Necromancer in another world

Chapter 721 What about the three agreed paths?

Chapter 721 What about the three agreed ways?

Solving the demonic power in the upper elves is nothing to Leo. If possible, he even hopes that this kind of thing can happen more times, because he can get a sum of upgrade energy by using energy extraction to extract the demonic power .

You don't need to fight life and death, you just need to cast a spell to get upgrade energy. Is there anything better than this?

In general, removing the power of demons from the upper elves at the request of Fhissel is more profitable than paying for Leo, and he can also get the goal of this trip afterwards—the demon lord Immotar Er, no matter how you count it, you are making money.

"Are they all right, Leo?"

After Leo confirmed that the demon power in the upper elves was removed, all the upper elves fell to the ground with pale faces, looking as if they were seriously ill. This scene made Fuchsel worried.

"Don't worry about my work. Their current state is just that the power of the devil is too entangled. They are suddenly pulled out by me and the body can't accept it. They will be fine after a period of rest."

Leo waved his hand and explained the state of the Highborne. Fuchsel didn't delve into it, but Leo found that she looked at the Highborne with an emotion called schadenfreude.

Scratching his face, Leo knew that his petty actions had actually been seen through by Fuchsel.

The reason why the upper elves fell to the ground collectively, apart from what Leo said, was more because the magic power in their bodies was drained by Leo.

Who told you guys to show off your superiority in front of me? How dare you call me humble. If I don’t give you a little bit of strength, you don’t know what the three-eyed horse is. Lay down on the bed obediently. Ten days and a half.

Punishment of the Highborne was only incidental to Leo's fulfillment of the conditions of Fuchsel, and Immotar was the real matter.

If Leo wants to get Immotar trapped in the magic net, the first thing he has to do is to release him. Leo doesn't understand the magic net set up by the elves. He must find someone who understands for help. Who else can Leo of the Magic Net go to besides the blood elves?
Before the blood elves were in charge of Eldara's affairs, Leo had a bad relationship with this blood elf powerhouse, which is why he didn't come to Eldre's Salas, because he knew that even Most of the time he came here because he was asking for no fun, even if he could get the help of the blood elves, the price he would pay would not be small.

Fortunately, the battle situation in the Eastern Plaguelands has changed. Without the pressure of the Scourge, Dysome, who was heavily garrisoned by blood elves, was much more relaxed. When he learned that Fuchsel was transferred to Erezalas Leo, he knew that he would The opportunity has come.

The development of the matter did not exceed Leo's expectations. After doing something easily, Fuchsel helped him release Immotar.

When the five magic towers in Eldesalas stopped functioning, and the moment the magic net disappeared due to lack of energy, angry roars resounded throughout Eldesalas.

A ten-meter-high two-headed dog lying on the ground appeared in the square in the center of the five magic towers. He was the demon lord Immotar.

The angular body is covered with scales, the back with barbs is dark blue, the seemingly soft abdomen is dark purple, each of the two heads has a red eye, and there are two rows of hexagonal prisms on the top of the head It has a sharp thorn, a mouth full of fangs, and a tentacle-like organ growing on its neck. There is a red eyeball at the top of these tentacles. From a distance, Immotar looks like a mutated giant hell dog.

After being summoned to this world, he was not only imprisoned for thousands of years, but also had his magic power drawn countless times by the upper elves. Immotar accumulated thousands of years of anger, hatred for elves, and hatred for this world. No creature can match him.

I didn't do anything and you did that to me, I'm going to kill you all.

Killing was Immotar's only thought at the moment. He wanted to kill all living creatures he saw and destroy all moving objects. Otherwise, it would not be enough to appease his anger.

Just, can he do it?

"I said, your voice is really loud."

Just when the escaped Immotar vowed to take revenge on the world and kill all the highborne who tormented him, an impatient voice came to his ears, and following the direction of the sound, Immotar found Leo and Fuchsel.

Using his little finger to dig his ears, Leo glared at Immotar, as if he was blaming him for being too loud, and this action had another explanation in Immotar's eyes.


Definitely provocative!
How dare a human being make such an expression to a powerful demon lord, is he despising me?Or is he laughing at what happened to me?

Immotar was very angry at first, but now that Leo, who was standing with Fuchsel, had that expression on him again, his anger burst out in a flash.

In terms of appearance, there is no difference between the blood elves and the highborne. In Immotar's eyes, the blood elves and the highborne are the same, so he regarded Fuchisel as a member of the highborne who imprisoned him.

Thinking of these highborne elves imprisoning him and continuously extracting magic power, making him suffer for thousands of years, Immotar wished he could tear them to pieces.

With a roar, Immotar kicked his legs, and his whole body rushed over quickly.

With Immotar's size, the force of this pounce is at least ten thousand catties. If the person attacked by Immotar was an ordinary person, the strong wind he brought would be enough to blow a grown man away.

But the targets he is attacking now are Leo and Fuchsel, and it is destined that his bad luck is still not over.

The moment Immotar's body vacated from the ground with all four legs, a huge palm suddenly appeared, and pressed Immotar, who was about to pounce, firmly into the ground.

The power of the palm was so strong and the speed was as fast as lightning. Immotar was pushed into the ground before he could resist. Most of his body sank into the ground, leaving only two heads outside.

What it feels like to be splashed with cold water from head to toe in the cold winter is what Immotar feels like now.

Demi god!

That human is a demigod!
How can it be? !
Immotar was dumbfounded. He was able to easily take over his attack and make him defenseless, which only a demigod could do.

Of course, this is for him now.

Although Immotar was angry, he was still clear-headed. He knew that he was very weak after being imprisoned for thousands of years, and his magic power was reduced to only [-]% of his heyday. He was helpless in front of a demigod.

Fear spread in Immotar's heart. If he met a demigod in his heyday, he could run away even if he couldn't beat him, but now he can't. ?

Ever since I came to this world, everything has gone wrong. First, I was imprisoned indiscriminately by a group of elves to extract magic power. After finally getting out of trouble, I met a demigod. How could I be so unlucky!
Immoltar lamented his bad luck. If he knew that he should not have come to this world from the Twisting Nether in response to the call of the Highborne, it would be too late to regret it now.

"You are Immotar? You are much weaker than I expected. Should I save your life?"

Leo came to Immotar, and the demon lord, who was firmly suppressed by the demigod's hand, looked at him nervously, waiting for the moment when his fate would end.

What is the fate of offending a demigod? Immotar knew it with his toes. He didn't want to die, but the huge gap in strength made him desperate. I can't resist.

"What do you want, human?"

Immotar asked this very imposingly, but he was able to communicate with Leo, which made Leo very happy.

"You can actually communicate with me. It seems that you are not low in intelligence. This is the best."

Leo narrowed his eyes slightly. He was not afraid of Immotar's wisdom, because intelligent creatures would spare their lives, but low-intelligence creatures that could not communicate at all were tricky, and the chances of these guys yielding were very low.

"I'll give you three ways, and you can choose any one."

Said, Leo raised three fingers.

Are there three options?
Immotar's eyes lit up. What he was afraid of was that this human being would kill him without saying anything. Fortunately, such a situation did not happen. Since he gave three choices, he might as well listen.

"First, be my pet; second, be my pet; third, be my pet."

Leo finished talking about the three options he gave with a smile, Immotar was dumbfounded, don't wait to play me like this, isn't it all the same?

What about the three ways?
Leo stretched out his hand and stroked Immotar's head with a smile on his face, as if what was in front of him was not a demon lord but a pet dog.

If someone else dared to touch his head like this Immotar would have killed him, but a demigod... Well, Immotar admitted that he really wanted to bite Leo to death, but in After weighing the gap in strength between the two sides, he wisely gave up this idea.

With my current weak body, I still want to bite a demigod to death. If I really did that, I must be the one who died.

"Tell me your options."

Looking at Leo Yimotar, I feel helpless, what choice can I make for a knife and me for a fish?

Besides, the three paths given are all the same result, isn't it the same as what you choose?

"If you need it, I'll be happy to help you."

Immotar's choice made Leo very satisfied. If this guy chooses to die hard, Leo doesn't mind turning him into a corpse.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero, your choice is very correct. Let go of your spiritual power now, and I want to sign a contract with you."

It is dangerous for others to make a contract with a demon, but it is just a common practice for a warlock. If the warlock himself is stronger than the devil, it is not dangerous. With the cooperation of Immotar, Leo will quickly complete the contract , the demon lord became his new pet.

"I really don't understand why you chose Immotar."

Fuchsel was puzzled. In her opinion, a disaster dog is not as useful as a hellhound.

"Unless it's that kind of extremely powerful hellhound, it won't help my combat power much, and you all underestimated Immoltar, who can survive for thousands of years in the hands of the highborne elves in Eresalas For a long time, his magic power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary demon lords, in my opinion, this is a pet with enough potential to advance to demigod."


That's right, what Leo was interested in was Immotal's potential.As he said, the magic power that has been pumped for thousands of years has not been pumped into a mummy. Immotar's magic power is deeper than that of Kael'thas before he got the tide stone, but only in terms of intelligence and understanding of power He is not comparable to the blood elf prince in terms of level.

To make a metaphor, Immotar is a reckless man with amazing brute strength, while Kael'thas is a master with less strength but knows various skills.

"You want to make Immoltar a demigod?"

Fuchsel was shocked by Leo's thoughts. He was not a demigod himself, but he wanted to train pets to advance to demigods. The idea was really advanced.

"Imotar's strength is enough, but his brain is not clear. Training a dog is an interesting challenge, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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