Necromancer in another world

Chapter 513 The Plague Bat Sending to Death

Chapter 513 The Plague Bat Sending to Death

Naxxramas, the ship of the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad, has arrived!

Leo was not the only one who saw the black shadow in the distant sky, and none of the people present was weak. Seeing things at night was not a big deal for strong people at their level.The moment the black shadow representing Naxus appeared, everyone's nerves tensed up. They knew that the fierce battle would really begin.

chirp chirp...

The ear-piercing screams sounded as Naxxramas approached, and countless small black spots suddenly appeared in the various passages of this city in the sky, making it look like a huge hive with countless bees flying out. .

The number of small black dots pouring out of Naxxramas is increasing rapidly, but within a few breaths, they have already formed a black cloud with an area exceeding a kilometer, and this black cloud is still moving towards Expand outside.

"It's a plague bat!"

The vision in the sky quickly attracted the attention of the soldiers. During the battle, many soldiers raised their heads and looked in the direction of the sound. Most of them did not have night vision ability and could only see Something was vaguely approaching in the dark sky, and a small number of officers who were not weak found the guy who made these unpleasant sounds, and the experienced officer immediately knew the identity of the other party.

Liadrin's face became heavy after discovering the plague bats gushing out of Naxxramas. Now the air power of Tyr's Hand is only her War Eagle Knights and Leo's mechanical puppets, that is to say The Plague Bats have to be dealt with by the Knights of the Warhawk and Leo's Mechanical Golems.

I don’t know how many plague bats there are, while the War Eagle Knights only have more than 470 people. Although Leo’s mechanical puppets that can fly and fight are much more than Dragon Eagle Knights, they are also very limited. Anyone with a normal IQ will understand this comparison How bad is the battle situation, how can you make Liadlin's face not heavy?

The five hundred war eagle knights I brought out from Silvermoon City will be destroyed in this battle.

Liadrin's heart ached, but her order was: "The Eagle Knights fight against the undead Scourge. For the glory of sin'dorei!"

Higher intelligent creatures are so strange. Emotions clearly tell you to do this, but reason makes you do the opposite.

Let more than 400 war eagle knights go to meet the plague bat swarm that has formed a black cloud tens of thousands of meters away. This is obviously to send them to death. Liadlin is not willing to do this to push his compatriots into the fire pit from an emotional point of view. order, but her rationality allowed her to issue the order to attack immediately.

"For the glory of the sin'dorei!"

After receiving the order, the knights of the war eagle jumped on the back of the eagle after only being silent for a moment, and with a loud cry, they drove the war eagle into the sky.

"Why are you in such a hurry, tell Warhawk Knight not to rush up, there will be a good show to watch later."

Leo's voice reached Liadrin's ears, and the countess of the blood elves was surprised and happy when she heard the words. Seeing Leo's appearance, he seemed to have a way to deal with those plague bats, but is it possible?The plague bats gushing out of Naxxramas looked like tens of thousands. Can Leo really deal with such an air force?

Noticing the suspicion in Liadrin's eyes, Leo raised his right hand and raised it with a look of displeasure, then suddenly slammed it down diagonally.

The blood elf countess slapped Leo firmly on a certain attractive part.

Liadrin was tricked, and Liadrin, who never thought that Leo would do such a move, was tricked without any suspense.

"I don't like others to doubt my words. It's really sad that you have no confidence in me after working with me for so long."

Someone who took advantage had a wronged expression on his face, and Perision and Hectorz, who had already transformed into human forms, quietly appeared behind him.

How dare this Hundan take advantage of me so blatantly!
Liadlin, who came back to her senses, stared at Leo angrily. No matter how rich her imagination was, she would never have imagined that Leo would dare to take advantage of her in full view. He looked aggrieved.

I should be the one who should be sad, right, the word shameless is just for him.

Leo's actions were not only unexpected by Liadrin, but also by other people present.

Hawksbill and Fralin's gaze wandered over Leo and Liadrin, and then they looked at each other. The two blood elf powerhouses returned their gazes to the plague bat as if nothing had happened. .

The relationship between the earl and Leo seems to be much closer than we imagined. How dare you say that there is no personal relationship even after doing this kind of action?

Vol'jin didn't even look sideways. In the Darkspear patriarch's heart, the couple had already hooked up. It was normal for such a thing to happen; Varian, Bolvar and Bettina took a deep look at Leo. They looked away, and the three of them did not express their opinions on this matter at all. As for what they were thinking, no one knew; Sargas and Branigan immediately rushed to Lei with smirks Ao gave a thumbs up, the sense of stability unique to dwarf warriors disappeared from their faces, and was replaced by - wretched.

Leo snapped his fingers without giving Liadrin Xingshi a chance to question him. Perision and Hectors changed their dragon forms again, and the two dracolich rushed to the plague bat group before the Eagle Knight .

An astonishing scene happened.

The plague bats suddenly went crazy after Perision and Hectors approached. They could fly flexibly in the air and would not collide with each other in an instant. The plague bats were like headless flies. Fly around.

In the dark sky, tens of thousands of plague bats are hovering in the air. This picture is an annotation for the word "Dancing Demons".

Soon, the scene of this group of demons dancing wildly changed, a change that made Liadlin and the Warhawk Knights happy-the plague bats flying in the air bumped into each other for unknown reasons, and were killed by themselves. Plague bats that were hit by people fell down in pairs like dumplings, and many unlucky natural disaster cannon fodder were smashed to pieces by the falling objects.

"Let the War Eagle Knights pay attention, as long as it is a plague bat that has recovered halfway, go and make up for it, and don't let these beasts come out to make trouble again."

After Leo finished speaking, he pouted at Liadrin. The blood elf countess took a deep breath after weighing it up. She decided not to pursue the matter. Although Leo took advantage of her, he kept the Eagle Knight , so that these blood elves did not die in the mouth of the plague bats.

"Women, sometimes it's better to be emotional. A woman who is too rational is not a good partner. Be careful not to find a man."


Leo's emotion was exchanged for Liadlin's cold snort. In the eyes of the blood elf countess, Leo's words were simply ridiculous. Given the current situation of the blood elves, as the leader of the royal party, Quel'Thalas As the Earl, she must take responsibility and let Silvermoon City recover faster.Sitting in her position, she had to make the most rational choice when encountering problems, and all emotions that would make things wrong, such as sensibility, needed to be discarded.

"Okay, just kidding, who made everyone so nervous? Being too nervous will affect the combat power." Leo said and shrugged. What will happen?"

Nervous, we do.But it's just a little bit, not as serious as you said.

Everyone gave Leo a blank look, but the dull scene since the appearance of Naxxramas gradually became active.Although they couldn't wait to teach the Scourge a lesson, everyone suppressed their temper very well and did not act rashly.

When there is a problem with the plague bat, there will no longer be a plague bat flying out of Naxxramas. It seems that Kel'Thuzad didn't figure out the reason for the problem with the plague bat in a hurry. Since he doesn't know the reason, there is no way to solve it. talk about.

Kel'Thuzad was not a fool. He would not send people to die without knowing the situation. Compared with cheap cannon fodder such as low-level undead, the status of plague bats was much higher. At least Kel'Thuzad would not let them die.

Seeing that Naxxus was silent, Leo's mouth showed a smug arc. If what flew out of Naxxramas was some other flying unit of the Scourge, Leo would still have a headache. How to deal with them, but they were plague bats This is no wonder Leo.

As early as when Leo was a legendary warlock, he already had experience in dealing with plague bats. At that time, the Forsaken suffered a big loss. This battle caused the air power deployed by the Forsaken to be cut in half in Arathi. .Kel'Thuzad obviously didn't know about this situation, otherwise he wouldn't let the plague bats come out to die.

to death?

That's right, to die.

Regardless of the large number of plague bats, the plague bats of the dracolich who are proficient in ghost sound are lambs without resistance, because plague bats rely on sound waves to fly and hunt, and the ghost sound of dracolich happens to disrupt sound waves Yes, without the sound waves to locate the plague bats, they become blind. They can only receive wrong signals, and it is difficult for them to think about it.

The plague bats are being crazily harvested by the opponent, will the Scourge army remain indifferent?
The questioned Kel'Thuzad told the world with his actions that he would not stop there. Naxxramas had swarmed out of the exit of the plague bats, and now small black dots flew out again. These little black dots were not tortured to death. Plague bats, but another flying unit of the Scourge army-rock-skinned gargoyles.

If the plague bat can't do it, just replace it with a gargoyle. Do you really think I can't deal with it?

Leo snorted coldly, and a humanoid mechanical puppet with a height of nearly 70 meters and covered with a thick iron shell appeared behind him. What is it if it is not Leo's war fortress?
Buzzing roars came from inside the War Fortress, and flying machines flew out of the holes on the shoulders of the War Fortress. There was a metal skeleton sitting in the cockpit of these flying machines. They had a name—— Skeleton fighter.

(End of this chapter)

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