Necromancer in another world

Chapter 548 Horror Lethality

Chapter 548 Horror Lethality
The light of the teleportation array was shining, and the demon army knew that this group of unknown enemies had increased their troops to the ground again.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Leo tilted his head strangely, and asked Liadrin who was watching him.The blood elf countess didn't know why, but couldn't stop looking at him the moment Leo stepped onto the teleportation array.

"I'm surprised that you actually did it yourself."

Yes, Liadrin couldn't stop looking at Leo for this reason.There are many strong men under Leo's command, and now only Gothick and Les Frostwhispers are dispatched, such as Anubrekan, Looseb and other legendary strong men did not show up, and his master actually ended up in person, which is really unexpected Liadrin's expectations.

Isn't it true that Leo won't do anything unless he has to?In other words, he has many strong men as thugs, and he is too lazy to do it himself unless he has to.

"My body will rust if I'm idle all the time. I have to relax my muscles and bones. The opponent is also the famous Burning Legion, no matter what, I have to give them some face."

Liadlin's words made Leo laugh. In the past, he didn't do anything because his opponent was too strong and his rank was too weak. Can't really play it out.

If Leo's body is compared to a top sports car, then the driver of this top sports car is a low-level racing driver. He has powerful attributes but can only exert less than half of his limit ability.

But now it is different. After obtaining the inheritance of Christ and becoming the master of runes and the law of blood from Goldfinger, the low-level racing driver who understands the deeper rules of power has suddenly become a top racing driver. Leo now He was not worried that he would not be able to show his true strength, but he felt that the car he was driving was not good enough and needed more horsepower.

Liadlin summoned a fountain of light, and the demons saw a fountain full of holy light power appear among them. Golden light erupted from the fountain of light, and any demon touched by the golden light seemed to be Burning like a lit oil barrel, amidst the screams of demons, a [-]-meter radius centered on the Fountain of Light was empty. As long as all the demons entering this range will be purified into fly ash under the power of the holy light, Brightwell created a small no-go area among the demonic army.

Very powerful power of the Holy Light.

Leo praised secretly. He saw that the Fountain of Light cast by Liadlin was stuck between the Sun Moxibustion Army and the demon army. With the help of this Fountain of Light, Fralin and his blood elf warriors It moved forward a lot, and the human and blood elf allied forces gained a lot of room to move around.

Since the Fountain of Light cast by Liadrin does not rely on the power of magic but the power of holy light, the Hellhound does not dare to provoke it. The hell hounds have given up peeping at the Fountain of Light, and now they just want to honestly play a tug of war with the skeleton tank.As for the roars of the other demons urging them to get rid of the Lightwell... Can't you see I'm busy?

Liadrin is very strong, and Scarlett is not bad. The female paladin summoned a horse and rushed to the front line. The sword of Ashcandi drew golden arcs in the air, and demons were chopped down one by one.

Even Scarlett made a move. Naturally, Leo would not stand aside in a daze. He flicked his ten fingers, and the shadow arrows rained down fifty fist-sized shadow arrows, shooting towards the demons of the Burning Legion.

A rain of shadow arrows shot fifty shadow arrows, which would be good if placed on other warlocks, but the person who cast the spell is Leo, so I am sorry for his strength.

But don't worry, let's move on.

The shot of the shadow arrow split on the way to the devil, and one shadow arrow quickly split into twenty finger-sized shadow balls, and fifty shadow arrows had a thousand shadow balls.

Don't underestimate these shadow balls, they are small in size but do little damage but are terrifying.

The shooting speed of the shadow ball was extremely fast, so fast that the demons couldn't dodge it. The fearful demons who saw the shadow ball attack could only choose to fight hard, and it was this choice that cost them their lives.

The finger-sized shadow ball pierced through the demon's head with a relaxed look as if they had hit a piece of tofu. After making a hole in the first demon's brain, the shadow ball's speed did not slow down, and it killed five demons in succession. After six demons, they just ran out of magic power and disappeared without a trace.

Leo flicked five or six thousand demons with his ten fingers and killed them. This kind of terrifying lethality made Amaron beside him tremble for a while.

Arathor's female commander is not strong enough, so she will stay in the rear to command the army to give full play to her commanding skills. It is because of this that Amaron, who is standing next to Leo, deeply feels the man's strength. fear.When those shadow balls appeared, it wasn't that the Hellhound didn't have the ability to swallow magic on them, but for some reason, the talent of the Hellhound's tried and tested Braun was sapped by Leo's hands, and the shadow balls were not affected in any way.

Ten fingers flicked continuously, and the shadow ball attacked the demons of the Burning Legion like continuous spring rain. Under the powerful penetrating power, even if the demons activated the protective magic, they still could not escape the fate of death. The killing efficiency of the blocked shadow ball dropped from one five or six demons to one two.

Leo was very satisfied with the killing effect caused by the shadow arrow rain. He combined the warlock's shadow arrow rain with the necromancer's bone teeth. One shadow arrow matched with one bone tooth. Because each time the bone tooth was fired, there were [-] bone teeth. Bone Fang, affected by this, the shadow arrow, which was originally a single attack, became a group attack spell.However, the consumption of mana has not increased much, and the price/performance ratio is very good.

The addition of the three of Leo made the soldiers in front move forward a lot faster. Because of Leo, after the demons fell down, their corpses would immediately turn into crystal clear scattered particles, and they would not It had an impact on the battle. Scarlett and the others who rushed to the front were only less than 2000 meters away from the legion portal.

At this time, the demon army has discovered the opponent's purpose. When it knew that this army composed of humans and elves wanted to attack the legion's portal, the demon army launched a crazy counterattack. Terrorist tacticians and fearcallers who disdain to fight have also joined the fray.

The joining of these two kinds of demons blocked the human and blood elf coalition forces that were killing towards the legion portal.

The fear summoner can summon three to five evil imps. Thousands of fear summoners near the gate of the legion bring three to four thousand evil imps to join the battle. The evil flame arrows of these imps can easily suppress the summoner army. The warlocks of the Summoner Legion in front of the opponent's sheer number were beaten without temper. If it weren't for the help of the blood elf magister to defend the warlocks, they really couldn't stop these fel brats.

Seeing that the summoner army he had trained was being bullied by a group of fel little devils because of the number of people, Gotikla was about to launch a counterattack on Les Shuangyu, when hundreds of hellfires suddenly appeared in the demon army. This is a terrorist tactic Home masterpiece.

Hellfire is a high-level demon. Hundreds of hellfires put a lot of pressure on Scarlet and the others. None of these demons whose bodies are made of stone are burning with raging flames. There are hundreds of hellfires rushing forward. The powerful aura was like a landslide, and even if the soldiers who charged in front were all elite soldiers, they couldn't help their faces changing color.

Has the rookie killed too much and finally provoked the real main force?
Leo sneered, his eyes full of excitement.

The silver chains wrapped around Xu Xu's body vibrated violently, the bell of death was sounded, and the penetrating bell reverberated over the battlefield. In the bursts of bells, the demons found that the opponent's strength had become much stronger. These humans and elves are faster than them in terms of attack defense and speed.

Is it true that the combined forces of humans and blood elves suddenly became stronger?

of course not.

The demons don't know that they have fallen into Leo's way. Various curses such as aging and weakness have weakened their strength by nearly half, and this weakening is very hidden, and they cannot be noticed without strong vigilance.

Previously, he was dealing with ordinary demons. Seeing that his opponent was not strong, Leo wanted to take this opportunity to see how powerful Arathor's army was. That's why he didn't urge the death bell. Now the main force of the demon army joined the battle. , in order to avoid major casualties, Leo had to cast a curse.

The multiple curses deepened, and the momentum of the Hellfire troops summoned by the terrorist tacticians plummeted. The human and blood elf coalition forces that found their opponents suddenly weakened were highly motivated, and the demons were feared to be killed and retreated steadily.It is in such situations that the Terrorist Tactician's Hellfire forces close in on their opponents.

Despite being weakened by the curse spell, the hundreds of Hellfires with a height of at least ten meters are still full of aura. Scarlett, Frelin and Viri are leading the elite fighters to prepare for the impact of these big men.



While the ground was trembling, two giant robots suddenly rushed into the Hellfire troops, punching and kicking the Hellfires one by one, and they were smashed into rubble.

The Void Mecha and War Fortress are 70 meters tall, making them look like adults bullying children in front of Hellfire. Hellfire, whose strength has been weakened by Leo's curse, can't stop these two violent elements at all. , Hundreds of Hellfire troops were beaten to pieces by them.

Faced with such a change, how could the Hellfire troops maintain their momentum? Scarlett and Fralin took the opportunity to rush up with elite fighters to surround and kill the fish that slipped through the net under the Void Mecha and War Fortress. The hell of a terrorist tactician The fire brigade was destroyed.

Gothick and Les Shuangyu were relieved when they saw this, and the two archmages changed their targets to help the Summoner Legion and Magisters concentrate on resisting the attack of the evil flame imp.

It's not that they don't want to fight back and solve the threat of tens of thousands of hellhounds. These spellcasters can't pose a threat to demons. It should be noted that not everyone can master the law like Leo can ignore the talent of hellhounds to devour magic.

(End of this chapter)

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