Necromancer in another world

Chapter 778 The real trouble is yet to come

Chapter 778 The real trouble is yet to come

A red line fell straight down from the sky, and there was a little golden in the crimson. Scarlett, who Jaina couldn't find, drove the flame dragon eagle and slashed vertically with a sword, aiming at Moam's head.

This premeditated blow made Moam aware of the danger, but he had no other way to deal with it except to use his body to resist, being firmly suppressed by Leo's demigod hand.

Moam had also seen the scene where Scarlett killed Ayamis with the sword of Ashcandi before, but Ayamis' physical strength was far inferior to that of the obsidian destroyer, and Moam also He didn't care too much, and he even had the idea of ​​relying on his own body to block Scarlett's sword in his mind.

Leo's demigod's hand can not crush him, and Moam's body hardness is absolutely extraordinary. Commonly speaking, even a demigod-level attack can block the sword of an epic-level paladin. question?
However, not everything in the world can be judged by common sense. Although there are few extraordinary existences, they are not non-existent.

The Sword of Ashcandi has the ability to ignore defense. In Leo's eyes, there are only three words to describe this ability, which is unreasonable.

No matter how thick the opponent's armor is, no matter how strong the opponent's magic shield is, and no matter how hard the opponent's body is, the Ashcandi Sword's ability to ignore defense is no different from a piece of paper. What is unreasonable?
Moam's body is strong enough, but it is a tragedy to meet the sword of Ashkandi.

Under the unbelievable eyes of the Obsidian Destroyer, Scarlet split his head with a sword, and then the female paladin flipped her wrist, and swept Moam's head and body several times in succession.

The entire process from Scarlett's surprise attack to her decapitation of Moam took only a few seconds. The accident happened so suddenly and the situation changed so quickly that the beetles in the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj had no time at all. rescue.

A moment ago, under the threat of Moam, the human army was still in a dangerous situation about to be defeated. At this moment, Moam had already been killed, and the morale of the human army was soaring that they stabilized their position. Immediately overturned, but there is no danger of defeat.

The crisis of the alliance is declared resolved.

Of course, this is only temporary. If the gap in the defense cannot be filled, what awaits them is still failure.

The mages continued to stare blankly. Moam was dead, but the Obsidian Destroyer troops still existed. Facing these monsters that could devour magic power, they didn't dare to use spells to injure the enemy.

The Obsidian Destroyer is used to restrain mages. On the battlefield, they can torture mage legions ten times as many as themselves without temper. Just this makes them a trump card that no one can ignore, let alone their The strength of close combat is also good, and its physical attack ability is only slightly inferior to that of Anubisath Sentinel.

The creations of the Titans are really powerful, the more powerful they are, the more interested Leo is in them.

After losing his head, Moam's body suddenly stopped functioning. Leo's demigod hand no longer wanted to crush it, but grabbed it and retreated quickly, making it clear that he was about to snatch Moam. corpse.

How could Leo not be envious of a mechanical creation like the Obsidian Destroyer?

Even if you can't make the original version, it's good to get some knockoffs. Aren't his current skeleton tanks and skeleton fighters also modified with the gnome technology obtained in Gnomeregan?
When the demigod's hand dragged Moam's body back, a big hand covered with roots protruded from the ground, dragging Moam's severed head into the ground.

The Obsidian Destroyers saw that the opponent had killed Moam, but they wanted to snatch his body. They roared like wild beasts and rushed towards the hand of the demigod, intending to cut off the leader's body .

"A moth to a flame kills itself."

Leo's right hand was suddenly loosened, and the demigod's hand unexpectedly let go of Moam's body, and his big hand, filled with black air, slapped the obsidian destroyer.

Facts have proved that the quality of the creations of the same Titans can also be divided into good and bad. Not any obsidian destroyer can withstand a demigod-level attack-the obsidian destroyer who is rushing is slapped by the hand of the demigod The lower ones were smashed to pieces, scattered rubble and various parts of their bodies scattered all over the place.

Acidmaw came out from the ground, dragged Moam's body into the alliance army under the cover of the demigod's hand, and made the Obsidian Destroyers howl with anger but could do nothing.

In Leo's eyes, obtaining a complete body of Moam is more than ten times more valuable than obtaining other Obsidian Destroyers. For this reason, Leo can let their parts scatter on the battlefield after destroying a group of ordinary Obsidian Destroyers. But he would not drop even a piece of broken stone from Moam's body.

The Obsidian Destroyers were very injured. Not to mention the leader was killed, even the corpse was robbed, but they failed to stop each other after paying more than [-]% of the deaths of their companions. If it weren't for the lack of morale of the mechanical creatures, they would be He has long since lost his fighting spirit due to low morale.

The flame dragon eagle carried Scarlett to Leo's side. The female paladin kept shaking her arms, her chest was constantly rising and falling, and her breath was a little chaotic.

Don't think she is easy to kill Moam with a single sword. In fact, if it is not for the help of Leo's demigod hand and the super fast speed of the flame dragon eagle, even with the sword of Ashcandi It is also completely impossible for Scarlett to attack Moam successfully.

The strength of the female paladin is already outstanding among her age group, but after all she only has the strength of the Epic rank. Even with luxurious equipment, she is no match for a powerful titan like Moam.

The sword attack on Moam consumed Scarlet too much energy, and the female paladin returned to Leo just to recover. In Scarlet's heart, the entire battlefield is only safe by Leo's side.

Leo raised his hand, first summoned Faltola, let the blood elf death knight guard Scarlett, and then took the body of Moam brought back by Acid Throat and Looseb stand up.This move of his made Scarlett feel sweet, and such a move proved that she was very important to Leo.

Moam died, and most of the Obsidian Destroyer troops were killed or injured by Leo's demigod. Now the mage group of the alliance army got rid of the suppressed state. Under the leadership of Jaina, the mages who have the reputation of the king of attack Show off again.

The light of magic once again shone on the battlefield, and the offensive of the alien swarm was suppressed. Although the remaining Obsidian Destroyers were trying their best to absorb the magic power, their numbers were too small to stop the mages from venting their anger.

As the saying goes, this moment is also, and that moment is also.

Obsidian Destroyers also have a limit to absorbing magic power. Once the gap between them and the mage group is too large, they will not be able to suppress the latter. On the contrary, their ten-meter-high body will become the target of some powerful mages.

After commanding the mage group to suppress the alien swarm, Jaina set her sights on the Obsidian Destroyer. It is not difficult to kill one or even a dozen Obsidian Destroyers with her strength alone.

Amid the whizzing sound of ice arrows piercing the air, several obsidian destroyers died of broken bodies. They were not shattered by the magic power contained in the ice arrows, but were shattered by the impact of the ice arrows.

Leo glanced at Jaina. This woman who is known as the number one mage of the human race is indeed terrifying. The ice arrows as thick as a person are like bullets fired by a machine gun in her hand. The intensive attack hardened the obsidian destroyer. His body was smashed to pieces.

So, don't mess with women, especially powerful women.

After being cleaned up by Jaina and hunted down by Leo's demigod, the Obsidian Destroyer troops were wiped out in less than 2 minutes, and the Anubisath Sentinel was also transformed under the key care of the Skeleton Tank. It became a corpse on the ground, and the cluster of [-] skeleton tanks is no joke.

Since the death of Moam, the situation on the battlefield was like a pair of dominoes being toppled. The advantage that the Qiraji beetles had finally gained collapsed in an instant, and the alliance once again gained the upper hand.

After cleaning up the Obsidian Destroyer, Jaina pointed to the fallen Highborne. After being extracted by Moam, the last trace of magic power in these Highborne was drained. Without the support of magic power, how could these highborne survive? , One by one either passed out or died directly.

The current situation is different from that of Eresalas. Leo took the power of demons from their bodies in a proper way, and he would not kill them, but Moam didn't worry about that, and it was not enough to kill them. Strange.

"Over [-]% of these blood elves are dead, how should we explain to Silvermoon City?"

Jaina doesn't know the tricks in the blood elves army. There are tens of thousands of highborne here. Now more than 8000 dead are definitely not a small number for blood elves. Whether Silvermoon City will use this to make trouble is her biggest worry. .

Leo glanced at a certain place in the alliance army formation, and Leo replied in a low voice: "The blood elves themselves didn't express any objection, what are we worried about, the most urgent thing is to strengthen the defense line, if I think right, the new Qiraji beetle A wave of offense will come soon."

Losing Moam, the Obsidian Destroyer troops were completely wiped out by the opponent. Of course, the strong Beetlemen in the ruins couldn't just let it go. Even if they wanted to strike the alliance, they wouldn't stop.It's just that for reasons unknown to the Alliance, the Beetles did not increase their troops again, but chose to retreat.


That's right, retreat.

After the Anubisas Sentinel and Obsidian Destroyer troops were completely wiped out, the alien swarm that was confronting the human army turned around and ran towards the ruins regardless of the alliance army attacking them.

The alien swarm has receded, and the alliance has won?
Looking at the ugly faces of Leo and Scarlett, one can tell that this is not a victory at all, and the real troubles are yet to come.

 I am too tired from work today, and my brain is buzzing like being hit by a sap. I will sleep first and then get up to type. This chapter is guaranteed to be updated continuously today.

(End of this chapter)

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