Necromancer in another world

Chapter 596 Magic Weapon

Chapter 596 Magic Weapon
It is a very cumbersome thing for a kingdom to send troops, especially this time it will enter the territory of another country to cooperate with the troops of other forces, which requires time to prepare.

It is impossible for Scarlett to refuse Varian's request to send troops. The Kingdom of Arathor was the first to agree to send troops to help the Kingdom of Stormwind attack Blackstone Mountain. Even so, they prepared for about half a month. It took so long because of this Once Scarlett adopted Leo's proposal and sent out an army composed entirely of recruits.

In Leo's words, the attack on Blackrock Mountain this time is entirely to help Varian, and the main force that Stromgarde can mobilize has already gone to the world of Draenor with Naxxramas, although some elites are left behind. But those soldiers were to guard Stromgarde. Given the uncertainty of traveling between the two worlds, Leo was not going to recall Draenor's army, so sending a new army became the only option.

"Don't worry, these new troops are all veterans from the top to the leading generals to the sergeant chief. With these people commanding and we are in charge, there will be no problems. Besides, the quality of these soldiers is not bad. I believe that in the offensive After the battle of Blackrock Mountain, Arathor will add another elite team."

Standing next to the teleportation array in Lakeside Town, Leo stroked Scarlett's hair, reassuring the female knight, and worried about Scarlett, an army that had never been baptized in war. Ordinary recruits are different-they are equipped with a lot of firearms, well, these are not ordinary firearms but magic weapons that use magic as long-range weapons.

Firearms are commonly used long-range attack weapons by dwarves. For example, the famous dwarf musketeers, dwarf artillerymen and other troops use firearms.However, the dwarves use pure firearms, that is, purely physical offensive weapons that rely on gunpowder to propel bullets and shells to explode, while the long-range weapons that Leo equips the new army of Arathor Kingdom do not need gunpowder. Their attack power comes from A magic circle engraved in the weapon.

This ability to burn a magic circle in a weapon to make the weapon have a magic attack is not the first of its kind by Leo. Dwarves, gnomes, and even goblins have already used it. The reason why it has not been scaled up is because the cost is too high. After all, burning a magic circle is a delicate task. It's okay to let magicians do one thing occasionally, but it's impossible to let them do it all the time.

It’s not that no one has ever thought of using clone bugs, but the cost is too high based on the damage rate that clone bugs break after working for a few days. The cost of making such a weapon is higher than The material cost of the weapon itself is several times higher.

But Leo is different. After fusing the replicators with the skeletons, he doesn't have to think about the damage of the replicators at all. As long as the number of replicators has been expanded to 30, they will work around the clock. A magical weapon only needs to pay the cost price of materials, and there is no need to consider any labor costs. In this way, why is it a problem for the army of the Kingdom of Arathor to equip large-scale magical weapons?
"This is an opportunity to test new weapons and new tactics. We should have confidence in the soldiers. Anyway, even if it doesn't work, it doesn't cost much. Besides, the soldiers are not equipped with melee weapons according to the previous standard except for magic weapons. And body armor, don't worry."

Leo has full confidence in magic weapons, but this does not mean that others are the same. The worry on Scarlett's face still exists, and he has to continue to comfort the female knight. You must know that this kind of large-scale use of magic weapons is still the first Second, if it can be used, it will have an immeasurable effect on the rise of the Kingdom of Arathor. After all, magic weapons can be used even by non-combatants. In this way, Arathor's recruitment range can be expanded by at least ten times.

"Queen Scarlett, Marshal Leo, thank you very much for coming."

The Stormwind Kingdom is in charge of this battle is the Grand Duke Bolvar, but he has now led the army to the Morgan sentry in the Burning Plains. At this time, it is Windsor, who is Bolvar's deputy, to greet Scarlett and Leo. Field Marshal.

The Stormwind Kingdom, the reinforcement of the Arathor Kingdom, is very important. This is the first allied army to arrive, and they came very fast. It took less than three days for the Stormwind City army to capture the stone fortress and camp established by the Blackrock orcs in the Red Ridge Mountains. They have already arrived, which shows how much Arathor values ​​his alliance with the Stormwind Kingdom. Even a fool would know what attitude to use towards such a firm ally.

"Marshal Windsor, you are too polite, we are sorry that we missed the previous battle."

Just as a relationship requires two people to manage it carefully, the relationship between allies must also be maintained by both parties. Windsor greeted Leo and Scarlett with a smile, which would naturally give him face, and the attitude of the two was quite polite.

Windsor is an old soldier. He soon discovered that the equipment of Arathor's army was different. Each of these soldiers carried a magic weapon. What's more, he saw some strong soldiers carrying a magic weapon. There was something similar to a goblin mortar, and this discovery shocked the Marshal greatly.

Whether these magical weapons were bought by the Kingdom of Arathor or made by them themselves, if it is the former, it doesn't matter, it can only show that they have a lot of money, if it is the latter, it will have a great impact on the world structure.

"What's the matter, Marshal?"

Windsor is a person who is easy to show his thoughts on the surface. The movement of him staring at the equipment on Arathor's soldiers is tantamount to telling Leo that he is attracted by those magical weapons.

Asked by Leo that Windsor did not hide his thoughts, he looked at the Arathor soldiers walking out of the teleportation formation and said with emotion: "Marshal Leo, this is the first time I have seen magic weapons used as a routine weapon. Equipped troops, Arathor's ability is really amazing."

"The manufacture of magical weapons is indeed much more complicated than that of swords. After half a year of groping, I can only improve some processes. Fortunately, it can meet the needs of soldiers in my country for equipment."

When Leo spoke, he had a very dissatisfied tone, but his inadvertent smile revealed his true thoughts.

Wen De Sole was taken aback when he heard the words, and he was responsible for the large amount of magic weapons equipped in Leo's words. Then Wen De Sole became dissatisfied again. I said, what are you dissatisfied with? Yes, do you know how much money many races have spent to popularize magical weapons on a large scale, and how many geniuses have spent on it? It only took you less than a year to get the results, you What qualifications are there to be dissatisfied with?

Scarlett gave Leo a white look. The boy's expression was too fake, and only an honest person like Wen De Sole couldn't see the smug look.

"Marshal Windsor, I believe these magical weapons will help the attack on Blackstone Mountain this time."

Scarlett showed full confidence in front of outsiders, although she didn't have much confidence in her heart. After all, magical weapons had always only appeared in small-scale or even single-player battles, and they were directly used between armies like this. It was the first time in the war.

Seeing Scarlett acting so confidently, Windsor would be dispelled even if he had any doubts in his heart. In the heart of the Marshal of the Storm Kingdom, Scarlett is both the Queen of the Kingdom of Arathor and the Paladin of the Lothar family. Naturally, there is no need to doubt her reputation, she must have known the power of magical weapons if she dared to say that.But Windsor didn't know that Scarlett didn't know the actual strength of the magical weapon. The reason why she agreed to let the soldiers of Arathor Kingdom use it as regular equipment was entirely due to Leo.

Unlike Scarlett and others who are used to hand-to-hand warfare in the cold weapon era, Leo is very optimistic about the prospect of large-scale use of gun weapons, although the latter is far less useful than a strong person in individual and small-scale battles , but the role they can play in large-scale wars is immeasurable, even in this world with gods and various powerful individuals, it is impossible for the guns to reach the height of the earth.

There is a good saying that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. Leo believes that after experiencing actual combat, Scarlett will understand where her confidence comes from.

Thinking of this, Leo felt that it was necessary to fight a battle to let Scarlett see the facts in order to dispel her worries, but now it is in the territory of the Storm Kingdom, it is not up to Leo to find a partner to start training, and he does not want to cause trouble. What a misunderstanding.

"It is said that the war is like a fire. Now that the Duke of Bolvar has led the army to Morgan's Post, we as the allies can't stay behind. Without further ado, I suggest that Arathor's army go to the Burning Plains immediately. After all, it is too far away. Chaos, we must clear the obstacles before attacking Black Rock Mountain."

Leo is telling the truth, both the Burning Plains and the Scorching Canyon are unregulated and chaotic lands. There are many powerful native creatures living in these two lands. These native creatures are full of hostility to outsiders and do not clear the road. When a large army advances, it will be attacked.

"The Scorching Gorge belongs to the sphere of influence of the Black Iron Dwarves, and the Burning Plains is an area controlled by the Black Dragon and the Blackrock Orcs. It happens that we are going to attack the Blackhand clan in the Blackrock Mountain. It is also good to practice with the other party's peripheral forces before the big battle."

According to the original plan of the Stormwind Kingdom, the task of clearing the road should not be left to the allied forces. The allied forces who came from everywhere only need to participate in the final battle to attack Blackstone Mountain, and they don't need to worry about other trivial matters.Windsor was about to speak after hearing about Leo's plan, but Leo, who had already made up his mind, added another sentence. Seeing his resolute attitude, the Marshal could only swallow his words back.

As an allied army, the Kingdom of Arathor is very enthusiastic to help you. The Kingdom of Stormwind must not pour cold water on others.

Seeing that Wen De Sole acquiesced and Leo turned his attention to Scarlett, clearing the road into Blackstone Mountain just to test the effect of using magic weapons on a large scale, naturally there will be no objection to his proposal for the female knight.

"It's settled like this. After entering the Burning Plains, Arathor's army will not go to Morgan's sentry but will go directly to Blackstone Mountain. Marshal Windsor, please tell Duke Bolvar that Queen Scarlett and I will be in Blackstone Mountain the entrance to meet him."

(End of this chapter)

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