Necromancer in another world

Chapter 799 Tell her to shut up

Chapter 799 Make Her Shut Up (Double, ask for a monthly ticket)

Weapons, let alone two with the same shape, even if there are ten or a hundred, it is not uncommon. Look at the standard weapons worn by soldiers, and what difference can you find?

So Scarlett has no feeling for weapons with the same shape.

But this doesn't feel like it's only suitable for ordinary weapons. If this happens to the Knight of the Sword of Ashcandi, it can't be taken lightly.

When she came to Leo's tent, alone with the two of them, and the latter took out a weapon that was exactly the same as Ashcandi's sword, the female paladin was surprised, and waited until she took the sword at Leo's gesture And upon closer examination, surprise turned to shock.

The Ashcandi sword Leo gave her is not only identical in shape to the one she owns, but also has the same ability - it also has the ability to attack regardless of defense.

how can that be!

Scarlett couldn't imagine that an item like Ashcandi's sword wasn't unique!
Where did Leo get this sword?

Questions arose in Scarlett's mind, she looked at Leo and waited for the latter to clarify his doubts.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't know how it came about. If you really want to pursue it, just treat it as a gift from the gods."

Leo shrugged with an innocent look on my face.


Scarlett's heart moved, and she didn't ask any more questions.

In her mind, the reason why the second Ashcandi sword appeared must be the work of the god behind Leo, since it was the god who shot it, it is not surprising.

"It's the same reason for the Torcalal in your hand?"

Seeing the two identical Ashcandi swords in her hands, Scarlett thought of the Tokaral that she kept secret for Leo.

Stretching out his hand to caress Scarlett's hair, feeling the smoothness of the female paladin's waist-length purple hair with his fingers, Leo said with a smile: "Are you still worried about Trokal? Don't worry, that thing is gone. exists."

Tokaral is a legendary sword. Scarlett would not have believed it if it disappeared like that before, but looking at the Ashcandi sword in her hand, the female paladin seemed to understand something.

"The Tokalal in your hand disappeared because of my Ashkandi?"

The words were in a questioning tone, but the expression on Scarlett's face clearly said: This is the truth, you can't fool me.

Leo blinked, and with a smirk, he held the female paladin in his arms, lowered his head and whispered in her ear: "Then how will you compensate me?"

While speaking, Leo's hand had already penetrated into the female holy knight's clothes, and the touch of the round and smooth skin made a biological nature called wolf in his heart quickly rise up.

Sensing the changes in Leo's body, Scarlett's face blushed. In the past, she must have fled, but this time she did not leave.

Seeing that the beautiful woman in his arms had closed her eyes, looking like she was giving and asking, Leo was so excited that he wanted to yell three times.

Wow Kaka, could it be that today...

"Leo, the Horde's messenger is here!"

Pasonia's voice sounded at this moment, and Scarlett jumped out of Leo's arms like a startled rabbit.

I vomited blood!
Really want to vomit blood!
I'll go to your uncle, why did this bullshit messenger choose to come at this time?

Someone who has been ruined by a good thing has the urge to kill.

Is it easy for me to pick up a beautiful girl? How can it be so difficult to achieve good things? The envoys of this tribe are too ignorant. Why are you so anxious? The alliance army is still two full days away from the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj , you don't know to come later?

Pasonia Leo didn't dare to provoke, so all his grievances fell on the unknown tribal messenger.

"It seems that I came at a very bad time. How about I go out and wait for you to finish your work first?"

Passonia walked into the tent, her eyes turned around Scarlett and Leo, the female paladin's blushing face did not recede, how can Passonia's observation ability not see it.

Being ridiculed like this, Scarlett couldn't stand it anymore, the female paladin was still very thin-skinned, she stomped her feet, gave Leo a reproachful look, turned and ran away.

How could it be my fault?
Leo was helpless, it seemed that it was the man's responsibility to make a mistake in this kind of thing.

"Pasonia, you came at the right time."

"Then what do you want to do?"

I don't know if it was intentional, but Pasonia moved her body when she spoke, and the tight leather armor outlined a perfect curve.

Leo gritted his teeth angrily, what do I think, I don't think about anything, I just want to throw you down.

It's a pity that a certain person only dared to think about it. Pasonia is not Scarlett, so she won't let him take advantage of her. He knows that if he really wants to pounce on her, he will definitely get a heavy kick.

Egg pain is easy to say, but to really feel Leo's attitude is just four words - thank you for your sensitivity.

Hey, goblin, see I've accepted you!

With such an imposing manner, Leo could only tell Pasonia in his heart. In reality, he followed Pasonia honestly to meet the envoy sent by the tribe.

On the way here, Leo thought about who the messenger of the tribe would be. When he saw the sturdy body comparable to an ogre and a brown bear no smaller than Nalorak, he no longer needed the identity of the other party. To consume brain cells to guess.

The tribe attached great importance to this contact with the alliance, and actually sent Rexxar over.

There is neither any admiration nor the slightest prejudice against Rexxar, the orc hero Leo.

In terms of worship, Leo, who is already a demigod warlock, is stronger than Rexxar. When a person stands taller and sees farther, he still needs to look up to those who are inferior to him?

If you hear someone's name, you're so nervous that you're going to die, he must be strong, I'm bound to get into trouble, please, don't be so fake, okay, you've gone through so many things, what you have experienced Suffering hardships, your growth, those are all things that can’t be arranged?

In terms of prejudice, Leo is not a human being in this world. He has not experienced the battle of orc invasion like Varian did. He has seen orc massacres and human corpses strewn across the field. What kind of prejudice will he have if he has no personal pain?
Leo asked himself that he is still normal and has his own way of thinking. He is not a blind follower who takes a certain game setting as the truth when others make it up. The black alliance will not go to the black tribe just because he is now a member of the alliance.

One must have one's own thoughts, and blind followers are just pawns of others. Those people often think that they are very powerful, but they don't know that they are the object of ridicule by others.

The losers in the game of life, aren't you talking about them?
It's just that when Leo saw Jaina also appearing in the alliance army, and it was still very unnatural, Leo's thoughts changed, and his face became ugly when his eyes flickered.

"Hey, I don't know who it is, it turned out to be an ogre."

As soon as Leo spoke, the originally stiff atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Rexxar looked at Leo with cold eyes, he did have ogre blood, he would not deny that he was an ogre, but you can't use that kind of insulting tone, otherwise don't blame him Flip.

Misha growled at Leo in a low voice. This giant bear that is taller than a human while lying down is not low in intelligence. How could she not hear that Leo provoked his master.

"An animal dares to bark its teeth at me." Leo snapped his fingers, "Nalorak, tell her to shut up."

"For me to be so rude to a beautiful lady."

Nalorak muttered in a low voice, Misha is no different from other bears in the eyes of others, but it is different in the eyes of this giant bear priest.Who is his master? The master's order cannot be disobeyed. Nalorak can only roar and rush forward, fighting with Misha.

Of course, it is not enough for outsiders to fight or take advantage of the opportunity.

Leo fought as he said, which not only exceeded Rexxar's expectations, but also made his teammates in the same camp unable to react.

Isn't this guy a moderate? Isn't the Kingdom of Arathor tending to be neutral under his auspices? Why is he acting more radical than us?
Varian and the others didn't understand what happened. Out of hatred for the orcs, they were of course happy to see the neutral Kingdom of Arathor go against the orcs.

Rexxar is not a good tempered, Leo can't bear to provoke him actively, even if he knows that the opponent is a demigod, the orc hero is not afraid at all, the stronger the opponent, the more he can arouse his fighting spirit.

"and many more!"

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, an orc hurriedly stood in front of Rexxar. This person was the orc swordsman Eitrigg.

Leo's gaze was attracted by Rexxar before, and Eitrigger was standing behind Rexxar again. Due to the angle, Leo didn't see the orc sword master. Only now did he realize that Reixa was not the only envoy of the tribe. Sarah alone.

"It turned out to be Eitrigg, long time no see."

Leo's expression softened a little. After all, Eitrigg had crossed paths with him, and the orc sword master once pointed out Leo, so he had to give him face. Nalorak quickly withdrew from the battle under Leo's order, and Misha was afraid. With his strength and Rexxar's blocking, he didn't pursue him.

As a human being, you must not forget your roots. Leo will not turn coldly towards those who have helped him.

"It's been a long time indeed."

Eitrigg felt a little bit emotional, how long has passed, and Leo has become a demigod, which is a world of difference from when he first met in Orgrimmar.

Gathering up his mood, Eitrigger continued: "For what happened last time, the warchief asked me to apologize to the alliance. The responsibility for the matter lies with us, and we will not shirk it. Attacking Ahn'Qiraj destroys the ancient gods." Conspiracy is a major event that concerns the entire world, and I hope everyone can put aside prejudices and cooperate sincerely."

"Sincere cooperation?" Leo shrugged, "Of course there is no problem. The Alliance has already shown its sincerity, otherwise we would not have given the back to the Horde to mobilize an army to attack the ruins of Ahn'Qiraj, but how did the Horde do it? What? What I hate the most is the villain who stabs the knife in the back."

"Human, put away your insulting words, or I will shut you up."

If it weren't for the Eitrigg in the middle, Rexxar would have been with Leo long ago.

"Insulting? I only know that those nasty bugs appeared on the back of the warriors of the alliance while they were fighting bloody battles in front. Do you now think I am insulting you? Let me tell you, you are wrong. I am stating the facts, an irrefutable fact."

 The ten-day double monthly ticket activity has started, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket, now one ticket is worth two past tickets, hit me, hit me hard
(End of this chapter)

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