He could feel that the power that froze Kael'thas was not simple. It not only mixed with the law of ice, but also the law of death.

Combining the two laws of ice and death, the Frostmourne held by Arthas is indeed not simple.

"Kael'thas, you are doomed to be a miserable loser in front of me, let me harvest your soul."

Alsace ran towards Kael'thas while talking. Even if the frozen blood elf prince was a demigod, he couldn't escape for a while under the entanglement of the two laws of ice and death. He could only watch Alsace helplessly. Sass kills.

If Kael'thas was singled out against Alsace, the blood elf prince who was hit by the ice coffin would undoubtedly lose, but Kael'thas was not alone, and the leaders of the coalition forces would not talk to Alsace What rules are there to engage in meaningless duels? Seeing the crisis of Kael'thas, everyone except Leo yelled and killed Alsace, using offense to stop Alsace's progress and prevent him from approaching the frozen Kael'thas. Alsace.

"Want to rely on more to win? You are too naive."

Before Alsace could finish his sentence, the strong allied forces who died in the icy rain suddenly stood up, and the dead came back to life!
The revived coalition powerhouses have become minions of the Lich King. Driven by Arthas, they pounce on the leader they were loyal to just a moment ago.


Varian and the others cursed and were about to turn back to meet the enemy. At this moment, Leo flicked his fingers, and black energy lines the thickness of his fingers tied the revived undead into rice dumplings.

Dark bondage!

Varian and the others were overjoyed when they saw this, Leo's Dark Restraint came too timely and helped them a lot.With no obstacles, they continued to rush towards Alsace. Under the joint efforts of everyone, Alsace had no choice but to give up the attack no matter how reluctant he was.

Leo turned his head and said to the priests and paladins in the coalition army: "These fallen soldiers will be handed over to you, and their souls may rest in peace."

The so-called rest in peace is to use the power of the holy light to purify those coalition powerhouses who were transformed into undead by Alsace from body to soul, just like how the female paladin treated those who were turned into undead by Leo when Scarlett and Leo first met. As the adventurers who killed did.

Paladins and priests are the most professional in matters such as purifying the soul. Leo has always been adhering to the professional thing to be done by professional people, so even if he has this ability, he will not do it.Besides, he was fighting with the Lich King at this time, so Leo had to keep an eye on it. If something unexpected happened again, the leaders of the coalition forces would be damaged, and it would be too late to regret it.

"The power of death..."

Alsace looked at Leo. He had expected that Kael'thas could not be killed this time. After all, none of the Varian, Fordring, Lana'thel and others he faced was fuel-efficient. , It is not easy to kill people under their hands.Alsace, who was already mentally prepared, didn't care about this. What he cared about was that when Leo used the dark bondage, he felt the familiar power fluctuations from this human warlock, which was a unique feeling when using the law of death.

Leo actually has the power fluctuation of the law of death, what secret is this human warlock hiding?
Arthas, holding Frostmourne in his hand, didn't know much about the law of death, but even with a superficial understanding, he knew that in order to comprehend this law, he must have a deep understanding of death and contact with death.

Even though I have had Frostmourne for many years, I only have a superficial understanding of the law of death. I have killed so many creatures and created so many deaths before I have the ability to invoke the law of death in Frostmourne. Leo is a human, a How can a living human being understand the law of death, and how can he exercise the law of death on his own?
Rage, unwillingness, hatred... All kinds of negative emotions filled Alsace's heart. With the increase of Frostmourne, these negative emotions were magnified to the point where even the gods frowned. With the help of these negative emotions, Alsace The power that can be transferred from Frostmourne has increased by more than ten times.

"Stupid guys, you can't stop death from coming, feel the wrath of Frostmourne!"

(End of this chapter)

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