Necromancer in another world

Chapter 511 Breath of Death

Chapter 511 Breath of Death
Pasonia is very strange, she doesn't know what Leo wants to ask her for those two Demon Strikes. It is true that her Demon Strike was given by Leo, but since Leo has already given her Naturally, it belongs to her Passonia. A strong weapon is the continuation of her life. Now Leo asks Passonia if she wants these two weapons, will she give them?

If someone else had made such a request, Pasonia would have given him a knife to make him burp, but facing Leo's female thief, she had handed him the Devil's Strike without thinking, which showed her trust in Leo.

After Leo took the blow from the devil, twelve finger-sized gems appeared in his palm. These gems floated in mid-air under the control of Leo's magic power. Passonia found that these gems actually emitted power fluctuations. She Can't help but look carefully.At this glance, I immediately discovered the special features of the gemstones. It turned out that they were engraved with strange symbols one by one. It was the existence of these symbols that gave the gemstones that only existed as ornamental objects a certain ability.

This discovery made Pasonia very surprised. The method of engraving symbols on ordinary gems to give ordinary gems power is very different from the jewelry enchantment she knew. After thinking about it, Pasonia could not understand how Leo did it. , because she tried to draw it twice but had no effect. After comparing, she found that the symbols she drew were exactly the same as the two of Leo's, without any distortion.

"Is this a new jewel enchantment, Leo?"

Without coming up with a clue, Pasonia took the least effort method, she asked Leo directly, and Pasonia believed that Leo would not hide anything from her.

Facts have proved that Pasonia’s idea is correct, Leo did not hide from her, he pointed to the strange symbols on the gemstone and said: “This is the language of runes, and it will have a magical effect if they are burned on the gemstone, and once you put it Combining them in certain sequences makes even more amazing things happen."

"It is similar to the function of the magic circle, but it seems that the language of runes is more convenient."

Pasonia defined the language of runes. In her opinion, these special symbols are really magical. They actually have the effect of replacing the magic circle. I don't know if Leo made it himself or he got it from other places.

The language of the runes is also called the language of the runes, and engraving the words of the runes on the gem can add magical power to the gem.A single rune word is not very effective, but if you combine the rune words in a certain order, you can get additional additional power, which is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Just like the twelve runes that Leo wants to combine for Demon Strike, each of the two Demon Strikes will be allocated six gems with the words of runes inscribed, which will turn the Devil Strike's ability upside down. upheaval.

"Sister Pasonia, take a look, this is rune 26 Vix, this is rune 33 Haile, this is rune [-] El, if I splice them together in a certain order, and supplement them with runes Two Ed, runes [-] Thaad and runes five Ace, can make Demon Strike gain additional abilities after being blessed by six runes."

While speaking, Leo used his magic power to arrange the runes in the order he said, and the twelve gems with the runes engraved were arranged in two rows in the air. After Pasonia carefully looked at them, Leo urged them to move towards The Devil's Strike went away.

Although gemstones are hard, Devil's Strike is sharper. Cutting gems with Epic-quality Devil's Strike is not much harder than cutting tofu. Does Leo let gems collide with Devil's Strike to destroy them?
He burned the rune language on the gemstones by himself, and then destroyed them after explaining them to Pasonia. Leo is not that boring.

Under Pasonia's astonishing eyes, the twelve gems that collided with the two daggers of epic quality seemed to be absorbed by the sponge liquid in an instant, and the devil's strike Only six colored spots the size of rice grains remained. These small spots added a bit of color to Demon Strike, making it no longer a monotonous piece of silver gray.

Inlaid the six gemstones inscribed with the language of runes on Pasonia's Demon Strike, and Leo handed them back to Pasonia after checking silently to make sure there was no problem. A mysterious smile.

Passonia, who had received the Devil's Strike, turned her fingers quickly, and the Devil's Strike danced under her fingers like a brilliant silver light. Two gorgeous flowers bloomed in the silver light. It was twelve o'clock. Colored spots the size of rice grains are formed under high-speed motion.

The silver light suddenly subsided, and Pasonia's eyes flashed an unbelievable brilliance as she looked at the Devil's Strike in her hand.

The weight of the Devil's Strike inlaid with twelve gems by Leo has not increased, not even a little bit. These twelve gems seem to have no weight at all, which is enough to surprise Pasonia.A master like her is very sensitive to weapons, because even a change of one milligram in the weight of the weapon she uses will have a great impact on the lethality and speed of her shots.Originally, Pasonia thought that it would take some time for her to get familiar with the demon strike that was driven into gems, but now it seems that there is no need to do so.

But this is not the point, the point is that the Demon Strikes that Leo entered into the rune language fed back a force to her when she swung them, making her use them with less effort and faster attack speed.Saving effort can make her burst of combat power last longer, because saving effort means less energy consumption. As for the increased attack speed, it is even more terrifying, because Passonia found that her hand speed increased when she wielded the dagger. More than double.

What is the concept of doubling or even more hand speed?
For example, Pasonia can stab one hundred stabs in ten seconds, and with the blessing of these two demon strikes, she can stab two hundred or more. Under the high attack frequency, the masters who could keep pace with her before became vulnerable in front of her.

The sudden increase in strength was unreal to Pasonia. She never dared to think of this kind of thing before. A few gemstones with strange symbols could bring such a strong ability. People can't believe it.

Compared with the crazy increase in hand speed, the attribute bonus that the twelve gems brought to Passonia is not worth mentioning.

"Leo, can such rune gems be equipped on a large scale?"

Knowing the powerful blessing effect of the rune language, Passonia immediately realized its importance, and she quickly asked aloud, if this kind of thing can equip the entire human race on a large scale, no, Leo will not let it spread to the entire human race , it should be that the strength of Stromgarde will get a qualitative leap.

Facing Pasonia's question, Leo showed a bitter smile of unwillingness: "I also think about large-scale equipment, if mass production can increase our strength so much, even a fool can figure it out, but the problem is I have to burn these runes myself, and I have to pay a certain price, it is destined to be something that only a few people can enjoy."

"I see, that's a pity."

A look of regret appeared on Pasonia's face. If Leo's rune language can be produced on a large scale, it would be a blessing to the whole world. Unfortunately, this idea is just a beautiful wish.

Passonia didn't doubt Leo's words, and besides, she did the experiment herself, and the runes she carved on the gem were exactly the same as Leo's, but there was no effect at all.

"Although it cannot be equipped on a large scale, there is no problem in arming elite powerhouses. This is enough to raise our force by a few steps."

Leo didn't lie about the explanation that gems with the effect of rune words could not be produced in large quantities. After creating an army of a thousand dracolich, Leo tried a new ability, which was to make runes.The power of runes is amazing, and the combination of runes is even more amazing, but the cost of making runes is high.

First, it is not possible to burn the rune language on everything. With Leo's current ability, he can only do this on gems with better quality, and the value of gems with better quality is not low; Second, the rune language can only be effective if it is burned by Leo himself. This alone makes mass production impossible. Leo has a lot of things and it is impossible to spend too much energy on it. It is enough to ensure that the elites have the rune language; thirdly, the reason why Leo has to do it himself to burn the rune language will be effective, that is because the burnt rune absorbs Leo's upgrade energy to activate it, otherwise it is no matter how standard it is. Useless, which is why Passonia fails.

These three points are enough for Leo to confidently say that the language of runes cannot be produced on a large scale, nor can it be popularized on a large scale.

"Sister Pasonia, with my rune language, your strength has increased a lot."

Seeing Pasonia's fingers gently sliding on the Devil's Strike, as if exploring its hidden secrets, Leo smiled triumphantly. He was very satisfied with the shocking effect that the appearance of the rune language brought to Pasonia.

"The language of the runes was created by you. It is impossible for you not to know its effects. Tell me about it."

"Each rune has its function. With your ability, I believe you will figure out the function in a short period of time. I'd better talk about the extra effect after combining them." Leo He raised his fingers one by one, "As you can sense, it can make your hand speed faster and provide a certain ability blessing, and its attack has three times the killing effect on undead creatures , the weapon blessed by it will prevent the person it attacks from recovering from injuries within a certain period of time."

The inability to heal wounds has a special effect when dealing with non-undead creatures. If a scratched wound cannot be contained, the bleeding alone will bleed to death. This thing is really a must-have product for killing people.

"Leo, since individual runes have names, there must be combinations of them. Tell me, what is the name of the set of runes blessed in Demon Strike?"

Leo smiled brightly, but his tone was cold: "Death breath."

(End of this chapter)

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