Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1167 It's You Again

Chapter 1167 It's You Again

Just when Scarlett ordered the officials to implement contingency measures, Leo said lightly: "Deathwing went to Orgrimmar."

As soon as he said this, the hall immediately fell silent, followed by cheers.

Deathwing, the world-destroying dragon, is looking for trouble with the orcs. We can wait and see a good show. It's best if the orcs can't stop Deathwing and Orgrimmar is razed to the ground, so we don't need it Hand the orc and it's over.

Looking at the delighted people below, Leo can only say that these guys are too happy. Orgrimmar is the main city of the orcs. How many years have the orcs been operating there? ?Thrall is not a fuel-efficient lamp. It is impossible for this wise orc chieftain to have no sense of crisis. Deathwing made troubles in Orgrimmar and simply wanted to go further and even razed Orgrimmar to the ground. Not good at all.

Well, although he is not optimistic that Deathwing can destroy Orgrimmar, he can't stop others from thinking that way. If the ministers of Arathor want to go to YY, let them YY, it's their business if they like to think that way.

Amidst the cheers of everyone, Leo whispered in Scarlett's ear: "Silly girl, you can just watch here in Stromgarde, I have to go out. When Deathwing is attacking Orgrimmar , I went to steal his lair in Grim Batol, if that place can be occupied, it will be of great benefit to the kingdom."

After finishing speaking, Leo remembered one more thing, and his eyes swept to the ministers in the palace: "Adelaide, send an army to Menethil Harbor, I think there is a need for help there."

Edelaide's expression was shocked, and Leo asked him to send troops to Menethil Harbor at this time. To put it nicely, it was to help the residents there, but to put it bluntly, it was to take advantage of the fire and rob.

Deathwing was born. This world-destroying dragon caused a huge disaster and brought indelible damage to the world. Among them, the tsunami was the most deeply felt by everyone in Stromgarde.Although Stromgarde is close to the sea, the main body of the city is far away from the sea, and the sea level is also as high as [-] meters. Although the tsunami caused by Deathwing was huge, the damage to the city was extremely limited.

Menethil Harbor is different. The city located in the wetland has no altitude at all, and its geographical location is only about ten meters higher than sea level. A slightly larger wave can rush into the port, let alone Deathwing. The tsunami that set off.

If there is no miracle, Menethil Harbor is probably flooded at this time, and the army of Stromgarde happened to control it in the name of helping the port rebuild, so as to achieve the goal of occupying the entire wetland in Leo's plan. For all purposes of the Kingdom of Arathor.

The kingdom's territory is going to expand again, which is a good thing, but Edelaide is not happy, because Arathor's population is tight, but he can't just watch such a good opportunity and do nothing, which means that in the future In a short period of time, these ministers will be devastated by this.

The kingdom expanded its territory and strengthened its national power. Edlaide was delighted by this, but he couldn't laugh when he thought of the troubles it caused.

Pain and happiness, talking about the current Edelaide.There are quite a few people in the hall who have the same mood as Adelaide. These people want to see the strength of the kingdom, but they have to be busy about it, and they are quite annoyed by the headache.

Leo didn't care about these people's feelings. As the saying goes, they are seeking their own government. Since these people in the palace enjoy the power bestowed by the kingdom, they should naturally take corresponding responsibilities. They want to enjoy power but are unwilling to take responsibility. How can there be such a good thing in the world?
Scarlett didn't stop Leo, she knew that Leo must have something very important to do when he went out at this time, the female paladin said to Leo: "Be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Leo gave Scarlett a reassuring look, and the figure disappeared in the hall.

Black Rock Mountain was once the place where the Black Dragon Legion and Balrog servants feared by countless people were entrenched. After the battle between Leo and Balrog Ragnaros, the towering mountain of Black Rock Mountain was completely destroyed, leaving only a flowing Huge basin of lava.Although the Kingdom of Stormwind began to develop this place after the First Battle of Blackrock Mountain, their efforts have not been effective so far due to the short time.

Ragnaros the Balrog, here I come again!

Standing on the ruins left by the Battle of Black Rock Mountain, Leo looked at the churning lava. Due to the appearance of Deathwing, the Storm Kingdom focused all its attention on this world-destroying dragon. No one found out.

The lava that was gradually cooling down and solidifying in the ruins of Black Rock Mountain began to churn, and the temperature rose as the lava boiled, and the fire element also became active.All this seems to indicate something - the fire element is brewing, waiting for the moment to erupt.

Everyone's eyes are on Deathwing, so that they ignore that Deathwing is not the only enemy in this world, and Deathwing is not the only one who wants to destroy the world. One of the four elemental lords, the Balrog Rag Narrows is also a strong man with the goal of destroying the world.

Although the fundamental purposes of the two are not the same, under the common goal of destroying the world, Ragnaros and Deathwing still united. Who made Deathwing cooperate with the ancient gods, and the Balrog obeyed? What is the order of the old gods.

Deathwing can't be killed yet, Balrog Ragnaros is so particular, Leo is not going to let Deathwing and Balrog have a chance to join forces, when Deathwing goes to make trouble in Orgrimmar, He came to Blackrock Mountain alone to deal with Ragnaros.

Once Ragnaros and Deathwing team up, even Leo is not sure to block their attack, instead of giving the other party a chance to join forces to deal with him, it is better to kill the door first and nip the threat in the bud.

The first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

"Ragnaros, old friend is here, come out yet?"

While shouting towards the boiling lava, Leo clasped his right hand in the air, and a big hand with magic power volleyed to take a picture. If Ragnaros didn't show up, Leo would completely disperse the lava gathered here , and without the lava fire elemental, it would be difficult to gather enough for Ragnaros to descend.

Leo is forcing Ragnaros, forcing him to show up early, so that Ragnaros cannot appear in his prime.

Either appear in a non-full state, or watch the lava of Blackrock Mountain being smashed and be directly out of the game. Leo gave Ragnaros two choices. How will the Balrog choose?
"Damn human, it's you again!"

Just when the magic hand was about to hit the lava, the Balrog Ragnaros roared and tore apart the space barrier, and appeared from the huge basin where the lava gathered.

Ragnaros was furious. The last time it was Leo who destroyed the Black Rock Mountain and turned his years of business into waste. This time it was Leo who prevented him from coming to this world in full bloom. In the eyes of Ragnaros, Leio Ao, this human being is really hateful to the extreme, he can't wait to kill him as soon as possible.

"That's right, it's me." Facing Ragnaros' anger, Leo showed no signs of nervousness. He smiled and waved at Ragnaros, and said with a relaxed expression, "Meet you again, Ragnaros Your Excellency Narrows, I hope I can kill you this time, you must know that I am very greedy for the flame essence in your body."

In short, what Leo means is to kill and seize treasure.

The Balrog Ragnaros was so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven. He is a majestic lord of fire elements, an extremely powerful Balrog, when would anyone dare to speak to him like that?Leo said that the flame essence in his body is the source of Ragnaros' power and his life. Unless he is killed, outsiders cannot take the flame essence.Leo said in front of Ragnaros that I want your flame essence, which is tantamount to telling the Balrog: I don't pay attention to you at all, you can't even escape if I want to kill you.

How dare a small human being be so arrogant in the face of the great flame lord, when will the creatures of the mortal world no longer fear the strong?

"Human, don't think that you are qualified to talk to me on an equal footing because you have the aura of a demigod. In my eyes, let alone a demigod, even gods among humans are ants. Weak creatures like you are nothing. "

Ragnaros roared, and the lava boiled more and more with his roar, and the fire elements in the sky and the earth gathered here rapidly, even warriors who were not very sensitive to magic elements could feel the restlessness of the fire elements.

Now that he was discovered, Ragnaros no longer concealed his actions. He absorbed the fire element of this world with great fanfare, announcing the arrival of his Balrog to the world.

"The great Lord of Fire, Ragnaros, has come, the world will be burned in flames, and the meaningless lives of mortals will be wiped out under the power of the Lord of Fire!"

The proclamation of Ragnaros' arrival echoed throughout the world.

Today is really eventful, first Deathwing announced his contribution, and then the Balrog Ragnaros came out to join in the fun, what happened to the world, what happened, why these powerful creatures jumped out one after another, and they were all Desire to destroy the existence of the world.

Ordinary people can only pray that the strong standing on top of the world can repel the Balrog Ragnaros and defeat Deathwing. Without power, they cannot control their own destiny and can only pin their hopes on others , This is the sorrow of the weak.

Just when Ragnaros announced his arrival arrogantly, an untimely voice interrupted him: "I said Ragnaros, can you be realistic, you are in danger and want to destroy this world ? Lord of Fire? Haha, I will turn you into a flame pearl right away."

Killing Ragnaros, getting all the essence of the Balrog, comprehending the perfect law of fire from it, and absorbing the energy left by the Balrog, this is the goal of Leo's trip to the Black Rock Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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