Chapter 571
"Although I want to tell you that this is just a misunderstanding, you can continue to sleep, but obviously you won't believe it."

Looking at Gazrella, who was sleeping soundly but was disturbed by someone and was furious, Leo shrugged his shoulders in a helpless tone, but now Gazrella has no time to pay attention to him.

The moment Gazrella appeared, the ground trembled violently with a dull bang, as if someone had hit a sap hard on the back of the head, shaking his body and falling limply As unlucky as that, the outer wall of the sacred pool collapsed, and a large amount of gravel poured into the pool to fill it up to seven or eight percent.

Spider monsters dig holes not just on the surface. The webs laid by these digging masters who can penetrate the ground are three-dimensional. Under Leo's instructions, the spider monsters dug a hole hundreds of meters deep and placed them in the hole. Counting the weight of gunpowder, Leo buried more than [-] catties of black powder this time. The number of engineering bomb boxes made of so much gunpowder is a terrifying number. Isn’t it enough to explode the outer wall of a pool? A sure thing?
The sacred pool was filled with gravel, and most of Gazrella's body was buried in it. The three-headed sea snake that had just emerged had no time to show off its power when it found that its old nest had been taken away. This time it ignited the powder keg, and it was angry. up.

"Gazrilla, how about this greeting?"

Leo laughed loudly. Standing on Perision's head, he looked down at Gazrilla. His insolent appearance made the three-headed sea serpent, a demigod, want to tear him to pieces.What made Gazrilla helpless was that the distance between Leo and him was too far. When he blew up the sacred pool, he had already sent the dracolich into the sky. Now Leo was already at an altitude of [-] meters. , Gazrilla could only stare at him.

"What demigod, it's just an ugly reptile."

Ignoring Gazrella's murderous eyes, Leo continued his arrogance, and while the three-headed sea snake was weighing whether to spend a lot of mana to give this arrogant guy a ruthless blow, Leo's Pelisi Ang flew away suddenly.

Seeing that the human who had ruined his dwelling pool wanted to leave Gazrella, he would naturally not agree, and it followed without thinking, but it didn't know that such a move was in Leo's hands.

A beast is a beast, even a demigod is still a beast, impulsive, bloodthirsty, warlike, irritability is your nature and your weakness, Gazrilla.

Leo exchanged glances with Kael'thas Woking and the others, and a sense of pride in the success of the calculation arose in his heart.

During the flight, the dracolich once again used the illusion dance to hide its body, but Gazrilla is a demigod, and Perision and the others' illusion dance did not confuse the three-headed sea snake at all. However, the purpose of the dragon lich is not to confuse it.

Gazrella, who easily broke the target's spell, followed even more closely. The three-headed sea snake, who had originally suspected that the opponent had set up a trap, was now sure that Leo was going to escape.

Tiny humans and bone dragons dare to disturb Lord Gazrella's sleep, and must not be let go.

Gazrella made up his mind to kill Leo and the others. As a demigod, the coercion could not tolerate anyone's provocation. It was chasing Leo and the others on the ground, but it didn't realize that its rampage in Zul'Farrak had already attracted The left-behind Sandfury troll was terrified and furious, and the Sandfury priests guarding the altar reacted violently when they found the huge three-headed sea snake rushing towards the altar.

A beast demigod who had recently quarreled with the clan was rushing towards the place where the altar is located. Gazrilla didn't show up at other times but chose to kill at this moment when guarding the emptiness in the clan, and the Sandfury priests suddenly felt dissatisfied They had a wonderful premonition, and they thought it was Gazrella who wanted to take the opportunity to destroy the Sandfury tribe that had angered him.

You want to destroy the altar so that we can't summon the great spider god to descend, and then slaughter us wantonly, Gazrella, you are thinking too simply.Indeed, you are a powerful demigod, and we can only look up to you, but this does not mean that we will willingly accept your slaughter. As believers of the spider god, the Shannu tribe is protected by the great Shadra.

Thinking that they understood Ghazrilla's sinister intentions, the Priests of Sandfury rose up to resist. In the eyes of these priests, the altar was extremely sacred and could not be destroyed by Ghazrilla. Decided to sacrifice his life to summon the spider god Shadra to fight against Gazrilla.

Perision carried Leo and the others flew very fast. In order not to be thrown off by the opponent, Gazrilla's speed could not be slowed down. When the three-headed sea snake found a tyrannical aura that was not weaker than itself suddenly appeared from the front. Unable to stop, Sandfury priests sacrificed themselves to summon Shadra, the spider god they believed in, to succeed.

Shadra, who had just been summoned to Zul'Farrak by the Priests of Sandfury, saw a huge three-headed sea snake aggressively rushing towards him before he could figure out the situation. This behavior instantly aroused Shadra's hostility.

You must know that the relationship between the beast demigods is not friendly, because some beast demigods can gain strength by devouring others. In Shadra's view, Gazrella is such a guy.

Want to kill me?Let me tell you, I can also evolve through devouring, let's see who can kill who.

A large dark green spider web in the swollen belly of Shadra headed towards Gazrella, and from the look of the spider web, it was known that it was highly poisonous.

Gazrilla was startled and furious. He was following Leo, who was provoking him, but unexpectedly, a big dark red spider suddenly appeared on the opposite side. The three-headed sea snake realized that he had run to the altar of the Sandfury troll. , this big spider, which is not weaker than him in the slightest, was summoned by the Sandfury troll.

Could this be the reason why that human dared to provoke me?
Could it be that he is working for this spider demigod?

While wondering, Ghazrella saw the big spider on the opposite side cast a big web at him, trying to trap himself in the web, thinking that the beasts and demigods could gain more strength by devouring each other, Ghazrella La understood that the reason why the human being blew up the pool where he lived and lured him here was because of the instigation of the big spider on the opposite side.

Having figured out the opponent's conspiracy, Gazrella certainly wouldn't hold back. Not only did the huge three-headed sea snake not stop because of Shadra's appearance, but it increased the force of the collision, trying to take advantage of Shadra's just being summoned. The timing of coming out, which has not yet fully figured out the current situation, hit this opponent hard.

Gazrilla thought well, but how could Shadra, as a demigod of the same level, be injured so easily?
The three-headed sea snake's body weighing [-] tons collided with the dark green spider web, and the force that was strong enough to kill a legendary warrior failed to break through the spider web, although the frontal spider web hit Gazrella The moment it was stretched to the limit, the tough spider silk also made a sound of collapsing, but it just didn't break.

Gazrella was startled when he failed to break through the spider web, he knew that he had met a formidable opponent this time.

Gazrella, who was facing Shadra, didn't care about Leo's whereabouts. The spider is not as strong as it physically, but it has a lot of experience in using poison and sneak attacks. If Gazrella dares to distinguish God doesn't even know how he died.

Seeing that the opponent failed to break through his web, Shadra let out a proud neigh, and the spiderweb covering Gazrilla began to tighten inward. Realizing that the three-headed sea snake was struggling hard, the dark green spider As silky as the strings flicked by the hands of a young musician, the chaotic and disturbing sound of crashes echoed between the two wild beasts and demigods.

Shadra and Gazrella were wrestling. Leo, Kael'thas and the others made a circle and then returned quietly. When they came back, they happened to see this scene.

"There are actually two demigods here in Zul'Farrak, which is beyond my expectation."

Kael'thas was very surprised that there were two beast demigods in the barren place of Zul'Farrak. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would not have believed it.

"Your Highness Kael'thas, Patriarch Vol'jin and I have seen that spider demigod descending on the altar of Zul'Farrak with his thoughts. Originally, our plan was only to have Gazrella and this Shadra The spider demigod's mind was engaged in a contest to weaken it, but now it seems that the plan has to be changed."

Leo pointed to the two beasts and demigods wrestling with each other. There was a kind of excitement shining in his eyes. The plan could not keep up with the changes, and this kind of gifted opportunity must not be wasted.

"Let's not intervene now, let these two guys fight until they are exhausted from fighting, maybe we can kill the two beast demigods this time."

"up to you."

Vol'jin doesn't care at all. Anyway, his purpose has been completed ahead of schedule. The plan to capture the Sandfury troll and digest it to strengthen the Darkspear tribe has nothing to do with the contest between the two beast demigods. Favors and doing a rehearsal for hunting Haka have no effect on his success.

"it is good."

Unlike Vol'jin, Kael'thas's attitude is very positive. The purpose of the blood elf prince is to fight against the demigod, so as to understand the law information contained in the power of the demigod, and to seek the breakthrough that has never been obtained for thousands of years opportunity.

Beast demigods are somewhat different from demigods cultivated by human elves and other high-level intelligent beings. Although it is much easier for them to break through the demigod realm from the legendary level than the latter, but God is fair. Beast demigods can only touch the single law. It is not like human elves and demigods who can comprehend two or even three laws.

Fighting against Gazrella alone is very limited, and more Shadra will be of great benefit to Kael'thas. The chance of being exposed to two laws is better than the chance of only being exposed to one law comprehension Great, how could the blood elf prince have no reason to be unwilling?
Seeing that Vol'jin and Kael'thas both agreed to come down and Leo would not speak again, he knew that all he had to do now was to wait patiently until these two beast demigods beat each other half to death before killing each other.

The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit. I didn't expect that this time I was so lucky that I could even buy one and get one free. It seems that even God is helping me.As long as I can successfully hunt down Shadra and Gazrella, I will have the confidence to face the Lich King's upcoming revenge, and maybe I will give the Lich King a big surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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