Necromancer in another world

Chapter 537 Naxxramas Training Ground

Chapter 537 Naxxramas Training Ground
"Les, what's going on?"

Leo frowned. He doesn't have the resources to fight against the Burning Legion. Although fighting against the Burning Legion is a matter for all living beings in this world, other races and forces will not stand idly by. Relying on others is really hanging.The strong should control their own destiny.

"We have to start from the beginning. Kel'Thuzad accidentally got in touch with the demons of the Burning Legion through the magic circle, so he founded the Cult of the Damned. Later, when the Burning Legion invaded this world, Neo Zu hasn't gotten rid of Kil'jaeden's control yet, and the orcs and undead Scourge are both the vanguard of the Burning Legion's invasion of this world, so the orc army entered Stormwind City to snatch the Book of Medivh and summon Archimonde."

"It's just that Archimonde was tricked by Malfurion and fell on Mount Hyjal. The Burning Legion invaded this world and suffered heavy casualties, but the Scourge continued to grow in the war, so that finally Ner'zhul left In order for the Burning Legion to establish itself. In this way, the two sides have become hostile, because in the eyes of the Burning Legion, Ner'zhul is a traitor."

Leo nodded to show that he understood what Rice meant. The relationship between the Burning Legion and the Scourge had changed from superior to subordinate to hostile. Of course, there was nothing to talk about between the two. If you want to kill me, I want to kill you too, Les Frost The reason why he created the magic circle and didn't activate it was probably to deal with the Burning Legion. Of course, there were also factors in his own research on magic.

"Tell me, what the Lich King is going to do with that magic circle."

After the initial shock, Leo also calmed down. It is useless to activate the magic circle. At most, he can contact Kil'jaeden's consciousness and make the guy who activated the magic circle a new fool.Without enough energy, it is impossible for a powerful demon like Kil'jaeden to enter this world, but there are only a few things in this world that can provide sufficient energy. No matter what Leo thinks, it is impossible for them to be psychic at this time appeared in the academy.

Knowing that even if someone unintentionally activates the magic circle for a while, there will be no major problems, so Leo seems calm.

"The Lich King means to put this magic circle in Teldrassil after he completes the fusion of the two souls."

"He wants to deal with the night elves? That's true. The two invasions of the Burning Legion failed because of the night elves, and Archimonde was killed by countless elves. If the two meet, they will never die. But the activation Where does the energy of the magic circle come from? Also, how do you guarantee that the one you summon must be Kil'jaeden and not other demons?"

Not to mention the first invasion of the night elves against the Burning Legion in ancient times, but the second Burning invasion not long ago. In that battle, when the two camps of the Alliance and the Horde had not yet been fully formed, they could stop The main forces of the burning demons and undead Scourge are only Windtalker Tyrande and her night elf troops. Don't look at the night elves who are indifferent at this time, but once they show their real power, no matter whether they are orcs or humans, Can only be reduced to a foil.

"It may have been accidental that he was able to contact the demon of the Burning Legion at the beginning, but since he was connected and Kel'Thuzad was bewitched by the opponent, the Burning Legion will naturally give him the correct summoning circle to summon Kil'jaeden The magic circle was given to Kel'Thuzad by Archimonde after he was summoned. As for the energy required for the summoning..." Rice laughed at this point, "I have already thought of it with the wisdom of the master."

Yes, Leo had already thought of the energy source needed by the Scourge to activate the magic circle to summon Kel'Thuzad, and he had to admire Ner'zhul's viciousness.

If Arthas is the commander-in-chief and fighting leader, Ner'zhul is the wily and calculating type. If the two generations of the Lich King are truly fused, they will definitely be a terrible enemy.

Leo silently pondered whether he should raise the slogan of counterattacking Northrend while the strength of the Lich King has not yet reached its peak, and strangle this dangerous element before it is at its strongest state, just like the original trajectory of this world .But if I really want to do this, I don't have that much appeal now, and the army going to Northrend in the north is useless. If there are more troops sent, how will the Silithus beetlemen deal with it?
Do you want to fight the battle of quicksand?
But this battle is going to connect the entire Horde and Alliance, and Cenarion Council will also intervene. In this battle, Leo and Stromgarde can participate in the battle, but they are not qualified to be controllers, and Leo has no plans. Fight with Malfurion.

What's worse is the news from Liadlin that the reinforcements sent by Silvermoon City to Outland will start soon. The urgency is imminent, and there is no room for Leo to have enough time to plan a counterattack against Northrend.

I have a headache, one thing is not settled yet another is coming, when will this torment end?
Rubbing the center of his brows with a headache, Leo let out a long breath: "Les, you should have a way to go to the psychic academy, right?"

"Yes, I set up a small teleportation array in my research room that only I know about. Is the master going to send me to retrieve the array?"

Leo's eyes lit up. His original intention was to destroy the magic circle, but Les meant that the magic circle was not fixed.Thinking of this, Leo realized that he had ignored Rice's previous words. Since the Lich King wanted to bring the magic circle to Teldrassil to harm the night elves and let the Burning Legion and the night elves confront each other, then the magic circle made by Rice must be Unlike ordinary magic circles, it can be moved.

"Les, you go and prepare, I will pick it up with you personally."

Knowing that summoning Kil'jaeden's magic circle can take away Leo, an idea popped up in his heart. If the operation is done well, the rewards will be astonishing.

"Yes Master."

After giving a salute, Les retreated quietly.

Sinai Salaya stood behind Leo with a hesitant expression.

"Sinestra, what do you want to say?"

"Master doesn't need to do it himself, why don't you let me take this trip for master."

From the perspective of the Black Dragon Queen, Leo has so many strong men under his command. There is no need for him to go to a small psychic academy. Since the magic circle of Lai Shuangyu goes directly to his laboratory, and the magic circle is also placed in it. There, it would be enough to send Faltola or Gothick and Les to do it.

Leo stretched out his index finger and shook it. It was not as simple as getting back a magic circle when he went to the School of Spirituality himself, but he had other plans.

"Naxamas fell into our hands, Kel'Thuzad was seriously injured by us, and Anub'arak was also removed from the Scourge. Given the Lich King's hatred for us, the Scourge is likely to do something against Allah. Arathor’s move, and I will leave in the next period of time, Arathor’s strength is not enough to deal with the Scourge’s revenge. In order to prevent Arthas from having time to pay attention to us small fish in his eyes, it is necessary to give He's looking for something to do."

Hearing that Leo compared her side to a small fish, Sinai Salaya had a moment of doubt, but this doubt was only for a moment. The eyes of the Black Dragon Queen flashed with brilliance, and she already figured out what Leo wanted to do .

"Master, did you speak to Vol'jin before leaving for Draenor?"

It is good to have a smart subordinate, she can consider many issues for Leo.Leo and Vol'jin still have an agreement to deal with the Grublash troll. The four Mosh'aru Prophecy Tablets have been handed over to Vol'jin and Jin'do who is destined to be used by him. No one knows that this time he will go to Draenor How long will the time be, and what should be done if something happens during this time?So some things must be discussed with Vol'jin before departure.

"Liadrin and Hawksbill have already led the blood elves back to Silvermoon City to prepare. The time to go to Draenor is estimated to be in the next few days. There are some things that need to be explained. Sinestra, you Go and invite Vol'jin and Varian to Naxxramas."

In Leo's opinion, inviting one person is also an invitation, and inviting a group of people is also an invitation. Varian and others who have just won a big victory after the war have not left. He is alone at this time inviting Vol'jin to Naxxramas alone. I don't know what troubles will be caused, so it's better to invite everyone here openly.

"This is Naxxramas? It seems that Arathor already has an extra city in the sky."

This is the first sentence Vol'jin said after stepping out of the teleportation formation. The Darkspear patriarch, Varian and others arrived at the training ground in the military area under the guidance of Sinai Sasaya. Leo was in the training ground. Watching from the high platform, Viri and the Dragonblood Guard commanded Arathor's soldiers to clean up the remains and broken bones left by the Scourge.

"Although Naxxramas used to be the place of the Scourge, but now its owner is me."

Leo smiled proudly, announcing to everyone that he belonged here.

No one was surprised by his words. If they had seized the city in the sky, they would not let outsiders touch it. Unless they turned against Leo, they would not even talk about the ownership of Naxxramas. Ao turned his face and became the enemy of the Kingdom of Arathor. The queen of Arathor, Scarlett, is also the great lord of the Silver Hand. The Silver Crusaders who became the enemy of Arathor and received the legacy of the Silver Hand Paladins will not give it to you. Looking at the face, neither Varian nor Sargas or anyone else would want such a thing to happen to him.

Seeing that everyone here defaulted to their control over Naxxramas, Leo continued with a smile: "After cleaning up the residue left by the Scourge, I will build this place into a training ground for cultivating warriors, except for the warriors of Arathor. In addition, people from the Alliance or the Horde can come here to receive training as long as they have certain strength."

This is what Leo thought of temporarily. Soldiers in the army will receive individual training, but civilian forces cannot be ignored. After the news spread, it is impossible for various tribes to send troops in, but civilian adventurers and warriors do not. Certainly, in this world where the strong are respected, many people who yearn to become stronger just don’t get the chance to become stronger, so they can only spend their days in mediocrity. Once the news of being able to receive systematic and formal training here spreads, many people will not be far behind. Thousands of miles came to Arathor.

After receiving the benefits of Arathor, these people will naturally turn to the Kingdom of Arathor in their hearts. Even if these adventurers will not stay to serve Arathor, Arathor's influence will expand invisibly.

"Everyone who is eager to survive should contribute to the fight against the Scourge. King Varian, Chief Vol'jin, General Sargas, and others, I hope that when the Kingdom of Arathor opens Naxxar Everyone can cooperate at the Mars training ground. Because Her Majesty Scarlett is already preparing for the Northern Expedition to Northrend, we need more fighters."

(End of this chapter)

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