Necromancer in another world

Chapter 525 Obediently Contribute Everything You Have

Chapter 525 Obediently Contribute Your Everything
The mighty Crypt Lord Anub'arak is injured!

This scene made Leo's eyes brighten. Fording smashed Anub'arak's carapace and broke the crypt lord's tortoise shell. Anub'arak's original well-protected body was revealed. The place became the weakness of Anub'arak's defense.

Seeing this situation, Hawksbill, who was wandering outside, would not miss such a good opportunity. When Gothik and others attacked Anub'arak, the Ranger King quickly pulled the skyfire eagle bow, and flicked his fingers several times. Ten sharp arrows shot out through the air, aiming at the unprotected part of Anub'arak's body.

Puff puff……

The sound of a sharp weapon piercing into the flesh sounded, and the sharp arrow shot by Hawksbill was full of strength. Dozens of small holes appeared in Anub'arak's unprotected body, and these small holes formed a huge wound in the crypt. As the lord struggled with pain, the wound detached part of his body.


Part of Anub'arak's body fell to the ground, and the crypt lord emerged from the ground again, his angry cry resounding through the sky.

"Fordin, it's you! When did the Lord of the Silver Hand become so despicable?"

Anub'arak recognized Fording, and the Scourge had a lot of dealings with the Silver Hand. As Ner'zhul's general, Anub'arak often fought against Fording, who was the great lord of the Silver Hand.

"Despicable?" Anubrekan's sarcasm came through before Fording could speak, "You can only blame yourself for being stupid."

Anub'arakan was not a fuel-efficient lamp either. Now that Anub'arak had satirized him before, he found an opportunity to retaliate. The crypt lord who was ridiculed by Anub'arakan became more and more angry.

Before Leo had time to feel that the news of the world came so quickly, an ice ball with endless icy breath quickly hit Scarlett. When the ice ball appeared, the ground where the female knight was standing suddenly froze, and the thick ice instantly crushed Scarlett. Li's army horse froze to death and quickly spread upwards along the body of the army horse.

Scarlett's reaction was also fast, she had already reacted the moment the ice appeared, but the ice spread so fast that the female knight's legs were still frozen.


The anxious roar came from Leo's mouth, it was not Leo's fuss, but the ice magic contained in the ice ball was too strong, even with the protection of the Judgment Armor, Scarlett's strength at this time would not be able to withstand it. Because this ice ball is the Ice Blast, the Ice Blast that the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad once cast on him.

While Leo yelled, Fording gave Scarlett a blessing of freedom without even thinking about raising his hand. The ice under the female knight's feet faded in an instant, and with Fording's help, Scarlett quickly stepped forward. , trying to avoid the ice shock that could kill him.

The thorns came out one after another, and these thorns just blocked Scarlett's front, blocking her way to dodge the impact of the ice. Ice shock has been killed.

A layer of translucent golden shield protected Scarlett, seeing that she couldn't escape the impact of the ice, Scarlett activated the Holy Shield without hesitation.

But can Scarlett's Holy Shield block Kel'Thuzad's icy impact?
The answer is of course no.

Fording, who cast the Blessing of Freedom, also knew that Scarlet couldn't withstand the impact of the ice, and the Lord of the Silver Hand rushed forward to rescue Scarlet, but how could Anub'arak, who had just suffered a loss under his hands? promise?The crypt lord came out, and he stood between Fording and Scarlett, blocking Fording's rescue of Scarlett.

A big net covered Scarlett. Mexner sprayed out the spider web to pull Scarlett to him, but the female paladin had activated the Holy Shield at this time, and his spider web did not fall into Scarlett. Carrie.Seeing this, Leo's heart moved, and under his command, Mexner's spider web covered the ice puck that hit the ice.

The impact of the ice hit Mexner's spider web, and the icy breath spread along the spider web. As soon as the two touched Mexner's spider web, they became ice webs.The icy breath invaded Maxner's body before he could react, and the body of the mutated giant tarantula was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture.

Soul pale!

Leo clenched his fists bitterly, Kel'Thuzad's icy impact was not so easy to block, the mutant tarantula failed to break the connection with the spider web in time, and the ice magic power that came from the attack not only froze its body, but also froze its body. Its soul was also crushed.

Maxner is done.

Leo lost a legendary thug.

This is the biggest loss Leo has ever suffered so far.

Fortunately, Mexner's death is not worthless. After such a dispersal, the energy contained in the ice shock has been reduced by more than half, and a large amount of magic power in the ice shock has been used to obliterate Mexner's soul. Scarlett's ice puck was only a third of what it was before, and under the protection of the Holy Shield, the female knight narrowly resisted the blow.

Seeing that Scarlett was fine, Leo felt better again. It is indeed a pity to lose Maxner, but it is more important to keep Scarlett.

"Kel'Thuzad, get out of here."

Amidst Leo's curses, a lich with icy iron chains floating on his body came out from the shadows. The appearance of this lich surprised Leo.

Not Kel'Thuzad! ?

Even though they are both Liches, even though they are both Legendary powerhouses, and even though the aura of this Lich is much stronger than ordinary Legendary powerhouses, there is still a gap between him and Kel'Thuzad. This guy is not a Grand Lich. .

"I, Amennar, can deal with ants like you. There is no need to bother Lord Kel'Thuzad at all."

The lich's eyes fell on Leo through the fierce battle, and he didn't pay attention to such false legends like Leo.

Amennar, Lord of Ice!

Isn't this guy supposed to corrupt the quilboar in Razor Heights, and make the descendants of the fallen boar demigod Agamaggan work for the Scourge?

Leo carefully observed the battlefield, but he didn't find any sign of the wild boar. This made him think that Amennar's corruption of the wild boar had not yet been completed. After receiving Kel'Thuzad's call, he only Can come alone.

A bare-handed commander actually dared to drag it like two to five to eighty thousand.

Leo returned a disdainful sneer to Amennar's contempt. Since this guy is a loner, he might as well kill him, and maybe he can get a way to control the wild boar tribe from him.

Since the fall of the wild boar demigod Agamagan, the wild boars have been removed from the top powerful races, because they do not have top-level high-end combat power, but in terms of the strength of the entire race, no race dares to underestimate the wild boars, even Neither did the orcs.

Thinking of controlling the wild boar tribe, Leo's heart is hot. If he can succeed, the strength of Stromgarde will be more than ten times stronger.

"Kill him."

Leo ordered to kill Amennar with murderous intent. The Ice King was about to laugh at this false legend for overreaching himself. Two daggers inlaid with six gems each pierced his body from his vest. , the energy contained in the dagger began to destroy his soul.


The sound of the dagger piercing the air sounded, and before Yamennar could react, he had been stabbed thirty or forty times, his entire back was stabbed to pieces, and even his spine was almost broken by the opponent.

Knowing that he would surely die if the opponent stabbed him again, Yamennar cast a spell at the fastest speed, and the attacker was repelled.

Without giving Amennar a chance to breathe, several frozen arrows hit him, and the Ice King only had time to cast a frost armor spell on himself before he was hit.

Don't think that Amennar's nickname is the Ice King. He is so cheating that even ice can't touch him. In fact, there are many self-proclaimed guys in this world, and there is also a lich.Immediately after the frozen arrow hit Amennar's body, the power contained in it erupted. Under the influence of this force, Amennar's movements slowed down, and a layer of ice appeared on every joint of his body , the existence of these ices seriously hindered his actions, and even his speed of gathering magic power slowed down a lot.

Liresa, who inherited the Icy Crow, made Amennar realize that she is not the kind of fraudulent existence immune to ice magic attacks.

The repelled figure came up again, and the two daggers inlaid with gems danced so that even the afterimages could not be seen. Amennar was shocked. This human thief's hand speed is too fast. If she gets close again, isn't it bad luck for me?
Amennar was frightened, and he used the flash technique to avoid it without thinking.

Excruciating pain!

The Ice King, who had just used Blink, was about to hit back at the attacker when a sharp pain hit his soul.Amennar didn't see it, but when he was fighting Liresa and Pasonia, Leo shot a white light towards the ground, and he just happened to flash onto this white bald head sneaking underground .

This guy's luck is too bad.

Even Leo couldn't help mourning for Amennar. You said that it is not good to use such a large area as a place for the flashing technique. If you insist on running to the head of the bone soul, you will not live.

The soul of bones invaded Amennar's soul, causing the lich who claimed to be the Ice King to be in great pain. Crazy stabbing, triggered by the additional effect of Demon Strike, Yamennar's soul fire quickly faded.

Pasonia hit a five-star Eviscerate, and under the trigger effect of the Devil's Strike, this five-star Eviscerate exploded with stronger lethality. A piece of Yamennar's neck bone was removed by this blow. Go, the poor Ice King was beaten to pieces and separated.

Leo stretched his right hand forward, and saw that he grasped in vain, and Yamennar's head was immediately sucked into his hand under the grip of death.

"Human, let me go!"

Amennar was terrified. The human being held the skull containing the fire of the soul, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Let you go?
"Be obedient and contribute everything you have, Lich."

The corner of Leo's mouth revealed a smile that made Amennar desperate. A bloody energy line flowed out of his palm, and pierced into the fire of his soul like a needle amidst Amennar's screams. The Ice King He only felt that his strength was rapidly declining, and his will quickly became blurred.

"The host killed Yamennar..."

(End of this chapter)

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