Necromancer in another world

Chapter 798 Strengthening Jewelry

Chapter 798 Strengthening Jewelry
A piece of charming spar kept changing in Leo's hands, and disappeared quickly after emitting a charming light.

Scarlett covered her mouth, she didn't know how to describe the alchemy cube floating in front of Leo.

It wasn't that Scarlett didn't know it, but the magic of the Horadric Cube was beyond her imagination. The female paladin dared to swear that there had never been an alchemy product that could turn low-level gems into high-level gems so easily.


That's right, it's easy, easy.

Several scattered low-level gemstones were thrown by Leo, and disappeared within a few seconds after entering the Horadric Cube, replaced by a purer and higher-quality high-level gemstone.

Scarlett knew what that meant.

If the value of a low gem is one, then the value of a medium gem is one hundred, and the value of a high gem is ten thousand.

The higher the level of gemstones, the greater their effect, and the rarer the higher-level gemstones. This has resulted in a situation where high-grade gemstones are hard to come by and low-grade gemstones are hard to find.

Although there are mages who are proficient in alchemy who can refine high-level gems with low-level gems, those people are very few after all, and the cost is also expensive. The materials consumed are almost equivalent to buying high-level gems directly. The time and energy wasted by the teachers.

As long as this alchemy box called the Horadric Cube is in hand, the Kingdom of Arathor can refine a large number of high-grade gemstones by buying worthless low-grade gemstones. At that time, whether it is used by itself or sold, it can make huge profits from it. .

High-grade gemstones are a kind of strategic resource, and many large magic circles must use high-quality gemstones.

Just imagine, in a war between nations, if one side has enough high-level gemstones, they can arrange more high-level magic circles, and these magic circles will have a major impact on the direction of the war, either for attack or defense.

Of course, selling money can also fill the financial deficit, so that the Arathor Kingdom, which is in urgent need of development, can purchase more supplies and shorten the time required for the kingdom to rise.

Scarlett was fascinated, but Leo was not. He is busy synthesizing gemstones now.

The so-called taking people's money and eliminating disasters with others.

Facts have proved that although Goldfinger is greedy for money and needs to dedicate enough energy before using the Horadric Cube, his professional ethics cannot be doubted.

As long as enough energy is given, this guy's work efficiency is astonishingly high. A lot of low-grade gems are thrown in, and high-grade gems are rolled out.

"Compared to those guys who take money and refuse to do things, you are so cute."

This is Leo's evaluation of Goldfinger, there are enough gems, and some things can be tested.

Hope you are lucky enough to get something good.

Leo left one-third of the gems and handed over the rest to Scarlett. Scarlett earned thousands of times the profit just for this sum.

"The gems here are worth three years of taxation in Stromgarde. Keep some of them in reserve, and sell the other part."

Scarlett said her plan, and she didn't ask about the part of the gem left by Leo.

High-end gemstones have always had a price but no market. Even if all of Scarlett’s hands are sold, the price will not have the slightest impact. Leo doesn’t have to worry about the price falling when there are too many goods.

"The money is not in vain, put these things away quickly."

Leo laughed when he said that. Although people die for money and birds die for food, does anyone dare to rob a demigod?Besides, can someone successfully rob him?
A demigod is not a Chinese cabbage on the street. As the strongest pronoun in the mortal world, who dares to provoke him?

Scarlett gave Leo a blank look, but she still put away the gemstones in front of her as she said, the crystal clear round things really made people dizzy.

Seeing the female paladin put away the pile of shiny things without hesitation, Leo couldn't help shaking his head. Scarlett is different from ordinary women. Gems don't appeal to her. Ordinary women would go crazy early.

Thinking about it carefully, Leo realized that the women he knew were not ordinary. Which one is easy to get along with, Pasonia, Liadrin, and Fechsel? Judging by the standards of ordinary people, they will be swallowed to the bone sooner or later. There is no residue left.

"I'm going to find someone to dispose of these gems."

Scarlett was about to get up when she said that, but Leo held her back, only to hear him say to the female paladin: "If you want to sell it, then sell it to the goblin."

She stretched out her hand and lightly slapped Leo's tricky hand, and Scarlett replied, "Understood, I want to win over the goblin."

I really don't know why you want to win over goblins. What do those greedy guys value?
Although the words were not spoken, Scarlett's thoughts were all written on her face.

Races such as humans and dwarves don't like greedy goblins. These green-skinned dwarves can do anything for money and have no moral bottom line at all. In other words, money is their moral bottom line.

If this is a commercial society, what the goblins do is justified, and no one will blame them. Unfortunately, this world has not yet developed to the stage of capitalism. The vast majority of races attach great importance to the word faith, and they can even sell their souls for money. Naturally, no one likes goblins.

When a race's values ​​are different from other races, it is normal to be excluded and despised by others.

Naturally, Leo doesn't have the ability to reverse the preconceived notions of humans. All he can do is to make the goblins realize that they can earn more money by befriending humans, and make them value their relationship with humans more.

"The racial money offensive against goblins is the best. I don't want them to be won over by the tribe."

Leo shrugged and expressed his opinion. Unfortunately, Scarlett had already left and didn't hear it at all, or even if he heard it, he didn't care too much.

"Alas, Pride and Prejudice."

Shaking his head and sighing, Leo didn't pay too much attention to it. It's not that he doesn't pay attention to it, but that the advantage of the alliance compared with the tribe is obvious.

Goblins love money, and all they need to win over goblins is money. Of course, giving money directly is the lowest way. The smart way is to conduct trade cooperation with goblins to tie the interests of both parties together.

At this point, the Horde with poor resources is completely incomparable with the Alliance. The trading volume between the Kingdom of Arathor and the goblins alone exceeds that of the entire tribe. After Varian and the others realized the role of the Goblins and took action, the Goblins turned to the Alliance. It's almost a certainty, and Leo's method is not just a superficial trade wooing.

Don't light and darkness complement each other?

There are overt schemes that can be put on the table, but naturally there are also shady ones.

After tidying up his mood, Leo turned his gaze back to the Horadric Cube. There are more than 100 high-grade gemstones left by Leo, which are enough for him to carry out the next plan.

Reaching out to untie the mirror of the soul world from the silver chain, Leo put it into the Horadric Cube after playing with it for a while.

Purifying gems, refining equipment, and synthesizing potions are the three abilities of the Horadric Cube. They are indeed very powerful, but they are much inferior to making talismans.

Talismans are accessories that can be carried around and play a role. You don't need to wear them on your body, even if you carry them in your arms.

The talisman that Leo wanted was not an ordinary talisman. If it was an ordinary talisman, he wouldn't need to leave nearly a hundred high-level gemstones. What he wanted was a talisman with a higher skill level.

The reason why the Horadric Cube is known as a masterpiece of alchemy that is more miraculous than an artifact is that it can create a talisman that can fully enhance the user's ability.

Of course, the reality and the game will be different, but according to Leo’s observation, the only difference lies in the amount of materials needed and the luck. What Leo focuses on now is the result.

"Although the chance of creating a skill-enhanced amulet is not fixed here, I still have to try it."

The mirror of the soul world is a piece of equipment that Leo values ​​very much. Putting it into the Horadric Cube is the result of Leo's careful consideration.

The one who controls the Horadric Cube is Goldfinger. This vampire has an unusual greed for energy. Leo found that even if the Horadric Cube fails to make the talisman, as long as he is willing to pay a certain amount of energy, Goldfinger will return the equipment intact. give him.

Knowing this, Leo dared to boldly put his important equipment in it.

"Please put in ten gemstones of the same quality..."

Listening to this prompt, Leo curled his lips. A vampire is indeed a vampire. The number of gemstones needed to make the amulet is far more than he estimated. What does this mean?
It shows that my heart is not dark enough, it seems that I am quite pure.

Someone thinks so.

"The talisman has been upgraded successfully!"

This prompt sound was like fairy music to Leo, and he couldn't wait to take out the mirror of the soul world from the Horadric cube. Leo found that it didn't change from the outside, but it was completely different inside.

"Mirror of the Soul World: Possesses the ability to control the undead, and can automatically collect souls within a certain range..."

Well, this is the original ability of this mirror. When Leo killed the enemy before, this mirror kept collecting scattered souls, no matter humans, undead, bugs, demons... as long as the creatures with souls are his collection of objects.

"...Additional ability: Elegy of the Soul!"

This additional ability is the enhancement of the Horadric Cube to the realm of the soul world, and this is the difference between the game and reality.

The amulet created in the game is a talisman that improves the skills of the carrier, but the real Horadric Cube will strengthen the corresponding ability according to the jewelry you throw into it to synthesize.

Dirge of the Soul, do you take me for the Shadow Demon Nevin Moore?
Leo curled his lips, but there was no dissatisfaction on his face. This is a powerful killing spell, especially for a powerful warlock like him who has stored tens of millions of souls with the mirror of the soul world.

"Tsk tsk, if this trick is used on the battlefield, what is the difference between the number of souls that the mirror of the soul world currently has and a small-yield atomic bomb?"

As the saying goes, if the heart is not enough, the snake will swallow the elephant.

Rubbing his chin, Leo suddenly had this idea in his mind: How about strengthening the mirror of the soul world again?

"Please put in fifty gemstones of the same quality..."

The reminder sounded in the brain again.

The second reinforcement is five times that of the previous one!
Leo yelled, "You bloody vampire!"

(End of this chapter)

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