Necromancer in another world

Chapter 747 Subduing Moshi

Chapter 747 Subduing Moshi
Nefarian was in a very happy mood. How could he be in a bad mood with a big sandbag like Mosh beating him up for fun?

Leo is also in a very happy mood now. He originally wanted to capture the leaders of the three Devilsaurs, but a Tyrannosaurus King was delivered to his door, which just happened to give him a suitable leader for his swift and fierce bone dragon army, and he had an unexpected harvest. Naturally, his mood will not be bad.

The only unpleasant person present was Mosh, the Tyrannosaurus King.

Poor Moshe, the mighty Un'Goro crater overlord creature, was treated as a big sandbag, and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, which was horrible.

Nefarian didn't know what it means to be polite, let alone show mercy. Seeing that Moshe was locked up by Leo with a bone prison, the Black Dragon Prince immediately attacked him, using both hands and mouth, biting and scratching, even the dragon Yanlong breathed out, and what's more, he used his special skill, Shadow Flame.

Just being beaten but still not getting started, Moshi was aggrieved, extremely aggrieved.

When did the Tyrannosaurus King of the land overlord level get beaten up like this?

Moshe is angry, Moshe struggles, but anger is useless, struggle is useless, as a great magician, Leo, he can't even break free from the existence of Sindragosa, the blue dragon queen, in the bone prison he casts, even more What about Mosh?

The strength of the Tyrannosaurus King cannot be compared with the Blue Dragon Queen anyway.

If you can't break free from the shackles of the bone prison, you have to be beaten and made into sandbags. Moshi is in a tragedy now.

The disadvantage of recklessness compared with autonomous rage is that it is uncontrollable after it is turned on. If an accident occurs, it cannot be turned off actively, and it will not disappear until the end of the duration of recklessness. During this period, the attack power is doubled. , but its own defense ability will drop by nearly one-third.

Originally, Mosh's physical strength was not as strong as Nefarian's. He turned on Recklessness to attack against attack, and fought against the Black Dragon Prince with the increased attack power of Recklessness.Now he was trapped by Leo with the bone prison, and he couldn't even move, so how could he talk about attacking?
It's fine if you can't attack, the defense weakening effect brought by recklessness shows its disadvantage at this time, the decline in defense ability allows Nefarian to bring more damage to Mosh with every blow, but a 2 In a few minutes, Mosh didn't even have the strength to call out, and his vitality was dropping rapidly.

The wolf spirit with a translucent body appeared beside Leo, knowing that the huge monster in front of him was his target, the wolf spirit jumped into Mosh's body and completely melted into it.

Mosh's body began to shake, and the wolf spirit was fighting with him for control of the body.

The struggle at the soul level is extremely cruel, there is no room for relaxation, and no mistakes are allowed, because there is only one final result—either you die or I die.

Be competitive, give me a little bit of fighting spirit.

Looking at Moshe who was trembling uncontrollably, Leo became a little nervous. He secretly cheered for the wolf spirit, hoping that the wolf spirit would succeed and devour Moshe's soul.

The wolf spirit's ability is not weak, but Moshi, as a land dominant creature, can ignore the dragon's power, but his soul is not strong enough for the wolf spirit. Even if he is dying now, he still surpasses the wolf spirit by a lot.

In Leo's perception, Mosh's soul is weakening as the two sides fight, but the wolf spirit becomes weaker. If there is no external force to help the soul battle, Mosh will be the winner.

A purple energy line shoots out from Leo's hand, this is the long-lost soul extraction, a magic spell for warlocks to extract souls.

With this soul-specific spell, the pressure on the wolf spirit has been reduced by half. Moshe's soul is very strong in front of the wolf spirit, but in Leo's eyes, it can only be described as weak.

Most of the power of the soul was restrained by Leo's spells, and Moshe was at a disadvantage in the battle with the wolf spirit.

Seeing that the opponent's gestures were weak, Wolf Spirit knew that this was his chance to defeat Mosh. His attacks became more and more sharp, and Mosh, who was unwilling to fail, resisted hard. Wolf Spirit really couldn't do anything against him for a while.

The wolf spirit is indeed weak enough, even with my help against a Mosh who is already on the verge of death, he still can't beat him.

Leo shook his head secretly, because of the weakness of the wolf spirit, and also because he was not greedy before. If he had been greedy for powerful creatures before, and even let the wolf spirit deal with the dragon, he would definitely fail.

Knowing how to do what you can is also a kind of success.

With a slight flick of his finger, Leo launched Soul Burning, and the black flame flashed away on Moshi's body.

Another spell against the soul!

Warlocks are worthy of being soul masters, and dealing with souls is their specialty. How could Wolf Spirit lose to Mosh in the battle on the soul level with Leo's help?

After suffering a soul burn, Moshe's soul strength decreased a lot.

The opponent's strength was weakened again, and the wolf spirit, which already had an advantage in the battle, completely gained the upper hand. Mosh, whose soul strength is not enough, is not his opponent even if he defends to the death.

After struggling for nearly 2 minutes, Moshe's soul was finally completely swallowed by the wolf spirit just before his body died.

Moshi, the king of Tyrannosaurus Rex, the dominant land creature of Un'Goro Crater, was successfully subdued by Leo.

It's really worrying, but since you are the leader of the Velociraptor I have chosen, I won't let you die.

Leo used the warlock's blood channel to heal pets to save Mosh. After keeping him from dying, he took the seriously injured tyrannosaurus king into his private space and let him stay in it to recuperate.

Once Moshi recovers from his injuries, how many people will be stunned by this tyrannosaurus rex who is the overlord of the land with an army of swift bone dragons?
Thinking of the scene at that time, Leo couldn't help but feel complacent.

"Master, are we still catching these sub-dragons? I remember that there is also a sub-dragon creature in Un'Goro Crater, and their strength is no worse than Devilsaur."

Seeing that Leo had subdued Mosh, Nefarian spoke up. As far as he knew, there was a sub-dragon species called Stegosaurus in Un'goro Crater besides the wandering Devilsaur, and their strength should not be underestimated. .

After waving his hand, Leo signaled that it was unnecessary.

Of course he knew that the Armored Stegosaurus would kill Devilsaur if he didn't pay attention in a one-on-one fight, but the Armored Stegosaurus focused on defense and moved slowly, which was not to his liking.

Although Leo knew that one of the armored stegosaurus was a match for Mosh's leader named Griff, he still didn't go.

It's not that he doesn't have that strength, but that he doesn't have that leisure time.

It was an accident to meet the Tyrannosaurus King Moshi, and the reason why an accident is an accident is that the probability of it happening is very small, and Leo is unwilling to live by the accident.

Leaving aside the question of whether Griff can be found, even if he finds it, it will take a lot of time. With this time, he can destroy the lair of corruption in Silithus.

"Come on, to Tanaris."

He also earned enough extra money in Un'Goro Crater. Leo didn't plan to waste too much time in this place that wasn't of much value for the time being. He would come again if he had the chance in the future.

Seeing that Leo had no intention of staying here, Nefarian didn't try to persuade him anymore. He faithfully carried out Leo's order, and carried him to the sky again. The illusion was activated and one person and one dragon disappeared silently. shape.

That's the way it is sometimes, when you want to do something, something happens that prevents you from doing it.

Just like Mencius said: Actions mess up what they do.

Nefarian drove Leo into the swamp, and the latter's magic communication stone lit up, and someone was trying to contact him.

"There is still trouble."

Leo sighed depressingly. After killing the Ashe Hive and making such a big scene, he knew that someone would try to contact him, even if he left Silithus at the first time. In his own case, couldn't these people get in touch with Scarlett?

what is this?
Can the monk run away from the temple?
"What's the matter?"

Because he knew it was trouble, Leo's tone was not very good. No one would be willing to trouble him, except for guys whose way of thinking is different from ordinary people.

"Leo, it's me."

Varian's voice entered Leo's ears through the communication stone, and the king of the Stormwind Kingdom was obviously swallowed by Leo's extremely unfriendly tone.

"It turned out to be King Varian. What's the matter? I'm resting in Un'Goro Crater. The weather in Silithus is unbearable."

Leo's tone softened. Anyway, he is also the king of the strongest kingdom of the human race, so let's show some face.

"Are you in Un'Goro Crater?"

Varian keenly grasped the point of Leo's words. The latter was not in Silithus, which means that Leo did not continue to stay at the forefront of fighting against the Qiraji beetles after destroying the Yash Hive. .

"Of course, the hot weather in the desert makes me very uncomfortable." Leo yawned, with a tone of just waking up, "In order to help the druids of the Cenarion Council solve the troubles around them, but Tired me out."

At the other end of the magic communication stone, Varian fell silent.

Leo seemed to be complaining, but he was actually telling him that I was helping the Cenarion Council to kill the Ashe Hive, not to tear down the alliance's support, or to destroy the plan of Stormwind City and Ironforge.

Didn't you see that I ran away after killing the Yashi nest?
"If that's the case, am I relieved?"

Varian breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most worried about was that Leo would do his best to help the orcs fight against the Qiraji, so that the alliance's plan to weaken the opponent's strength would be destroyed.

The two sides are allies in the fight against the Qiraji scarab, but after the scarab threat is resolved?

The confrontation between the Alliance and the Horde will continue.

As the lord of a country and one of the leaders of the alliance, Varian must consider more issues, and playing tricks is inevitable.Besides, the tribe did not show much strength when fighting against the undead natural disasters in the Plaguelands before, and took the opportunity to take root in Kargath. Just switch.

"King Varian, I have a proposal." Varian came to the door, and Leo suddenly had an idea, only to hear him say, "Do you have any ideas about Un'Goro Crater? The land is very good, it is a rare rich land in Kalimdor."

"You mean..." Varian instantly understood what Leo meant. He simply filtered the information of Un'Goro Crater and knew that this matter is very feasible, "Just like what the Horde did in Kargath Like that? Wonderful idea! I think I need to contact Magni and Mekkatorque, and then we can discuss it in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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