Necromancer in another world

Chapter 758 Publishing Tasks

Chapter 758 Publishing Missions (Second Change)

As the saying goes, if there are ten thousand people, there is no limit.

As long as the number of people reaches 1, it seems that there are too many people, but is [-] people really a lot?
As a person who participated in many wars, and the number of people in the second war was far more than 1, Lei Ao said that [-] people are really not many.

When adventurers from all directions surrounded him and Athoregus, Leo discovered a situation that made him extremely speechless.

Pointing to the adventurer who was rushing over, Leo looked at Athoregus with a confused face, he really didn't know what to say.

"Is this the number of adventurers you're talking about driving you around Azshara?"

"Is it a lot? There must be 3 to [-] people."

Athoregus looked nervous, Sindragosa had the urge to cover his face, Leo blinked and looked up at the sky.

You are not, you, anyway, you are also a warrior-level blue dragon, the few remaining dragons in the blue dragon clan who can stand on the table, how can they be chased away by the mere [-] to [-] adventurers?Athoregus, what are you trying to do?
"'s so interesting..."

Sano Li patted the armrest of the recliner, covering her stomach and laughing wildly. The handprints on the armrest made Leo's heart twitch.

I said big sister, take it easy, don't you know how to feel sorry for things that aren't your own?
"Aisuo, it's not a problem for such a small number of mortals to kill them with your ability."

Sindragosa gritted her teeth and said this. Seeing her appearance, if it weren't for the decline of blue dragon talents, she would have strangled Ethoregus to death.

Athoregus shrank his neck, the expression of the Blue Dragon Queen made him fearful.

"So many mortals, wouldn't it be a problem if they were all killed?"

Is a giant dragon afraid of killing people?
It was the first time for Leo to meet such a guy. Which of the dragons he had come into contact with took human life seriously?

The mortal race is a tool to be used in the perception of the dragon.

This is the cognition that Leo came into contact with those giant dragons, but now there is such a strange species as Athoregus, he can't help being surprised-there are still dragons who take human life seriously, the world really No surprises!
"Those mortals provoke you first, why can't they kill you?"

"Didn't the great king of magic teach us to protect this world? These mortals are also part of the world. If you encounter provocation, kill a few to let them know how powerful it is. If you kill indiscriminately..."

"Shut up, you idiot!"

Schindler Gosa's anger towards Esso Regus was almost at its peak. She really didn't expect such a pedantic guy in the clan. Isn't this guy stupid?When killing people, you still decide whether to kill or not based on the number of people?Now that you've been reduced to being chased around by mortals, you still think you did the right thing, don't you?

Looking at the furious Schindlergosa, Athoregus shrank his head. He didn't know what he did wrong. Could it be that he misunderstood the teachings of the great magic king?

Sanoli was already laughing so hard that she almost fell to the ground. She didn't expect Axorregus to be such an interesting guy. Is this one of the few blue dragons who can take the lead?
You're not mistaken, is it true that the sky is going to destroy the blue dragon clan?

The laughter gradually stopped, and Sanoli climbed onto Leo's reclining chair that was about to fall apart by her. She still had a deep smile on her face, but her slightly narrowed eyes showed a thoughtful expression.

After all, the blue dragon clan is one of the giant guardian dragons. Is it possible to just watch him decline like this?
Bronze dragons can see the future by manipulating time. How could Sanori not know what will happen to the blue dragons? If there is only one Kalecgos, the blue dragons really have a future?
After all, the Blue Dragon Clan is also a part of the Giant Dragon Clan. Could it be that they are just watching it go into decline?
What is it to know what is going to happen and not stop it, to stand by and watch things get worse?
Why did the Titans leave us the mission of the Bronze Dragon?
Sanori is an outlier among the bronze dragons. If they were other bronze dragons, even if they knew that the blue dragon would fall, they would not be able to intervene, let alone think about whether the mission entrusted to them by the Titan was right or wrong.

But Sano Li is different. In order not to put herself in a dangerous situation, she can ignore even Leo, who wants to destroy the process of history, let alone a little suspicion of Titan when no one knows?
"Aisuo, listen to me. From now on, you will be by my side, and you will do whatever I ask you to do. As for the reason, you can think for yourself."

Sindragosa dropped such a sentence with a cold face, which decided the future life of Athoregus.The Blue Dragon Queen seems to be very fierce towards her people, but she actually cares very much. If Iso Regus is allowed to survive on his own, he will definitely be killed with his current way of thinking, so it is better to bring him with him first.

"Syndra, don't be so cold-faced. I think it's not bad for Esso Regus. It's not a bad thing to have a tolerant heart. That's probably why the Quicksand Scale decided to make him the guardian of the quicksand fragments. Otherwise, why not Kalecgos who is stronger than him?"

As Leo spoke, he glanced at Sanoli intentionally or unintentionally. The latter was shocked when he saw this. She really didn't know the reason why Quicksand Scale chose Athoregus, but she knew who the blue dragon clan would be in the end. lead.

Could it be to clear the way for Kalecgos to take over the Blue Dragon Clan?
Sano Li went to meet Leo's gaze as if responding, and the bronze felt that Leo knew more about the world—whether in the past or in the future, he knew more about some information than her, otherwise why would he To specifically mention Kalecgos?

Raising his index finger and shaking Sano Li, Leo said with a mysterious face: "Don't look at me like that, just as you think, I know a lot. If the Lord of Time reappears, you can help me Take a message to him, I have the habit of pronouncing my name backwards."

Sano Li was puzzled, and read the name backwards. What kind of quirk is this?Besides, why didn't I discover that you have that habit?

Just about to ask a few more questions, Sanoli found that Leo had turned his head and looked at the adventurer team coming from a distance, holding his chin and not knowing what he was thinking.

"Stop, adventurer."

Two thousand dragon liches suddenly appeared in the sky, and the metal body that covered the sky and the sun formed a huge metal black cloud above the adventurers' heads. As the dragon's power spread, many adventurers' bodies began to tremble. The enthusiasm of Long Duobao also disappeared.

Seeing that the dracolich army had successfully disarmed the adventurers, causing most of them to retreat, Leo nodded in satisfaction.

For these adventurers who are known as money hyenas, outlaws who can sacrifice their lives for money, if you can't make them fear you, then the next thing will be very difficult to handle.

He beckoned to the adventurer team, and with the power of magic, Leo spread his voice throughout the audience.

"I'm Leo of Arathor. Stand up if you can. I have a business to discuss with you."

Leo of Arathor!

There was a commotion in the adventurer team. Isn’t this the human warlock that has been rumored recently? I heard that he killed the Yashi nest, one of the three giant insect nests in Silithus, by riding alone. Then went to Tanaris to bulldoze the lair of corruption, and created two terrifying pits in Silithus and Tanaris that were thousands of meters deep and hundreds of miles wide.

"Good guy, he is the Marshal Leo of the Kingdom of Arathor, and he looks like this, it's not good-looking."

An orc mercenary looked at Leo, compared him with the appearance he had outlined in his mind, and sighed regretfully.

"He is a human being. If you called him good-looking, he would scare many people to death."

A human mercenary couldn't help being ironic. The aesthetics of orcs and humans are very different. If a human looks very attractive in the eyes of orcs, it can only be said that the human itself is a great tragedy.

Some leaders of the adventurer team came out hesitantly, while more were watching.

They teamed up to fight Athoregus's idea. Seeing that the relationship between Leo and the blue dragon seems a little close now, most adventurers feel guilty. They didn't show up until they figured out Leo's intention It means that the companions are ready to evacuate.

In this world, a country marshal like Leo is a member of the upper class of the human race, and he himself is a generation of strong men with outstanding achievements, and he is also an upper class member of the upper class, and adventurers are just a group of people who want to survive. The people at the bottom run around, and the status gap between the two parties makes them instinctively wary of Leo.

In a word, adventurers are a disadvantaged group in front of Leo. They have to carefully observe Leo's face, and if there is something wrong, they will immediately scatter and run for their lives. No matter who makes Leo's status or strength, they are not them. What can be compared?
"How many of you are the leaders among so many people?"

Looking at the dozen or so adventurers who came out hesitantly, Leo's tone was full of dissatisfaction. Just as the adventurers were tremblingly preparing to deal with the situation, the next scene surprised them.

"Forget it, how you manage it is up to you." Leo waved his hand, and said something that the adventurers could hardly believe, "Take down the castle built by the original Alterac Kingdom on Broken Ridge and stick to Ala Suo's army came to take over, and the 30 gold coins are yours."

The adventurers stared wide-eyed, heard right, Leo is actually issuing a mission to them!

"Why? Dissatisfied?" Leo stretched out a hand and shook it gently, "Maximum 50 gold coins, but you have to work harder after adding so much money. You must capture the ogre leader there alive."

We just hesitated for a moment, and we increased the price by 20 gold coins in less than ten seconds. It really is a big deal!

The marshal of a country, the spirit of this shot is not the same.

In front of the huge amount of money, the adventurers were tempted. As for the idea of ​​killing dragons and seizing treasures, they had already thrown them out of the sky.

The adventurers who have been wandering around all the year round are more or less aware of the situation in Broken Ridge Castle. It was the territory of the original Kingdom of Algrange, but it has now become the territory of ogres.

Although Broken Ridge ogres are not weak and there are quite a few of them, adventurers would never go there to die, but they can't stand the temptation of money. If there is a huge sum of 50 gold coins, tens of thousands of adventurers will gather here It's not that the power of the hunter does not lack the strength to take Broken Ridge.

Adventurers are not a regular army, they don't pay attention to being aboveboard when dealing with enemies, they can use methods such as sneak attack, assassination, and poisoning as long as they are effective.

"Marshal Leo, if we take Broken Ridge, how long will Arathor's army arrive?"

When an adventurer leader asked this question, and the other adventurers looked at Leo anxiously waiting for his answer, no one objected, Leo laughed, and the fish had already been hooked.

(End of this chapter)

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