Necromancer in another world

Chapter 746 Tyrannosaurus King

Chapter 746 Tyrannosaurus King
Leo's idea of ​​expanding the velociraptor's army, the tyrannosaurus relatives of the velociraptors in Un'Goro Crater were in bad luck. Ninety percent of the dragon eggs were taken away.

If someone takes their own eggs, the Violent Dragon will of course resist, but their resistance is doomed to be futile in the face of absolute strength. It is not necessary for Leo to make a move. Nefarian can suppress them with the dragon's power and shrink them into a ball, unable to move. .

One thousand, two thousand, five thousand... all the way to eight thousand, all the ravening dragon lairs in Un'Goro Crater were visited by Leo, and one person and one giant dragon formed a dragon egg robbery duo, and took the tyrannical dragon They ransacked with tears streaming down their faces.

Just as Leo was worried, there were really not 1 dragon eggs in the Un'Goro crater, and eight thousand would be considered the best.

Of course, if he disregards the ecological balance and only wants to enjoy himself this time, without considering whether he can get a lot of dragon eggs from this place in the future, it will not be a problem to collect [-].

But Leo didn't do that.

To be a person and to do things, we should take a long-term view. If you get enough [-] today, you may only get two or three thousand in the future, but if you only get [-] today, you can still have [-], [-] or even [-] in the future. How can it be more cost-effective?
Leo's wanton looting of dragon eggs finally attracted the revenge of the looted. Amid the tremors of the earth, three huge Devilsaurs challenged him.

These three giant Devilsaurs with a height of more than [-] meters are one of the targets of Leo's stay in Un'Goro Crater.

During the process of looting the dragon eggs, Leo had been looking for the traces of the leaders of the three Devilsaurs. He didn't know whether it was his bad luck or the luck of the three devils. Before they showed up, Leo didn't They said they were caught, but they didn't even see their shadows.

What is there to say?

Stepping through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it.

"You took the initiative to deliver the goods to your door. If I don't accept it, wouldn't you be too sorry for your kindness?"

The leader of the three-headed Devilsaur was very aggressive, and when he ran, he stepped on the ground and trembled, feeling very oppressive.

As far as terrestrial creatures are concerned, the leader of Devilsaur can be regarded as a giant creature, and it is difficult to find creatures bigger than them.

But when Devilsaur meets Dragon, when Devilsaur leader meets Black Dragon Prince, they are doomed.

The power of an ordinary giant dragon might not be able to suppress the leaders of the three Devilsaurs, but Nefarian is the prince of the black dragon. How can his dragon power be resisted by the leaders of the three Devilsaurs?
When the Devilsaur leader rushed towards him with murderous aura, Nefarian let out a low growl in disdain, and the power of the dragon that belonged to the upper dragon radiated out, and the three-headed Devilsaur leader who was running wildly softened their feet collectively and moved neatly Some of them lay down on the ground, wanting to show their surrender to the superior, but in their panic, they forgot what state they were in now?
Ever since, a scene that made Leo laugh appeared.

The three-headed Devilsaur leader hit the ground with a bang under the action of inertia, and his huge body rolled like a ball, until it stopped four or fifty meters away from him.

He rolled several times on the ground, making his face ashamed, and the broken branches and leaves covered his head and face. The image of the leader of Devilsaur was both embarrassed and funny.

Is this a circus sideshow?

Are these three big guys here to be funny?

Seeing the leader of the Devilsaur who was about to pass out from the torment with a confused face on the three heads, Leo couldn't help but laugh.

The strength of the three big guys is actually very good. Even if the legendary powerhouse meets them, it will be difficult to deal with it. However, they are Yalong. After meeting the black dragon prince Nefarian, the coercion from the bloodline makes them feel completely helpless. Fight back.

The three-headed Devilsaur leader was enjoying the dizziness after rolling over there. Leo waved his hand, and three bloody nets were thrown out, imprisoning the three-headed Devilsaur leader just like when Tyr's hand imprisoned Lotharian.

He wasn't in a hurry to subdue the Devilsaur leader. It wasn't that Leo didn't like them. If he really didn't like Leo, he would kill them directly. Instead, he wanted to use the three Devilsaur leaders to test the effect of the ancient Yaqi artifact.

"Anub'arak, the three of them will be handed over to you. I hope you can surprise me."

Leo spoke to Anub'arak, who responded with joy in his private space.

According to Anub'arak, the ancient Yaqir artifact can only be activated by gathering all five of the Hive Hearts, but it can still play a big role if you know how to use it before it is activated.

Among the survivors of the Aziaki civilization, there are only three people left who know how to use the ancient Aqiki artifacts. Anub'arak is one of them. Cornellas.

The reason why Leo wanted to expand the number of Velociraptors to ten thousand is actually related to Anub'arak's description of the ancient Aqir artifact, but whether it is really effective remains to be tested.


Nefarian suddenly roared in a certain direction, and from the roar, Leo could hear an emotion called anger, which was the anger when the majesty of the superior was provoked.

The ground trembled, and the amplitude was stronger than when the leader of the three Devilsaur was running, as if something terrifying was approaching.


As if in response to Nefarian, there was a loud roar in the distance.

Is this... the roar of the Devilsaur?
There is a Devilsaur that actually ignores the dragon power of the upper dragon!
Leo became interested. As a sub-dragon species, Devilsaur is born to be suppressed when facing giant dragons, especially high-ranking dragons. However, wherever there is oppression, there will be resistance. Although more than [-]% of Devilsaur All dragons tremble under the dragon's might, but there are still very few exceptions.

Certain Devilsaurs are not born to be afraid of the dragon's power. They are born rebels. Facing the coercion from the superiors, they will resist unyieldingly, and the dragon's power has no effect on them.

As a subspecies of dragon, daring to ignore the dragon's power is a provocation to the dragon. Since you dare to provoke the dragon, you must suffer death.

The sub-dragon species that can ignore the oppression of the dragon's power will be cleaned up every once in a while, and they will be cleaned up by the giant dragon. The result of this is that almost no one can find their existence, and even fewer can grow up. There are very few of them.

To use two words to evaluate the sub-dragon species that ignore Longwei, that is - rare.

When it appeared on the stage, it was more powerful than the leader of Devilsaur. Needless to say, this rare sub-dragon must have grown up.

As Leo expected, a giant creature with a height of nearly 150 meters broke into his field of vision.

150 meters, such a size is suffocating, and land creatures can grow so big that they can become unscrupulous overlords.

Is there such a powerful Devilsaur in Un'Goro Crater?

Leo thought about it carefully, and finally matched him with a rare creature.

Tyrannosaurus King Mosh!

"It's not bad luck to lure this guy out." Leo rubbed his chin, raised his head towards Mosh and Nefarian, "You go play with him and let him breathe."

Just when I felt that the Velociraptor lacked a leader, you just appeared in front of me, Moshi, the Tyrannosaurus King, I will accept you.

For Mosh who came forward to avenge his younger brothers, Leo could only say that his courage was commendable, but his actions were wrong.

Mosh is indeed very powerful, but against Nefarian, does he really have a chance to win?
It is almost impossible.

Because Nefarian is now in the form of a dragon lich, and can fight with all his strength, not in human form.

"I'll show this guy what obedience is."

As Nefarian said, he flicked the dragon's tail, and followed the rushing Mosh's tail.

Dare to provoke Nefarian, Moshe is not weak, when Nefarian's tail is drawn, he also uses the same trick, swinging his long tail to meet him.

There was a muffled sound in the air, Nefarian was superior, Mosh's tail flick failed to block the dragon's tail, and the Black Dragon Prince drew a scar on his body.

He suffered a loss as soon as he fought, and Mosh was angry. Since he grew up and became the king of Tyrannosaurus, he has never lost to any opponent in terms of strength.

Mosh roared at Nefarian, and Leo's familiar light appeared on him.

Isn't this the effect of the warrior turning on recklessness? Mosh actually knows this trick!
Recklessness, one of the three fighters' three unique skills alongside shield wall and counterattack storm, if shield wall is a pure defensive skill and counterattack storm is a sharp weapon in the face of gang fights, then recklessness is a magic skill with crazy output.

After activating this ability, not to mention being immune to fear, the attack power will also double. If the side effect of reducing the defense ability can be avoided, recklessness can be called perfect.

Of course, compared with autonomous rage, recklessness is a bit worse, but the ability to double the attack power is not something everyone can possess.

With Moshe's size, the attack is already strong, what is the concept of doubling it?
How many beasts living on land can find to compete with the reckless Mosh in attack power?

Just because Mosh has the ability of recklessness, Leo knows he has found a treasure.

Get him, get him!

Standing on Nefarian's head, looking at Moshe who was fighting with the Black Dragon Prince, Leo made a decision. He must subdue this tyrannosaurus king, and the fifth wolf spirit will land on Moshe.

The dragon tails of the Black Dragon Prince and Tyrannosaurus King collided again. To Nefarian's surprise, his dragon tail flick was actually blocked by Mosh.

An illusion, it must be an illusion!

Nefarian yelled in his heart, how could it be possible for a sub-dragon to be equal in power to himself as the black dragon prince?


Taking advantage of Nefarian's avatar, Mosh's short front paws scratched the dragon's tail fiercely, scratching out several palm-wide scars.

Look at the gap made by the sharp claws. If Nefarian is not a dracolich but a giant dragon, he will immediately bleed and cry out in pain.

"Victor, don't underestimate your opponent."

Leo stretched out his finger, and the Bone Prison was released, and a series of bone fences locked Moshi's body.

"You actually want me to take action! Now, beat me to death."

 Thank you for N/A's floating red^_^Continue to code, continue to code

(End of this chapter)

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