Necromancer in another world

Chapter 796 Failed First Contact

Chapter 796 Failed First Contact

Willow head on the moon, after dusk.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, such a sentence suddenly appeared in Leo's mind.

Thinking of what the mysterious existence in his mind said to him when he resurrected the one-eyed Gron, Leo could no longer be as calm as before when he saw the moon. He always felt that there was a pair of eyes in the sky watching him.

What is the relationship between me traveling to this world and the moon god Elune?
As the only true god in this world, what is the purpose of Elune joining me as a variable?
As soon as he was free, Leo's mind would be filled with questions. Counting the time, the sixty days Goldfinger said happened to be the last day today.

What will this guy do for me when he wakes up?
Leo spent the whole day in a tense and expectant mood, but now the day is almost over, Goldfinger has not contacted him yet, to say that Leo is not disappointed would be deceiving himself.

It's not that Leo didn't take the initiative to contact Goldfinger, but that he just ignored him at all, or that Goldfinger kept silent and didn't take the initiative to show up when nothing happened. .

"Are you cursing me in your heart?"

Just when Leo was filled with resentment from Goldfinger's silence, the voice he was looking forward to finally sounded.

Without answering Goldfinger's words immediately, Leo summoned a storm crow first, and flew into the sky on the back of the storm crow.

Leo didn't want too many people to notice his abnormality when he wasn't sure what would happen if he came into contact with Goldfinger.

Leo, who summoned the flying pet to fly into the sky, was not noticed by others. He had done this kind of thing countless times since the alliance army sent troops to Silithus.

Marching is indeed quite torturous. Apart from rushing, it is a rush. Occasionally, one or two small insect nests can be found and a battle is a good leisure for the alliance soldiers.

Many people are envious of Leo, who has flying pets that can entertain them in the sky during the march, but they don't know that Leo did this on purpose, just for today's contact with Goldfinger.

"I'm not cursing you, I'm just waiting anxiously."

Standing on the back of the Storm Crow, Leo showed no abnormalities on the surface, but his heart was turbulent. This was his first real contact with Goldfinger. Answer your questions.

"That's impatient, really."

From Goldfinger's tone, Leo could clearly feel the guy's contempt for him, and he couldn't help but rolled his eyes. It's not that you are in a hurry, so you can be so calm.

"It takes energy for me to communicate with you, and it's better to say that there are some things you don't know at your current level."

Leo was stunned. I asked why this guy was trying to earn energy like a vampire. Even I, the host, wanted to extract it. It turns out that he needs energy. A golden finger that consumes energy to communicate with others, can you not care about energy? ?

"So when will my question be answered?"

Leo didn't care too much about the energy that Goldfinger needs. Earning energy is not difficult for him now. With the energy conversion and storage device obtained from the Obsidian Destroyer, and holding the power of the Kingdom of Arathor, It is not difficult to mobilize the caster to recharge it so that you can get energy.

At worst, work harder, let the spellcasters of Arathor Kingdom charge a few more times, and absorb it a few more times.

Thinking of this, Leo remembered the Summoner Legion he proposed to form. This Warlock Legion is a good humanoid charger.

Poor warlocks, when they meet a commander like Leo, their fate is just two words-tragedy!
"Find me a decent body first." Goldfinger is very concerned about his own affairs, he is not afraid of wasting energy now, "My body must first be big, and second, it must be strong. It is best that the owner of the original body is very powerful. Otherwise, it won't be able to withstand my will. I will consume a lot of energy when I descend, and this energy is more than ten times that of your ascension to a demigod. If you don't want to waste it, then you have to be careful."

Are you not afraid of wasting energy now?
Look, this guy is too tight when it comes to his own business. Sure enough, it is easy for others to do it, but it is difficult for him to do it himself.

"Brat, how could your life be so wonderful without me?"

Goldfinger knew exactly what Leo was thinking, and described this guy as the roundworm in Leo's stomach with an apt sentence, no matter what Leo was thinking, he knew it.

"Don't spy on my thoughts."

Leo protested loudly, do you still have the right to privacy, do you still respect people, and read my mind so casually, how embarrassing are you for me?

"You think I want to, I live in your body, I don't need to look specifically to know what you think, if you want to solve this problem, you should find a body for me to live in as soon as possible."

Goldfinger's voice gradually became weaker as he spoke, looking at his posture, he was about to fall into a deep sleep again.

Find a body for you, it needs to be big and strong, you have to give me a standard, how big and strong does it need to be?
Leo wanted to ask, but it was a pity that Goldfinger didn't give him a chance.

This guy!
Rubbing his chin depressedly, he was very dissatisfied with the first contact with Goldfinger, this guy didn't reveal anything but added a new trouble for himself - finding a body for him to board.

Isn't it okay for me to find trouble for myself?

Leo patted his forehead, looking depressed, and then he remembered something that made him even more depressed, that is, he did not ask for benefits from Goldfinger when he exchanged consciousness with Goldfinger.

"It shouldn't be, it really shouldn't be. It's a mistake, it's a mistake."

Thinking that instead of getting benefits from Goldfinger, he took on a task to do it, Leo regretted so much that his intestines were green. He was not happy about working for nothing.

It seems that you have to calm down in the future and get the benefits first before talking about it.

Just thinking about this, Leo suddenly found that there were waves of fluctuations in his private space. This was not the feeling when the subordinates in the private space wanted to contact him, but a strange fluctuation that he had never felt before.

Could it be that the contact with Goldfinger changed my private space?
Leo was startled, his private space was vast and boundless, and there were too many important things in it. If this mutation wiped them all out, wouldn't Leo cry to death?

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen. Leo hurriedly checked and found that there was no change in his private space. At most, there was an extra square box. The strange fluctuation was faintly visible from the seal on the surface of the square box. The mysterious runes were uploaded.

Why does this box look so familiar?
It looks familiar, this is the first impression Fang Box gave Leo.

Just as he was resting his chin in thought, Leo's movements suddenly froze.

Could this boxy box be...

"The Horadric Cube!"

Leo almost yelled, but fortunately he held back in time, but his face turned red.

Horadric Cube!

A Horadric Cube that doesn't change for an artifact!

Goldfinger is really generous enough to give this thing to me. Is this a prepayment for me to find his body?

Don't underestimate this square box, which is only the size of four footballs. It looks inconspicuous, but it is actually the crystallization of the wisdom of human beings in the world.

In the world of Diablo, before the invasion of hell and the emergence of heaven, the human mage sect flourished. In addition to spells, human alchemy also developed to the extreme. The Horadric Cube was born under such circumstances.

No one knows how this magical box was made, maybe the person who made it had a flash of inspiration, it is a unique masterpiece of heaven.

Leo didn't know the origin of the Horadric Cube. He only knew that with this magical box, he could use low-level runes to synthesize high-level runes, and he could also throw ordinary equipment into it to punch holes to strengthen it. As a result, not only his personal equipment can be improved, but as long as he is willing to spend time, the soldiers of the entire Arathor Kingdom and even the entire human race can be equipped with equipment with magical blessings.

For such a situation to happen, the strength of the human race would have to skyrocket geometrically.

In addition to blessing equipment, the Horadric Cube has other abilities. Putting a few bottles of low-level potions into it can synthesize high-level potions. How can Leo's memory be correct? A bottle of comprehensive recovery potion can be synthesized with an ordinary gemstone.

Full recovery potion, the effect of that thing is not comparable to ordinary potions, and the state is fully restored in an instant, just like the disciples taught by Brother Chun, one bottle is full of blood and mana.

This is true for potions, and it is also true for gems. With the Horadric Cube, low-level gems can also be synthesized into high-level gems.

As we all know, low-level things are the least valuable, and their value is thousands of times different from high-level items. The effect of the Horadric Cube is simply against the sky.

Leo was still worried about the finances of the Kingdom of Arathor, but now with the Horadric Cube, finances are no problem at all.

Of course, the Horadric Cube won’t be held so high if it’s just like this. Punching holes for equipment, enchanting, and synthesizing potions are just the tip of the iceberg of its capabilities. It has more functions, such as it can also convert ordinary The ring and the corresponding medicine are combined into a special ring with magic resistance, so that the wearer has stronger resistance to magic of a certain attribute, and such equipment is also very valuable, with them, the threat of mages is less too much.

Leo believes that the Horadric Cube has more functions in this real world than in the game, but it just takes him some time to explore.

Taking out the Horadric Cube, a layer of faint light flashed on the surface of the Cube. What is amazing is that it is so quietly suspended less than one meter in front of Leo without any external force. The distance between how the storm crow flies and Leo has not changed.

Silently looking at the floating cube in front of him, Leo had this thought in his mind: Horadric cube has the ability to purify items, and it can also upgrade items if there are enough materials. Do you want to try it? See if it can work on legendary equipment?

 Eight hundred chapters, wow Kaka O(∩_∩)O
(End of this chapter)

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