Necromancer in another world

Chapter 776 It's time to debut

Chapter 776 It's time to debut
There is no self-importance, nor does he treat himself as an insignificant role, because Leo understands that being a human being should not belittle oneself.

But some people just think that he is not worth mentioning.

No, to be precise, the alliance army composed of dwarves, gnomes and humans should be regarded as a small role.

The Qiraji beetles were defeated in the Battle of Quicksand. From that moment on, they regarded night elves and giant dragons as enemies other than trolls. In their hearts, only night elves and giant dragons could be regarded as real threats. .

As for humans... what is that?
As a new race, human beings are not seen by the Qiraji beetles, thinking that human beings had not yet been born when their Aziaki civilization was rampant.

There is a saying that a good man does not mention the bravery of the past, and there is a good saying that the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the waves before die on the beach.

It is true that the Qiraji beetle people did have a glorious history, but in the eyes of humans, that is old history, so what about the new race, it can kill you as well.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, newborn races have the vigor of newborn races, and the human army that confronts the swarm has no fear of pulling alien worms. They want to use the blood of these worms to achieve the honor of the human race.

To humans, the Qiraji are contemptuous, as evidenced by their lack of movement since Atramedes.

Leo asked the Blind-Eyed Dragon to use sound waves to attack a large number of xenomorphs, trying to lure the Qiraji beetle in the ruins, but unfortunately the other party refused to accept the move, or the Qiraji beetle never thought of coming out of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj .

Since you don't come out, don't blame me for killing too hard.

Amid the roar of the giant dragon, Filmer, Flegel, and Ebonlocke, who appeared in the form of dracolich, entered the battlefield. The three-headed dracolich powerhouse spit out pillar-shaped dragon flames from their mouths, and the crimson pillar of fire followed The flight path of the three dragons of Filmer swept the ground, but all the alien insects were turned into fly ashes where the dragon's flame pillar swept.

In order to increase the efficiency of killing, Leo didn't care too much at this time. Anyway, the number of corpses he owns now has reached a terrifying number, which is not too bad. He should inflict heavy damage on the heterogeneous swarm as soon as possible, forcing the Qiraji beetle to take action. It is imperative.

And so the fighting went on, in a way the Union soldiers were more than happy to do.

With the sonic attack of the blind dragon Atramedus, the threat of the Qiraji to the alliance army was more than doubled. In addition, Leo also started to attack. Not only did the alliance soldiers who had been fighting not feel tired, their physical strength On the contrary, it recovered because of the decline in fighting intensity. To describe it in one word-the more you fight, the more energetic you become.

Can't go on like this.

The strong beetlemen in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj saw that the method of using the alien swarm to consume the opponent's strength did not work, and they immediately changed their battle strategy.

Isn't the alliance just wanting to force its main force to make a move, then we will help you.

Groups of Anubisaths rushed out of the ruins. These kobolds over 20 meters tall strode quickly into the battlefield. Their heavy bodies shook the ground as they ran, and the dust all over the sky followed. raised.

There are quite a few Anubisaths rushing out in this wave, and Leo roughly saw that the number was around three or four thousand.

Faced with the impact of thousands of Anubisath sentinels, it was very difficult for human soldiers to resist. This monster with a huge body, a strong body, and good strength came in a collective charge. The average height was less than two meters, and the body shape was poor. How can the opponent ten times more human beings resist?

wow wow wow...

Leo flicked his fingers, and a wall of bones rose up, separating the human soldiers from the Anubisas sentry. The latter charged too fast, couldn't hold back his feet and bumped into it, causing his head to bleed immediately. .The spikes lined up on the wall of bones are like a spear array composed of spears, piercing the incoming Anubisath sentry into a sieve.

Just this round of collision with the Anubisath sentry cost hundreds of people.

Of course, their sacrifices were not without effect. Although the wall of bones laid by Leo killed them, it also collapsed under their impact.

The Anubisath Sentinels, without the strong bones, crashed directly into the alliance army formation, and the human soldiers were still unable to stop them despite all their efforts. Thousands of soldiers were trampled to death or kicked away by the Anubisath Sentinels .

Within a few seconds of contact between the two sides, the human soldiers lost as many as a thousand people. If these kobolds' attacks were not stopped quickly, the human soldiers' defenses would soon be overwhelmed.

The skeleton tank changed its target, and countless magic light bullets went straight to the enemies raging in the human army formation. After the first round of salvo, the dozen or so Anubisath sentries who rushed to the front disappeared.

This round of volley seems to have caused a lot of losses to the Anubisath sentry, but the actual effect is pitifully low. For the Qiraji who have thousands of Anubisath sentries, the loss is huge. Ten or so is not a big deal at all, no matter how much your skeleton tank can let you shoot ten rounds, it can kill at most a hundred of my sentries, but I can definitely defeat your human army within ten rounds of your salvo.

Filmer, Fleger, and Ebonlock three-headed dracolich powerhouses see that the situation is not good for their own side. In order to stop the Anubisath sentinels, they can't care about dealing with alien insects, but the three heads transformed by black dragon warriors After all, the dracolich was alone and alone, and the three dragons teamed up to block only a hundred Anubisath sentries, which did little to help the situation on the entire front.

The battle line was unstable, so Leo had to increase his troops, and Valastraz led a thousand dracolich into the battlefield.

The addition of this group of powerful reinforcements relieved the pressure on the human soldiers. With the help of the dracolich, the human soldiers stabilized their positions, and the offensive of the Anubisath sentry was contained.

Seeing that the battle line was re-stabilised, the alliance was about to breathe a sigh of relief when a new situation appeared again.

The magic bullets blasted by the skeleton tanks at the Qiraji alien swarm seemed to have met the iron nails of the magnet. In the surprised eyes of everyone, they turned to the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and drifted away. Without the interference of these magic bullets, the Anubisath sentinels and alien insects The group quickly gained an advantage, and before the human army recovered from the previous shock, they once again smashed the line of defense that the human army had managed to stabilize almost to pieces.

A group of bird-headed monsters with wings on their backs walked slowly out of the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj. From the front, they seemed to be humanoid creatures, but that was only their front half. If you add the beast-like back half , you won't think so.

From the general outline, these monsters are similar to centaurs, except that they have a pair of wings on their backs.

Obsidian Destroyer!
A mechanical creature that feeds on mana, can devour mana within a certain range and store it in the body, and when it reaches a critical value, the stored mana explodes in an instant, leaving countless spellcasters helpless. This is the obsidian destroyer.

The Obsidian Destroyer is also a creature made by the Titans and is part of the Tovir family. However, after the Titans left this world, the Obsidian Destroyers, which were originally used to guard Uldum, were controlled by the ancient god Ke'thun together with Anubisath Now, from a guardian to a destroyer.

Skeleton tanks use magic cannons, which are naturally magic attacks. With the Obsidian Destroyer, a group of as many as [-] tanks will not be able to attack the enemy, but will instead provide magic power for the opponent's attack.

Not only skeleton tanks, but also skeleton fighters. Facing the Obsidian Destroyer, can Leo just watch his mechanical army become a pile of scrap iron?
This is of course impossible, knowing that there is an obsidian destroyer in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, how can Leo not deal with it?

Discovering the appearance of new enemies, the skeleton tanks and skeleton fighters immediately changed their attack methods, and the bullets they fired changed from magic bullets to shells filled with gunpowder.

The entire battlefield was filled with gunpowder and smoke from the rumbling guns, and the Obsidian Destroyer could no longer draw magic power from it.

The crisis of the mechanical army was resolved, but Jaina and the mages were still embarrassed.

The Obsidian Destroyer can absorb magic power, so how dare mages cast spells again, but they can only stare blankly, the effect of a great mage who cannot cast magic is not as good as an ordinary soldier on the battlefield.

Without the large-area killing spells of their own mages, the soldiers of the alliance had to face the harsh reality, that is, the worm sea tactics of the alien swarm could not be contained, and the pressure they were under was more than doubled. With the impact of the sentinels, the defense line of the entire human army is crumbling, and it will collapse at any time.

The mage army can't contain the alien swarm without taking action, but the mage's action will strengthen the strength of the obsidian destroyer, and the danger of the human army still cannot be relieved.

This is an endless loop. If there is no way to break this loop, the defeat of the human army is inevitable.

"It's time to debut!"

Leo muttered in a low voice, the purple-white arcane light enveloped the Obsidian Destroyer.

A blood elf, no, to be precise, a troop composed of highborne elves appeared next to the skeleton tank group. They used the mana tap to extract the target's magic power with ease, and forcibly drew the magic power from the Obsidian Destroyer into their own body.

The highborne elves of Eresalas are very familiar with the method of extracting magic power. In fact, anyone who has been doing the thing of drawing people's magic power for thousands of years will become very good at it. After all, practice makes perfect .

The Obsidian Destroyer, who had absorbed a lot of magic power, was about to rush forward to explode the magic power, blowing up the defense line of the human soldiers. Unexpectedly, the magic power was drained by the long-awaited highborne as soon as they approached the most intense battle front line. Make them useless.

The Obsidian Destroyer was ambushed by the Highborne, and was in an embarrassing situation where he had no magic power to cast a magic explosion. Now was the best chance to kill them.

The dragon roared, and Perision and Hectors rushed out with more than [-] dracolich, aiming at the obsidian destroyers.

This time, Leo dispatched the remaining dracolich in his hands, intending to destroy the Obsidian Destroyer, which was a great threat to his side, how would the Qiraji beetlemen in the ruins deal with it?

(End of this chapter)

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