Chapter 572
Shadra and Gazrilla were wrestling. The two beast demigods didn't know that they were being targeted by a group of people, but even if they knew, they wouldn't care. Being a demigod has its own arrogance.

The dark green spider web tried to tighten inward after the master tried his best, but how could Gazrella, who was covered by it, do what his opponent wanted?The three-headed sea snake knew very well what would be waiting for itself if it was really trapped in the net. How could it be willing to become the prey of others and use its own flesh and blood and soul as a stepping stone for Shadra to go further?
Relying on his stronger body and greater strength than the opponent, Gazrella quickly stabilized his body, and even though Shadra's web was stretched tightly, it couldn't pull it forward even a small step.At this time, the advantage of Gazrilla's three-headed sea snake was brought into play. It used one head to direct the remaining two heads of its body to cast spells, and saw that it continuously spewed out a section of water jets from its snake mouth. The screeching sound of a moving train hit Shadra directly, and just from the momentum, one can imagine the impact of Gazrella's jet of water.

After a jet of water hit Shadra, it actually made the sound of a heavy hammer hitting an object. If this blow hit someone else, even a legendary warrior would be injured, but Shadra and Gazrella are both equals. God Realm, this big dark red spider continued to fiddle with its dark green web as if nothing had happened.

An ineffective water jet attack did not affect Gazrella, the water jets from the three-headed sea snake blasted out one after another like cannonballs, Shadra was reluctant to give up the spider web and had little room to dodge, but he was hit by hundreds of water jets in the blink of an eye, boom The loud bang sound echoed through the altar of Zul'Farrak with increasing frequency.

This is the strength of a demigod. Every seemingly random blow can seriously injure or even kill the legendary powerhouse. No wonder Alsace became the queen of the demigod with the power of Frostmourne. Della's ability to stand upright under such an attack is enough to show its strength.

Leo marveled at the strength of the demigod while secretly rejoicing. Fortunately, Kel'Thuzad was spared during the Hand of Tyr, otherwise he would have been a corpse in the face of the Lich King's wrath.However, Leo's heart is even hotter because he has realized the power of demigods from Gazrilla and Shadra, whether it is to deal with the Lich King's inevitable revenge or to increase his own powerful thugs, these two demigods They must all be taken.

If God gave such a good opportunity, if you still can't get rid of these two demigods, why not just buy a piece of tofu and smash them to death.

Thinking of this, Leo quietly made arrangements.

Unbeknownst to Shadra and Ghazrilla, who fought at the Altar of Zul'Farrak, a human had identified them as sure prey, a battle was going on between two beasts and demigods, the spider and the three-headed sea serpent.

Bearing the water jet like a cannonball, Shadra tightened the big net with all his strength while screaming sharply. Don't look at its appearance that it doesn't care about the water jet sprayed by Gazrella, but in fact, it is a spider demigod. As far as physical fitness is concerned, it can only be located downstream among the demigods. Shadra doesn't care about the water magic power contained in the water column sprayed by the three-headed sea snake, but the physical impact force carried by the water column when it hits makes Shadra Very uncomfortable.

I don't feel much about hitting Shadra once, but I can't bear to hit the spider demigod hundreds of times in a row. Shadra's body has already suffered a lot of shocks during the confrontation with Gazrilla using the spider web. In other words, the spider demigod was injured.

Originally, as a demigod, it was not so easy to get hurt. Although the speed of the water jet sprayed by Gazrella was very fast, Shadra could easily dodge it, but this spider demigod didn't know what to think, it just didn't want to give up that The dark green spider web covering Gazrella's face, insisting on standing still and fighting against Ghazrella, using his own strengths to attack the enemy's strengths, Shadra would not be able to suffer.

"That spider demigod would rather keep Gazrella's attack on than tighten that web, there must be something weird about it."

Leo made eye contact with Kael'thas and others. As a demigod, Shadra shouldn't be so stupid. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it won't gain the slightest advantage in competing with Gazrella, but this spider The demigod kept insisting, did it have water in its brain, and it was still boiling water?
Facts proved that Leo and the others were right. Shadra would not be so stupid as to use its own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths. It did so with a purpose.

In the bang bang sound, the jet of water sprayed by Gazrella kept hitting Shadra, and the spider demigod's body finally began to tremble under the constant attacks of the three-headed sea snake. To a certain extent, he began to be unable to bear the performance of the opponent's attack.

Seeing that his opponent was showing signs of being unable to support himself, Gazrella hissed triumphantly, but the three-headed sea snake did not notice any abnormalities in his body.

When Gazrella was proud, traces of dark green were spreading over his body at an extremely fast speed. The white scales of the three-headed sea snake were gradually changing to dark green under their infestation, and the source of these dark greens was The web that covers Gazrella.

Shadra is a demigod of spiders. The dark green spider webs that it sprayed at Gazrilla were obviously highly poisonous. The toxins on the net had had enough time to build up and eat away at Gazrella's body quickly, and now Shadra finally had his time.

Spiders will build a web first when preying. Once the prey falls into the web, instead of eating it directly, they will inject toxin into the prey first, and then eat the other bite after the prey's body is eroded by the toxin. Enjoy a good meal.As a spider demigod, Shadra does not need to bite the target like a normal spider to rely on the spider web to inflict poison. This ability is exactly the same as that of Maxner who was frozen to death by the Ice King, except that Shadra The stronger it is, the more poisonous it is.

Knowing that the other party is a demigod like himself, once it is given time to react, it will definitely be able to prevent the spread of the toxin, so Shadra has been patient before, waiting until all the toxins accumulated in the body are injected into the spider web before acting. When Gazrella's body spread, it was as violent as a flash flood. The dark green replaced the white on the three-headed sea snake's scale armor with an unstoppable force. There is no way to expel it.

Feeling that his body was gradually becoming stiff under the erosion of toxins, Gazrella felt an uncontrollable panic in his heart.

Compared with Shadra, Gazrella's advantage lies in strength. If the body cannot move, there is naturally no room for strength. So why can Gazrella beat Shadra?
Realizing that the situation was extremely unfavorable to him, Gazrella became crazy, and the speed at which the water jets were sprayed by the snake's head increased a bit. These water jets hit Shadra's body with a bang, and the body of the spider demigod trembled more and more. Shadra knew that this was Gazrella's dying struggle, as long as he pushed it forward and waited until the toxicity completely broke out, the opponent could only watch him swallow it.

Thinking of the increase in strength he could gain after devouring the three-headed sea snake, which is also a demigod, Shadra, whose spider eyes shined brightly, braced his body and gritted his teeth under the attack of the heavy rainwater column. It's really worrying that it will collapse in the next second.

The contest between the two demigods has entered the most tragic stage. The two sides are fighting for consumption and strength. Whether Gazrella was completely paralyzed by the poison or Shadra collapsed first under the dense water column ?

The two wild beasts and demigods at the altar fought fiercely, and the hidden audience also became nervous. Everyone knew that Shadra and Gazrella would end up losing both sides if they fought like this. Come out at the right time, and grab a huge bargain when the strength of the two beasts and demigods has dropped.

Ready to go!

Leo and the others looked at each other and nodded at each other. Except for him, Kael'thas, Vol'jin and everyone else present began to build up their strength and prepare to hit Shadra and Gazrella severely with one shot.

The dark green toxin rapidly spread in the body, unable to suppress it, Gazrella's body changed from white to dark green. With the increase of the range of body rigidity, Gazrella could no longer maintain the previous intensive offensive and shot at Shadra's water column slowly decreased at an astonishing speed, and finally completely disappeared.

Seeing that Ghazrilla, a tough opponent, was completely controlled by his poison, Shadra knew that he had won the battle, and the spider demigod hissed triumphantly.

So what if you are strong and strong, in the end, you still have to fall at my feet, and you actually want to plot against my great spider demigod Shadra, you fool, now use your body and soul as a further sacrifice for me Taste it.

Shadra rushed towards Gazrella, in its eyes, this opponent restrained by the toxin was no longer a huge three-headed sea snake, but a tonic for it to enhance its strength.Of course, the spider demigod didn't relax its vigilance completely, its eyes stared at Gazrella for a moment, and if it found anything wrong with the other party, it would immediately back away.

It's time to get started.

Seeing this, Leo, who was hiding at the side, was about to send out a signal to attack, but suddenly there was a warning sign in his heart. The snake head in the middle of Gazrilla's three heads did not show the look of despair like the other two heads. From an angle that Shadra couldn't see, Gazrilla's head showed incomparably viciousness, and this scene happened to fall into Leo's eyes.

The three-headed sea snake still had a hole card, but Shadra didn't control it at all, and the spider demigod was about to suffer.

He made a gesture to the others to be calm and stop the crowd who were about to make a move. Leo decided to wait and see what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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