Necromancer in another world

Chapter 789 Bait and Decoy

Chapter 789 Bait and Decoy

Skullok has been chasing the three black dragons in front of him for half an hour. One-eyed Gron is full of energy and doesn't show any signs of fatigue, but the three black dragons can't do it anymore. Their speed is significantly faster than when they first started. Decline.

Prey is dying.

With this kind of understanding, Skullok chased even more vigorously, but he didn't think about it, how could it be possible to fly for such a short time with the physical strength of a giant dragon?

"Almost, this distance is just right."

Leo who quietly followed behind made a gesture to Kael'thas, indicating that he could do it.

It is not difficult to lure Skullok with bait, and Filmer and the others have done a good job. With the abilities of the three dracolich powerhouses, it is no problem to lure Skurok farther away. If Leo and Kyle The purpose of Sass is to kill Skullok and they can indeed continue to wait, but a Skullok can't satisfy the appetite of the two of them.

Kill Gouk and Skullok, and kill all the five sons of Gruul in Blade's Edge Mountain. This is the goal of Leo and Kael'thas. What if we only kill one Skullok and the rest Gok?
You must know that Gouk is guarding the gate of Gruul's lair. It is impossible for Leo and Kael'thas to go there to kill Gook. Is it true that the dragon slayer is blind and deaf?

If you want to kill Gok, you have to lure him away from Gruul's lair. If Filmer and the three dracolich are the bait to lure Skullok, then Skullok is the bait to lure Gok.

Fighting at this distance can not only alarm Gok, but also allow Leo and Kael'thas to kill Skullok before Gok arrives. It is indeed a good place to do it.

A blizzard hit him head-on, and Skullok, who was focused on chasing his prey, was caught off guard. At the same time, a layer of frost spread over his body, and two finger-thick layers of ice were attached to Skullok's legs, making him His pace slowed down.

Deep Freeze!

Kael'thas' attack was like pouring cold water on his head, extinguishing Skullok's enthusiasm for hunting dragons.

I'm under attack?

Skullok was stunned. Only the one-eyed Gron has ever attacked others, and no other creature has dared to attack the one-eyed Gron, not even the giant dragon, because the dragons who dared to attack the one-eyed Gron are now nailed to the blade on the wall of the mountain.

People tend to be in a daze when encountering unexpected things, and the one-eyed Gron is no exception. Skullok's reaction is no different from that of Maguk killed by Leo and the others when they were attacked. He was in a daze for Leo and Kaelsa But not.

Kael'thas, who had expected Skullok's reaction long ago, took advantage of his opponent's stunned opportunity to cast a wall of ice. An ice wall with a length of 40 meters and a width of about [-] meters fell straight from the sky. Skullok was standing in a daze below.

Skullok, who was in a daze, received a hard blow. His eyes were dazzled by the impact of the wall of ice, and his single eye appeared confused. He was stunned by Kael'thas' attack.

A green magic arrow hit Skullok right in the eye pupil, and the magic power compressed into liquid exploded, blasting the one-eyed Goron's eye mask as tough as dragon skin, leaving many wounds.


Skullok howled in pain. The eyes of the one-eyed Gron are the most developed pain-sensing nerves on their body surface, and the only place where they can feel pain through external force.

Gouk, who was guarding the gate of Gruul's lair, muttered twice, turned over and continued to dream his dream.

Leo curled his lips. If his Chaos Arrow had a higher penetrating power, it would be able to shatter Skullok's eye mask, turning the one-eyed Gron into a blind Gron.

Don't look at just adding a bit of penetrating power to the Chaos Arrow, it's not easy, at least Leo thinks that he can't do it if he doesn't think about it for three to five months to deepen his understanding of magic.

Fortunately, the purpose of this shot has been achieved. Skullok's eyesight will be greatly affected after his eyes are injured. In addition, Leo also added the power of the law of poison to the Chaos Arrow. The erosion of toxins will make Skullok How could the blind one-eyed Gron fight him and Kael'thas?

Leo, who had abolished Skullok's eyes, did not stop. The Legion Grip, the Disaster Grip combined with the Hand of the Demigod knocked the blind Skullok down to the ground, and firmly bound him in place.

Skullok howled, and the darkness in front of him with impaired eyesight gave him a sense of fear that he had never felt before, because he noticed that the magical elements around him were converging to a certain point, and that power made him shudder.

There is a good saying that the unknown is the scariest thing. Skullock, who couldn't see what happened, was scared, and he smelled the breath of death.

"Monster, die!"

Huge magic power tore apart the space, Kael'thas' void beam of light covered Skullok, and the force of space tearing from the endless void cut Skullok's body, causing him to scream.

Seeing that the beam of light in the void had completely covered Skullok's body, Leo and Kael'thas smiled at each other. It is so easy for them to deal with a one-eyed Gron now.

Of course, the reason for the sneak attack must be counted.

When dealing with the enemy, why should the opponent be prepared for a sneak attack?

Gooke, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, and Skullok's screams woke him up.

What happened?

Gouk was a little confused, and it took him more than ten seconds to react.

problem occurs!
Something happened to Skullok!
Standing up in a hurry, Gouk was about to take a step, but the thoughts that flashed through his mind made him hesitate.

Skullok must have encountered a powerful enemy. This kid was not the opponent's opponent, so he was beaten badly. If he was killed by that unknown enemy, wouldn't I be able to get rid of the fate of guarding the gate?

The resentment in his heart stopped Gouk from moving at this time, and he took back the steps he was about to take.

The one-eyed Gron's cruelty and cruelty were fully reflected in Gouk at this time. He didn't care about the relationship between Skullok and himself as brothers, and only thought about the benefits he could get after Skullok died.

Just when Gouk was imagining that he could leave this place and go for a walk outside after Skullok died, there was a low growl from the lair behind him.

Gouk broke out in a cold sweat immediately, he could hear that the existence in the lair was very dissatisfied with his hesitation, he even felt a murderous intent attacking him in the dark lair, coming from the powerful Ge Ruhr's killing intent.

Damn, how did he wake up.

Cursing the movements under his feet in his heart but without hesitation, Gouk took a step and used his fastest speed to rush towards the direction of Skullok's screams.

As far as the range is concerned, the beam of void light is more than twice as large as when it killed Gorgrim. The larger the range, the larger the tearing space, and the stronger the tearing force of the space from the endless void, exerted on Skullok The power of space cutting is also greater.

It can be seen from this that Kael'thas's strength has improved a lot during the time between Blade's Edge Mountain and Leo Yi to hunt the one-eyed Gron. At least the current blood elf prince has completely controlled his own strength. Take control.

Dealing with powerful enemies and engaging in high-intensity battles is very helpful to the improvement of strength, especially for people like Kael'thas and Leo who have just been promoted to a new level and have new strength.

Kael'thas' void beam of light became stronger, but Skullok's condition when covered by the void beam of light was much better than Gorgrom's. The one-eyed Gron didn't suffer any loss of strength except for his eye injury. Allowing him to last longer in the void beam of light.Correspondingly, Skullock suffers more.

Based on the understanding of his own strength and the strength of the one-eyed Gron, Leo and Kael'thas's plan did not appear to be flawed. Skullok was not able to hold on until Gouk came, but was torn apart by the force of space cutting.

It was another scene of blood splattering, and the strong smell of blood wafted far, far away.

Gouk, who was rushing at full speed, was shocked, and Skullok's screams stopped. Could it be that he is already dead?

If the one-eyed Gron had a keen sense of smell, Gouk would definitely be able to smell blood, but he didn't, so he didn't know that Skullok would die so badly.

Gouk was stunned when he saw Skullok's body broken into several pieces. He couldn't believe what he saw.

A member of the one-eyed Goron, and one of Gruul's seven sons, Skullok, the soul grinder who was not as powerful as himself, died unexpectedly, and he died so terribly.

Who the hell killed him?

Gouk didn't know this question, but he knew one thing, that unknown enemy could kill Skullok and him, Gouk.

Running back to Gruul, he could only be considered safe by the side of the powerful dragon slayer. No matter how strong that unknown enemy was, he couldn't be Gruul's opponent.

The idea of ​​escaping came into Gooke's mind, and now he missed the place that made him complain countless times - the gate of Gruul's lair, and he also missed the father that made him resent countless times - Gru the dragon slayer Er, in Gooke's eyes now, the cold and ruthless Gruul is so cute, and the bare lair entrance is worth nostalgic for.

Don't cherish when you have it, and regret it when you lose it. Sometimes intelligent creatures are like this - cheap!

With a sudden turn of his body, Gouk was about to flee, a sneer came, and the sneak attackers who had been ambushing at the side cast the spell they had prepared.

"It's so easy to lure you out of Gruul's lair, how can I let you escape?"

That sneer came from Leo's mouth, a blood-red eye appeared behind Leo's back, the blood-colored pupils completely wiped out Gouk's fighting spirit, and the one-eyed Gron's body trembled and refused to control.

Thick bone spurs sprang out from the ground, and the sharp spikes pierced Gouk's calf, nailing his legs to the ground, and he couldn't run even if he wanted to.

The bone prison can't seal your whole body, but it can still lock your legs.

Leo straightened his sleeves, and slowly put away Skullok's body, and the poor Gok had already been hit by Kael'thas' void beam of light, and the scream of the one-eyed Gron resounded through the blade again. Shan, this time the screamer became Gouk.

The triumphant Leo and Kael'thas didn't know it, and at the moment Gouk's scream came out, a low-pitched roar came from Gruul's lair.

 The next chapter is too late today, everyone go to bed early.

(End of this chapter)

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