Necromancer in another world

Chapter 524 Fording makes a move

Chapter 524 Fording makes a move
The main force of the Black Wind Knights is attacking Hearthglen!

The news of Pasonia surprised Leo, and at the same time made Fording nervous.

Hearthglen is Fording's family territory no matter what. He and his son Tylan are two generations of Maddenhold kings. Their feelings for the place are not something that can be given up just by giving up. Knight of the Ebon Blade Fording didn't want to think about what would happen after the regiment captured Hearthglen.

"What happened to the Forsaken, Nathanos' Blightcaller Legion and Undead Bulwark didn't put pressure on the natural disasters in the Western Plaguelands?"

Scarlett fell silent as soon as she asked this question. She is not clear about the grievances between the Scarlet Crusade and the Forsaken. It is also shouting and shouting, and has never given the Undercity any face.If it weren't for the fact that the Scarlet Crusade was not weak, and everyone had the common enemy of the Scourge, the Forsaken would have fought the Scarlet Crusade long ago.

Now that the Scarlet Crusade had suffered a disastrous defeat at the Black Front Fortress, it was Cirvanas who had done his best to take care of the overall situation if the Forsaken did not fall into trouble, but this was already the limit, it was absolutely impossible for the Forsaken to help the Scarlet Crusade prevent disaster.It is impossible for Nathanos to be ignorant of the fact that the Knights of the Ebon Blade are pointing directly at Hearthglen, but his Blightcaller Legion has not moved or even sent out a single message. This has already shown the attitude of the Forsaken— —They won't attack the Scarlet Crusade, but they don't care about the life and death of this old enemy. It is delusional for the Scarlet Crusade to get even a little bit of help from the Undercity.

However, the main force of the Ebon Blade Knights is entangled with Iselion in Hearthglen, so the battle for Tyr's Hand will be much easier, at least there is no need to worry about killing another death knight.

Thinking of this, Scarlett and Marlan felt much relieved. Iselion and the dreadlord Balnazar colluded to lead the Scarlet Crusade astray. This alone was enough to make Scarlett and Marlan Put him on the list of the unforgiven.

"Did Mograine personally lead the Ebon Blade Knights attacking Tyr's Hand?"

Others thought that the battle of Tyr's Hand would be easier for Leo, but he didn't relax completely. In his opinion, other people could not ask about the whereabouts of Mograine, the great lord of the Ebon Blade Knights, but they had to know. Fallen Ashes Even if there is only one lord, it is enough to change the entire situation of the battle.

"The information I received is that Dalyan is leading the team, with Braumux and Seriek as his deputy."

Pasonia shook her head, and Leo's heart immediately sank. So Mograine's whereabouts are unknown?Most of the great lords of the Ebon Knights are located in the Ebon Fortress, but they can also come here at any time through the teleportation array.

Others also thought of this, everyone fell silent, and the atmosphere of the scene became a bit dignified.

Fording's face was gloomy. If Mograine really appeared, how would he face this old friend who had fallen into darkness?

As he was feeling sad, the Lord of the Silver Hand suddenly felt a gaze on him, and he turned his head to see Leo gesturing to him.

"Your Excellency Fording, originally I wanted you to give Kel'Thuzad a surprise. Now it seems that this lich who is afraid of death will not leave Naxxramas easily. In this case, we might as well force him."

Leo said and turned his gaze to Anub'arak, Fording nodded knowingly, and a warhammer appeared in his hand.It is impossible for Fording to stay in the Plagueland alone without a self-defense weapon. I think this warhammer is for such a role.

The strength of the crypt lord is very strong, there is no doubt about it, even if the frosty breath in his body is taken away by Leo, he is still incomparably tyrannical.The addition of Faltola did not give Anub'arakan the upper hand. With an extremely hard shell and agility comparable to that of a ranger, Anub'arak remained strong despite the siege of several legendary experts. offensive.

How would you describe Anub'arak's power?

Looking at the size of this crypt lord, do you think he's underpowered?
Anub'arak, who has high defense, high sensitivity and high power, is really a headache and tyrannical existence. Now the Scourge's offensive is led by the crypt lord, and he alone restrains Leo. Great power determines where the scale of war will tilt.

Fording's thinking is not rigid, and he did not show resistance to joining hands with others to besiege Anub'arak. He can see the current situation very clearly. Kel'Thuzad has already invested the main force of the Scourge Army into the battlefield. Under the siege of an army composed of intermediate and high-level undead whose number is dozens of times their own, the soldiers of Tyr's Hand could not last long.Kel'Thuzad's non-appearance was to make his own side worry and drag the battle on.

The Scourge of the Undead is tireless, but the soldiers of Tyr's Hand are not. The longer the battle lasts, the more tired the soldiers will be, and their combat power will plummet as their physical energy is exhausted.With the reduction of troops and the loss of combat power, it is absolutely impossible to fight against the natural disaster army as it is now.

The huge gap in the number of troops made Fording understand that if he wanted to win, he couldn't rely on ordinary soldiers. He had to defeat the opponent at the highest level of combat power to have any hope of holding Tire's hand.

Seeing Fording stepping forward, Scarlett, who received the signal from Leo's eyes, also led Marlan to kill. Unlike Fording's low-key advance, the two female paladins summoned the golden holy light burning on the horse. Going straight to Anub'arak in a menacing manner, even a blind person can feel that way, let alone the crypt lord?
There are two more guys who came to besiege him. What are these two wastes, Hadonox and Creekhill, doing? Why haven't they moved for so long?

Even if he was as strong as Anub'arak, it was impossible to ignore the two legendary paladins. Marlan was fine. Scarlett, who was wearing the Judgment Armor and holding the Ashcandi Sword, caused Anub'arak the most headache.Ashkandi's sword ignores defense characteristics, which is equivalent to abolishing Anub'arak's thick armor. As long as he is struck by it, he will be injured. The crypt lord has to work hard to deal with Scarlett's attack .

Because of the scruples Anub'arak's offensive has inevitably weakened, the crypt lord has changed from offensive to defensive under the siege of several powerhouses of the same level, but with Anub'arak's strength, Scarlett and the others can't do anything about it he.

A sharp arrow pierced through the air, and its momentum and strength made Anub'arak know that this arrow was enough to break through his carapace and injure his body. The person who shot this arrow must be a legendary arrow Art master.The crypt lord twisted his body to dodge the arrow nimbly, and a blood elf came into his sight.

Skyfire Eagle Bow?

If the information is correct, this blood elf should be Hawksbill.

Anub'arak, the opponent's weapon, instantly judged the identity of the blood elf ranger, but this did not help him in the slightest in the next battle.

Two big golden hammer heads fell down, these are the sanction hammers of the paladins.

Anub'arak knew that it was the two female paladins who issued the hammers of punishment, so he wasn't nervous about it. Scarlett and Marlan alone were far from knocking him out.

The crypt lord shook his body, and countless worms flew out of his body. Before the hammer of justice fell, these worms gathered on top of Anub'arak's head and protected him.

The golden sledgehammer fell, and a small part of the bugs turned into a pile of fly ash. The bugs on Anub'arak were creatures of darkness, and they were wiped out under the attack of the holy light.

Scarlett and Marlan were not discouraged when the Hammer of Judgment issued jointly failed to stun their opponents. The two female paladins rushed forward, and the two ordered the Holy Seal to attack Anub'arak.At the same time, Anub'arak, Faltola, Maxner, and Gothik also launched an attack, and the legendary powerhouses who besieged Anub'arak formed a joint attack.

The six legendary powerhouses teamed up to attack, even if they were as strong as Anub'arak, he didn't dare to overdo it. He first ran to the side away from Scarlett to avoid the attack of Ashkandi's sword, and at the same time danced his jointed limbs to fight back. Among the other strong men who came, the only one that Anub'arak feared among the six legendary strong men who besieged him was Scarlett's Ashkandi sword that ignored defense.

"Anub'arak, die."

When the crypt lord was responding to the siege of the crowd, a human with a warhammer suddenly came out, and the blazing but not dazzling holy light enveloped the paladin and the warhammer in his hand.


Anub'arak yelled badly, the last paladin he killed made him feel a strong crisis, the crypt lord knew that this was a strong man standing at the peak of legend like himself, regardless of his war hammer At first glance, if you get that blow, it is more serious than being slashed by Ashcandi's sword.

Facing the crisis, Anub'arak didn't even want to lower his head before burrowing into the ground.

It is the Crypt Demon's instinct to quickly burrow into the ground in times of crisis. This instinct has been honed in countless battles and has been carved into the Crypt Demon's soul.It was this instinct to avoid danger that Anub'arak survived several dangerous battles.

But today, this instinct led him to a dead end.

A sharp arrow shot over, but the arrow shooter was not good at aiming. The arrow fell halfway and missed Anub'arak, but stuck in the ground beside Anub'arak.

When the arrow hit the ground, a bone-piercing chill suddenly broke out, turning into frozen soil in a radius of tens of meters, and the originally relatively soft ground became as hard as fine steel.

As soon as Anub'arak plunged his head into the ground, he felt the resistance greatly increased, and the speed at which he penetrated the ground more than doubled. His body, which was able to avoid the opponent's attack in time, received a solid blow.

The warhammer struck Anub'arak, and the crypt lord's hard carapace burst open, revealing the weak body beneath the carapace.

Gothick Mexner and the others attacked at this time, and the five legendary powerhouses adjusted their attack directions, and their attacks hit Anub'arak's body along the broken carapace.

"Ah... despicable raider!"

Anub'arak was wounded, and the Crypt Lord was finally wounded since the war began.

(End of this chapter)

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