Chapter 788
Many strange things have happened in Blade's Edge Mountain in the past month or so. The creatures living here discovered that the powerful one-eyed Gron was sometimes chased away.

At the beginning, it was Gorgrum the Dragon Eater entrenched in the Raven Forest, then Gegulok in the Ring of Blood, and then Maguk wandering in the gate of death. Among the seven sons of Gruul There were three deaths.


Yes, you read that right, death.

Some creatures of the Blade's Edge Mountains witnessed the mighty and invincible one-eyed Gron being hunted down and killed at the hands of his pursuers.

In addition to Gruul who stayed in the lair, three of the other five one-eyed Grons in the Blade's Edge Mountains had died. The indigenous creatures living in this area applauded. The days of foodies are much better.

Somewhere in the sky, under the cover of the illusion of the dracolich, Leo and Kael'thas were discussing the next move.

Gruul's sons Gorgrum, Gegulok, and Maguk were all killed by the two of them together. Except for Dunn and Slag who left the Blade's Edge Mountains, only Gruul's seven sons remained. and Skullock.

"There are only two one-eyed Gorons in Blade's Edge Mountain except Gruul. It is not a problem to kill them with our current strength, but if we want to kill them, we must be prepared to face Gruul."

Gok and Skullok are different from the three Gorgrums who were killed by Leo. The range of activities of the latter three is far from each other. When hunting them, Leo and Kael'thas have There is enough time to spend with them, and there is no need to worry about other one-eyed Grons intervening in the hunting process.

But the first two are very close. Once the battle starts, another one-eyed Gron will definitely attract the attention. Kael'thas and Leo have completed the familiarity and control of their own power after a short period of fighting. Ke and Skullok teamed up and they are also confident to kill him.

Skullok and Gok were not the source of Leo and Kael'thas' headaches, even though the two one-eyed Grons were the targets of their hunting, Leo and Kael'thas' headaches were Gruul, known as Gruul is the strongest creature in the world of Draenor, because the remaining two one-eyed Grons are guarding the goal for him.

Let me ask, would Gruul respond when someone beat him at the door of his house?

Leo and Kael'thas didn't dare to take such a gamble, no one would be sloppy when it was about their lives.

"Do you think we have the strength to deal with Gruul head-on?"

Kael'thas showed a rare hesitation on his face. He and Leo had spent more than a month fighting with the son of Gruul and studying after the battle. They had a deeper understanding of demigods than before. The more you know, the less sure you are about fighting Gruul.

The strength of the sons of Gruul such as Gruul is not the weakest in the entire demigod realm, but compared with Gruul, they are like adults and babies.

This is not random speculation by Kael'thas and Leo, but what the three one-eyed Grons, Gorgrom, Maguk, and Gegulok, said.

Leo shook his head. He didn't approve of fighting Gruul.

"Gorgrum's message can't be wrong. Gruul's strength is far beyond what we can fight now. If we face Gruul now, not only will we lose, but even escape will be a problem. That guy Too strong."

Kael'thas paced on Phoenix's back quite agitatedly. He thought that he would be strong enough after breaking through the Legendary Realm to become a demigod mage, but he didn't expect his first goal after being promoted to be a demigod to make him unable to match.

Signaling Nefarian to lean over, Leo reached out and patted Kael'thas on the shoulder, signaling that he didn't need to be so troubled.

"Although the goal we set for ourselves before coming to Draenor was to defeat Gruul, but the plan is a plan after all. The strength of the one-eyed Gron is too different from our imagination, and the plan has to catch up with the changes. In fact It’s good to have a goal like Gruul, but doesn’t it just give us the motivation to become stronger? It will be a matter of time before you and I catch up with Gruul with our aptitude, all we have to do is to compress this time to the shortest possible time.”

Leo discovered one of Kael'thas' characteristics, or his weakness, that is, the blood elf prince is too strong, as long as he sets a goal, he must complete it, even if there are difficulties, he must force himself to complete it , This sounds good to be indomitable, but if it doesn't sound good, it's a dead end.

It's no wonder that Kael'thas was fooled by Kil'jaeden in his original destiny. Since then, he has gone farther and farther along the wrong road, and he never turned back. This is all due to his character.However, the fate of Kael'thas has been changed due to my intervention, and it should not go back to the old path.

Leo secretly sighed for Kael'thas' original fate. This blood elf prince was thinking about his own kingdom until his death. This is why he has never lacked followers. Unfortunately, he was deceived by Kil'jaeden , went astray.

Kael'thas struggled hesitantly and then sighed, agreeing with Leo's statement.

"You and I are indeed no match for Gruul now, as long as we are given time, we will definitely be stronger than him. This time we don't have to face Gruul, but Gouk and Skull can't let it go."

After all, Kael'thas was still unwilling to retreat, so he wanted to kill the remaining two Sons of Gruul in Blade's Edge Mountains.

"We have to do a good job of summing up this operation."

There is no objection to killing Gouk and Skullocreo, why would he refuse if he could kill two more demigods and absorb a little more divinity, the blue spirit skeleton is waiting to be activated.

Gook is upset now that his brother Skullok has slipped away again, leaving him alone at the lair door.

Whenever a person guards the lair entrance, Gouk always thinks, the same one-eyed Gron, also the son of Gruul, why must I be here to guard the gate.

The complaints in his heart made Gouk full of resentment towards Gruul, not worrying about the shortage but the inequality, which is what he said.If the distribution cannot be done fairly, resentment will naturally arise.

One-eyed Grons are cold creatures. Although Gouk is Gruul's son, he has no affection for Gruul, just like Gruul regards them as tools to help him hunt and guard the gate. Having been treated unfairly, the aggrieved Gok wished that Gruul would die sooner, so that he wouldn't have to be tied up in this ghost place.

It's a pity that an idea is an idea after all, and Gouk only dared to think about it and dared not show it at all. The mighty Gruul was not something he could resist.

Listlessly guarding the door of the lair for a while, Gouk dozed off.

It's not that he doesn't do his duty, but that no outsider dares to come to this place.

This is Gruul's lair. The stone pillars on the mountain wall are covered with corpses of giant dragons. Those were all nailed to death by Gruul. The densely packed dragon corpses that can't be seen at a glance show the power of the dragon slayer. Who would dare to come here to make trouble?
Besides, even if there is an ogre tribe near the nest that is not afraid of death, it will get rid of it, so Gouk is not worried at all, he can rest assured and boldly sleep soundly.

Gouk, who fell asleep, didn't know that negligence is the worst thing to kill, and the whole process of his sound sleep without vigilance has fallen into the eyes of two prying eyes.

It seems to Leo and Kael'thas that the separation of Gok and Skullok is a great opportunity, especially Gok is still sleeping very fast. As long as they move fast enough, they can definitely kill Skurok before Gok arrives. .

Skullok, nicknamed the Soul Grinder, is a special one among the sons of the dragon slayer Gruul. As a one-eyed Gron, he actually comprehended the law of the soul.

Yes, you read that right, a one-eyed Gron actually comprehended the law of the soul.

All the prey stared at by Skullok will not only suffer physical damage, but will not be relieved after death.

Grinding the soul, grinding the soul, the key lies in the word "grinding", the grinding of torment.

Skullock was not in a good mood. He had walked this road for an unknown number of years. Since he could remember, he had been going back and forth on this road constantly, searching for food for Gruul who was staying in the lair.

To be honest, Skullok is very envious of Gooke. When he is busy looking for food, that guy can sleep soundly. Why do you let me do the tiring work of looking for food and the easy work of guarding the mouth of the lair? However, Gouk was in charge. Skullok felt that this was very unfair. If it was not for the powerful Gruul who arranged the task for the two of them, Skullok would have raised objections.

Skullok went out for more than half an hour and didn't find enough food. He was not very patient, so he decided to kill some ogres and take them back as food.

Killing the ogre attached to him to satisfy his hunger, Skullok has done this countless times. In the eyes of the one-eyed Goron, the ogre is their backup food.

On the one hand, he rules himself and drives himself to do things. On the other hand, he constantly hunts and kills his own people to satisfy his hunger. How can such a ruthless rule of the one-eyed Gron not chill the ogre? That's how it was born.

The one-eyed Goron's ruling method is really stupid. These guys are clearly digging their own roots, and they will be killed by ogres sooner or later.

Do you want to do it?
Kael'thas and Leo looked at each other, and then they shook their heads in unison.

It seems that it is far away from Gruul's lair, and it can be reached in a few minutes at the speed of the one-eyed Goron. This time is not enough for them to kill Skullok.

You have to lure this guy further away.

The two hiding in the dark reached a consensus, Leo snapped his fingers, and Filmer, Ebroek and Fleger appeared.

"You three go up and lure that guy as far away as possible."

Leo gave orders to the three dracolich powerhouses who appeared in the form of black dragons. They were the bait Leo threw out. Skullok, who discovered them through the grievances between the one-eyed Gron and the dragon, would definitely chase them.

Facts proved that Leo did nothing wrong. When he saw three black dragons in front of him provoking him, Skullok gave up the idea of ​​catching ogres for rations, and he took steps to chase the three dragons of Filmer.

"This brainless guy, he's dead."

Leo and Kael'thas followed quietly, but Skullok didn't know that two dangerous guys were already eyeing him.

(End of this chapter)

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