Necromancer in another world

Chapter 795 Not Simple

Chapter 795 Not Simple
Tapping his fingers lightly on the armrest, Lei Ao cast a sound-proof enchantment and lowered his voice mysteriously: "Feng Shui turns around, come to my house today, who can be sure about the development of this world? There are gods There is also an era that belongs to giant dragons, why can't there be an era that belongs to mortals?"

What does Leo mean by that?
All the eyes in the room were focused, and everyone looked at Leo in unison.

Scarlett even stood up abruptly, grabbed Leo's hand and asked, "You mean..."

Putting his index finger up to his mouth, Leo made a silent gesture.

"Although I somehow possess the power of a prophet, don't look at me like that."

Everyone present knew that Leo possessed the power of the prophet. It was no secret among the top leaders of the alliance. Although some people were very dissatisfied with his contact with Thrall, no one could deny the great role of the prophet.

Now even Varian and Jean couldn't sit still. Could it be that the era of mortals is coming?

Under everyone's probing eyes, Leo played tricks.

"The more heroes a race emerges in a certain period, the more suffering the race suffers. The age of heroes is the age of suffering. It is unfortunate for us personally to be born in this era, but for the whole How lucky is the human race. Only enough heroes can change the fate of a race. If there is no destruction, there will be great destruction. Under the catastrophe, the old order will be broken, and all races will have a chance to reshuffle. The key is It’s up to us whether we can grasp it.”

Although there are heroes in troubled times, not everyone can be a hero, and not everyone can afford to be a hero. Both strength and luck are indispensable.

Seeing that everyone wanted to ask again, Lei Ao spoke first: "I've said enough."

After speaking, Leo remained silent.

They couldn't know more from Leo's mouth, and everyone was not disappointed. Leo's words made them prepare for certain things. Compared with other races, the human race had already taken a step forward.

Don't underestimate this step. Big changes are about to happen. Being prepared and not being prepared are completely different things. At least human beings will not repeat the mistakes of the orc invasion war, and even if there are losses, they will not be too big.

A race has a prophet, and it seems that its combat effectiveness has not been improved, but its actual effect is greater than that of a demigod.

Food should be eaten bite by bite, and things should be done step by step.

It is good to have a lofty goal. If you want to achieve it, you have to do things well one by one.

There is one thing before the leaders of the Alliance, and that is the war with the Beetlemen.

Under the leadership of Saurfang and Rexxar, the Horde wiped out the Zora Hive regardless of the cost. So far, all three giant Hives in Silithus were wiped out.

The Horde did not stop their actions after destroying the Zora Hive. They moved their army to the Beetle Gong near the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, preparing for a big battle.

The Cenarion Council did not want the war with the Beetles to continue, and the night elves began to lobby the Alliance, wanting the Alliance's army to enter Silithus again, and join forces with the Horde to fight against the Beetles.

Previously, there was an excuse to attack the demigod Leo's guardian, but Varian and the others could ignore it and use the procrastination formula to drag things down.Now that Leo has successfully promoted to demigod, there is no reason to delay.

No matter what Varian and the others think, the night elves have to give face. Besides, the Qiraji beetle is behind the ancient god C'Thun. If the tribe collapses, the alliance must face the threat of the beetle. Fighting, instead of facing it alone at that time, it is better to clean him up now.

The alliance army entered Silithus again, but this time the quality of the soldiers was different from last time, at least the army of the human kingdom was not the same group as last time.

Now that you know that there will be a great catastrophe, and that this catastrophe will bring some opportunities, you would be a fool if you are not prepared to deal with it.

Why would Varian, Jean and others send elite domestic troops over like last time? Those troops are reserved for the coming catastrophe. Rather than expending the elite on the battlefield of Silithus, Do not stay to protect yourself.

Anyway, due to geographical reasons, the war against the Beetlemen is not afraid that the tribe will not do its best. In addition, Archdruid Fandral has a deep hatred with the Beetlemen, and he is not afraid that the Cenarion Council will not work hard. These two will send more second-lines against humans There is no problem with the troops participating in the battle.

In the Alliance camp in Un'Goro Crater, the Alliance army set off again.

Magni and Caderos looked weird. The two dwarf leaders were the first to discover the problem. The human army seemed to be dispatched in larger numbers than last time, but the actual quality had dropped a lot.

This is clearly shoddy.

The two dwarf leaders looked at each other in silence. Fortunately, they already knew that the human beings were tricked by the tribe because they attacked the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj last time. There would definitely be some problems this time. Both of them were ready.

Finding that the quality of the human army was far inferior to last time, Magni and Caderos each gave the general standing beside him a wink, and the latter immediately retreated secretly, took out the magic communication stone and muttered.

Soon, the dwarf army also changed. The human army reduced the quality, while the dwarves adopted the method of reducing the quantity.

Mekkatorque watched all this with a cold eye. His dwarves were the same people as last time, neither more nor less, and there was no need for his gnomes to step forward anyway.

Although the dwarves got the potion to improve their physique from Leo, which allowed the dwarfs who were always physically weak to have the profession of warriors, but the short time to get the potion did not cause a qualitative change.

The dwarf warriors like this are more responsible for cleaning up miscellaneous soldiers, and it is impossible to think about fighting creatures such as Anubisath and Obsidian Destroyer.

Fortunately, with the emergence of warriors in the clan, the dwarves can be responsible for the safety of the engineering platform by themselves, instead of requiring humans and dwarves to specially allocate part of their troops for protection as before.

Naralex, who was in charge of welcoming the alliance army, had a grim look on his face. How could he be fooled by the tricks played by humans and dwarves.

The Alliance has a grudge against what happened last time. They don't trust the Horde very much. If it weren't for the night elves' face, let alone sending a large army, even a small group of soldiers would never set foot in Silithus again.

Naralex understood, but he still felt very uncomfortable when humans and dwarves played such a hand.

Look at the camp in Un'Goro Crater. Humans sent out the remaining troops from the last attack on the ruins. The real elites only used a very small number of people. The dwarves went too far. They left more people than they sent more than double.

I said, even if you want to do tricks, don't make it so obvious, okay?

Turning a blind eye to Naralex's expression, Varian, Jean, and Scarlett were discussing the details of the battle after entering Silithus, while Leo walked towards the night elf druid.

"Meet you again, Naralex."

Leo waved his hand as a greeting.

Naralex returned a salute very formally. In the past, he would reply casually, but now Leo is different from before. He is no longer a legendary warlock but a semi-human who represents the strongest state in the mortal world. God, dare not disrespect a powerful demigod Naralex.

This is the difference.

Leo secretly sighed.

In this world where the strong are respected, as long as you are strong enough, you can gain the respect of others. Naralex's reaction perfectly interprets this sentence.

"Your Majesty Leo, will you participate in the battle this time?"

The night elf asked the question he was most concerned about. If Leo would participate in the war against the Qiraji beetles, then the small actions of humans and dwarves could be completely ignored. Compared with the last time, the strength of the alliance army not only did not weaken but strengthened Quite a lot.

A demigod participating in the battle, especially a legal demigod who is good at group attacks, is as effective as ten elite legions when dealing with enemies like the Qiraji beetle who rely on seas of insects.

Rubbing his chin, Leo asked back, "What do you think?"

Naralex didn't know how to answer, I think, how can I think, you are a demigod, can't you make up your own mind.If you really want me to think, of course I would like you to make a move.

"Haha!" Leo laughed, stretched out his hand and patted Naralex's shoulder, "Just kidding, don't take it too seriously. The big battle is coming, it's not good to keep a sullen face all the time, how could I not come here?" Shot?"

Hearing this, Naralex was determined. With a demigod participating in this war, no matter how bad the situation was, it wouldn't be too bad. Even if they couldn't attack the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj and defend the line, there would be no problem.

"I need your help with something. We don't know as much about the beetle pullers as you. If you have any information about the Cenarion Council, please share it with us."

Naralex knew that Leo was not satisfied with the information they provided before. In fact, the night elves did not tell them all the information they knew, but this time they would not.

"No problem, I will sort out a detailed information about the Ahn'Qiraj beetle people and give it to you, hoping to help this war."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news. It's best to sort it out before we fight again with the Beetleman, so that we can learn more about our opponents."

Leo looked at the army that was heading towards Silithus and replied, Naralex retreated tactfully upon seeing this, the humans wanted a detailed message about the Qiraji beetle, and he had to prepare.

The night elves didn't know that as soon as he left Varian and the three human kings, they stopped discussing the so-called details of the battle.

"That night elf was sent away by you?"

"Otherwise what else?"

Leo shrugged at Scarlett who asked the question, who gave him a blank look and stopped talking.

Magni and Caderos came over, and the two dwarves arrived before they heard.

"Hey, let me say, you guys are so mean that you didn't notify us in advance. Fortunately, we are alert."

"Leo, what you did this time is not authentic."

Facing the denunciation of the two dwarf leaders, Leo was unmoved. He pointed to the direction where Naralex left: "What does it matter, I have already sent that night elf away, and this place is ours." Man, we've had plenty of time to adjust. Besides, weren't you prepared?"

"That's not what you said."

Caderos disagreed, but Leo's answer quickly put him off the subject.

"How about this, how about I personally go to Eagle's Nest Mountain to apologize to you after this battle?"

Caderos and Magni exchanged a secret look, and the former smiled boldly: "You said that, then I will wait for you at Eagle's Nest Mountain, I hope you like the dwarven spirits."

Varian and Genn were thoughtful, Leo was going to Eagle's Nest Mountain, was he simply going to make amends?
I heard that Alterac Castle has been very turbulent recently. Arathor probably wants to use this opportunity to use force against Tarren Mill?
(End of this chapter)

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