Necromancer in another world

Chapter 720 Small Problems

Chapter 720 Small Problems

The demon lord Immoltar, a powerful but extremely tragic demon.

A demon can be titled a lord, which shows that he is also a figure who dominates among the demons. There is no doubt about Immotar's strength to be able to do this, but it is because of his strength that it is sad.

After the explosion of the Well of Eternity, the highborne of Elre'Thalas, who lost their source of magical energy, became weaker and weaker day by day, just as blood elves today suffer from magic addiction after losing the Sunwell.

In order to solve this problem, Torsedrin, the elven prince who manages Eresalas, began to look for a new energy source, and finally he turned his idea on the demon.

Drawing power from the demon was the only way Torsedrin could find it.

Under his command, the highborne of Elesalas built many magical towers, and these towers formed a magic net. The Highborne provide enough magical energy.

The demon summoned was Immoltar, and his sad days began when he answered Torthedrin's call.

Immotar, who was trapped in the magic net and could not escape, became the energy source of the highborne. The highborne of Eresalas kept absorbing magical energy from him for their own use. The elves were very happy, Yi Mortal was in pain.

For the Highborne, it doesn't matter whether Immoltar joined the Burning Legion, or whether he provoked anyone, the devil is the devil, who made him answer the call?Who made him a devil?
In order to solve their own problems, the highborne of Eresalas made Immotar suffer for thousands of years. It seems that the demons also have grievances and injuries.

Standing on the back of the storm crow and coming to Elesalas, what Leo saw was a bustling scene. Under the order of Kael'thas, a large number of blood elves came here to rebuild the city, and the dilapidated old buildings were destroyed. Pushed down, new buildings are being erected on the ground, and the city that has been abandoned for thousands of years has a new vitality because of their arrival.

In order to prevent people from being harassed, the blood elves have a lot of garrisons in Eresalas. The commanders of these garrisons are Leo's acquaintances, and she is Fuchsel.

When Leo was close to Elesalas, a team of Dragon Eagle Knights flew over. Fortunately, Leo had already contacted Fhissel when he entered Feralas. After confirming his identity, the Dragon Eagle Knights They let go.

The whole of Elre's Salas has become a large construction site. In order to prevent other people from getting a chance to get involved in Erre's Salas, Kael'thas directly asked people to rebuild the entire city instead of rebuilding parts of it. The cost is not small, tsk tsk, he is really courageous.

Following the blood elf guards leading the way, Leo, who was walking in Elesalas, admired that the power of magic is convenience, tall buildings are slowly taking shape in the flash of magic light, rebuilding the city of blood elves You only need to burn the magic circle and prepare the materials. Except for the decorative reliefs and magic patterns, you rarely need to work hard to carry them. As the most powerful magic race, even if the blood elves are tortured by the magic addiction, they still have the power to let them go. The amazing power of man.

If the blood elves were allowed to solve their addiction problem, the strength of the Quel'Thalas kingdom would definitely be astounding.

Just as Leo was thinking, the guard in front stopped, and at the same time a gaze fell on him. Leo, who sensed this gaze, looked over and saw Fuchsel walking towards him quickly.

"I'm surprised you're here, don't tell me you're here to see me."

The voice of Fuchsel arrived before the people arrived. Leo came to Eresalas obviously beyond Fuchisel's expectation. She didn't understand what attracted Leo here.

Elesalas was re-occupied by the blood elves long ago. If there was something that attracted Leo, he should have come here long ago. Why did he come here now?

Could it be that this little soul came here because I was here?

Thinking of this, Fuchsel couldn't help but chuckle, Leo, this little soul, still has a heart for him.

Well, it was a wonderful misunderstanding, but Leo didn't mind if it continued.

From Fuchsel's words, I could hear that she was very happy about her arrival. Leo turned several times in his mind, stopped in time, and was about to ask about Immotar's situation. Fuchsel chuckled, with an expression of how do you know.

Seeing Leo's appearance, Fuchsel suddenly stepped forward and kicked Leo's calf.

Based on her understanding of Leo, she couldn't see that the boy's original intention was not what she thought, but only after hearing what she said.

Fortunately, I thought he was here to see me, but I didn't expect this little soul to have another purpose.

"Tell me, what do you want to do here?"

Leo has experienced the feeling of being self-defeating. Fuchsel knows him much better than himself. How can the female elf who has been with him day and night for a whole year not know some of his little habits?
"What do you think of me? Can't I come here to see you? Well, to be honest, I heard that there is a demon lord in Eresalas. I'm not afraid that if you need help, hurry up Come here."

Leo wanted to keep fooling around, but he still told the truth under the gaze of Fuchsel, the purpose of his coming was for the demon lord Immotar, and he was not afraid of what would happen to Fuchsel if he knew his purpose Influence, anyway, Immotar is of no use to the blood elves.

Fuchsel's eyes flashed, and she felt a little disappointed.

"You want Immotar? It's not that I can't give it to you, but you have to help me solve a problem."

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, and Fuchsel and Leo are familiar with each other, but they will not let Leo take advantage of it because of their personal friendship. Immotar is now the property of the blood elves, not Fuchsel. It is my private property, she has no right to give it to Leo for free.

Besides, even if she wanted to give Leo for free, she wouldn't want it. It would harm the public and enrich her personal interests. This would make Fuchsel face censure, and Leo was unwilling to let Fuchsel get into trouble because of him.

The trouble that Fuchsel wants Leo to solve is actually related to Immotar. For thousands of years, the highborne who have lived in Eresalas have used this unlucky demon lord as a source of magic power. Immotar's magical power, but they ignored a problem, or even if they knew that there was no other way, they could only choose this.

The problem is that Immoltar's power is different from the Well of Eternity that the Highborne rely on. Immoltar is a demon after all, and his magic power naturally contains demonic energy. It will have an impact over time.

The time Torsedrin and his men drew the power of Immotar was recorded in millennia. During such a long time, many highborne elves have become satyrs due to the influence of demonic power.

Devil satyr?

That's right, the demon satyr.

In the blood elves' battle to retake Eresthalas, a large part of those satyrs who were killed were highborne demons influenced by Immotar's power.

"You want me to solve the demonic power in these highborne?"


Among the blood elves, mages are easy to find, but warlocks are hard to find, especially for a great warlock like Leo, it is even more difficult to find.

Solanlian, the only great astrologer who has the ability to solve this problem, needs to sit in the world of Draenor to prevent Pazaren from harming the soldiers of the Sunfury Legion and the Sun Moxibustion Legion when Kael'thas leaves. They are all the elite of the blood elves, and they cannot tolerate any problems.

A warlock is a profession that studies the power of darkness and how to enslave demons. The power of demons in the upper elves of Eresalas caused headaches for the magisters of Silvermoon City. Even Kael'thas was helpless, and the blood elf prince There was even the idea of ​​transferring Solanlian back from the world of Draenor.

At this moment, Leo appeared, how could Fuchsel let such a great warlock like him go?

Leo can take away the demon lord after solving the problem left by Immotar to the blood elves, which is very fair in terms of trading principles. After all, Leo is a warlock. What he was good at, Fuchsel didn't deliberately make things difficult for him.

Leo stretched out his hand to grab a Highborne, and a Highborne was captured by Leo's death grip. His behavior aroused the anger of the Highborne. To these proud Highborne, a human dared to treat their companions like this, This is unforgivable.

"You mean fellow, let him go!"

A group of high elves glared at Leo, and some even wanted to attack him, but what awaited them was the warning from the blood elves.

"I've lived in this place of El Salas for a thousand years, have you guys already lived in the depths of your house? I'm helping you now."

Leo curled his lips, humble, really unpleasant word, if it wasn't for Fuchsel here, he would have to show some color to these dead house high elves.

"When did the Highborne become so arrogant and ignorant that a group of weaklings dare to challenge a great warlock?"

Seeing that the Highborne ignored the warnings of the blood elf guards and still refused to let go, Vochissel was furious.

If it weren't for the sake of the same race, the blood elves would have cleaned up these guys who had been infected with demon power and could become satyrs at any time when the blood elves attacked Elre's Salas, and now they are still putting on airs to show their arrogance. And even though the blood elf guards had already warned them, treating them with delicious food and drink during this period of time made these guys have the illusion that they really wouldn't touch them?
Whoosh!Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

The sound of a series of sharp arrows piercing the air sounded, and the ten or so highborne elves who screamed the most fiercely fell to the ground with arrows, and the blood elf guards launched an attack under the signal of Fuchsel.

Really kill it?
The high elves don't make a fuss, these high elves who chose to be captives of the blood elves are not fierce guys, such guys died because they chose to resist when the blood elves attacked Elesalas and imprisoned them .

A bunch of cowards, shame on the Highborne.

The blood elf guards showed disdain on their faces.

"Leo, can you solve it?"

Suppressing the voices of opposition from the high-level elves, and seeing Leo let go of the high-level elf in his hand, Fuchsel hurriedly asked.

"Small problem, give me a quarter of an hour."

Before Leo finished speaking, a large net made up of countless hair-thick blood-colored energy lines covered the upper elves, and the energy extraction was activated.

 The group is established, the group is established, the group number is on the introduction, everyone is welcome to join.

(End of this chapter)

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