Necromancer in another world

Chapter 538 Entering the Psychic

Chapter 538 Entering the Psychic
Caer Darrow, where the School of Spirituality is located, was destroyed in the last demon invasion. It used to be the land of the noble Barov family.

The Barov family is a big family that controls the vast land east of the Alterac Mountains. Places such as Tarren Mill, Kael Darrow, and Southsea Town are all fiefdoms of their family. In terms of wealth, they are invincible. Even The royal family of the king of Alterac where they were at that time was not necessarily richer than them.

Keldaron County is the old castle of the Arathi Kingdom. The mottled and old fortress carries the vicissitudes of time. In the eyes of the nobles, living in such a castle will have a sense of superiority with a deep family background and a long history, so they have Arathi people. The descendant Barov family chose this place as their residence.

It's a pity that the second demon invasion ruined everything.

The Kingdom of Alterac actually surrendered to the orc army and launched an attack on the Alliance army, but these traitors were defeated by the combined forces of Uther the Lightbringer and Dalaran, and the remnants of the Kingdom of Alterac fled to Kael Darrow of the Barov family. At this time, the Barov family stood on the side of the Lordaeron Alliance. They cooperated with the elves of Silvermoon City to hand over the rebels to the Alliance.

That's why they survived the wrath of the wizards of Dalaran, while the rest of the kingdom of Alterac was razed to the ground.

But after the war, King Terenas of Lordaeron made a decision that was very unfavorable to the Barov family. He deprived the Barov family of the ruling rights in Brill, Tarren Mill and Southshore Town, seriously Harm the interests of the Barov family.At the same time, the surviving nobles of the Alterac Kingdom also had extreme hatred for the Barov family. The poor Barov family was not happy with both sides, so they could only bear endless curses and grievances and guard the lake of Cair Darrow alone. heart island.

In such a situation, a mage named Kel'Thuzad came to Kael Darrow.

Then something happened naturally. Kel'Thuzad used Barov's family resentment and human's desire for immortality to seduce them and the people here, and the sect of the curse took root here.Before the outbreak of the Scourge invasion war, many necromancers and Scourge apprentices had been trained here.

"Joining the Scourge and being turned into an undead, what is the meaning of the so-called eternal life obtained in this way?"

Leo, who stepped out of the teleportation array, sneered disdainfully. The psychic academy was filled with strong dark elements and a breath of death, which made him feel that his magic power was much more active than usual, which confirmed the saying that the environment has a great influence on the caster.

"Master, this is my research room."

Les Shuangyu walked out right after Leo, and he returned to the Seminary School as a living person in the same attire as Leo, and the two of them put on a large black cloak to hide their true colors.

"I feel the breath of a living person."

"Soul, I need more souls."

The research room was not empty when Leo and Rice arrived. There was a big relocation going on here. Necromancers and Scourge apprentices were taking the skeletons and other undead creatures they summoned to move the items in the research room one by one. When transporting them out, they seem to be very cautious, as if they are afraid of shaking or breaking these items and causing disaster for themselves.

After all, Les Shuangyu was a Lich of the Scourge Legion before. How could the things he wanted to study be good?In Leo's eyes alone, there are quite a few human or animal viscera and limbs, any one of these things can scare many people into screaming.

Fortunately, after many battles, Leo is no longer the nervous boy he was when he first came. He glanced at the research room as if nothing had happened. Thirty or forty necromancers, dozens of disaster apprentices and a group of skeletons, plus It looks like a female ghost of the leader and a zombie, and it's a piece of cake to deal with them.

The sudden appearance of the breath of the living made the undead in the research room focus on Leo and Rice. The female ghost and zombie who looked like the leader spoke first, and the empty eye sockets of the undead in the room shot out greedy light. Looking at Leo and Les, it was as if someone who had been hungry for several days saw a delicious meal with a strong aroma.

"Kill these two living people."

After finishing speaking, the zombie rushed over first.

"Their souls are mine."

Seeing that her companion made the first move, the female ghost screamed and followed closely behind.

They really treat us like dishes.

Leo tilted his head, and Rice understood, and he quickly said: "These research rooms are worthless except for the magic circle."

"Destroy what is worthless."

After Leo finished speaking, he pushed forward with his right hand, and the power of the elements suddenly exploded under his push.

A huge burning spherical rock filled the entire space. Amidst the loud rumbling noise, the huge rock began to roll, crushing all the undead who rushed to them with the momentum of crushing everything. was burnt to ashes.Under the restless fire magic power, even ghosts without entities are not immune.

"The host killed Puckelt..."

"The host killed Jandis Barov..."

The lava boulder killed two small leaders of the psychic academy in seconds. Compared with the powerful natural disasters in Naxxramas, the undead natural disasters here are really bad.

Leo curled his lips, and seemed indifferent to the completely destroyed research room in front of him, while Les used the flash technique to go to a corner of the research room. After he cast a few spells, the ground suddenly cracked, and a downward The passage appeared in Leo's sight.

"The owner here is very enthusiastic about our arrival. There is nothing we can do. The owner is so hospitable and we have to show face. You go to collect the magic circle and the magic books here, and I will go outside for a walk."

After Leo finished speaking, he walked out. The door of the research room had been smashed to pieces by the lava boulder. This flaming boulder ignited many objects as it rolled all the way. Finally there was light—a crimson flame.

The rolling of the boulders and the blazing flames are like a lighthouse in the dark night in the empty and silent Seminary College shrouded in darkness, very dazzling.

Stepping on the raging flames, Leo walked forward leisurely like a stroll in the garden. The hot flames consciously avoided the side when he stepped on them, and bowed their heads to salute him like a guard welcoming the king.

This is the benefit of gaining Christ's flame control. He has extraordinary control over the fire element Leo. It is not easy to hurt him with flames.

As soon as he stepped out of the door of the research room, there was a sound of rustling footsteps coming from far and near, and the ghostly will-o'-the-wisp that penetrated people was approaching his direction from the dark place in the distance.

"I will use your souls as sacrifices for my return."

Leo's whispers that seemed to be talking to himself echoed in the psychic academy. It turned out that he had quietly used the amplification technique when speaking. In a dark area, this whisper with a strong desire to kill made someone Some intelligent undead had a bad feeling in their hearts.

When someone suddenly appeared in the School of Spirituality, he should know whose territory it is. Seeing that he is so arrogant, he cannot be a simple character. If a character like this is not sure enough, he will not come alone.

The low-level undead who heard the stranger's words quickly gathered towards the place where Leo was, but a few thoughtful leaders quietly hid aside, and they were going to find out the details of each other before taking action.

The magic power on Leo's body swelled, and the black cloak covering his body was automatic without wind. When he waved his hand, a 30-meter-high wall of fire appeared out of thin air, and the wall of fire moved quickly when it appeared.

A 30-meter-high wall of fire moved forward at a speed of no less than a sprint of [-] meters. All ignitable objects where the fire wall passed by were burned, and even stones that could not be ignited also burst into flames. The darkness that split the psychic academy also reflected a figure wrapped in a black cloak whose face could not be seen clearly.

Leo was advancing slowly, and the wall of fire continued to extend. The natural disaster powerhouses hiding in the dark only saw an unidentified guy exuding an aura of destruction all over his body, walking slowly in the flames that burned everything.

Who is this person?

The natural disaster powerhouses of the School of the Spirit have deep doubts in their hearts. This unidentified enemy seems to be only a pseudo-legendary realm, but the aura emanating from him makes them feel a sense of fear of facing the top powerhouse. Either the opponent is hiding his strength or he is an extremely strong man who has recovered and been reborn after falling.

In the eyes of the natural disaster expert from the School of the Spiritualist, the other party clearly belonged to the latter type of person.

The undead gathered here amid the crackling sound of burning were burned to ashes under the flames, and the blazing flames quickly ignited everything they touched. It seems that if no one comes out to stop the entire psychic academy, it will be burned down.


A gargoyle couldn't help but rushed out. It took advantage of its flight and flew over the sky where the fire wall couldn't be burned. A pair of sharp claws grabbed Leo with a sharp wind.

"Things like ants dare to attack me."

Leo, who was covered in a black cloak, let out a cold snort of disdain. The natural disaster expert hidden in the dark saw this mysterious man pointing his finger at the gargoyle, and a red light shot out from his finger and hit the gargoyle in the middle.

The gargoyle's body exploded, and pieces of rubble fell from the sky.


"The host killed Kirtunos..."

It turned out to be the herald of the gargoyle, you are unlucky to meet me.

Goldfinger's reminder let Leo know the identity of the gargoyle. Speaking of which, this guy is considered the number one figure in the psychic academy, but he met Leo sadly and was pointed out.

Kirtunos was killed just like that.

The natural disaster powerhouses hidden in the dark were horrified. Although Kirtunos was not the strongest in the psychic academy, he was not far behind them. The mysterious man killed him with one finger. The result is not much better if you go out by yourself.

This is a tyrannical existence that we cannot fight against.

After Les Shuangyu left, the Dark Dean Gading, who presided over the overall situation at the School of the Spirituality, has already withdrawn. After all, this guy does not look like a good person. Sooner or later, he will conflict with those paladins who shout for justice. , why should I waste the power of the Scourge on this person?

Perhaps this is a guy who can be used. Can he be designed to fight the paladins of Tyr's Hand to relieve the pressure of the Scourge in the plague area after Kel'Thuzad's fiasco?
Thoughts swirled in Jiading's mind, and the mysterious man who seemed very powerful to him suddenly laughed strangely.

"Let the world burn!"

(End of this chapter)

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