Necromancer in another world

Chapter 741 Crazy Slaughter

Chapter 741 Crazy Slaughter
(Previously, there was a four-shift on the first issue, but in the end, something happened in the middle and only three shifts were made. This chapter is even more late. I’m sorry everyone, and I’m here to apologize for the fire.)
To be strong, one must have the courage to face difficulties.

As a great magician who is only one step away from becoming a demigod, how can he be afraid of that little bug?
The hesitation did not last long, and Leo made a decision—to chase!

The bugs retreated to the depths of Yashi's nest, so I chased after them and overturned your old nest. Let's see where you can go?
With a leap, Leo jumped into the hole, as if he knew his action, an angry roar came from the depths of the nest.

The sea of ​​insects had already retreated, but Leo jumped in right after him. He was so determined to chase them down that he wanted to kill them quickly, and the leader of the insect nest was enraged.

I take a step back, do you really think I'm afraid of you?
Even the group of druids from the Cenarion Council couldn't wipe us out, just you human?
Orentier, the overlord of the Ashe Hive, was very angry. Seeing that the Rego Hive and the Zora Hive were developing smoothly, he was suppressed again and again. A mouthful of resentment.

Now Leo chased him back to his lair again, and his anger finally reached its peak. Orentier decided to kill this arrogant guy at all costs.

The ground hole completely engulfed Leo's body, and at the moment when the darkness covered his eyes, countless bugs swarmed out. Under the order of Orentier, the overlord of the Yashi Hive, all the bugs in the hive died at this moment. rushed out of the darkness.

Want to sneak up on me while I'm in mid-air, when I'm defenseless?
Leo had already prepared for the counterattack against the bugs. A biting cold wind blew in the Yashi nest, and a large net made of countless blood-colored thin threads suddenly appeared. The eater is sharpening his knife and waiting for the prey to come to his door.

The swarm was originally rushing towards Leo, but now they have the pulling effect of the Icy Grip, and their pounce speed has become faster. If there is no big net woven by the bloody energy lines, Leo will use the Icy Grip It's completely a self-abuse behavior to make trouble for oneself, but with that big net, the swarm of insects that come rushing into it becomes a self-inflicted trap.

The bugs rushed over ferociously, but they turned into corpses after hitting the blood-colored net, and their corpses turned into a pile of crystal fine particles before they fell, woven by blood-colored energy lines. The big net formed an insurmountable barrier, killing all Leo bugs that tried to attack.

The more ferociously you pounce, the faster you will die, the more you pounce, the more you will die.

In Yashi's nest, it seemed that the swarm of insects had drowned Leo, but in fact, none of the insects could get within ten steps of Leo.

The insects kept dying, and the number of insect swarms kept decreasing. When Leo stepped on a soft object, the number of insects caught and killed by the bloody net had reached tens of thousands.

Astonishing lethality, no less than Leo's attack.

As long as the skills are used well, passive defensive spells can also kill enemies.

The strange low-pitched roar from the depths of Yashi's nest came again, and Orentyr noticed something was wrong. In the perception of this hive overlord, the number of his little brothers was decreasing, which proved that the counterattack of the swarm not only He failed to kill Leo but was killed by the opponent a lot.

This human being is difficult to deal with.

Orentier was very distressed. The tactics of facing the sea of ​​​​enemies would not be effective, and sneak attacks and plots could not hurt Leo in the slightest. How should such an enemy be fought?
It seems that the subordinates are useless, and I have to do it myself.

"My lord, the human beings who have entered the worm's nest this time are very strong, it's better to consume some of his strength before we act."

Seeing that Orentier wanted to go himself, another worm beside him hurriedly communicated with him. In terms of size, this worm was only a little smaller than Orentier, but larger than his other worms. Quite a few, presumably one of the leaders of the hive.

"Rex, you have to cooperate with me during the battle, I need you to use your ability to break through that human's defense."

As the overlord of the Yashi Hive, with tens of millions of younger brothers, Orentyr is not comparable to ordinary bugs. In terms of intelligence, he is not inferior to humans, and even has a higher IQ than most humans. After Rex exchanged for a while, he continued to adopt the sea of ​​insects tactics in order to use this to deplete Leo's combat power.

If it was another strong man who entered Rex's nest in Yashi, his idea was undoubtedly correct. The sea of ​​insects strategy is the advantage of the insects, and it would be a pity not to make good use of it.

But the person who came was Leo, who had mastered the complete law of blood, and who could use energy extraction to replenish his own losses from the enemy. The sea of ​​insects tactics had long since lost their effect on him.

Four hours later, Orentier and Rex regretted it. After fighting for such a long time, Leo was still vigorous and vigorous, and he became more energetic the more he fought, and the more insects he killed, he would more excited.

The opponent didn't feel tired at all, but his own men were fighting less and less. Orentier was depressed, and Rex was also full of question marks.

That human being is too difficult to deal with. After fighting for so long, he can still maintain strong energy. Could it be that he hasn't tried his best?
Also, I don't know what method he used to kill so many of our subordinates without even seeing a single corpse, which is really weird.

The two leaders of the Yashi Hive exchanged their views on Leo. The latter's endurance in battle far exceeded their cognition, which made them suspicious. The two big bugs were not sure about the real strength of the enemy. Dare to show up easily.

They were afraid that this was a trap, a trap aimed at them. You must know that the Ashe nest is near the stronghold of the Cenarion Council, and those druids have used their brains to try to get rid of them. If it weren't for the fact that they had many younger brothers and acted cautiously, their lives would have been harvested long ago, so how could they still be free in the Yashi nest?

Things can only continue to consume, and I don't believe how long this human being can last.

Choosing to fight a protracted war with the opponent, and use the little brother to keep doing the business of sending people to death, Orentyr and Rex are also helpless, since they suffered several losses at the hands of the druids of the Cenarion Council. After being killed, the leaders of the two Yashi hives became very cautious, and they would not attack without complete assurance.

It’s true that I was bitten by a snake for three years and was afraid of well ropes. As the overlord of the Yashi hive among the three giant hives of Silithus, Orentyr has been mixed up in this field. I can only say that he is incompetent, but Senna The lesson taught to him by the Rio Council was too profound.

Leo didn't know the helplessness of Orentier and Rex, he only knew that the leader of the hive was determined to use the sea of ​​insects tactics to consume himself to death, which made him very happy.

Too cooperative, really too cooperative, meeting such an opponent is really not ordinary luck.

Opponents follow their own wishes, this kind of thing is rare. Seeing the number of corpses transformed by Goldfinger continue to rise, Leo is very happy. Under this situation, he can kill the sea of ​​skeletons in Yashi Worm Lair. The number doubled to more than 2000 million. How can such a harvest ratio not excite him?
The so-called people are refreshed on happy occasions. Excitement is the best refreshing medicine. Not only is Leo not tired at all after the battle, but his spirit is getting better, even better than when he first came to Yashi's nest .

The sun rises and the moon sets, even though he can’t see the outside world in the Yashi Hive, Leo still knows that he has been fighting here for a whole day, without stopping for half a second, the swarm The crazy attack also continued all day.

The stock of corpses in Goldfinger has exceeded 2000 million, that is to say, Leo killed more than [-] million bugs in the Yashi Hive. Such a record can only be described as crazy.

Fortunately, Goldfinger kept transforming the bug corpses, otherwise he would have buried him with just the corpses after killing so many bugs.

I can't help it!

Rex and Orentier couldn't bear it anymore. They were worms after all. Their nature was cruelty and tyranny. Calmness and rationality were not their specialty. Just do it yourself, why wait until now?

Leo had already killed most of the insects in the Yashi nest. Even if Leo could remain, the nest would fall from giant to large, greatly reducing the threat to the Cenarion Council's stronghold.

How could Orentier and Rex of Ashe Hive be reconciled to the loss of so many of his subordinates?
Although they didn't find a trace of fatigue from Leo, they would not continue to spend time with Leo.

The younger brothers under him were all killed by the other party, so if you don't make a move, do you really have to wait until you become a polished commander before regretting it?
Leo's extermination of insects was vigorously killing them, and a large insect that was much larger than the other insects came out. This guy carefully mixed in the insect swarm, and after using other insects as a cover to get close to Leo, he shot suddenly.

The bloody net failed to stop the big worm, and he bumped into it head-on. Leo's heart froze, he knew that the worm leader of Yashi's nest had been dispatched.

Rex smashed through the bloody net with the suddenness of the attack. The big insect flapped its wings, pointed at Leo's body with its barbed and sharp forelimbs, and stabbed at the top of the forelimbs. The hidden power fluctuations came out. If someone with knowledge is here, he will find that Rex's attack contains the piercing attribute that can break the protective spell.

No wonder Orentier asked Rex to help him break Leo's defense, that's the reason.

Rex has the ability of piercing attack, and if he hits it, no matter the magic shield or physical armor, it will be destroyed. At that time, if Orentyr makes a sneak attack, the success rate of killing the opponent will be higher than many.

The two big worms had a good idea, thinking that Rex would be able to attack successfully with the help of the cover of the swarm, but the reality slapped him hard.

A heavy punch hit Rex's weak abdomen, and Nefarian's figure was revealed.

Those who count people, people also count.

If you want to sneak attack me, take care of yourself.

"Victor, kill him."

(End of this chapter)

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