Chapter 757
The quicksand shards in the hands of Athoregus are indispensable items for gathering the quicksand scepter. This blue dragon can be selected by the quicksand scale to be the guardian of the quicksand shards, and its ability goes without saying.

It would take a lot of work if someone else asked Esoregus for quicksand fragments, but it was not difficult for a combination like Leo and Sanoli.

No, with the genuine bronze dragon Sanori and the blue dragon queen Sindragosa, wouldn't he obediently offer the quicksand fragments with both hands?
After getting the item, Leo didn't leave. He noticed what Esso Regus said just now, and it seemed that the blue dragon was in trouble.

Leo made a gesture to Sindragosa at an angle that Aesopregus could not see, and the Blue Dragon Queen immediately asked Aesuoregus knowingly: "Aesuo, what happened between you and those mortals? what?"

How could such a thing happen with the arrogance of a giant dragon if it wasn't for the fact that the opponent was too strong to force a blue dragon warrior like Esso Regus to run around?

Now that the Horde is trying its best to deal with the Qiraji beetle, and the Alliance is delaying the dispatch of troops for various reasons, it is impossible for the two camps to gather forces to deal with a blue dragon at this time. Since it is not the Alliance and the Horde, who has such a big force? ability?
"It's those adventurers. Although the power of these mortals is weak, there are too many of them, and I have noticed that someone is behind this matter. They should be for the quicksand fragments in my hand. In order to avoid problems with the quicksand fragments, I had to come out of my lair and find a place in Azshara safe enough that if something happened to me the quicksand shards wouldn't fall into the hands of the conspirators."

There was an embarrassing expression on Esso Regus's face. A giant dragon was driven around by a group of mortals. It happened to him, which was a shame that he could not wash away in his life.

What made Athoregus feel even more depressed was that he had to tell this matter in front of two outsiders, because Sindragosa asked a question and he had to answer it.

There is a saying that family ugliness should not be publicized, who wants to spread their own embarrassment?

Seeing Sano Li's gossiping face when she was listening to what happened to her, the hatred in Esso Regus's heart could not be washed away by the sea water of the endless sea.The blue dragon warrior dares to guarantee that the bronze dragon chick will not keep a secret for herself, and it won't be long before he, Athoregus, will become the laughing stock of the dragon clan.

"Someone spread rumors, saying that you possess the treasure left by the Elven Empire in Azshara, causing adventurers to unite to trouble you, for the quicksand fragments in your hand?"

Unlike Sanoli's expression of gloating after hearing what happened to Athoregus, Leo and Sindragosa have serious expressions.

Bronze dragons can do things unreliably and do whatever they want, but Leo and the blue dragon queen can't. They think more and more deeply.

From the words of Esso Regus, the two learned that someone was staring at the quicksand fragments in the blue dragon's hand, or to be precise, they were staring at the quicksand scepter.

To strike the Beetle Gong and open the seal of the Beetle Wall, the only tool is the Quicksand Scepter, which is the key to counterattacking the Aqir Empire established by the Qiraji Beetlemen. Without it, what is the threat of completely eradicating the Beetlemen?
Now the war against the Qiraji beetle is about to enter a critical period. At this time, if something goes wrong with the quicksand fragments and the quicksand scepter cannot be synthesized, it will have a non-negligible impact on the Horde, the Cenarion Council, and even the alliance that has not yet sent troops. .

The Qiraji beetle can only attack, but he cannot counterattack the enemy due to the existence of the beetle wall. In addition to defense, he can only defend, and he can't fight back after being beaten. No matter who falls on this kind of thing, it will not feel good.

And since the seal of the Beetle Wall was made by the Bronze Dragon, and the quicksand fragments were lost from the Blue Dragon, who knows if some caring people will bring this kind of complaint about the failure of the war to the Guardian Dragon?

If this causes any serious rift between the mortal race and the giant guardian dragon... This is a series of tricks!

The guy who came up with this method is too insidious.

"At such a moment, someone has the idea of ​​picking up quicksand fragments. It is clear that they will not give the Alliance and the Horde a chance to counterattack the Yaqi Empire. In this way, someone has colluded with the Beetleman. Who could it be?"

Sindragosa was thinking about it, and suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and the light of hatred shot out in her eyes.

"Have you thought about it too?" Leo thought of the master first, "If I'm not wrong, there will be no one else behind the scenes except the Twilight's Hammer."

Silithus is the most active place for the Twilight's Hammer. The master of this organization is Deathwing, who was tempted by the ancient god Nezhas, and the master behind the beetles of the Yaqi Empire is C'Thun, who is also the ancient god. God, if you say that there is no connection between them, who will believe it?

Perhaps the Twilight's Hammer's activities in Silithus have other agendas unknown to outsiders.

"It's no wonder that the Twilight's Hammer has been so low-key recently, and has no objection to the war between the Horde and its Beetlemen that spread throughout Silithus. It turns out that their real focus is on this place. These guys are trying to destroy this world. The real killing move of the lunatic who came in the twilight trial is to destroy the reorganization of the quicksand scepter."

Without the quicksand scepter to strike the beetle gong, the seal of the beetle wall will not be completely opened. Even if the army of the alliance and the tribe defeat the Qiraji beetle, it is no big deal. The insects only need to drill into the beetle wall, Unless you can invite Nozdormu, the Lord of Time, to take action, otherwise you will have nothing to do with him even if you have the means to reach the sky.

But Nozdormu didn't even know the whereabouts of his clan's bronze dragons, so how could others find them?

"It's better to draw fire from the bottom of the pot than to stop the boiling water. The Twilight's Hammer has done a great job."

Leo is very thankful, thankful that Sanoli urged him to come to Azshara because of boredom after he solved the giant worm nest of the Great Rift and the Abyss of Pain on a whim. It took a lot of work.

According to the original trajectory of this world, that is, the so-called correct history seen by the bronze dragons, in order to protect the quicksand fragments, Athoregus finally died, but before he died, he thought of a way to protect the quicksand fragments well. Get up - that is to find a beach with quicksand fragments and throw them into the belly of a fish.

The vast sea is vast, and there are countless fish in the sea. It is safest to hide quicksand fragments in the stomach of a fish that has not been marked in any way.

There is a word called finding a needle in a haystack, which describes how difficult something is, and finding a fish in a haystack is even more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

After all, the needle is a dead object, it will not move by itself, as long as you determine the range, it is not difficult to find it.

But fish is different, it is a living thing, it is a living thing that can move, it will not stay in one place forever, it is so difficult for you to find it in this vast sea.

What's more, this fish was randomly selected by Esso Regus, it has no characteristics at all, and the blue dragon doesn't remember what kind of fish it is, so if you really want to find it, you have to find it?

If the war with the Beetlemen is at the most critical moment, and they have to go fishing in the sea to find quicksand fragments, it would be strange not to kill a large group of people.

"Human, you say this is the work of the Twilight's Hammer?"

Aisuo Regus was very angry, but now he was caught by him, and the blue dragon was worried that he was being deceived by others, and he didn't even know who was behind the scenes, so Leo found the answer for him.

"Besides the Twilight's Hammer, I can't think of another faction with this motive."

Leo knew it, and it won't be long before Deathwing will appear in the world, launch the act of destroying the world, and let the world accept the so-called twilight trial.If the Yaqi Empire had not been resolved at that time, then the Qiraji beetle controlled by C'Thun must have been his great help. If the seal of the Beetle Wall was broken by Deathwing, the world would be really dangerous.

You must know that when the Devil's Soul was created, Nozdormu, the Lord of Time, also injected the essence of his power into this artifact. Even if Deathwing controlled the Demon's Soul, he did not receive the full power injected by Nozdormu. To some extent, he will also understand that it is not impossible for him to crack the seal of the Beetle Wall.

Thinking of this, Leo was startled. Most of the actions of the Twilight's Hammer were ordered by Deathwing. The black dragon that was trying to destroy the world is already making arrangements for the coming of the Twilight Trial.

Deathwing's strength is already terrifying, if he takes the upper hand again, how can he fight?
"The bastards of the Twilight's Hammer dare to conspire against me. I must destroy them."

Knowing who was spreading rumors and conspiring to kill him, Athoregus wished he could go to Silithus immediately and kill all the members of the Twilight's Hammer.

"Aesop, keep calm."

Sindragosa scolded the excited blue dragon, and the latter could only restrain his inner anger and wait for the former's order.

In front of the Blue Dragon Queen, Athoregus has no right to act without authorization.

"What are you going to do?"

Out of some considerations, Sindragosa didn't call out Leo's master in front of Azorregus, but even so, her honorific speech to Leo made Azorregus stare His eyes and his face were unbelievable.

"I hate the little mice hiding in the dark the most. These guys who only play tricks all day long pray not to be seen by me, otherwise I will kill one of them." Leo said and stretched out his hand, "It's like Now."

A ball of blood exploded from the direction Leo pointed his palm at, and a figure appeared in the void a hundred meters away from everyone talking.

Ice Grave!

The figure was frozen as soon as it appeared.

He was able to hide from the perceptions of Esso Regus and Nefarian, and listened to Leo's conversation clearly. This person's stealth ability is really good, but it is a pity that he couldn't hide it from Sinde in the end. Lagosa and Leo were forcibly caught out of stealth by the two and frozen into a big popsicle.

There are stalkers watching!

Nefarian and Athoregus were taken aback. The two dragons felt ashamed at the same time, but now is not the time to care about this issue. After such an interruption, they found that there was a group of adventurers coming from Surrounded from all directions.

"Here comes the relief."

Sanoli didn't know when she sat on the recliner that Leo put on Nefarian's back. At this moment, she was dancing and waiting for the good show to take place, making Leo dumbfounded.

I said big sister, don't be so familiar, okay, we've only known each other for a few days?
(End of this chapter)

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