Chapter 729 Poison
Fighting on the Isle of Terror, it stands to reason that Lamarck, as the owner of the place, should have the home court advantage, but the fact is just the opposite, because of the venue, it is not Prince Chimelok who has gained the advantage, but Leo.

The Isle of Terror is the only piece of land that the Chimeroks rely on to survive and multiply. It is no wonder that Lamark can let go of his hands and feet when fighting on this land.

The strength of the demigod is strong, and the destructive power is naturally strong. If Lamarck really wants to let go, he can even directly destroy this terrifying island.

If it’s on a vast continent, if you destroy a piece of land, let the ethnic groups migrate and find another piece, but on the island of terror, the land is only a tiny bit, surrounded by the vast sea, Chimei who has no ability to cross the sea Where did the Locke family migrate to?

So Lamarck had never dared to let go of the fight before, and kept the moves with the most lethal and destructive power until he was severely injured by the enemy.

The battle has been fought until now, and Lamarck knows that the enemy's strength is far beyond his expectations. If he is still timid, let alone killing the enemy, it will be difficult to save himself, and if he dies, other clansmen will not be able to protect themselves. Can you still resist these people?
If you use all your strength, the Island of Terror will be destroyed badly, and the future of the entire Chimerok family is worrisome, but that is after all, and there is still a way to compromise with the world-hating naga; if you don't use all your strength, Not only would he die in the hands of the enemy, but his clan would also be in danger.

A simple choice between two, Lamarck made the choice easily.

The venom that originally covered a radius of [-] meters turned into a green mist that spread around at an extremely fast speed, but in just one or two breaths, the green mist formed after the venom was sprayed expanded to a radius of a kilometer.

Lamarck is a demigod who has comprehended the laws of the poison system, and the poison he sprays is so poisonous that even a demigod can be hurt, and is it something that mortals can bear?
Where the green mist passed, all the plants died, and the earth was corroded into pits. In the words of the Cenarion Council druids, nature was eroded, and the earth was severely damaged.If there are Druids who are proficient in the power of nature, the situation will be fine. If the earth heals itself in hundreds of years, don't think about restoring the old look, and will the Druids come to help Chimeroc?

Don't even think about it.

With such a large amount of damage, it's no wonder that Lamarck didn't dare to do it with all his strength before. The poisonous law he comprehended did too much damage to the environment, and the impact was too long.


Valastrasz screamed, Sindragosa and Sinasaraia were teaming up to use magic to help him resist the erosion of toxins, but unfortunately it didn't work.

When Lamark roared, Mannoroth, Sinasaraya and others who realized that the situation was not good had already avoided the side, but Valastats was greedy and wanted to cause more damage to Lamark. He took a step slower when retreating, and the result of this was that he could not avoid a safe place in time when the poisonous mist spread.

Valastrasz has his pride. It was precisely because of his pride that he single-handedly entered the Black Wing's Lair and became the prisoner of the Black Dragon Prince. Now, his proud personality has once again harmed him. Valastats failed to play any role, which made him very uncomfortable. He wanted to show more, but the reality once again showed his cruel side.

Sometimes it is not what you are willing to do, and if you do more, you will get rewards. Not only will you not get rewards after you put in the effort, but it will cause a whole lot of trouble.

Being covered by the poisonous mist, even with the strength of Valastrasz, he can't prevent the damage of the toxin. Wherever his body is stained by the poisonous mist, it is rotting at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this rot is still going on. The tendency to spread throughout the body.

"It can't be done, the toxin can't be resisted with our current ability, Vala, give up your body."

In addition, the help of Dragonakos and Nefarian failed to stop the toxin from corroding Valastrasz's body. Sinai Salaya, who teamed up with Sindragosa, knew that the red dragon's body could not be saved. Yes, Lamarck's poison is too strong, far beyond what they can bear now.

"Damn beast!"

Valastats yelled at Lamark, his soul floated out of his body, and the illusion technique could no longer be maintained without the support of the soul power. Skeletons appear.

The dracolich is good at this. As long as the soul is not destroyed, he will not die.

Could this be the keel?
Lamark's eyes widened. Could it be that the group of enemies that suddenly appeared were the giant dragons that the world-hating naga were talking about?

The dragons sneaked up to deal with me and my people, what is the purpose?
The surprise in his heart made Lamark hesitate for a moment, and Izual took the opportunity to withdraw the power of Menethil, and the ice-blue sledgehammer returned to his master again.

Realizing Izual's actions, Lamarck raised his head and spat out a bolt of lightning at him.


There is no shortage of poison masters here.

From Lamarck's actions against Izual, Leo saw that the Chimeroc prince was all slack in vigilance, and the poisonous mist he sprayed was indeed very powerful. It is impossible for Apollo's power to stand still in the green mist.

Surrounded by the poison, Lamarck thought that it was impossible for anyone to approach him silently through the poisonous fog, so he naturally relaxed a lot in his own protection. After giving Izual a lightning bolt, he quickly rushed towards Leo.

Lamarck's reduced vigilance does not mean that he is not vigilant at all. Leo felt that he had to attract his attention to make it easier for him to play a second hand.

Holding a flat-topped sword as wide as a door panel, wearing heavy armor, and with muscles like rocks, Taragaman the Hunger appeared on the stage.

The demon guard knew his master's mind very well. As soon as he appeared on the stage, he turned on a mocking face and growled at Lamarck: "You low creature."

As a prince-level figure of the Chimeroc family, Lamarck has always been proud of his Chimeroc royal blood. Now someone dares to say that he is a low-level creature, which touched his back.

After scolding Lamark, Taragaman still felt that the provocation was not enough, so he swung his arm and threw the big sword in his hand at Lamark.

Do you want to hurt me with such an attack?
Lamark was full of disdain. The great sword thrown by Taragaman seemed not weak, but it was far from being used against him.The current enemy is Leo who is holding Thunderfury, and the most important thing is to interrupt his magic.

As far as common sense is concerned, Lamarck's view is undoubtedly correct, but common sense is not always correct, and accidents often happen inadvertently.

The sound of the sharp blade cutting into the flesh sounded after Taragaman's great sword came into contact with Lamark's body. When Lamark felt the pain, Taragaman's weapon had already been stuck in his neck.

The phantom, which ignores defense and is launched in the same way as a normal attack, killed a demigod with one blow.

Seeing that Lamark was injured, Taragaman provoked again. He opened his chest and roared at Lamark, and cursed under the latter's gaze: "Idiot, don't even try to touch me!"

Not to mention hurting someone, but to swear, this face is crackling.

The anger in Lamarck's heart could not be extinguished even if the waters of the endless sea were poured out. Fortunately, he still had reason, knowing that now is not the time to settle accounts with Taragaman, and dealing with Leo is the most important thing.

Of course, the demon guards without weapons can't stop Lamarck, not to mention Prince Chimerocco, Taragaman can't even deal with the spreading toxins, but he doesn't need to deal with it, because he has completed his task —Successfully distracted Lamarck.

crackle!crackle! ...

A bone whip with barbs appeared from the void, and the shadows of the whip lashed Lamarck heavily, causing his flesh to writhe. The fine hairs that Ross stabbed and the hard scales on the body surface did not exert a half-star protective ability.


In the groans that were so charming that a male animal could directly transform into a wild beast, Ilsa twisted her waist and appeared beside Lamarck. She ignored the highly toxic green mist, but could push Valastrasz to death. The poisonous mist that had to give up her body failed to cause even the slightest damage to Ilsa.

And an ambush!

Lamarck's eyes widened in shock. He never expected that someone could hide his body in the poisonous fog he cast, and he was even more unscathed.

"Tsk tsk, how about my sister teaching you how to use poison?"

Ilsa smiled coquettishly. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and spewed out a green poisonous mist. Lamarck was terrified when he saw it, but it was too late to dodge it with his huge size.

Excruciating pain!

It was also a green poisonous mist. Lamark's poison could not cause any harm to Ilsa, but Ilsa's poison corroded Lamark's body to a horrible level. The sound of Zizi's object being rapidly corroded sounded on Lamark.But in a blink of an eye, Lamarck's body turned emerald green.

So strong toxicity!
The intensity of the poisonous mist sprayed by Ilsa made Leo also stunned. This succubus who inherited the inheritance of Andariel, the Queen of Anguish and Torment, seems to have truly made the message in the inheritance of the Hell Demon King his own. It is conceivable that Ilsa, who has comprehended the inheritance of the devil king, will improve by leaps and bounds in a short time.

The change in Ilsa made Leo look forward to it, and he wanted to see how far the succubus could grow.

Poisoned people are poisoned instead of being poisoned. In other words, the current Lamarck, meeting Ilsa who inherited the inheritance of Andariel deserves Lamarck's unlucky luck. Mark was in agony.

With such a strong ability to use poison in the Legendary Realm, what if she was promoted to a demigod?
Lamarque, who was in severe pain, flicked her tail violently, and wanted to fight back, but Ilsa was extremely cunning. Knowing that she was weak and difficult to block the opponent's counterattack, she immediately fled away after a successful blow. Lamark's throw The tail only hit the air.

The defense of Ilsa's highly poisonous Lamarck should be reduced a lot, and his body will become dull when the toxin is raging in his body. The time is ripe to kill him.

 Please subscribe, please auntie... no, please the light of God^_^
(End of this chapter)

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