Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1166 Do You Need To Be Surprised?

Chapter 1166 Do You Need To Be Surprised?
Deathwing just retreated?

When he came, he was aggressive, as if Stromgarde would not give up, but when he retreated, he was so sudden that people couldn't react at all.

Not only the civilians in Stromgarde were amazed by this, but Scarlett, Adelaide and others were also puzzled.

Leo didn't explain anything. Outsiders only felt that Deathwing was so fierce that he seemed invincible. That's because they didn't know the reality of Deathwing. The strength of this world-destroying dragon was indeed powerful. None of Ao's many minions are his opponents, but will Leo go head to head with Deathwing?

There are so many strong fighters who don't use it and go to play heads-up, unless Leo is stupid to do that.

Group fights are king.

Deathwing came to Stromgarde single-handedly. If Leo was not there, Stromgarde would definitely not be able to stop him, and Arathor's royal city would be destroyed by Deathwing.Fortunately, this assumption did not become a reality. Deathwing could not break through Stromgarde with Leo at the fortress, at least not without leading many younger brothers to attack it.

"Do you need to be surprised that Deathwing retreated?" Leo curled his lips and said to Scarlett, "This guy didn't intend to go all out, he just wanted to find a target to demonstrate to the world, and he didn't want to destroy Stromgarde No. He can't chew the royal city of Arathor Kingdom, but it doesn't mean that other royal cities can't."

Seeing that Scarlett hadn't figured out the situation yet, Leo explained.The female paladin nodded first, and then became nervous again. She hurriedly pulled Leo back and asked, "Deathwing failed to do anything to our Stromgarde. Will he go to Stormwind or other main cities of the alliance?" ?”

Seeing Scarlett's anxious look, Leo couldn't help reaching out and pinching her face, silly girl is really stupid, if it were someone else, I would wish that Deathwing would go to Stormwind City to make a fuss, even though Stormwind Kingdom is strong Unprepared and suddenly attacked by Deathwing is probably unstoppable.

Just imagine, if Deathwing made a big fuss in Stormwind, compared with the Kingdom of Arathor's successful defense of Stromgarde and repelling Deathwing, would the reputation of the Kingdom of Stormwind plummet? Would the status of the Kingdom of Arathor be Will it soar?
The rapidly rising Kingdom of Arathor has already challenged the Kingdom of Stormwind to take the top spot in the human race. If Deathwing really went to Stormwind City and made a big fuss, it would be a good thing for the Kingdom of Arathor. She must have been looking forward to this happening, but Scarlett didn't. Instead, she was worried about the safety of Stormwind City. No wonder Leo called her stupid.

But even the silly Scarlett is cute and cute, after all, Leo doesn't like the women around him who are too scheming.

Scarlett glared at Leo viciously. He didn't know that all the ministers of the kingdom were in the hall, and he pinched his face in public.

The ministers of Arathor who hurried to the main hall were looking at their noses and their hearts, as if I hadn’t seen anything. How many people have started to study the problem of good or bad weather.

After clapping his hands, the sound of slaps attracted the attention of everyone in the hall to himself, and then Leo said: "Since Deathwing has appeared, the follow-up actions of Twilight's Hammer will definitely follow, we can't have No slack at all. Arathor needs everyone to work hard. I don’t want to see any of you slack off. If such a person appears, I can tell you very clearly that you don’t take the kingdom seriously, and the kingdom will not take you seriously. Become a part of Arathor."

While speaking, Leo's eyes flicked across the faces of every minister in the palace. His dark and deep eyes were full of coldness. The people who touched his eyes felt awe-inspiring. The scene when Leo helped Scarlett enter Stromgarde It once again appeared in the minds of the ministers of the kingdom, and the memory that made many nobles panic all day long resurfaced again.

Everyone in the hall understands that Leo is not joking, he is really capable of this ruthless hand, anyone who is disobedient, whoever dares to defy his words, and whoever constitutes an obstacle to Scarlett's rule of the kingdom will be punished. A ruthless purge—whether you come from a long-established noble family or not.

For the opponents in the Kingdom of Arathor, Leo would not frown. Anyway, there are enough nobles in the Kingdom, and there are also many capable civilians. If you kill a group of disobedient ones, another group of obedient ones will replace them. Leo only needs to ensure that Scarlett, who is the undisputed heir of Arathor Kingdom, has the absolute right to rule over the kingdom.

After Leo finished singing the bad face, it was naturally Scarlett's turn to sing the red face. After giving Leo a grateful glance, the latter began to appease the emotions of the ministers in the palace.After all, Scarlett is also the queen of Arathor Kingdom, how could she not understand Leo's intentions?

It was clear that Leo deliberately put pressure on the ministers of the kingdom so that Scarlett would have a chance to buy people's hearts. Otherwise, with Leo's brains, how could he not understand the truth that blindly suppressing them would only make people feel disgusted.

Who is a fool who can become a minister of a country? They also understand what tricks Leo and Scarlett are playing, but they know what they know, and they still feel a little relieved and grateful after Scarlett came forward.

Her Majesty's temperament is much softer than that of Prince Leo, and it is only right that the government affairs of the kingdom should be left to Her Majesty the Queen.

This is the consensus of all the ministers of the Kingdom of Arathor. In addition to their loyalty to Scarlett and their recognition of the Lothar family, the more important thing is that Leo put too much psychological pressure on them, making them face the prince. The obedient one didn't even dare to take a breath, for fear of offending him and causing trouble for himself.

It's different if it's Scarlett. Even if there is any mistake, the queen will not be too harsh, unless it is an irreparable big mistake.

Although they all do the same thing, the feelings in the hearts of different people are completely different. No one likes to be trembling, and no one likes to live in fear, especially those ministers who hold great power. Feel.

Leo has no intention of interfering in Scarlett's handling of the kingdom's affairs, and although he stands beside Scarlett, his mind is elsewhere.

After Deathwing left Stromgarde, where would this world-destroying dragon go after he had a short stay in the Kingdom of Arathor?
Or Orgrimmar?

At present, Leo thinks that these three places are the most likely to be the targets of Deathwing's attack. It's not that other places are not important. Deathwing will definitely not go to places like Darnassus, the main city of the night elves. The Temple of the Moon God in Nassus is not easy to mess with. If Tyrande activates the power of the Moon God, Deathwing may not be able to escape unscathed with Elune's divine power.And the blood elves' king city has the demigod mage Kael'thas in command, and the blood elves' aces, the Spellbreaker Troop and Magister Legion, are not easy to chew on.

Except for these two places, the influence of the Kingdom of Gilneas, the Wildhammer tribe, the Sen'jin Village of the Darkspear tribe, and the Thunder Bluff of the tauren are all lower. Deathwing wants to show his strength. Liwei effect is not ideal.

Will Deathwing continue to use humans to stand out and go to Stormwind alone, or will he choose Ironforge or Orgrimmar?

Leo wasn't sure, he could only wait, waiting for someone to deliver the news.

The intelligence of Stromgarde is not as good as that of the old forces like the Stormwind Kingdom, but it is really difficult for such an obvious target as Deathwing to not see it or find it.

It didn't take long for Leo to wait for someone to contact him. It was a message from Walsen.

"Leo, Passonia asked me to bring you a message. You did a great job of keeping Stromgarde under the attack of Deathwing. Now Deathwing is flying across the endless sea, and Passonia is following him."

Pasonia is on the trail of Deathwing!

Leo's heart skipped a beat, even though Leo didn't know what method Pasonia used to do this, he knew it was very dangerous, and if he was not careful, he would be discovered and killed by Deathwing.

"Pasonia is too risky to do this, why don't you stop her, Walsen?"

Walson smiled wryly: "It would be great if I could stop it, you don't know her temper well."

Leo was silent, Passonia was very strong, let alone Walson for what she decided, even Leo and her immediate boss Aiweier couldn't stop it, it really can't be blamed on Walson.Now I just hope that Pasonia will be careful not to be discovered by Deathwing, but since she dares to track Deathwing, she must be sure to escape.

There is no point in blaming and complaining, Leo went straight to the point: "Well, now is not the time to talk about this, can you determine Deathwing's goal?"

"According to the information returned by Pasonia, Deathwing's target should be Orgrimmar. The orc's royal city is close to the sea. Before the tsunami set off by Deathwing, more than half of Durotar was flooded. The orcs are fighting for So flustered, it is very likely that Deathwing will choose this time to go to Orgrimmar."

Did Deathwing choose Orgrimmar? It seems that history has changed a lot.

Leo rubbed his chin. In the original history, Deathwing should have attacked Stormwind City, but now it has been changed to Stromgarde. After attacking Stromgarde, the world-destroying dragon still did not go to Stormwind City. Li Wei's target Changed to an orc, now there is a good show to watch.

In fact, Deathwing's choice to attack Orgrimmar did not surprise Leo too much. In the world's two major camps, humans are the protagonists of the alliance, and orcs are the protagonists of the Horde. To declare their own strength, it is not surprising to change to an orc who is the protagonist of another camp.In the heart of this world-destroying dragon, the existence of the alliance and the tribe is meaningless. Both of them are aggregates of ants in his eyes. Who is not destroyed?

The orcs are in big trouble now, can Thrall handle Deathwing?
Leo is looking forward to how things will progress.

(End of this chapter)

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