Necromancer in another world

Chapter 547 Human Blood Elf VS Demon

Chapter 547 Human Blood Elf VS Demon
In terms of the development route, the Ethereal Mech focuses on group attacks. After all, it was researched by the blood elves to assist Kael'thas' army in combat. It focuses on killing efficiency, while Leo's war fortress is more suitable for single combat. .But this is not absolute, because there are still a large number of war machines in the war fortress.

Thousands of gun barrels protruded from the battle fortress, and the dark muzzle gleamed with magical light. The giant robot was about to use the most powerful thousand guns to fire at the very beginning.

The demon's attack became more and more frantic. They wanted to kill the giant robot before the attack of the War Fortress, but how could the War Fortress, which was covered in a steel shell several meters thick and blessed by magic, be knocked down so easily?The demon's attack was exchanged for a counterattack like a slap in the face of the war fortress. The huge force smashed the rushing demon to pieces, and the stumped limbs and flesh splashed all over the ground. The scene was extremely bloody, and the dead demon was very miserable.

When the ethereal mecha used the arcane orb for the fourth time to clear a land with a radius of about 300 meters for the incoming army in Naxxramas, the war fortress's thousand-gun salvo was just ready.

Boom boom boom...

Thousands of magic bullets gathered into a thick beam of light, and all the demons swept by this beam of light were turned into fly ash, and no demon could survive the bombardment of the huge energy column.

Under the roar of thousands of magic cannons, the War Fortress faces the direction of the Legion Gate. The 3000-meter range starting from this giant robot instantly becomes empty, and more than 6000 demons use their bodies to verify the War Fort’s lore move. The lethality in the end geometry.

It's now!

The light of the teleportation array in Naxxramas lit up again, and Viri and the Dragon Blood Guard first appeared in the land where the war fortress was emptied.


Seeing the appearance of the Dragon Blood Guards, the demons showed surprise expressions on their faces. They never imagined that the giant fortress in the sky was actually controlled by humans. When did the group of humans huddled in the Fort of Honor create such a large city in the sky? Come?
Although there are only 500 dragon blood guards trained by Leo, they have no fear in the face of the demon army. After being teleported from Naxxramas, they shouted in unison, and the whole team faced the demon army and killed them. past.

"Kill these demons and follow me."

Fralin's voice resounded on the battlefield, and the blood elf warriors followed the Dragon Bloodguard to join the battle against the burning demon. Fralin led the most elite warriors in the Moxibustion Legion to become the first batch to come down blood elves.

Although the magician's powerful attack is the best way to open up the situation, if there are no warriors in front, the magician will eventually be torn to pieces by the demon army. Only fighters like Frelin and Viri can stand firm. Follow-up mages Troops are useful.

The dragon blood guards fought with the army of demons. The demons saw that these human warriors wanted to use their fists to deal with them without weapons. There was undisguised contempt on their faces. When dealing with powerful demons with their fragile bodies Dare not to use weapons, these human fighters are looking for abuse.

Because the time left for the demons to think on the battlefield was too short, they fought against the Dragon Blood Guard before they had time to think.

Something unusual is a demon. If they didn't rely on Viri, they would dare to fight against the demon with their relatively weak human body?

Out of the demon's contempt for human beings, the Dragon Blood Guard's fist easily hit the target - the demon's body. The demon's original intention was to use his body to resist the Dragon Blood Guard's attack in order to laugh at the opponent's weakness, but unexpectedly happened.

The Dragon Blood Guard's fist easily pierced through the demon's body that he thought was strong, making the demons' simmering laughter choked in their throats, and some unlucky ones who were hit in the vitals even finished the game without recovering in one breath.

How can the human body be so strong?
The demons in the back row were taken aback, they quickly launched an attack in surprise, intending to kill these human fighters beyond their common sense.

Facing the demon's counterattack, the Dragon Blood Guards ignored them. Except for the relatively fragile parts of their eyes, they had nothing to cover other parts of their bodies.On the surface, it seems that there are flaws everywhere, but in fact, they have a strong enough defense to give them confidence.

The demons found that their nails, which could tear apart steel, had no effect on these human warriors. The body of the opponent was as hard as magic iron. Some demons even broke their nails due to excessive force when attacking.

This scene shocked the demons.

When did the human body become so hard?
The blood elves who fought side by side with the Dragon Blood Guard couldn't help but take a breath. The extraordinary performance of the Dragon Blood Guard made them wonder if their comrades-in-arms were human after all.

Dragon Blood Guard, Dragon Blood?

Dragon blood!

Some clever blood elves quickly figured out the reason. The reason why Viri's body is beyond common sense must be soaked in the powerful dragon's blood many times. Otherwise, how could the flesh and blood of human beings be so perverted?
Leo is really willing.

Fralin brandished the epee to fight against the demons, and at the same time envied the Dragon Blood Guard for having such a good master. I wonder who else besides Leo could so generously provide a large amount of dragon blood for a team of 500 people to soak and strengthen their bodies. It is not a good-tempered existence, and the price to pay for their blood is definitely not small.

The unbelievably strong Dragon Blood Guards joined forces with the most elite soldiers of the Japanese Moxibustion Legion. Although the demon army fought back vigorously, they failed to defeat them. Naxxramas's ground troops initially gained a firm footing.

"You can teleport long-range troops."

Rommath stepped into the teleportation array with dozens of members of the Magister Legion, and Leo's side was the home of the Summoner Legion - more than [-] warlocks with demon imps, Gothick and Les Frostwhisper .

To be honest, the current Summoner Legion really can't do much against the Burning Demon, but the elements of this world hold an angry attitude towards the Burning Demon, so the spells of low-level warlocks can often hit mid-level damage Power, hundreds of warlocks can kill dozens of demons in one attack, which is not too useless.

The blood elf magisters led by Rommath are completely different. They cast a large-scale killing spell as soon as they entered the ground battlefield. The demons of the Burning Legion were killed by them, and the follow-up troops of Naxxramas There is a lot of space for teleportation.

From the beginning of the war to the present, the battle situation seems to be going smoothly, but this is just that the Japanese moxibustion army and Arathor's army took advantage of the unexpected. The demons never thought that they had gathered millions of troops here and someone would dare to provoke them, so they were killed. I was caught off guard.

When Leo and the others sent more than [-] troops underground, the demon army finally returned to normal levels. In addition to the demons who are good at close combat blocking the opponents who tried to continue to expand the space, some demons in the distance also killed them.

The magisters who were casting spells and the warlocks of the Summoner Legion found that the connection between themselves and the magic elements was suddenly cut off. When they were surprised, they found the figure of hell hounds in the demon army, and the number might not be tens of thousands. Huge, so many hell hounds are enough to restrain them to death.

Rommath's scalp is numb. Although he is an archmage, he is not capable of facing tens of thousands of hellhounds known as the nemesis of mages. The spell blockade of hellhounds does not work against Rommath, who is an archmage, but this does not mean that they take Rommath There is nothing to do with the spells. The magic-absorbing ability of tens of thousands of hellhounds is so terrifying. As soon as Rommath's spells are cast, they swallow all the magic power contained in them. What kind of lethality does magic without the support of magic power have?

Romance was like this, and Gothick and Les Frostwhisper were no exception. Three legendary archmages were defeated by tens of thousands of hellhounds.

Restrained by the hellhounds, the mage troops suddenly became dumb, and even the range damage of the ethereal mechs—the arcane orbs were restrained by the hellhounds. The magic of humans and blood elves was useless, and the demon army took the opportunity to attack on a large scale. Casualties of the fighter units ahead began to mount.

Damn, I should have brought Hawksbill's Silvermoon Rangers instead of garrisoning the Temple of the Sun against Zul'jin's Amani trolls if I knew this was going to happen.

Liadlin gritted her teeth tightly. If Silvermoon Ranger was here, someone would be responsible for spotting and killing those hellhounds. Unfortunately, in order to leave enough defense force for Silvermoon City, Hawksbill and his Silvermoon Ranger did not enter Japan. The big list of moxibustion legion.

"There are tens of thousands of hellhounds. It's really surprising. The demon army here really has two brushes. But if they think that they will eat us like this, they will be wrong."

Leo is very familiar with creatures like Hellhounds. A creature that can swallow magic like a snack can be called the nemesis of mages. However, eating snacks will at most make your stomach bloated and uncomfortable, but eating too much magic will kill you.

The war fortress that was rushing in the demon army suddenly retreated, and the gap left by him was filled by the soldiers of the Dragon Blood Guard and Arathor Kingdom.

The war fortress that retreated into the rear has dense passages, and skeleton tanks drive out of these passages. The reason why Leo called it a war fortress is here-this fellow is basically a mobile A military fortress, as long as Leo gives an order, skeleton tanks and skeleton fighters will rush out of it to fight for him.

The bombardment of the magic cannon sounded, and the skeleton tank fired.

It's a pity that there are tens of thousands of hellhounds in the demon army, and the magic light bullets are eaten up as soon as they leave the muzzle. At this time, tens of thousands of hellhounds showed how powerful their talent for devouring magic is.

The first bombardment failed, and the skeleton tanks seemed unaware that they immediately started the second bombardment. The war machines produced by the fusion of these necromancer skeletons and engineering tanks only knew to execute the order Leo gave them—attack!
The second bombardment was swallowed by the hell hounds, the third bombardment was still swallowed, the fourth...the tenth...No.20...

The skeleton chariot blasted out magic bullets continuously, and the hellhound kept devouring them. The two sides entered into a competition of endurance, and it depended on who was dragged down first by the opponent—either the magic power stored in the skeleton chariot was exhausted, or the hellhound could not eat enough. eat again.

Fighting like this is not an option, the demons in the distance are coming here, we must move quickly.

Everyone on Naxxramas knew that they couldn't afford it. They simply couldn't consume the army of millions of demons. Destroying the legion portal must be done quickly.

If your troops can't start the situation, you must send high-end combat forces to break the deadlock.

"Come on, it's our turn to play."

As Leo spoke, he stepped into the teleportation circle, and the light in Naxxramas reappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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