Necromancer in another world

Chapter 1168 The Panic Balrog

Chapter 1168 The Panic Balrog
"Ragnaros, how can you fight me without a weapon?"

Leo sneered, the flame demon's powerful declaration of annihilation was just a joke in his eyes, the current world is not what the fire elemental lord remembered, the era of the four elemental lords dominating the world has long passed , Ragnaros can't stay in the different space where Titan exiled him to be his king of the mountain, trying to come to this world again, isn't he looking for abuse?
The last time he fought against the Balrog, Leo's strength was far worse than now. At that time, he could deflate Ragnaros. This time, he was more confident in defeating the Balrog.No, it's not victory. What Leo wants is not just victory. He wants to kill the Balrog and eliminate the scourge of Ragnaros.

Speaking of weapons, Ragnarost felt as if he had been slapped in the face, and he was furious. Leo took his weapons and took away the Eye of Sufras in Black Rock Mountain before. Naros was ashamed of his life, and now that Leo mentioned this, wasn't he slapping him in the face of Ragnaros?

Previously, Leo and Ragnaros had a lot of feuds. The Black Rock Mountain, which Balrog had managed for many years, was destroyed by Leo, even the weapons were taken away by Leo. Now Leo has destroyed the plan of Balrog to come to the world. , forcing Ragnaros to show up ahead of time when his power has not yet reached its peak, new hatred and old hatred surged up, and Ragnaros's red face tended to turn green-green by anger.

"Humans, die."

Balrog is not good at words, in fact, the world he lives in does not give him a chance to practice his tongue. The relationship between elemental creatures has always been that the strong respect the weak and the weak, and when encountering disputes, use strength to resolve them.

I don't see how Ragnaros is acting, the boiling lava roared like a tsunami, and a huge wave of lava with a height of [-] meters pressed towards Leo. Twisted for it.

The heat wave was raging, and the fire elements danced along with it. The violent fire elves quickly gathered towards the Black Rock Mountain. Ragnaros did not forget to gather the fire elements when he attacked Leo.

Leo looked like an ant in front of the [-]-meter-high lava wave, but this ant was not a good person. The lava wave seemed powerful but in his eyes it was vulnerable.

"Don't be so angry, put out the fire and cool down."

Before Leo finished speaking, the huge lava wave made a chi-chi sound, the scorching high temperature was flying down, the scorching lava was solidifying, and the active fire elves met their deadly rivals, the ice elves.

Sindragosa's blue hair fluttered behind Leo, and the bone-chilling cold that froze the huge waves of lava took her as the source to continuously devour the space of fire elements. The crimson red of the ruins of the Black Rock Mountain was fading, and a touch of ice blue was spreading.

The breath of ice and snow gods!
Ragnaros was taken aback, the appearance of Sindragosa made him feel threatened.Normally, Ragnaros doesn't take Sindragosa seriously, but this time it's different. The appearance of an ice god will seriously hinder him from gathering fire elements, making his power unable to reach its peak. state.

This human being came prepared, no wonder he was so arrogant.But if he thinks that a snow god can compete with the great Balrog, he is too naive.

Ragnaro grabbed Sindragosa with his big hand, the scorching flame dispelled the frosty cold, and the fire element of Blackstone Mountain became active again.

The crimson flames dyed the sky and the earth red again, the frozen lava melted again, and a huge wave of lava that was more than twice as high as before set off a scorching frenzy again.

Just when the huge lava wave hit Leo again, the ruins of Heishi Mountain cracked countless cracks, and fiery red magma gushed out from the ground, spewing out one after another fiery magma columns, covering the entire ruins of Heishi Mountain in a lava rainstorm .

There was a dense sound of chi chi, which was the sound made when the rocks on the ground were melted by high temperature.

Looking around, the ruins of the Black Rock Mountain turned into a red ocean, and magma and lava sprayed everywhere, leaving no room for Leo and Sindragosa to dodge.

Sindragosa raised his hands high and forcibly propped up a piece of pure land with the law of ice on the ruins of the Black Rock Mountain like a fiery hell. The power of the ice blocked the heat of the lava, adding a touch of uniqueness to this red world. ice blue.

Let's see how long you can hold back!
Ragnaros exerted force in his hand, and slapped Sindragosa's big hand to ignite a flame tens of feet high. Under his urging, the fire element became more active, and the violent fire elves Driven by the Lord of Flame, he rushed towards Sindragosa, vowing to burn the blue dragon queen who used the power of ice to ashes.

Ragnaros only cared about dealing with Sindragosa but ignored Leo. This made the ignored person very dissatisfied. He pouted, pointed at Ragnaros' head, and a dark red light flashed Shooting at Ragnaros quickly.

A finger of death!
The aura of the law of death surprised Ragnaros. Even a being as strong as him did not dare to be careless in the face of the law of death. He slapped Sindragosa's hand and changed direction in an attempt to block the dark red ray. Light, but how fast was Leo's finger of death, how could Ragnaros have time in a hurry?
The Balrog is not a vegetarian either. When he found that he couldn't stop Finger of Death's attack, he immediately gave up and turned to strengthening his body's defenses. From a distance, Ragnaros looked like he had been doused with gasoline, and the flames on his body were burning. It expanded several times at once, and the flame jumped so high that there was a tendency to burn a hole in the sky.

"Wow." Leo whistled frivolously, teasing Ragnaros, "It's such a big pillar of fire, but it looks too ugly. Oh, right, why is there a hole in your chest?"

Leo's finger of death pointed at Ragnaros's head, but when the finger of death was shot, the body of the Balrog soared, and the finger could only touch his chest.

After being hit by Leo's finger of death, even with the power of Ragnaros, the wound could not be healed in a short time, and the power of death attached to it made the Balrog very troubled.

This finger seems to be useless, but it is not.

Ragnaros' evasive action made Leo find out where the fire element lord's crystal nucleus was. If it wasn't for the crystal nucleus in his head that was equivalent to the heart of an elemental creature, why should Ragnaros avoid it?

It would be easy to know the opponent's weakness. The Achilles' heel of the elemental life lies in his crystal nucleus. As long as the crystal nucleus is destroyed, Ragnaros will die.

The flames on the surface of the Balrog are excellent defensive magic shields. It would be extremely difficult for other people to break through these flames, but Leo is different.He has the law of death, and the defense effect of Ragnaros's flames against this most powerful law has been weakened to an unbelievable level. The defense of the Balrog is almost the same as a piece of paper in front of Leo.

Ragnaros looked at Leo in horror. He never expected that Leo's strength would improve so quickly in such a short period of time, to the point where it could threaten his life.

A bad one and I will be killed by him.

The thought in his heart frightened Ragnaros, and he was unwilling to accept it. How could it be possible for a humble human being to have the ability to kill the great Lord of Fire?However, the reality forced him to accept that the hole in his chest reminded him that Leo really had the ability to kill him.

"Human, how dare you offend the great Ragnaros, I will burn you to ashes."

Ragnaros no longer cares about Sindragosa. The blue dragon queen's ice law can bring him a lot of trouble, but it can't give him a fatal threat. Only Leo, and only Leo has the opportunity and ability To kill him, Ragnaros took the lead in launching the attack first.

The power of the fire element exploded completely, and magma weighing tens of thousands of tons burst into the sky from the ruins of Heishi Mountain, covering the entire sky.Looking from bottom to top, the entire field of vision is red magma except for red magma.

The world turned into a big steamer, the temperature was so high that the space was distorted.

Leo floated into the air, and the ground he was standing on was melting, and the hard and cold rock turned into hot lava under the infinite high temperature, leaving no place for anyone to stand.

The world is distorted by the power of Ragnaros. The tyrannical flame melts the space barrier and connects the Black Rock Mountain with the different space where the Titans exile the Balrog. This is no longer the world where human beings live, but Ragnaros. Dominant Sulfuron Keep.

"Human, do you think you can fight against the great Lord of Fire? I—the great Ragnarok is an existence older than this world, and my strength is beyond your imagination." Ragnaros proudly Yelled at Leo, "Tremble at the power of Ragnaros!"

Ragnaros, the lord of the fire element, has no backup. When he planned to come to this world, he anticipated the possibility of being destroyed by people. Ragnaros cannot exert the strongest power in the plane where humans are, but On the plane where Saffron Fortress is located, Ragnaros can meet the enemy in full power.

In Saffron Fortress, except for the fire element, the fire element is the fire element. The violent fire elves have operated in this plane for countless years. They drove out all the other elements in this plane. There is no other power here except the fire element. , and when it comes to the power of the fire element, is there anyone who can compare to Ragnaros?
"It seems that this is your backhand. Let me just say, the majestic Balrog cannot have a killer weapon." Leo looked around, without the slightest sense of tension on his face, and looked at Ragnaros with somewhat Very jokingly, "Although I don't want to hit you, but as an opponent, I have to remind you that this thing seems to be able to avoid fire."

A red crystal appeared in Leo's hand, and the pride on Ragnaros' face froze immediately. Isn't that in Leo's hand the Eye of Sufras?

The Balrog's furious roar resounded throughout the Saffron Fortress: "Damn it, how dare you use my things against me, you bloody robber!"

(End of this chapter)

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