Necromancer in another world

Chapter 787 Unscrupulous

Chapter 787 Unscrupulous
The shadow of death hangs over Gorgrom's head. The one-eyed Gron, who is used to domineering in the world of Draenor, never thought that he would be hunted down one day, nor would he be killed.

Got used to chasing and killing people, he had forgotten what the danger was, Galgrum was unprepared for this situation, he was completely unprepared to deal with the dangerous trump card.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, these four words are valuable experience gained through countless lessons of blood and tears.

Can Grum escape Leo and Kael'thas without a trump card?

Of course not!

After chasing and escaping, Gorgrum, who was only concerned with fleeing, didn't know that his legs had completely turned green, a miserable green after being eroded by toxins.

The energy consumption in the body and the weakness of the body are weakening Gorgrum's strength and also slowing down his running speed, making him unable to notice the abnormality of his legs in time.

Poison, talking about this kind of thing makes people turn pale. Many people think that poison is used to kill people. Killing is just a kind of ability of poison, and such things as paralyzing nerves and making people hallucinate are also abilities of poison.

Kael'thas, who was chasing after Gorgrum, found that the speed of the one-eyed Gron was getting slower and slower, which seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary.

What surprised Kael'thas was that Gorum seemed to be running in a hurry, but his legs were taking small steps, his expression and actions were seriously inconsistent.

Is the toxin cast by Leo playing tricks?
Kael'thas looked at Gorgrom's legs that had turned into miserable green, and his heart suddenly dawned on him.

Poor Gorgrom, he obviously wanted to run for his life but his legs didn't listen, and what's more pitiful was that he didn't realize it.

Facing Kael'thas' gaze, Leo shrugged his shoulders, with an expression of don't look at me like that.

The law of the poison system must be the law of the poison system, and there will be no mistakes.

Kael'thas concluded that Leo must have comprehended the law of the poison system, which made him a little surprised, because as far as he knew, Leo's poison spells were not outstanding, so how could he comprehend this law.

Originally, Kael'thas thought that Leo understood the laws of fire and darkness, but now the facts are different from what he expected.

"Don't look at me like that, sleepless nights have long dreams, let's get rid of this guy first."

As Leo said, he shot a Chaos Arrow. The Chaos Arrow used after becoming a demigod is different. The intertwined and entangled ones are no longer green mist but condensed into liquid magic flow, like a pool of green spring water. The green color seems to contain infinite vitality.

On the surface, this Chaos Arrow is not only not scary, but it makes people feel close, but from the screams of the hit Gorum, one can hear the pain of the one-eyed Gron, and infer that the Chaos Arrow lethality.

The more beautiful the more dangerous.

Gorgrom is in pain now, Leo's Chaos Arrow pierced his eyelid and almost hurt his eye, and his one eye feels very uncomfortable.

One-eyed Gron felt that the Chaos Arrow was very powerful, but he didn't know that Leo was also surprised.

When it comes to spell penetration, Chaos Arrow is the undisputed number one among warlock spells. Leo thought that he could shoot through the eyeballs of Gorgrum now that he is weak, but unexpectedly it only penetrated the eyelids. .

Strong, thick-skinned, and durable, if they have enough energy, the one-eyed Goron race is an invincible killing machine. Fortunately, God is fair, and such tyrannical species are destined to be extremely rare.

The big red banner fluttered, and the huge magic power washed away everything like a howling tide. Kael'thas gathered all his magic power. Judging from the momentum, the power of this blow must be extremely astonishing.

Feeling the mutation of the magic element, Gorgrum became more and more terrified. He tried hard to drive his legs to get rid of the pursuer in the sky, but Leo's poison had already paralyzed the nerves in his legs. The steps taken are also small steps, not to mention running, even walking is faster than now.

Leo could see that Gorgrom had completely lost his fighting spirit now, and some spells that were difficult to work on him could now take effect on him.

Blood-red eyes appeared from behind Leo, and the blood-colored pupils made people feel fear, blood fear!

Obviously, the power of law has been added to this spell.

The law of blood is the only complete law that Leo has mastered. Incorporating the law of blood into the fear technique, not to mention that Gorum's fighting spirit has completely disappeared now, even if he is in his prime, he may not be able to bear it.

When the fear of blood took effect and the blood-colored pupils were opened to the maximum, the fleeing Gorgrom screamed in horror, turning around like a headless fly, and Leo shot out the demigod's hand , slapped him to the ground with a slap.

Gorgrum set a record, the record of one-eyed Gron being knocked down. This is the first time that one-eyed Gron was knocked down since the birth of One-eyed Gron.

Of course, Leo didn't know that he had become No.1 to knock down the one-eyed Gron. He was throwing elemental curses, aging, and weak spells on Gorgrum at this time. Under the influence of these spells, Groom's strength dropped by about [-]%.

After throwing the weakening curse, Leo flicked his finger slightly, and a new spell was cast.

Suffering is impermanent!

The impermanence of pain that belongs to the curse system among the three talents of warlocks!

The energy of the shadows covered Gorgrum's whole body, corroding his body silently. The tough skin on Gorgrum's body became pitted and corroded, as if a piece of rag was hanging on him.


The embarrassment I have never tasted since birth!

Galgrum knew that his ability to protect himself from the opponent's spells had dropped to a terrible level, he struggled to stand up, but Leo didn't give him a chance, and the demigod's hand firmly held him down, surrounded by black mist Grip of the Legion was cast by his big hand, which intensified the erosion of the dark elements on Gorgrom.

The desire to survive can make a person terrifying, and it can also make an already terrifying one-eyed gronne scary.

In order to save his life, Gorgrom's potential burst out, and Leo's demigod hand was pushed aside by him. One-eyed Gron straightened his waist and was about to stand up.

With a bang, he thrust the Disintegration Staff into Nefarian's body. Leo quickly stretched out his left hand, and the purple halo hit Gogrum's head. The action started was interrupted.

The twilight beam bound Gorgrom's body, and the hand of the demigod pressed up again to make him unable to move.

Disaster Grip!

Belonging to the ability of the master of curse, the ability that Leo obtained from the talent of the curse of the warlock after becoming a demigod is a spell that uses the energy of Twilight to bind the opponent.

Twilight energy!

Kael'thas looked at Leo in surprise, the blood elf prince was not sure what law Leo understood when he became a demigod.

If it is not clear about Leo's identity, this alone can make someone label him as a Twilight's Hammer cultist.

Surprise is surprise, now is not the time to be dazed, Kael'thas has already gathered his magic power to the peak when Leo made Gorgrim into a mess, Kael'thas's spell was activated under the fearful eyes of the one-eyed Gron up.

A beam of light split in the void and covered Gorgrim inside. Kael'thas tore through the space with terrifying magic power, creating a beam of light that connected the endless void. The terrifying power of space cut Gorgrum's body .

The one-eyed Gron's body was unbelievably strong, reaching a level of terror that even a giant dragon could not match, but he was weak in the face of the space cutting power of the endless void, especially Gorgrom's current state was extremely bad.


The flesh is split!

Blood splattered!


Broken bones!

Howl of misery!

Gogrum died tragically. His body was cut into several sections by the force of space. No piece of flesh in his body was intact, and his bones were also shattered. The blood stained the ground with blood. I believe that with such High-grade fertilizer supplements soil fertility, and the plants here must be extremely lush in the coming year.

"Killing Gorgrum... The host got: Divinity! Soul Stone: Blue Spirit Skeleton is being activated... Insufficient Divinity... Activation failed..."

Leo didn't get any special rewards for killing a high Grumme. Goldfinger showed its stingy nature, which disappointed Leo who wanted to get the law. However, before the disappointment surfaced from the bottom of his heart, the new The cue sounded again.

"...The host gains upgrade energy...does it consume energy to improve its own laws?"

There is no way out, there is no way out, and there is another village. Leo did not expect that after becoming a demigod, Goldfinger would quietly open up new functions, allowing him to use upgrade energy to perfect the law, which really made him overjoyed.

After becoming a demigod, going up one or two levels is not a big increase in Leo's strength, far less than the help of perfecting the power of the law.

If the law of death can be completed, Leo, who possesses the strongest law, has the ability to make the gods tremble even if he is still a demigod.

"Make sure to consume upgrade energy to perfect the law!"

Leo, who was full of joy, chose to confirm, but what he waited for was news that made him dumbfounded.

"...The host consumes upgrade energy...the law of the poison system is being perfected..."


Leo really wanted to swear. What he wanted to perfect was the law of death, not the law of poison. Goldfinger was obviously playing tricks on him, but after thinking about it carefully, Leo had to admit that he was careless, because the law of poison and death The situation with the laws is the same, they are all incomplete laws mastered by him.


So treacherous!

This incident once again proved Goldfinger's unscrupulousness.

If it was possible, Leo really wanted to pull out the golden finger and beat him up, but unfortunately he couldn't do it, and he couldn't stop the consumption of upgrade energy. He could only comfort himself. Gorgrim's Poison Law also played a big role.

So-called self-comfort, that's it.

"Find a quiet place to study, I learned a lot in this battle."

Kael'thas' voice brought Leo back to his thoughts, and the latter nodded in agreement. He had also learned a lot from the battle with Gorgrum, and he really needed to find a place to rest.

But before that, Leo had to do one more thing. Galgrum also possessed the strength of a demigod, so his corpse should not be wasted.

"No matter how you say it, he is still a demigod. It is unreasonable to just expose the corpse in the wilderness like this. I will do a good deed and collect the corpse for him."

A certain person looked merciful, but Kael'thas rolled his eyes at him with contempt.

Don't you dare to be more shameless if you don't even spare the corpse after killing someone, and even call yourself a good person?

(End of this chapter)

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