Chapter 777 Acting
When the dracolich led by Perision and Hectorz came to the front of the Obsidian Destroyer troops, the magic elements rioted just before the two sides fought.

An Obsidian Destroyer who couldn't tell the slightest difference from his companions stood in place. His body seemed to be a black hole created out of thin air, frantically sucking the magic elements in the battlefield—whether it was free in the air or in the caster's body. , even strong men like Leo and Jaina felt the magic power in their bodies was passing.

The upper elves turned pale with fright. The mana they extracted from the Obsidian Destroyer with a mana split was sucked away by the opponent, not to mention their own mana, which was drained within three to four seconds. Two clean.

Without the support of magic power, the upper elves felt extremely uncomfortable. They rolled their eyes like fish out of water, panted heavily with their mouths wide open, and collapsed to the ground without any image. The nobility of elves?
No wonder Liadrin and Fuchsel looked down on these highborne, they really embarrassed the elves.

Normally, so many high-level elves would definitely attract attention in such a mess, but now no one has the time to look at them. All eyes are on the Obsidian Destroyer who is crazily extracting magic elements.

This guy draws mana so vigorously, could it be...

Leo had a bad premonition in his heart, and before he could finish his thoughts, the Obsidian Destroyer had already drawn enough energy.

"Moam's mane is full of energy!"

Sure enough it was him!

Hearing this loud roar, Leo's heart tightened suddenly, it was terrible.

The magical energy surged out of Moam like a flood that broke through the dam, and the huge magical energy destroyed everything that blocked its way.


Moam's explosion full of energy tore apart the defenses of the human army with a devastating force.

There was a big hole in the line of defense that was originally full of human soldiers, a big hole nearly 2000 meters away.

Alien worms, Anubisath Sentinels, and Obsidian Destroyers took the opportunity to enter, and the human army was on the verge of collapse.

If a mechanical creature like the Obsidian Destroyer has nothing special in appearance, it would be extremely difficult to identify a certain individual from it. Even people who are familiar with this kind of mechanical creation may not be able to do it, let alone seeing it for the first time. to the real person.

Leo and the others suffered from this. Moam hid among a group of ordinary Obsidian Destroyers. He was so inconspicuous that people didn't even notice his existence. Then counterattacked with a countermeasure, and the alliance suffered a big loss.

There was an unconcealable panic on the faces of the human soldiers. Moam killed more than 4000 people in the direct blast just now, and the consequences were even more serious.

The Anubisas Sentinel took the lead, followed by the Obsidian Destroyer and the Zerg Swarm, covering the gap in the alliance's defense line, causing new casualties to the alliance soldiers continuously.

While the alliance army was busy stabilizing the line of defense, Moam began to prepare the second attack again, and the magic power of the battlefield flowed to him again.

"Stop him now!"

Jaina shouted anxiously, if she was bombed by Moam again, the alliance's defense line would definitely collapse, and the situation would be reversed in Moam's hands. If it wasn't for her being a mage, she couldn't deal with Moam. Already shot.

Facing an opponent like the Obsidian Destroyer who has the ability to devour magic, a deep sense of powerlessness made Jaina breathless. At this moment, she could only pin her hope of stopping Moam on others.

The first successful attack was because Moam took advantage of the sneak attack, and it was reasonable to be successful by him. Now this guy has emerged, and if he succeeds in the demon explosion again, Leo can wipe his neck directly.

Originally, Leo was not going to show much strength in this battle. The Qiraji beetle strongman in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj was not considered a high-end existence in the entire Yaqi Empire. In such a battle, all The display of strength will make the powerhouses hiding in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, such as the Twin Emperors and Auror, vigilant, and the difficulty of the battle will increase a lot.

For Leo, this is extremely uneconomical. After all, the existence and strength of Oro and Vek'lor the Great are still unknown. It is impossible to fight against such an enemy without leaving enough cards, let alone face it later. To the Old God C'Thun.

Even if what they have to face is not the full strength of C'Thun, but no matter what they say, they are still the ancient gods who are fighting against the titans, and even one-thousandth of the strength is extremely terrifying.

Because of this thought, Leo didn't use much force in the previous battles. Even though Moltenmaw and Dreadscale were killed, he maintained enough restraint and didn't use enough energy to make the Qiraji beetle notice him. the power to come.

But now it is no longer possible. If the Moam Alliance army is not killed in the shortest time, it will be defeated. This is not what Leo wants to see.

"Heaven's evil is forgivable, but self-inflicted evil cannot live! You are forcing me to kill you."

Leo stretched out his right hand in a murderous spirit, aimed at Moam and squeezed his palm, and the demigod's hand wrapped around Moam in a black air that made one's hair stand on end, grasping the legion!
The demigod's hand appeared suddenly, and the speed was extremely fast. Moam, who was accumulating energy, had no time to dodge before he was caught.

Tol'vir is worthy of being one of the creations of the Titans. Not to mention his body is hard, it also has the ability to offset damage. Leo's demigod's hand, which he urged with all his strength, pinched Moam's body as if it had caught a layer of slippery grease , Most of the power was released, unable to crush Moam as he wished.

so hard!

Leo took a sip, he didn't expect that Moam could not be defeated with the attack power of the demigod's hand. Could it be that it was produced by some Titan, it must be a high-quality product?

The opponent's attack couldn't help him, Moam laughed triumphantly. At this time, the energy he had accumulated was enough to explode again.

The surging tide of magic power surged out again, and Jaina's face turned blue. With the current situation of the human army, how can it withstand this bombing?
Could it be that the alliance army that attacked the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj will return home in defeat?

"Don't think about it!"

Leo let out a loud roar, and a large blood-colored net was thrown out against the influx of magic power, and the energy extraction was operated to the extreme by him.

The tide of magic power that was about to rage was like a flood that had encountered a dam. Unwilling to be restrained, it vigorously hit the dam that blocked its way, and its crazy roar resounded through the sky.

The blood-colored net kept vibrating, and under the urging of Leo's full force, each energy line that made up the big net was squirming at a frequency of hundreds of times per second, absorbing and dissolving the magic power accumulated in the magic power tide , and finally passed into Leo's body.

Thanks to the power of the golden finger, the magic power that could explode Leo was dissipated before it caused any damage to him. Seeing the upgrade energy slowly climb, Leo couldn't help but secretly delighted. Under the premise of this, he would not think too much of such a good thing.

Bean-sized sweat emerged from Leo's forehead and slid down his cheeks, setting off his pale complexion, giving people a sick feeling of powerlessness.

Seeing Leo like this, Jaina was very anxious. Now Leo is the only one who can stop Moam's demonic explosion from defeating the human army, but he shows an abnormally strenuous appearance, which makes people feel anxious.

"Leo, how are you?"

Looking around the entire battlefield, the dwarves are still entangled with the Twilight's Hammer, Varian and Jean are leading the army to fight against the Rego swarm, Mekkatorque and the dwarf engineers are setting up a new helicopter platform, Scarlett... Huh !Where did Scarlett go?
Jaina was surprised that she couldn't see Scarlett's figure. Leo made several gestures to her from the blind spot of Moam's sight. The situation, but she did not show the slightest difference.

The magic explosion full of energy was actually blocked by someone. This scene was beyond Moam's expectations, but he was relieved after thinking that the opponent could launch an attack comparable to a demigod.

Looking at Leo, who was sweating profusely and pale, as if he might fall down at any time, Moam drew the magic energy from the battlefield again.

Let's see how many times you can block!

With enough mages on the battlefield, it only takes a few seconds for Moam to complete the energy storage. Seeing that the Obsidian Destroyer was about to attack again, Leo moved his body, as if he wanted to stop him but was powerless.

The wave of magic power exploded again, the bloody energy grid was hit again, and Leo's face turned pale again.

To be able to block my two magic explosions, the strength of this human being is not bad, but he is not my opponent yet.

Moam thought, the third magic explosion began...then the fourth...the fifth...the sixth...

A scene that shocked Moam happened. Every time he exploded, Leo's face turned pale, sweat dripped from his forehead, and sometimes he even groaned loudly, looking like he was about to support himself. Can't help it.Originally, Moam thought that Leo would last until the third time at most, but he was surprised that Leo could last until the sixth time with this appearance.

This human being's willpower is very tenacious, but the gap in strength cannot be made up by willpower. Today I will let you understand this truth.

Moam didn't realize that something was wrong. Anyway, the human army is being suppressed and beaten by them on the battlefield now, which allows him to continue the cycle of energy storage and magic explosion with peace of mind.

At the end of the tenth magic explosion, Leo was still in a precarious posture, as if he might fall down at any time, but he held on firmly, but this time Moam was no longer fooled.

"Sly fellow, how dare you fool me!"

Moam, who realized that the situation was wrong, glared at Leo, and Leo responded with a mocking smile.

Stretching out his hand to brush his face, all the sweat disappeared, and his face returned to ruddy. No matter how energetic he looked, Leo, who was full of rosy face, didn't look half-sluggish.

"Aren't you too stupid? I can see through my acting so realistically. If that's the case, then..." Leo said with a sudden smile on his face, "Go to hell!"

 Thanks to Silver Moon and Old Eyes for donating chapters, everyone go and get them (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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