Necromancer in another world

Chapter 508 Kicks off

Chapter 508 Kicks off
Before the Scourge arrives, even if the teleportation array of the Hand of Er is at full power, it can only make the troops here reach 20. 20 troops sound like a lot of people, but compared with Kel'Thuzad's Scourge army, the number is real. Not too little is good.

"I have good news for everyone. Kel'Thuzad's army will arrive here after nightfall. The Scourge army is likely to attack us overnight. What we have to do is to defeat them. Just defeat Kel'Thuzad's Scourge Everyone here in the army can tell others that we fought against the Scourge at the hands of Tyr, and we are warriors with one enemy against a hundred."

Leo used a loudspeaker technique so that the entire Tyr's Hand could hear what he said. As he expected, the entire Tyr's Hand made a huge noise because of his words. The news that the Scourge army was coming Let the soldiers ignite the fighting spirit, and many people are waiting for a battle with the undead natural disaster.

But not all soldiers are like this, some of the quick-witted ones are not so optimistic.A warrior with one enemy against a hundred sounds very fraudulent and very desirable, but there is a clear meaning revealed in this sentence: Kel'Thuzad's Scourge army is tens or hundreds of times larger than theirs, and it is even far more than this number.

Turning a deaf ear to the clamor of his own soldiers, Leo shrugged his shoulders. He was not afraid that his own soldiers would know that there were a large number of natural disasters. Rather than knowing about this situation after the arrival of the undead natural disaster, it is better to tell them in advance so that they also have a mental preparation.

"Leo, you don't have to worry. The soldiers selected to participate in this battle are all veterans who have been on the battlefield, and they will not be intimidated by the large number of enemies."

The others saw the intention of Leo's previous words. They didn't think that their soldiers would be in trouble in the face of the massive undead natural disasters. Before they came, they knew that the Naxxramas battle against Kel'Thuzad It would be very cruel, how could it be possible to send a rookie to die?

Leo didn't get entangled in this issue, he just wanted to be prepared. He brought the topic to the defense of Tyr's Hand: "We are far behind the natural disaster army in terms of the number of troops. Er's hand cannot rely solely on the bravery of the soldiers, some foreign objects are still worth borrowing."

Leo said that a bunch of bombs strung together appeared beside him, and the foreign objects he mentioned were weapons made by engineering.

Leo's private space for storing items is astonishingly large. Under the amazed eyes of Varian and others, a series of engineering bombs gradually piled up around Leo. It looks like there may not be tens of thousands of them. huge.

Bettina and others were taken aback by the tens of thousands of engineering bombs that appeared in front of them. The gods looked at Leo with monster eyes. They knew that the appearance of so many bombs was either because Leo had a powerful space item, or it was Leo. The space it opens up is amazing.

Under the gaze of everyone, Leo spread his hands without pressure. With his current strength, it doesn't matter if people know that he has a huge personal space.

"I think so many engineering bombs will surprise Kel'Thuzad. Don't you think it's important to discuss where these bombs should be placed? After all, we only have one afternoon."

Leo's current engineering bombs are several times more powerful than those used in the Valley of Refuge to fight against the Polluter Legion. The lethality of tens of thousands of such bombs is very terrifying. The damage caused by the legion can also accidentally injure the friendly army. If there is no reasonable arrangement and unified planning, it will be inevitable to blow up their own cups. No one wants to see such a thing happen.

Everyone is aware of this situation, and they didn't talk nonsense now that time is running out. A magical image of Tyr's Hand appeared here, and Varian and others gathered around to discuss the burial site of the engineering bomb and discuss it. How to cooperate with each other in combat.

As the leaders discussed and communicated the orders one by one, although the messengers kept rushing around, the Hand of Tyre, which had hundreds of thousands of soldiers and the number was still increasing, became quiet. Silence, there is a feeling that the mountain and the rain are about to come and the wind is full of the building.

When the sun disappeared into the sky with the last twilight, night began to fall on the earth, and the whole world gradually entered the darkness. Tyr's hand seemed extremely quiet. If it weren't for the light of the teleportation array that kept flickering, it would be impossible for outsiders to see this place. There are people.

Just as the soldiers were waiting intently, there was a muffled sound from a distance, and the earth began to tremble continuously with the muffled sound, as if an ancient giant beast was moving in the distant darkness. Every step made the earth groan overwhelmed.

The Scourge of Kel'Thuzad has arrived.

Everyone became tense in their hearts. The commanders from the Hand of Tyr to Leo Oscar Li and the ordinary soldiers have all been on the battlefield. Of course, they know the origin of the tremors and muffled noises in the distance—this is From the sound of the troops marching, it can be inferred from the momentum they caused that the Scourge's troops numbered well over a million.

A little bit of fire appeared in the distance, and the ever-increasing wafting fire in the dark would make the timid people pee their pants in fright. Fortunately, the soldiers of Tyr's Hand are all veterans who have seen blood, although many people The beating of drums in their hearts did not affect their fighting spirit to fight against the undead natural disasters.

"Ready to fight!"

A command sounded from Tyre's hand. This is the officer commanding the soldiers to cheer them up and prepare for battle.Experienced officers know that the flames floating in the darkness in the distance are not real fires, but the lowest and most common cannon fodder in the Scourge army—the soul fire of skeletons.

Many people took a breath when they saw the flames that almost lit up the darkness in the distance. How many skeletons would it take to achieve such an effect?
"There are quite a lot of low-level undead, but cannon fodder is cannon fodder. Looking at the crowd, it is really vulnerable. I will be the first to set the record for this battle."

Leo curled his lips in disdain. He knew what Kel'Thuzad's idea was. The Scourge army, which already had an absolute advantage in numbers, had already been reconciled. However, Kel'Thuzad was not satisfied. The leader of the Scourge The Grand Lich allowed his army to occupy the sky again—the Scourge army didn't care about night battles at all, but the soldiers of Tyr's Hand were completely different, and their combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced at night.

Occupying the time and people is not enough, and now Kel'Thuzad is playing tricks of psychological warfare again, intending to create a terrifying scene to weaken the morale of the soldiers of Tyr's Hand. As his enemy, Leo is sincerely against He is very upset.

Between the friction between the knuckles of the thumb and middle finger, there was a snap of the fingers, and [-] light spots lit up in Tyr's hand, as if responding to the soul fire of the undead skeleton.

Boom boom boom...

As one after another magic bullets pierced the night sky, the skeleton tanks let out their own roars, and the [-] light spots were the reaction of the magic cannons at their front when they gathered energy.

The [-] skeleton tanks fired [-] magic bullets in a salvo. With the help of the light emitted by these magic bullets, the soldiers can already see the situation of the natural disaster army. There are at least [-] undead skeletons attacking this wave. Just the first batch of cannon fodder.

If the [-] natural disaster skeletons really want to fight, it will consume part of the physical strength of the soldiers of Tyre's hand, but with Leo's skeleton tank, the [-] skeleton cannon fodder will be blasted into the ground before they even set foot on the land of Tyre's hand. The scum, [-] skeleton tanks fired two volleys to kill them all, but this was just the beginning. Now that the Scourge's attack had already started, how could it end so easily?
The first batch of [-] skeletons were blasted into slag by the skeleton tanks. Before Tyr's hands cheered, the second team of natural disaster cannon fodder came up again. Their number was still around [-], and these cannon fodder were still skeletons.

In the sound of bombardment, the Scourge once again received a reduction of [-].

20 people have been killed before setting foot on Tyr. Other troops would have collapsed long ago, but the Scourge army still didn't realize it. After the skeleton tank bombarded the second wave of skeleton cannon fodder, the magic bullets were shining brightly. Before they dispersed, the third cannon fodder unit composed of ten skeletons came up again, and what greeted them was the merciless bombardment of [-] skeleton tanks.

"Sargas, let your people prepare, to deal with the next wave of my chariot falling, you have to replenish the magic energy."

When shelling the third skeleton team of 10 people, Leo reminded Sargas on the side that the energy of the [-] skeleton tanks was almost exhausted under repeated salvos, and they had to be replenished for at least an hour before they could recover again combat power.If they want to continue to maintain a strong long-range offensive against the Scourge, prevent them from setting foot on the land of Tyre's hand, and reduce the pressure on the soldiers in front, they must rely on the [-] dwarf artillery brought by Sargas.

"Don't worry, just leave it to us."

Sargas's answer was full of confidence. The artillerymen he brought were the elite of the Ironforge army. Even though they only had [-] people, they were no better than Leo's [-] skeleton tanks when they actually fought. weak.

Just after Leo's skeleton tank dealt with the fourth wave of natural disaster skeletons, Sargas let the dwarves of Ironforge take over their duties, and the sound of artillery replaced the skeleton tank's magic cannon and continued to block The pace of the Scourge attacking Tyr's Hand.

After all, the artillery is different from the magic cannon. After the bombardment, the magic cannon of the skeleton tank has no other effects except the bone fragments on the ground, but the artillery is different. How can the artillery not burn after bombarding people?
After the dwarf artillerymen replaced the skeleton tanks as the main force for long-range strikes against the Scourge, the raging fire gradually burned in the smoke of the shelling.

The flame ignited, and under the light of the fire, the darkness was dispelled aside. Kel'Thuzad's battle to conquer Tyr's hand kicked off in this darkness and fire.

 There was a power outage today, from [-] am to [-] pm, I really vomited blood.

(End of this chapter)

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