Necromancer in another world

Chapter 728 Angry Lamarck

Chapter 728 Angry Lamarck

Leo was the first one among the enemies to actively attack him. Of course, Lamarck had paid attention to him, but with the magic reflection shield on his body, plus Leo's aura, even Sinasaraya couldn't match it. , Lamarck didn't care too much about this human warlock.

Carelessly underestimating the enemy, this is a mistake Lamarck made when confronting the enemy, an extremely serious mistake.

If the magic reflection shield hadn't been dispelled by Sinai Salaya and Sindragosa, Lamarck did underestimate Leo's capital, but the reality is that there is no such thing.

It was too late when he realized that Leo was the most powerful enemy among the enemies who could really threaten his life. Leo, who drew strength from the Red Nightmare, had the power to conquer the Balrog Ragnar in the battle that destroyed Blackrock Mountain. Ross' strength.

In this state, even if Leo and Lamarque singled out Prince Chimerocco, he would not be able to defeat him. What's more, how could Leo do such an inefficient one-on-one fight?

On both sides of the war, Leo's advantage lies in the large number of people, and Lamarck's advantage lies in his strong individual strength. Choosing to single out Leo is to use his own shortcoming to attack Lamarck's strengths, which is a fool's thing.

Group fights are king!

"What's the use of staring at me?"

Leo pursed his lips, turning a blind eye to Lamarck's angry gaze. Most of the demigod-level spiritual coercion of Prince Chimeroc fell on him, but Leo, who borrowed the power of the Lord of Terror, Diablo, was so powerful. How could he be restrained by the coercion of a mere demigod?
Leo couldn't be killed just by looking at him. Lamarck, who figured out who was the biggest threat to him among the group of enemies, immediately changed his target. He stopped attacking Sindragosa and turned to Leo.

Will Mannoroth allow Lamarck to get close to Leo so easily?
Of course not!
Hina Salaya and the others will watch Lamarck approaching Leo and remain indifferent?

Nor is it possible.

Tasted the contempt he had never had before in Lamarck, Mannoroth, who was stimulated into a frenzy, didn't want to think about anything now, he only knew how to attack fiercely, attack, and attack again.

If Lamarck is not killed, Mannoroth will not be able to get rid of his hatred.

Mannoroth's desperate attack greatly hindered Lamark's approach to Leo. Seeing Leo gather his magic power again, Lamark was very anxious. How many times do you live.

This fly is so annoying!
Seeing Mannoroth's desperate posture, Lamarck knew that he would not want to get close to Leo if he didn't get rid of him, but how could Sinasaraia, Sindragosa and others beside Mannoroth just sit idly by?

There are many people, and this word is not a good word to say. Lamarck, who was besieged, now has a personal experience.

Mannoroth took the lead, Sindragosa, Sinesaraia, and Dragonakos took turns to stand in between him and Leo. He repelled one of them and another followed him. On the road, with Nefarian and Valastraz harassing at the side, it takes a lot of effort for Lamarck to get closer to Leo every step of the way.

Here it is!Here it is! ...

When a large number of electric elements converged, the unique sound of electric current sounded. Leo held the disintegration staff in one hand, and the Thunder Fury in the other. The electric current is flickering non-stop, which makes people startled.

No, you can't let him complete the attack easily.

The strength of the elemental power gathered on Thunderfury made Lamarck, a demigod, feel his scalp tingling. Prince Chimerocco did not dare to let Leo gather his power to the peak. His left head roared at Leo, and the spell counter!

Leo, who was using Thunder Fury to gather the magic power of the thunder system, felt his breath was suffocating. An invisible force hindered his connection with the magic elements. Dissipate slowly.

The casting of the spell was hindered, and Leo was not depressed, but his eyes on Lamarck became more and more fiery.

Physical strength is strong, and it has advantages against warrior classes. It can cast magic reflection shields and spell counterspells, making spellcasters fearful.The stronger the ability of this Chimeroc prince, the more Leo is interested in him, and the more he wants to take him for his own use.

With the night elves coordinating the two camps of the Alliance and the Horde, the Battle of Ahn'Qiraj will definitely be fought, and C'Thun will definitely show his presence in that battle. Facing this extremely powerful ancient god, No one would think that they have too many powerful subordinates.

"One counterspell just wants to interrupt my attack, are you sure about your ability?"

Leo snorted softly, the blood-colored energy line covering the Red Nightmare sped up its peristaltic speed, and a large amount of power belonging to the Lord of Terror was drawn out in an instant, and Leo borrowed this power to break through the counter-spell in an extremely violent way Restricted, regained contact with the magic element.

This human is so difficult to deal with!

Originally thought that casting a counterspell would interrupt the opponent's magic, but unexpectedly, the opponent's magic power of the thunder element was only blocked for a moment and then returned to normal. Lamarck was shocked when he saw this.

"You forced me."

Seeing that the electric current on the Thunder Fury sword was getting stronger and stronger, and the power of the thunder element contained in it was becoming more and more amazing, Lamarck had to turn out his cards.

Prince Chimerocco ignored the attacks of Mannoroth and the others. He opened his mouth wide and sprayed out green venom one after another, covering an area of ​​[-] meters in an instant. In the center, within hundreds of meters, it became a world of thunder and lightning. The glaring current pierced through the air, and its unique buzzing sound occupied everyone's hearing.

Have you come up with the ability to press the bottom of the box?
Izual, who was flying in the air, copied his hands. He guessed right. Lamarck is not a demigod who only possesses one system of laws. From the attack just now, it can be seen that this Prince Chimelok has comprehended the two major laws of poison and electricity. class law.

Although what Lamarck comprehended was only a certain part of these two types of laws, and the laws are not complete, the result of adding the power of laws in pairs is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two, but that one plus one is far greater than two.

The power of ice-blue Menethil appeared in Izual's hand, which was a sign that he was going to do something.

Knowing the opponent's abilities and knowing Lamarck's hole cards, Izual no longer has any worries, and a blue light pierces the sky.

"Feel the blue rage!"


Intuition told Lamarck that the deadly threat was approaching rapidly, reminding him to avoid it quickly, but Lamarck was very unwilling.

He exposed his ability, sprayed out the stored venom and used all his strength to display the power of the law of electricity. Under such an attack, Sinai Salaya, Dragonakos, Sindragosa even The berserk Mannoroth also had to step aside, and Nefarian and Valastrasz couldn't get close, and there was no obstacle between him and Leo.

Now is a good time to attack Leo, so why not just give up?

Seeing more and more thunder elements gathered on Thunderfury, and feeling the huge magical power that made his heart jump, Lamarck really couldn't bear to let go of such a good opportunity. After a moment of hesitation, he gritted his teeth and decided to wear his pawns Leo's blue fury also interrupts Leo's spell.

You want to attack me even if you take the first blow, I said, you don't have to risk your life like this.

Seeing Lamarque rushing toward him without slowing down, Leo curled his lips, seemingly disdainful.

Prince Chimerok would rather be hit by Izual's blue fury than interrupt his spell, Leo was quite speechless about this.

Didn't I just strike you with lightning? As for you, we have such a big enmity?
Valeo secretly slandered Lamarck for his desperate beating, but he didn't move his feet. Lamarck did not do enough to make him give up casting spells.


Leo yelled violently, and a purple figure broke through the ground, and a pair of unbelievably thick hands hit two uppercuts in Lamarck's horrified eyes, one left and one right hit Prince Chimeroc's jaw.

With a purple shell, a body the size of a train carriage, sharp mouthparts, weird arms, and a layer of frost hanging on his body, who is it but the crypt lord Anub'arak?


They actually ambushed people underground!

Lamarck was horrified, he knew that he had been tricked by the enemy, but so what if he knew, he had already stepped into the trap set by the opponent, and Anubara hit him before he could respond.



Amidst the bone cracking sound that even the sound of electric current could not cover up, Lamarck's mandible was smashed into pieces. Prince Chimelok opened his mouth and shouted loudly. Just as he was about to howl, the blue light piercing the sky arrived.

Izual's blue anger came at this moment.

There was no sound, and there was no dazzling burst of light, only an ice-blue sledgehammer that broke through the body.

The broken body belonged to Lamark, and the ice-blue sledgehammer was the power of Menethil.

Lamarck's strong body failed to block the blue fury, and Menethil's power penetrated his body, opening a big hole in him.


Painful screams came from Lamark's mouth. His jaw was shattered by Anub'arak's sneak attack, and a large hole was opened in his body by the power of Menethil. Prince Chimerok, whose blood was gushing like a fountain, was severely injured.

What's so great about a demigod? He looks so bullish, but he was hit hard by me.

Leo increased the output of magic power against Thunderfury, and the lightning on the Thunder God Sword became more dazzling.

Lamarck was furious, Tangtang demigod was injured by a group of legends, what a shame!

A big hole was opened in the body by the power of Menethil, and the mandible was also shattered by Anub'arak. At the same time, there was a force in the body that eroded his internal organs. If it were other people, they would have died long ago and could not die again, but their bodies were comparable to Lamarck, a giant dragon of the same level, survived, and Prince Chimerocco's strong physical fitness was undoubtedly revealed at this time.

"You are all going to die!"

Lamarck roared, his anger had consumed his rationality, he no longer cared about whether he would have an irreversible impact on the land on which the people depended for survival, and he had only one thought at this moment— —Kill all living creatures that are enemies of oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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