Chapter 595
In the hall of the Countess House of Prestor in Stormwind City, two women with black hair and black eyes are discussing something. Surrounding the hall are powerful guards. Their presence makes anyone who wants to sneak into the hall All had to feel helpless.

"Is it done?"

One of the black-haired women asked another person standing beside her. The woman who was asked was Kasanlana Prestor, the owner of the Earl's Mansion, also known as the Black Dragon Princess Onyxia.

"Yes, Varian has decided to attack Blackrock Tower. The messenger of the Kingdom of Stormwind is on his way to Ironforge and Darnassus. As for Stromgarde, Varian will contact him personally."

The respectful expression on Onyxia's face made her so careful that the identity of the other woman in the hall was confirmed. She was the Black Dragon Queen Xinasaraya.

"Well done."

Even when Sinasaraya is complimenting others, she still has an indifferent expression on her face. Onyxia can't see her thoughts and can only deal with it carefully. One face is indifferent and the other is cautious. If you don't know their The relationship did not tell that they were mother and daughter. Since Nelthario went crazy, the atmosphere of the whole black dragon clan has become very strange. Onyxia has long been used to this way of getting along.

"Tell Nefarian, let him prepare well, don't screw up this matter."

After throwing down a word indifferently, Hina Saraia's figure disappeared, and she let out a long sigh of relief when she saw the Black Dragon Queen leave Onyxia. The departure of Hina Saraya made her feel extremely relaxed, the Black Dragon Queen Years of accumulating power made Onyxia feel uncomfortable facing her. Every time she saw her, the Black Dragon Princess felt like walking on thin ice.

If the plan goes ahead, the Blackstone orcs who are attached to the black dragon will be in bad luck, but in the eyes of the black dragon, these orcs are just dogs under them, and their lives are worthless at all.

In this chaotic world, the least valuable thing is human life, and the most valuable thing is also human life. The only difference is whether you are strong or not.So Leo has never stopped getting stronger. He wants to control his destiny in his own hands instead of relying on other people's charity to survive.

"Being a strong person may lead to a miserable death, but being a weak person will definitely lead to a very difficult life. Either of the two will lead to a more favorable death."

Leo reclined on the golden recliner that had become his exclusive seat, fiddling with a red spar in his hand, looking like he was talking to himself, while Mannoroth and Dragonacus kept looking at him behind him. At the stone he called the Red Nightmare.

Sinesaraia, who had just returned from Stormwind City, came up. She looked at Mannoroth, who had turned into a human form, with a bit of surprise in her eyes, and the latter looked at Sinesaraia with a look of scrutiny. This is the first meeting between Leo's two strongest men at this stage.

"Master, things are going very well."

After a subtle contest with Mannoroth, Sinasaraya walked behind Leo. Although she had a slight advantage in this fight against the Black Dragon Queen, she knew that the opponent was just resurrected and was still in the weakest period. After a while, he was no longer his opponent.

Mannoroth the Destroyer is really powerful.

Hinasaraia couldn't help worrying. As the master, Leo not only became stronger and stronger, but also had more and more capable people under him. Now she can still rank first, but what about in the future?

People without far-sightedness must have near-concerns.

Anxiety in her heart did not prevent Sinasaraia from doing things. She stretched out her hand and gently massaged Leo's shoulders. Mannoroth couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw this.

This woman seems to have a difficult relationship with her master. I heard that human beings are very possessive of beautiful opposite sexes.

The abyss lord is very tangled, born in the world of Anellan full of killing and destruction, the creature of the abyss demon knows six out of seven senses of so-called love - nothing at all.

Leo closed his eyes with a look of enjoyment. He was very satisfied with the service of Sinai Salaya. As he advanced to the legend, there was no possibility that his servants would disobey orders, and he became stronger quickly. It also shocked all the subordinates, including Hina Saraya, and this shock quickly turned into surrender in their hearts, complete surrender.

"Sinestra, can you see any difference in this stone?"

Leo tossed the red nightmare in his hand and suspended it in the air with mana. Under the urging of magic power, this crystal red stone exudes a blood-like luster, which makes people who see it feel irresistible excitement. Fear, even if it is as strong as Sinasaraia and Mannoroth.

"It reminds me of what it's like to face Deathwing, master, what is it?"

Sinaisaraia was aroused by the red nightmare, and after holding back the discomfort in her heart, she finally couldn't hold back and looked away.

In addition to Sinasaraia, Mannoroth and Dragonakos also looked at Leo with a look of curiosity. That red stone is too evil, and their level of powerhouses can't stand it under its light. It won't last long, so why not make people wonder about its origin?

"In the hell world full of killing, destruction and fear of death, there are three demon gods. The youngest of the three demon gods is Diablo, the Lord of Terror who relies on fear to gain strength, and his original imprint is now sealed in this piece of soul. in the stone."

There is something shocking in Leo's erratic words.

A demon god is sealed in that red spar!
Even those who have seen the big world like Xinasaraia and Mannoroth are not calm anymore. If Leo did not make a mistake just now and he did not experience auditory hallucinations, it should be like this.

After the shock came the scorching heat, the burning thirst for power.

The eyes of Sinesaraia, Mannoroth, and Dragonakos when they looked at the Red Nightmare changed, and they became extremely hot. Facing their thirst for power, they cast aside the fear in their hearts and stared at the red nightmare. The piece of red spar in Leo's palm.

The demon god, that is the demon god, an existence that even a strong man like Mannoroth Sinasaraia can't compete with, even some gods who have been conferred gods will be crushed to death by him.

Now, the original imprint of a demon god is within reach, how can Sinai Saraya and the others calm down?
"Master, it's not a problem at all if you absorb the origin of the demon god in this spar and use your ability to confer the gods."

Taking a deep breath, Sinai Salaya was the first to get rid of the shock brought by the red nightmare. The first reaction after she woke up was to let Leo absorb the origin of the demon god inside, because as the master, Lei The stronger Ao is, the greater the ability of these servants will be improved, and it is better to absorb the origin of a demon god in the cognition of Hina Saraya. Although she is extremely hot-eyed, she dare not give birth thought.


Leo patted Hina Salaya's hand, and the Black Dragon Queen realized that her hand was still on Leo's shoulder and did not take it back because she was too shocked by the previous news.

"Diablo's original imprint is indeed a good thing. If you absorb it, as long as you don't be lazy and become a demon god, it is not a problem at all. However, the path I have to take is very different from him. Absorbing his original imprint will affect my life. develop."

After speaking, he waved his hand, and Leo had a depressing look on his face.

If he could directly absorb him, he would have done so a long time ago, why would he wait until now?
It is true that the original imprint of a demon god is indeed very attractive, and the benefits Leo can get from absorbing it are also amazing, but the path taken by the Lord of Terror is different from Leo after all. If Diablo If you get power from fear, then Leo's source of power is death and destruction. If you want to forcibly merge the power of both parties, it will not be conducive to Leo's development.

Only with a long-term vision can you achieve higher achievements. Don’t be blinded by the small profit in front of you. Countless facts are warning people that it’s not good to do things first, and impulsiveness is a devil.

"Hinasaraia, I still have use for this piece of red nightmare." Leo said and took the red spar back in his hand, and then muttered softly, "Keep it for now."

Mannoroth and Dragonakos looked at Sinasaraia enviously. How could they fail to understand the meaning of Leo's words? The stone that sealed the original mark of the demon god had already set Sinasaraia by default. , which means that the Black Dragon Queen is destined to become a demon-level powerhouse.

"Do things for me well, I won't treat you badly."

Only a successful superior can know how to give kindness and power. Although Leo knows that his orders will be carried out without compromise, but passively obeying orders and actively completing the things he explained will be extremely efficient. There is a big difference, and sometimes it even determines the success or failure of things. Since Leo doesn't want his subordinates to lose the chain at a critical moment, he must fully mobilize their enthusiasm.

"Thank you for your generosity, great master."

Sinai Saraia was very excited. Based on her understanding of her master, she knew that Leo was definitely not joking when he said that he would give her the Red Nightmare. To be able to obtain the original mark of a demon god depends on her ability. Time to become a demon god level existence is not a big problem. In the past, she could not have imagined that such a good thing would happen to her.

Appreciate my generosity?
Leo scratched his face, and said, if he assigns the Red Nightmare to Hina Saraya by default, is he following the trend and resolutely masturbating the big pineapple?But in terms of ability, Hina Saraya is indeed very suitable to inherit Diablo's power.

"Oh, sissy..."

Leo shook his head in a funny way, he doesn't care so much, as a pragmatist, he can do whatever he wants, too many worries are unnecessary.

After adjusting his clothes, Leo stood up: "Since you are back, Sina Saraia, we will go to Scarlett now, she must have received Varian's request to send troops."

In the past, the Kingdom of Arathor needed the assistance of Stormwind City, and now it is time for the Kingdom of Stormwind to ask for help from Stromgarde, 30 years in the east and 30 years in the west of the river, Feng Shui will take turns.

 As in the title, most of the people in the previous post agreed to be girly, O(∩_∩)O haha~
(End of this chapter)

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