Necromancer in another world

Chapter 740 Massacre

Chapter 740 Massacre
Poison Flame Nova, Leo hasn't used this skill for a long time.

Before Lachmera got the law of the poison system, the skill of Poison Nova was very weak to Leo. If he could use Poison Nova to deal with it, he could kill it with other spells, but Poison Nova could not deal with it. Others Department of skills can still cope.

The lethality is not strong enough, which is why Leo has kept it on the shelf.

Now everything is different. After killing Chimeroc demigod Lacamera on the Isle of Terror, Leo obtained the law of poison. Although it was only an incomplete law, it allowed Leo to understand poison spells. Power has risen to a completely different level.

With the continuous comprehension of the laws of the poison system, the lethality of his poison magic is also rapidly becoming stronger. At this time, the poisonous flame nova is no longer a tasteless tasteless rib, but a truly despicable one. Great spell.

The bugs in Yashi's Hive became the first ones to feel the lethality of the poison flame nova after Leo understood the law of the poison system. I don't know whether to call them unlucky or lucky?
The poisonous flame spread rapidly to the surroundings, and the first ones to encounter it were the unlucky ones who were being shoved and shrieked by their companions. Almost at the same time as the poisonous flame touched their bodies, the insects who were full of fear of Leo stopped their misery. Shouting, their whole bodies turned green, and the extremely violent poison in the poisonous flame killed them in an instant.

After poisoning the bugs in the front row, the poisonous flame did not disappear, and the ring-shaped emerald green continued to spread farther away, and no bug could survive wherever it passed.

Although the bugs are the cannon fodder of the Qiraji beetle, but cannon fodder is relative, and their strength is actually not weak.If other factors such as equipment are not taken into consideration, one-on-one battles, a combatant may not be an opponent of a bug, which is why they cause headaches for the Horde and Cenarion Council.

When the numbers are not much different, if a regular army wants to wipe out a group of bugs, it is impossible to do it without a half-day or even a full-day fierce battle.

However, the worms in Yashi's nest met the evil star Leo. In the face of absolute strength, they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Leo could easily harvest the lives of a group of worms with a single spell.

Ten thousand!
Leo, who was always paying attention to the number of corpses, raised his eyebrows. From the casting of Poison Nova to the end, Golden Finger transformed a total of [-] corpses for him.

This number is far inferior to the damage done by Rain of Fire, but it is easier to cast. The mana consumed to cast Poison Flame Nova is only one-twentieth of that of Rain of Fire. In terms of cost performance, Poison Flame is even better.

Compared with pure fire spells, Poison Flame is inferior in instant lethality, but it consumes less, and it also contains highly poisonous, which will have unexpected effects when dealing with powerful enemies.

Although the bugs are intelligent, their civilization level is still very low. Their nature is cruelty and tyranny. That uncivilized wisdom cannot resist the drive of nature. The death of their companions did not scare them, but made them crazy.

Crazy bugs are terrifying, especially these bugs also form an endless sea of ​​bugs, which increases their danger even more.

Almost as soon as the poisonous flame nova disappeared, the mad bugs would fill up the empty space and rush towards Leo quickly.

The emerald green poisonous flame appeared again, another poisonous flame nova.

The sea of ​​insects is not terrible in the eyes of the strong, especially the great warlock like Leo, who is proficient in group attack spells. His attitude towards it can only be described as dismissive. But if Leo is determined to destroy the nest, how many times can the bugs withstand his attacks?

Not to mention that the sea of ​​insects strategy can exhaust Leo's mana and kill him. With Leo's current battery life, there is no problem with the endurance of the battle, unless there are enough powerful people to fight against him, these cannon fodder alone , No, it's worm ash, it's impossible to stop Leo.

Ten thousand!
Twenty thousand!

Thirty thousand!

One hundred thousand!

30 million!
The bugs rushed forward and died, Leo's poisonous flame novas sent out one after another, and the number of corpses transformed by Golden Finger gradually increased. Slowly, Leo's harvest has exceeded 30 and is heading towards 50.

It's a massacre!

A massacre by a pair of millions!

It's not the bugs with millions of worms who wield the butcher knife to harvest life, but Leo.

Facing millions of enemies with one's own strength, but wielding a butcher's knife and killing opponents in groups, this is the war between the strong and the weak, and this is why the world respects the strong.

When a person's force reaches this level, the rules of the world will naturally favor him, and the weak, who cannot match the strong even if they gather together, can only hope for the mercy of the strong.

In a world where the strong are respected, the weak are pitiful.

On the second day after he came to this world, Leo, who almost died at the hands of Defias thieves, understood this truth. Because he had personal experience, he knew the helplessness and sorrow of the weak, so he never slowed down to become stronger footsteps.

Leo, who was able to kill a wild wolf at the beginning, is now only one step away from becoming a great magician who is a demigod. The contribution of those Defias thieves is indisputable.

Leo was killing wildly in the sea of ​​insects, killing and injuring countless insects, but the scale of the sea of ​​insects did not decrease in the slightest. Ashe's nest was worthy of being one of the three giant insect nests in Silithus.

The sea of ​​insects is endless, which suits Leo's wishes. The more cannon fodder worms come, the better. His purpose of coming is to expand the sea of ​​skeletons. The worm's cannon fodder tactics make him very happy.

A strange low roar came out. Leo's massacre alarmed some existences in the depths of the insect nest, but the other party did not show up, but tried to consume him with the sea of ​​insects. Leo was also happy, and when the other party appeared Now he can take the opportunity to kill more bugs.

The battle dragged on like this, and the bugs transformed by Goldfinger had increased the number of corpses by as much as one million. In other words, Leo had killed over a million bugs by himself.

Millions of dead and injured, the sea of ​​insects is still endless, its area has not decreased, and the density of insects has not decreased. People retire early, but the worm meets Leo.

The more bugs died, the more corpses Goldfinger transformed. Leo was too excited to see the number of corpses rising, so why would he think of retreating?
As the number of corpses increased, Leo's mood became better and better. In his eyes, the bugs in the Ryash nest became cute. These creatures that did not conform to human aesthetics were mobile honors in Leo's eyes... …Ah, no, they are living corpses, the raw materials for his expansion of the skeleton sea, and the stepping stones for his strength to become stronger.

In the eyes of others, the endless sea of ​​insects in Yashi's nest, the insects that make people feel soft to kill and slash to vomit, are valuable treasures to Leo. The smile on Ao's face grew even wider.

If I continue to kill like this, a single Yashi hive can double or even increase my skeleton sea. If the three giant hives are all wiped out, how many corpses can Goldfinger transform into?

The more you think about Leo, the more motivated you become, and the more you think about Leo, the more ruthless his shots become. In addition to Poison Flame Nova, various spells such as Shadow Fury, Poison Explosion, and Shadow Arrow Rain were cast continuously, and the crimson flames dyed the sky red. The emerald poisonous flames eroded countless potholes on the ground, the green poisonous mist covered the battlefield with a layer of hazy tulle, and the shadow arrows were dotted with black gems on the veil. This scene seemed beautiful, but the Only the bug swarm attacked by Leo could understand the danger—none of the bugs trying to get close to the kilometer range of Leo survived for more than three seconds.

The more Leo kills, the more powerful he becomes, and the more insects die, the more crazy he becomes.

One is full of murderous intent, the other is fearless, the battle between the two has never stopped from the moment it first started, and it has been two full hours since Lei Ao landed.

300 million, a total of 300 million corpses, this is the result of Leo's battle in Yashi's Nest in two hours.

Countless insects died in his hands, and the endless sea of ​​insects finally began to shrink.

A strange low growl came from the Yashi nest, as if he knew the strength of Leo, and also seemed to see that the worm sea tactics were completely useless against Leo, and the leader of the worms in the hive issued an order to retreat.

Hearing the leader's roar indicating to retreat, the sea of ​​insects, who had been brave enough to attack Leo one moment before, took a 180-degree turn and retreated.

Just like when they attacked Leo, they retreated frantically and desperately. Even though Leo cast several ranged attack spells and killed many of their companions, they didn't slow down their steps in the slightest.

Although the worms are low in intelligence, they can give orders consistently, and all the worms will execute immediately without hesitation when the superior gives an order.When attacking, they are not afraid of death, rushing forward to follow up, retreating without delay, and leaving as soon as they say, what is the difference between such a sea of ​​insects and an army?
Leo felt the difficulty of fighting against the sea of ​​insects for the first time. How will the army of Arathor Kingdom arrive in Silithus?
The endless sea of ​​insects seemed to break through a dam and find a vent, gathering somewhere at an astonishing speed. Only then did Leo discover that there was a huge hole hundreds of meters wide somewhere covered by the sea of ​​insects. This is the core entrance of Yashi's nest.

Before the sea of ​​insects completely retreated underground, Leo killed tens of thousands of insects, expanding the scale of the sea of ​​skeletons again. Seeing that the insects had all retreated into their old nests underground, Lei Ao, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, O hesitated.

Fighting against the sea of ​​insects on the ground and going deep underground are two completely different concepts. Although Leo can easily kill millions of insects on the ground, it may not be so easy to change it underground. Besides, the underground hole obviously leads to the depth of the Yashi insect nest. There must be the leader of the worms and the guards of the leader inside. These worms cannot be treated as cannon fodder. They are capable of causing great trouble to Leo in an environment like the worm's nest.

Do not chase?

This is a question worth considering.

(End of this chapter)

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