Necromancer in another world

Chapter 512 Naxxramas Arrives

Chapter 512 Naxxramas Arrives

In Leo's view, the language of runes is actually a disguised enchantment, but this kind of enchantment is much stronger than the original enchantment in this world. The enemies that need to be faced are very different in quality. In the dilemma of life and death, the potential of human beings is extremely terrifying. It is inevitable that the effect of rune words exceeds that of magic.

How could it be possible to deal with demon gods with the power of mortals if there were no fraudulent things?

Just because he understands this, Leo is quite calm about the effects of the rune language, but this does not mean that Leo is very calm about everything.Just like now, he was staring at the number of corpses stored in Goldfinger in a daze.

Thanks to the generous contribution of the cannon fodder who were not afraid of sacrifice after the Scourge, the number of corpses stored by Leo finally passed the million mark. After spawning dragon eggs to create an army of dracolich, although [-] corpses were used, it did not make any difference. Leo had caused too much influence, so why did he stare at the number of corpses in a daze?

It turned out that Leo discovered a dishonest thing, that is, the number of corpses he owned suddenly decreased by [-]. The number of corpses decreased, and he didn't know the reason until Goldfinger's notification sounded in his head.

"The host made the rune language: Breath of Death, activating energy extraction...the existing energy is insufficient...the corpse is being transformed..."

Leo was helpless, Goldfinger was a vampire, no, an energy sucker.After combining the words of runes into a set, it would cost extra energy to activate them. Leo really wanted to give it a middle finger.

Activating the rune language requires Leo to input energy. This is actually another layer of restrictions that Goldfinger has imposed on the rune language. This restriction is not aimed at Leo, it is aimed at other people.In this way, it is tantamount to putting double insurance on the rune language, even if other people want to imitate the rune language, they will not have the ability.

Rune master, the word control means mastery and control, if the language of runes can be used by others without Leo's consent, what about control?

Calculating carefully, the energy needed to activate the combination of rune words is actually not much. Ten thousand corpses sounds like a lot, but the handling fee drawn by Goldfinger during transformation can only be described in black. The energy is less than one-tenth of the total amount of corpses converted, and the energy Leo gained from killing one or two legendary enemies is enough to activate a set of rune words, which is really not much.

Well, for the current Leo, the enemies in the legendary realm are really not in his eyes, and it is almost the same if it is a legendary powerhouse.

Although activating the rune language combination required corpses, Leo was not stingy.In his opinion, all the corpses are floating clouds, and there are plenty of them outside Tyre's hands. As long as there is enough ability to kill the natural disaster army, it is very necessary to kill the natural disaster army and strengthen its strength.

Enhancing strength doesn't just refer to enhancing oneself. People close to Leo, such as Scarlett, Pasonia, and Viri, are all within this range.It's just that the gems that Leo currently has that can burn rune words are really limited, and he can't provide everyone with a complete set of equipment with rune words added. This is because he only adds death breath to Pasonia's demon strike without It can be seen for other equipment.

Speaking of which, Breath of Death may not be the most suitable combination of rune words for daggers, but it must be the most suitable for a thief like Pasonia who pays attention to the speed of attack. As for Scarlett's sword of Ashcandi, Leo did not prepare Breath of Death for her. It's another combination of runewords - Last Hope.

Scarlett is a paladin, and Pasonia is a thief. The difference in the direction of their strength development has caused their emphasis on enchanting gems to be different.

It was Virileo's turn to scratch his head, because he and the Dragon Blood Guard no longer liked to use weapons. As their bodies became stronger and stronger under the strengthening of the dragon's blood, they had gradually abandoned their weapons and began to fight. Fist against the enemy.After hesitating for a while, Leo chose to bless his armor, and the combination of rune language is compulsory.

It is also a blessing armor, the chain of glory and fortitude are indeed better than force, but there is no absolute in the world, no matter how attractive the attribute of the chain of glory and fortitude is, it is not as good as the effect of force - the physical consumption is slowed down by 20.00% .

The biggest killing move of Viri and the Dragon Blood Guard is not the human form but the dragon transformation. After transforming into a dragon, their combat power will increase geometrically, and it is theirs that determines the duration of the dragon transformation. Physical strength, because the consumption required to maintain the dragon form is physical strength and nothing else.

Leo has always believed that the most suitable one is the best. Fighting for life in the battlefield is not about pretending to be cheating. The so-called not choosing the right one and only choosing the expensive one is just showing off when you are full and have nothing to do. How can this set be used in a desperate battlefield? What a word?
Among the limited number of people who obtained the rune language, Liresa was the one who invested the most in Leo.The girl who perfectly inherited the inheritance of the cold crow suffered from physical limitations and was unable to display her true strength. In order to solve this problem, Leo specially made three sets of rune language combinations specially for her physical strength.

The famine attached to the weapon, the armor is the chain of glory, and the helmet is the bottom of the sky. After the blessing of the combination of these three runes, not to mention other aspects, in terms of physical fitness alone, Liresa has been raised to the level of a high-level fighter. To a certain extent, such a body is enough for her to fight for 5 minutes.

After configuring the rune language for several close and trustworthy people around him, Leo relaxed.When he returned his attention to the battlefield ahead, he realized that the soldiers defending Tyr's Hand had already killed them again, and this time they faced much stronger resistance than last time.

This is not to say that the natural disaster army has made adjustments and sent intermediate or even high-level undead, but that a skeleton mage with a number of about [-] to [-] has gathered outside the attack range of the dwarf artillery and the magic cannon of the skeleton tank.These skeleton mages can easily deal with any soldier of Tyr's hand one-on-one, but now they are not alone but gathered in one place, which forms a force that cannot be underestimated.

Each of the [-] to [-] skeleton mages makes [-] to [-] magic attacks with one shot. Even if these magics are all low-level magics, no one dares to underestimate the damage they can cause under the advantage of numbers.

It was the existence of the Skeleton Mage that gave the soldiers of Tyr's Hand great resistance. Those low-level undead soldiers such as skeletons and zombies still killed one or even more than one knife, which was very easy to kill.But if he had to bear at least five or six magic attacks while doing all this, the word "easy" would no longer exist.

Seeing the change in the battle situation ahead, Leo frowned. It is not difficult to deal with the [-] to [-] skeleton mages. After all, these skeleton mages are low-level undead and have no strength. Seeing that there are a lot of them, all of them are as weak as tofu , It will be shattered into bone dregs with a slight blow.What made Leo frown was not them, but the information revealed by the gathering of skeleton mages.

With the characteristics of low-level undead that can only act on instinct, those skeleton mages would never gather on such a large scale if no one commanded them. However, if the low-level undead are commanded, this shows that the Scourge army has made adjustments, and Kel'Thuzad is fully prepared to The low-level undead are used to make the same cannon fodder consume more combat power of Tyr's hand.

The countless low-level undead simply sent to death has already made people feel soft. After they were organized, the consumption they brought to Tyr's hand was more than several times greater. It is no wonder that Leo frowned.

"The guy who can command [-] to [-] skeleton mages, who hides in the natural disaster army, is a master of the epic realm. I can feel his breath."

After Fording finished speaking, he pointed to a place where the skeleton mages gathered. A slightly larger skeleton entered Leo's field of vision. brought trouble.

The goal is to find it, but the problem is how to kill the skeleton, because the distance between Leo and the skeleton mage has exceeded the attack range of everyone.

He seems to be a cautious guy, but it's just an epic, and it's useless to kill you and hide it.

Leo curled his lips, and Anubrekan appeared beside him. Its appearance attracted the attention of Varian, Fording and others. After the next drill, it dives into the ground and disappears.

The so-called hearing is false, seeing is true.

Everyone, including Fording, more or less understood part of the information about Leo, knowing that he had subdued the crypt demon leader Anubrekhan.Anubrekan is a powerful Scourge and is under the direct control of the Lich King. The chance of it breaking away from the Scourge is so small that it can be ignored. Because of this, although everyone knows that such a thing cannot be fabricated, they did not see it before. There will still be doubts.

It's not easy to get Anub'brakhan out of the Scourge to do things for himself, this young man.

Fording thought quickly in his mind. He had a feeling that it was not as difficult as he thought to destroy the Scourge with Leo.

Today's young people are really amazing, but it's a good thing they are capable, we old guys can't keep guarding this world.

After realizing that Leo possessed extraordinary abilities, Fording felt relieved.Just as he was about to say something, there was a commotion in the Scourge army, and rows of sharp ground thorns suddenly appeared, and nearly a hundred skeleton mages fell into a pile of broken bones under the attack of these ground thorns, including The natural disaster skeleton of that epic realm.

Anubrekan's intentional sneak attack, even the legend of the strong can't guarantee their own safety, let alone an epic that is a level lower?

The commander was killed, the low-level undead returned to their previous undisciplined state, and the pressure on the soldiers of Tyr's Hand dropped sharply.

Leo, who killed the enemy, didn't have the slightest joy on his face. The night vision ability shared by his pet allowed him to see a black shadow floating towards Tyr's hand in the distant sky.

Naxxramas has arrived!
(End of this chapter)

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